Book Read Free

Drawn to You

Page 23

by Jillian Anselmi

  We wander into the kitchen where one of the staff is waiting. “Good evening, Mr. Remington. Would you care for something to drink?”

  “Yes, we would. Thank you.” He smiles politely at her.

  She walks over to a wine chiller on the kitchen island and fills two beautiful lead crystal glasses with champagne. She hands each of us a glass.

  “Thank you,” I murmur. She smiles and places the bottle back in the chiller. It’s Cliquot. I wonder if Chase told his father my taste in champagne.

  Chase leads me back into the living room and takes a seat beside me. As we sit, we hear noises coming from the front door. It’s Preston and Gabriella arriving. They enter through the foyer just as we did. Chase’s engrained manners take over, and he stands at their presence. I stand up beside him.

  “Preston, you remember Olivia?” Preston nods his head and takes my hand, placing a chaste kiss on the back.

  “How could I forget,” he charms with a smile. Gabby looks less than pleased.

  “Olivia, you remember Preston’s girlfriend Gabriella?”

  “Yes, how are you?” I manage to spit out. She nods and gives me a tight smile. They make their way into the kitchen, and we take our seats back on the couch. Chase sits close, his arm draped around my shoulders like he is staking a claim. His thumb strokes the back of my neck and shoulder, sending tingles down my spine.

  As Preston and Gabriella make their way out of the kitchen, each with a champagne glass in hand, Chase Senior and Tiffani descend the stairs and make their way into the living room to greet all of us.

  “Glad both of you could make it,” his father says. He shakes Chase’s hand and gives me a big hug. “It’s not often we have the chance to get together as a family.” Tiffani looks like she’s gotten a head start on the champagne since she already has a glass in hand. Another staff member appears out of nowhere and hands Chase Senior a glass. “Come,” he says. “Dinner is ready.”

  The place settings are exquisite. Ivory china with a wide gold rim around the outside, and each charger is monogrammed with a large R in the center. The stemware is Baccarat. It’s heavy and almost sharp from the cuts in the crystal. There is a huge display of flowers in the center of the table surrounding a large glass column with a candle in the center. The table looks as if it came out of a magazine.

  Chase Senior sits at the head of the table; Tiffani sits at the opposite end so she is looking straight at him. Chase and I sit to his father’s left, Preston and Gabriella to his right with both men sitting next to their father. “I took the liberty of guessing you would like white wine with dinner.” Chase says as he pulls out my chair. “A sauvignon blanc?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Once everyone is seated, as if on cue, three of the kitchen staff walk in, each holding two plates. They place them down in unison.

  “The first course is butternut squash soup,” Chase whispers.

  “I’ve never had butternut squash.” I say, my voice barely audible.

  “It’s similar to pumpkin. It’s good, trust me.” It looks like baby puke but does smell pretty good. Tentative, I place the spoon in my mouth. Mmm, it’s good. I must stop judging foods by their appearances.

  Tiffani and Gabriella start to discuss the new spring line at Oscar de la Renta. I feel as if I’m purposely left out of the conversation. They don’t even look over in my direction, like I’m not even here. I don’t have any idea what they are talking about anyway. The men discuss work and politics. I take my attention away from fashion and listen in on the men’s conversation. From what I can tell, they are doing well and are purchasing another property in Italy, in addition to the property they already have. I drain my wine glass, and as I put the glass down, someone refills it. Jeez, where do they keep coming from?

  “Chase, you’re going to need to go over and check things out in the next few months,” his father says to him. “I need eyes on the project.” Wow, he’s going to Italy? I wonder how long he’ll be gone.

  The kitchen staff comes in as if omnipresent and clear our soup plates as the last person finishes. I take a sip of wine as the conversation continues.

  “I can clear my schedule at the end of next month and go then,” Chase replies to his father. His father nods his head in agreement. Chase turns to me. “How much vacation time can you get?” he whispers just so I can hear him.

  “I don’t know. I just started. Why?” I ask puzzled.

  “I want you to come with me to Italy,” he says, his head cocked to one side. He looks adorable.

  “Um . . . I don’t . . .” My response is interrupted when the next course is placed in front of us. It’s a Caprese salad with fresh mozzarella, purple heirloom tomatoes, red onions, and basil, with a balsamic glaze drizzled over the top. One of my all-time favorites.

  “You know I can arrange for your time off,” he says arrogantly, his lips twitching up into a smile.

  “I just started. You’ll get me in trouble,” I grumble. “I don’t want Norris to think I’m getting special treatment.”

  “Isn’t there a beach in Italy that you can study? You know, to compare to the beaches here?” He lifts his eyebrow, challenging me to say he’s wrong. As much as I hate to admit it, it’s always a good idea to examine the dynamics of other beaches.

  “I don’t know. Maybe,” I say warily. His smile grows broader. Crap, he knows I’m considering it. “Can we discuss this later, alone?” I beseech him. He nods and continues eating his salad, the smile not leaving his face.

  I would love to spend some quality time alone with Chase. Italy would be an added bonus. I have never been out of the country and have always wanted to go to Europe. I’m just not so sure of the timing.

  Chase Senior turns his attention to me. “So Olivia, Chase tells me you’re working for the government to help save the planet or something?”

  “Not exactly,” I reply. “My job is to research coastal environments to promote healthy ecosystems.” Tiffani rolls her eyes and looks over at Gabby, who is trying to stifle her snide laughter. I flush scarlet. Chase has his hand on my lap, giving me a gentle squeeze. I can’t get past how arrogant Tiffani and Gabby are. Must be nice to have more money than Donald Trump.

  “That is a very commendable occupation,” he says. I can tell he really means it by the way his smile touches his eyes. He doesn’t seem to be as obsessed with money as the women are.

  “I love my job. Not many people can say that.”

  “No, that’s true.”

  “Where did you grow up, dear?” Tiffani’s contemptuous voice startles me.

  “Um . . . Bohemia.”

  “Where exactly is that?”

  “On the south shore of Suffolk, just past the end of the Southern State.”

  “Oh, that’s why I’ve never heard of it,” she says with that condescending tone I’ve come to know. Really! She is starting to get on my nerves. I’m about to snap when Chase interrupts me.

  “Tiffani, you pass it on your way to the Hamptons. It’s very lovely there.” Chase shoots her a nasty look.

  “Oh, of course it is.” She gives me the biggest fakest smile I have ever seen.

  I look over at Chase and mouth “Thank you.” He gives me a supportive wink.

  Our salads finished, the plates are cleared. Chase and I sit in awkward silence waiting for our entrees to arrive. Everyone else at the table is immersed in conversation. I’m listening to Tiffani now discuss the fashion trends for the fall. Chase still has his hand on my leg, his thumb stroking it with rhythmic precision. His touch resonates up my leg, leaving a tingling sensation. I look over at him trying to hide my surprise. He’s looking away, listening to his father’s conversation with Preston. His hand begins to make its way under my dress and up my leg to rest on my thigh. I squirm from his touch, but not enough for anyone to notice. I can feel my face getting flushed.

  Looking over at Chase, I think I catch a hint of a sly smile. His expression remains impassive, though, as he listens intently t
o his father’s conversation. But I know better. I squeeze his hand to halt his upward movement.

  As if in answer to my problem, dinner is served. It’s filet mignon, served with a lobster tail, a baked potato, and asparagus. Needing both hands to eat, Chase looks over at me as he lifts his hand off my leg. His eyes are glowing, and a slow sexy smile spreads across his face. “Just in time,” he whispers so only I can hear him. I close my eyes and let out the long breath that I have been holding.

  With dinner finished, Chase Senior ushers us all into the living room for aperitifs and brandy. Chase and I are sitting on the leather loveseat, his arm draped over the back of the couch above my shoulders. He leans in close to my ear. “Have you had time to think about our trip to Italy?” Our trip?

  “Um . . . not really,” I stutter. “I thought we were talking about this later? Alone.” I stress the word ‘alone’.

  “Just say you’ll go,” he implores. “I don’t want to spend that much time away from you.” He is gazing at me with those big beautiful eyes. How can I resist that smoldering look?

  I sigh. I’ll need to check with NOAA and see if there’s any fieldwork I can do abroad. “I’ll check with work tomorrow and see what I can do,” I murmur resigned. Joy and happiness radiate from his face.

  “You won’t regret this. It will be fantastic,” he beams.

  “It’s not a yes yet, I still need permission.”

  “I know, I’m not worried,” he chuckles. Oh, no. What does he know that I don’t? I hope he won’t pull any strings again. He knows how mad I got last time he went behind my back.

  The men continue with their business conversation, talking stocks and profits. I just sit there and smile, pretending to look interested. Chase glances over at me. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Whenever you are.” I smile at him. He nods then stands up. I stand with him. We walk over to his dad and say our goodnights. His father turns to me and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Thank you for coming,” he says with a smile.

  “Thank you for having me,” I smile back.

  “Yes, we must do this again soon,” Tiffani murmurs as she comes up from behind Chase Senior to stand by his side. Yeah, not if I can help it.

  We say our goodbyes and head out the door to the car. Still the gentleman, Chase opens the door for me and helps me in. Once he’s in, the conversation starts about Italy again.

  “I love the fact that you’ll go with me,” he says grinning.

  “If my boss will sign off on it,” I repeat.

  “He will.”

  “You sound confident. Please don’t add your two cents.”

  “I can’t make any promises, but if I do I will tell you first.”

  I roll my eyes at him, knowing full well he can’t see me. There is a faint trace of a smile on his lips, like he knows what I did. I sigh, knowing this is a battle I can’t win.

  The drive home is eerily quiet. Chase has his iPod on low playing classical music. Every once in a while, he hums along to the music, but for the most part we’re both silent.

  I spend my time reflecting on the evening. He was so happy when I told him that I would consider Italy. I hope I can get some valuable research done if I am allowed to go.

  It’s still pretty early when we get back to my apartment. I open the door, and the first thing I do is take off my shoes. My feet are killing me. Chase slides up behind me and whispers in my ear. “I was looking forward to seeing you dressed only in those,” he purrs as he starts to unzip my dress. He nibbles on my neck giving me goose bumps. As he skims my shoulders with his fingertips, my dress glides down my arms to fall at my feet.

  He turns me around, and I step out of my dress. I look up at his big blue eyes, my hands caressing the stubble on his chin and cheeks. He leans down and plants a soft, tender kiss on my lips.

  Gazing down at me, he says, “do you know how beautiful you are?” My breath hitches. His words are my undoing, and I want him right here, right now. I start unbuttoning his shirt as my kiss becomes needy. I get to the last button and push his shirt off his shoulders, but it doesn’t fall. Damn, I always forget about the cufflinks! I unbutton his cufflinks and push the sleeves down and off his arms.

  We face each other in the middle of the entryway to my apartment. I just stare at him, still in denial that he is mine. He comes in close, placing his hand under my chin and lifting it so I am looking into his eyes. “Come.” He takes my hand and leads me into the bedroom.

  He unbuttons his pants, taking them off and placing them over a chair. He stalks me, dressed only in his boxer briefs. Backing me up to the bed, he explores every part of my neck and shoulders with his lips and tongue. He runs his fingers down each arm, nipping in their wake. A wicked smile plays on his lips, as his mouth covers the swell of my breasts. His teeth tug on my right nipple, then the left. My nipples tingle from his touch, and I cry out as the sensation courses through my body. His tongue strokes down from my breasts to my navel.

  He spins me around and unhooks my bra, his fingers trailing down my arm with the straps toward my hands. He tosses it on the floor. Falling to his knees, he kisses and nips at my hips and lower back. The only sounds are my rapid panting, accentuated by little noises of pleasure. His touch makes all of the muscles in my body tighten. Hooking his fingers in my panties, he tugs them down to the floor.

  I am standing naked in front of him. He pushes me onto the bed face first, my arms over my head. He runs the stubble from his chin up my body, from my lower back all the way to in between my shoulder blades, nipping as he goes. I roll my neck to one side to give him easy access. He takes it, sucking on the nape of my neck. Turning my head toward him, he thrusts his tongue inside my mouth. He holds my head still by placing his hand under my chin. He is on top of me, and I can feel his thick erection at the base of my back.

  His other hand runs down my stomach to the inside of my thigh. He eases his hand between my legs, sliding two fingers inside me exploring what is wet with need. His breath hisses out as he circles around and around, and he groans as he slides them in and out. I am writhing with pleasure.

  He withdraws his fingers and rips open a condom. Lifting my ass in the air, he takes me from behind. He starts out slow at first, his hands on my hips holding me steady. I am leaning on my forearms for support, savoring the sensations. High-pitched whimpers come from within me as the tightness in my belly grows stronger. He picks up the pace, moving side to side as he does. Every muscle in my body tightens. Chase can feel me quiver, and he thrusts deeper, gripping my hips and pulling me toward him. I can hear his harsh breathing from behind me.

  “You are amazing,” he breathes, his voice raw. He thrusts deeper and deeper; I moan into the pillow, my legs starting to stiffen. He reaches underneath me and pulls on my nipples. I can’t hold on any longer, and I come, my screams masked by the pillow.

  “Fuck, Olivia,” he moans and slams into me two more times then freezes as he finds his release. He collapses on top of me and rolls us both over, my back to his front. He gets up and heads for the bathroom. I lay there trying to catch my breath, exhausted. The next thing I know, he’s pulling a blanket over me and kissing me on the cheek. As I start to doze off, I hear him say “Good night, beautiful.”

  Labor Day weekend is filled with outdoor activities, since the weather couldn’t be more perfect. Saturday, Chase takes me to the Central Park Zoo. Sunday, we go to on a cruise to nowhere, and Monday, we relax at my apartment with a traditional Labor Day barbeque dinner. The weekend couldn’t be more perfect.

  I wake up early Tuesday, way before the alarm. Chase is still sleeping beside me. He looks so young, so relaxed. I am so happy I opened my heart and let him in. He is the sweetest, kindest man I have ever known. He is always telling me how beautiful I am, or how lucky he is to have me. He makes me laugh, which is huge. And, the sex is phenomenal. I don’t know what I did to deserve Chase walking into my life. Brenda was right; I found love when I wasn’t looking for it. I can honestl
y say I am in love with him.

  I move his arm, which is draped over me and make my way to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and go through my morning routine.

  Once out of the bathroom, I go into my huge walk-in closet and get dressed. Since I am up early, I decide to make us both breakfast. I can let him sleep in a little longer.

  I decide on eggs and sausage with English muffins. I place the sausage in the microwave while I whip up the eggs. I pour the scrambled mixture into a non-stick pan and place the English muffins in the toaster. Grabbing two plates, I take the sausage out of the microwave and place it on the plates with the eggs. Once the English muffins are buttered, they go on the plate next to the eggs. I take the plates and put them on the placemats that sit on the kitchen island and go to wake up Chase.

  He is snoring when I enter the bedroom. I walk over to the side of the bed and whisper in his ear. “Wake up, sleepyhead.” I hear a low grunt. Leaning over him, I whisper again “I made breakfast.” A slow sexy smile appears on his lips, and he opens his eyes.

  He grabs my upper arms and flops me onto the bed so he is hovering over me. I squeal in surprise. He looks down at me laughing. All he is wearing is a pair of pajama bottoms, and he looks yummy.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he murmurs next to my ear, nuzzling my neck.

  “I made breakfast, it’s going to get cold,” I say with a slight hint of petulance. He knows I’m just playing.

  “I had something else in mind for breakfast,” he purrs, still nuzzling my neck. I giggle.

  “No, you need to eat, and I need to go to work. If we don’t stop now, I’ll be late.”

  “So, be late.” I try to push him off me, but he’s too heavy. His mouth travels to my ear, and he nips it. A low groan escapes from deep in my throat. He knows my resolve is weakening.

  “Breakfast,” I implore.

  He grumbles, “Since you went out of your way to cook for me, I will stop to eat.”


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