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Stalked By The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy Romance)

Page 4

by Krista Bella

  Sabrina turned and looked at Will and then felt her breath caught in her throat. Will was staring at her with the most intense hunger that she had ever seen in her life. It excited her and terrified her all at once.

  "Will, are you okay? asked Sabrina with concern.

  His eyes still on her body, Will growled. In that moment, Will looked like something that Sabrina did not recognize. He looked...inhuman.

  Sabrina casted an alarmed glance at Kim who looked like she was at a loss for words.

  Will growled again, baring his teeth menacingly at Sabrina.

  "Kim, hand me my purse," Sabrina ordered urgently, staring at Will, her heart racing.

  Kim resisted, tearing her eyes away from Will's snarling visage. "Why? You're not leaving now are you? The night just started."

  "Just give it!" snapped Sabrina.

  Kim handed her the purse. "Alright, Alright. You don't have to turn into Mega Bitch on me."

  "I'm not being a bitch." Sabrina snatched the purse out of Kim's hands. "I think Will is having a reaction to the shots he had-"

  Before she could finish her words, Will grabbed Sabrina roughly by the arm. Surprised, Sabrina's hands flailed out and her margarita was knocked off the counter and onto her lap. She gasped at the cold feeling that splashed her thighs. Before, she could react, Will began dragging her roughly away from the bar.

  "Hey, what the hell are you doing, Will?" yelled Kim, alarmed by Will's use of force. "Let her go now!"

  Frightened, Sabrina tried to pull away from Will, but he had incredible strength, and before she knew it, they were wading through a sea of bodies as he carried her out of the club.

  Chapter 9

  "I'm sorry, Sabrina," Will was saying as they sat in his convertible in the parking lot outside The Pound. "I did not mean to rough house you. I don't know what came over me."

  After Will had dragged her outside of the club, he had suddenly come to his senses and had begun apologizing to Sabrina for his unexplained behavior. Shaken, but glad she was unharmed, Sabrina had told him that she wanted him to take her home. She was done for the evening.

  Sabrina stared at Will, noting his clenched jaw. He looked like he was fighting something inside of himself. What it was, Sabrina had no clue. "Was it the drink?" Sabrina asked, rubbing on her sore arm and shivering from the cold that still enveloped her thighs from her spilt drink.

  Her dress was completely ruined, and not only that, she smelled like sugary fruit and felt absolutely sticky. She really needed to find something to wipe the mess away, but she supposed she'd have to wait until she got back home.

  Will glanced out of his window and up at the full moon, which filled the sky with its ghostly light. "No, it was something else, something far stronger."

  Sabrina frowned in confusion. Maybe that bartender girl spiked his drink with something, she wondered. She looked awfully pissed that a hot guy like him was with a big girl like me.

  "What do you think it was then?"

  Will continued to stare up at the moon and replied coyly, "Something unexplainable." Then he looked over at her with an odd look in his hazel eyes and Sabrina felt a chill touch her spine. "Will you forgive me for my bad behavior, Sabrina?"

  Sabrina scratched at her sticky thigh, thinking. Will was her supervisor and he was extra hot to boot. Not only that, Will showed extreme interest in her, something that Sabrina was fascinated by. Just because he lost himself in a weird moment, did not mean he was bad guy, so of course she had to forgive him.

  She nodded. "I forgive you. But I want to go back home now. My dress is ruined and I'm completely worn out from all that dancing."

  Will glanced at her thighs, his gaze lingering longer than what would be considered normal. "I'm sorry about ruining your dress."

  "It's okay," Sabrina assured him. "As long as you let me have the pick of any dress that I want back at work."

  Will grinned at her, displaying those large teeth of his. "Sure thing. Any dress you want, on the house. And I'll make sure the manager never knows about it." Then he dug into his pocket, placed his keys in the ignition and paused. "You sure you want to go home now?" he asked. "We could go back in there and continue tearing up the dance floor." His eyes dropped Sabrina's thighs again. "You were really turning me on out there on that dance floor. Your body is smokin'."

  Sabrina felt warmth flow through her breasts at his compliment. The offer was tempting, boy was it tempting. But the fact remained that her thighs felt icky, and with all the sweat she had worked up dancing with Will, she probably would not be able to enjoy herself. Not to mention, who was to say Will would lose himself again? No, Sabrina would be better off going home.

  Sabrina shook her head. "I'd rather go home."

  Crestfallen, Will stared at her for a moment before saying," Alright." He fired up the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

  As Will drove up the street, Sabrina busied herself with thinking about how his hard body had felt against hers in the club. The way he moved, touched her and made her feel, was amazing. It would have been so fun to dance the night away with the handsome stud, making all the other ladies in the club jealous because Will had to have been the hottest guy there.

  Instead, the night of fun had been ruined by an unexplained outburst that still confused Sabrina.

  They had been driving for more than ten minutes when Sabrina suddenly looked around, not recognizing where they were going. "Where are we going?" she asked Will. "My house is in the opposite direction."

  Will grinned at her, flashing those teeth. "Somewhere," he coyly replied.

  Panic gripped Sabrina's large breasts. "Um, I thought you were taking me home?"

  "I am, don't worry," Will assured her. "I just want to show you something first."

  Nervously, Sabrina clutched her purse which still had her magnum in it. "What are you going to show me?"

  "You'll see," Will said secretively.

  For a moment, Sabrina debated on whether to demand that Will take her home immediately. For all she knew, he might lose himself again like he had in the club. Then she could possibly be in danger. But for some reason, Sabrina found herself intrigued by Will's coyness.

  Going off with a sexy guy to an unknown location was dangerous and gave Sabrina a thrill of excitement.

  Besides, Sabrina thought, I have the gun in case anything weird goes down.

  Telling herself that everything would be okay, Sabrina set back and tried to relax.

  Chapter 10

  Will drove them to the outskirts of town to a grassy cliff overlooking the city. Up here, the moon looked even bigger than it did down below, illuminating the hill in its ghostly glow.

  Will smiled at her as he cut off the engine. "We're here."

  Sabrina looked around, her heart warming at the sight. "This is beautiful. Very romantic. Do you come here a lot?"

  Will nodded and opened his door. "All the time. I come here to talk to the moon, actually."

  Sabrina frowned in confusion. Will was not making any sense. "You talk to the moon?"

  Will grinned. "Sometimes." He climbed out of the car and shut the door. Then he came around to her side and opened hers like the perfect gentleman.

  Still confused by Will's admission, Sabrina said, "Wait just a second." Sabrina began looking around for something that she could wipe her sticky thighs with. They were itching and driving her absolutely nuts.

  Looking around, her eyes fell on something dark in the backseat. She grabbed a hold of it. It felt like heavy cloth. It would have to do.

  "Do you mind if I use this to wipe my thighs?" Sabrina asked Will, brandishing the object before him. "They're driving me crazy."

  Will barely glanced at the object, his eyes on Sabrina's exposed thighs. "I don't care."

  As she brought the object into her lap, something light brushed her legs. She looked down and noticed that this 'cloth' was a sweater. And there was a hood attached it. Staring at it, she thought it looked familiar.

nd then it hit her.

  This looked like the same sweater on the guy in the surveillance footage. She turned her head and looked up slowly to regard Will, her heart beginning to race.

  "Something wrong?" Will asked, still waiting for her to get out of the car.

  Oh my God! thought Sabrina it can't be.

  It wasn't true. It could not have been. She was just mistaken. Imagining things.

  "No," Sabrina mumbled, her mind racing. Slowly, she got out of the car, taking her purse with her and leaving the hoodie behind.

  Will shut the door as soon as she was out. "Thought you needed to wipe your thighs?" The way he looked at Sabrina, as if she was a piece of meat, terrified her and turned her on all at once.

  "It can wait," Sabrina replied.

  Will stared at her for a moment before turning. "Okay. Follow me." He began walking towards the edge of the cliff.

  "Will?" Sabrina asked, as she walked behind him slowly.

  Will paused to glance at her. "Yeah?"

  Sabrina took a deep breath and asked, "Did you ever report that incident to the police on my behalf?" Though Will had kept telling her that he was 'handling the situation', Sabrina had never heard anything else about his talks with the police.

  Will was a long time in responding. "No, I forgot about it."

  Sabrina frowned and her heart began to race very fast. Forgot about it? He had all but sworn that he would take care of the problem. She thought about the hoodie and stared at Will, and as she studied his chiseled jaw under the moon light, the cold doubt she felt became overpowering.

  She thought about how the guy's movements had seemed familiar in the surveillance video and how there was something in Will's deep voice that reminded her of a low, sexual growl.

  It was him! she exclaimed inwardly. He's the one who came all over the steering wheel.

  "Is something wrong?" Will repeated his question from earlier. "You look like something is bothering you."

  Without saying a word, Sabrina reached inside of her purse and jerked the magnum out, pointing it at Will's face.

  "You're going to tell me why you prank called me and jizzed all over my steering wheel now, or I'm going to blow your brains out!" she yelled.

  Really Sabrina? she thought.

  Of course, Sabrina wasn't really going to blow Will's brains out, he was too hot for that, and she was no murderer, but she hoped that she would scare him enough to gain control over the situation.

  Sabrina was surprised when Will threw back his head and laughed. "You serious? Put that thing away. You're not going to shoot me."

  "Wanna bet?" Sabrina growled with a toughness she did not feel.

  Grinning, Will took a step forward his gaze taking on a penetrating cast. "I could not help myself, Sabrina. You're body is too fucking sexy."

  Sabrina took an unsteady step back. "So you don't deny it?"

  Will shook his head and stepped closer. "I've wanted you for my mate for a very long time." He came closer, setting his jaw. "And I'm going to make you mine."

  His mate? What the hell was Will talking about? And was he serious? You did not nut over someone's steering wheel and expect them to want to sleep with you. It reminded Sabrina of something a dog would do to mark its territory.

  "Move another foot and I'm going to shoot your ass!" Sabrina threatened.

  "You're not going to shoot me, Sabrina," said Will. "You know why?"

  Sabrina stepped back again. "Why?"

  Abruptly, Will seemed to vanish before Sabrina's eyes, and suddenly, something was flying through the air at her.

  Chapter 11

  Sabrina let out a gasp when the object slammed into her chest and the magnum went flying from her fingertips. Overcome by the impact, Sabrina toppled over onto the grass and something heavy crawled on top of her.

  When she looked up, she let out a bloodcurdling scream. There was a wolf sitting on her stomach, staring down at her with hazel eyes filled with gold. It growled at her, baring its sharp teeth in her face.

  I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, Sabrina panicked, her heart pounding in her ears, shocked at the random appearance of such a beast.

  "Please don't hurt me," Sabrina pleaded. "I don't wanna die." She looked around desperately for the gun. Near the car, it was too far out of reach. She would never be able to outrun the wolf to get it.

  The wolf continued to growl at her and then it bent forward. Saying a quick prayer, Sabrina prepared to die. But then the wolf surprised her. It licked her face with its big tongue. Sabrina let out a giggle, tickled by the sensation despite the terror she felt.

  The wolf continued to lick her, making her giggle uncontrollably, until finally it stopped and moved off her chest. Then it stood there at attention, staring at her.

  Finally free, Sabrina stared at the wolf, afraid to move, until a starting realization hit her. The was Will!

  "How can this be?" she whispered, staring at the wolf in shock and recognizing those hazel eyes. "It's not possible."

  Before her eyes, the wolf shifted back into Will, who was now naked. Sabrina's jaw dropped at the transformation and the magnificence of Will's naked body.

  "It is possible because I am a werewolf, Sabrina," Will told her. "And my wolf has been desiring you the moment I've laid eyes on you."

  Sabrina continued to stare at his body in awe, which was covered in muscles, and the long cock, crowned by a large bush of golden hair, that hung in between his legs. "Your wolf?"

  "Yes," Will replied. "The thing inside of me." He stepped towards her, his big cock swinging with each step. "It wants you. It must have you."

  Suddenly, Will was at her side, pulling her to his feet. Then he was kissing her, burning her neck with his hungry lips. Sabrina threw back her head and moaned, all her fears and questions vanishing in a blaze of lust. Will's hands quickly found her breasts and squeezed them together while he ravaged her neck with burning kisses.

  He used one hand to pull up her dress above the waist, exposing her sticky thighs, and began rubbing moist mound through her panties. His lips worked their way up to hers and Sabrina found herself slipping her tongue into his mouth.

  Their tongues swirled together, becoming one. Down below, Sabrina's mound was dripping wet and she felt Will's huge cock, which was now hard as brick, pressing up against her thigh.

  Growling, Will pulled Sabrina's dress all the way off, tossed it aside, and then grabbed a hold of her waist, gently lowering her onto the grass. Slowly, he kissed his way down to Sabrina's large breasts and began motorboating them like a wild animal before removing her bra. Staring up at her with those hazel eyes, he sucked and licked on her erect nipple while continue to stimulate her clit down below.

  "Oh," Sabrina moaned, the big moon filling her eyesight in the background. "That feels wonderful."

  Will continued to stimulate both her nipple and her clit before kissing his way down in between her legs. He stopped once, to lick up the remnants of the daiquiri sticking to her thighs with his long tongue and Sabrina shuddered.

  "Mmm," he murmured to her. "Fruity. Just like I imagine you will be."

  Then in one smooth motion, he removed her panties and stared down at Sabrina's pussy with such extreme hunger, that Sabrina actually felt it. Then with a hungry growl, he hooked Sabrina's large thighs around his neck and buried his face in her snatch.

  Immediately, Sabrina arched her back at the incredible sensation of his mouth on her clit and let out a pleasured cry that rang out over the cliff. Will teased her clit with his teeth, gently kneading on it and then sucking on it, hungrily slurping up her overflowing juices.

  Sabrina groaned, grabbing on to Will's blonde hair, using it as leverage.

  As she enjoyed the pleasure of him eating her out, Sabrina thought for a second that it was wrong to be out here, having sex with someone who was not human on a cliff face.

  It may be wrong, she thought as a tremor of pleasure shockwaved through her stomach, but it feels so right.

p; Slowly, as he slurped and licked Sabrina's engorged clit, Will stuck a large finger inside of her hole, probing her insides.

  Sabrina let out a cry of pleasure as Will applied pressure to her clit with his mouth while banging her hole, the sound of his slurping her juices filling her ears. Flicking his tongue back and forth while he banged her in and out, Will made eye contact with the quivering Sabrina.

  The look in Will's Hazel's eyes were so intense, that it drove Sabrina wild. He was so beautiful...and hungry. He slurped on her pussy , banging, sucking, licking and nibbling, like it was his last meal.

  "Oh god," Sabrina half-yelled at the sky, her large thighs quaking around Will's neck from the pleasurable sensations dominating her body. "I think I'm gonna cum."

  Sabrina's stomach clamped down so hard from the pleasurable sensations she was feeling, that she thought it might break in half. The fire became so incredible, that the stars and moon above their heads disappeared.

  Loud screams echoed off the cliff face. As her body was rocked with explosion after explosion, Sabrina was surprised to find out that the screaming voice was her own, the stars and moon reappearing and spinning above her head.

  Her screams were so loud, that they probably heard her all the way down in the city.

  All while this was happening, Will continued to suck and lick out every drop of juice that was gushing out of her. Sabrina's thighs, which were still wrapped around Will's neck, continued to shake and rattle for many moments.

  When the last tremor rolled through her body, Will pulled back away from her thighs and body, smacking his lips like he had just eaten a really tasty meal.

  He smiled at her, displaying his teeth that now looked like fangs. "That was absolutely delicious," he marveled. "Even sweeter and better than I imagined it would be."

  Sabrina had to admit, his pussy-eating skills were top notch.

  Then Will looked at her body with such longing, that another Tremor rolled through Sabrina's thighs. "But I'm still hungry for more."


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