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Say Yes to the Cowboy

Page 11

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “Good. I agree.”

  He laughed. “You don’t sound eager to have them pop over here.”

  “Much as I like them, I’m not.”

  “I’ll take that as a sign that I’ve been a decent host.”

  “Or better yet, an indecent one.”

  He turned to her, a gleam in his hazel eyes. “Oh, lady.” Holding her gaze, he took her empty plate and set it aside. Then he slipped his hand inside the folds of the blanket. “If that wasn’t an invitation, you’d better say so, because that’s what I heard.”

  “You heard right.” She quivered as he cradled her breast and rubbed his thumb over her tight nipple. “But you have a phone call to make.”

  “I’ll make it. But when I’m finished, where should I look for you? Back in the bedroom?”

  “Not necessarily.” Her breathing quickened as her imagination took over. “Don’t you think it’s kind of nice out here?”

  He groaned softly. “Yes, ma’am. And soon it’ll be a whole lot nicer.” Leaning forward, he gave her an openmouthed kiss as he continued to stroke her breast under the blanket.

  Tunneling her fingers through his thick hair, she held on to him and gave as good as she got. But when his exploring hand moved between her thighs, she scooted away. Gasping, she managed one terse word. “Phone.”

  “Yeah.” He put some distance between them and took a shaky breath. “You make me crazy, Tess.”

  “So I see.”

  He gazed at her and sucked in another lungful of air. “It’s been that way since the moment I saw you in that bar. I wanted to throw you over my shoulder and carry you off to my lair.”

  “What lair?”

  “Exactly. No lair at all. I figured since my buddy wanted our rented room to be with his girl, I’d end up sleeping in my truck for the weekend.”

  “Instead I dragged you up to my lair.” She smiled. “You weren’t the only one consumed by lust.”

  “Lucky me.” He reached out and stroked her cheek. “See you in a minute.” He got to his feet.

  “Want to take the lantern?”

  “I can manage without it. I know where I left my phone. Be right back.”

  She watched him stride across the porch, so eager to get the chore finished so he could return to her. They still craved each other as much as they had in Texas, maybe more.

  Imagining what was about to happen, she slipped out of his boots. She didn’t want to accidentally kick him in the throes of passion. Then she peeled off the socks, too, because making love while wearing socks was plain dopey.

  No question that lust had motivated them initially. Nearly everything they knew about each other had involved mutual pleasure. They’d had no reason to dig beneath the surface.

  And she’d misjudged him as a result. She’d pegged him as a charming playboy, an expert in the art of seduction who sailed through life without a care in the world. The reality was far more compelling.

  Zeke made her feel sexy and desirable, something no other man had accomplished. But lust was like a rich chocolate cake—tempting and delicious in small doses, cloying if that’s all you had to eat.

  And speaking of dessert, the creak of a door announced that her after-dinner treat had just stepped out onto the porch. She switched off the lantern. Making love outside in the dark seemed more exciting.

  “Hey, why’d you douse the light? It’s pitch-black out here.”

  “I’m right where you left me.” She allowed the blanket to slide off her shoulders and leaned back.

  His breath caught.

  “I thought you couldn’t see very well.”

  “I was teasing you.” Crossing the porch, he came down the steps and stood at the bottom, looking at her. His voice roughened. “I can see perfectly.”

  “Then let me tease you.” She pushed the blanket to her waist.

  “Ah, Tess.” He dropped to his knees on the step below her. “I think you like the great outdoors, after all.”

  “I didn’t know if I would, but I do.” Her heart pounded in anticipation of his touch. Being here with him aroused her more than she’d realized it would. She reveled in the silky darkness and the cool breeze that tickled her hot skin.

  His voice dropped to a murmur. “Maybe you’re a country girl, after all.” He took her gently by the shoulders and pulled her into a deceptively slow, easy kiss. But his body vibrated with tension.

  When she flattened her palms against his chest, she felt his heart racing. She tipped her head back and his mouth slid from her lips to her throat. “You don’t have to go slow.”

  “I think I do.” He placed light kisses along her collarbone and nuzzled the hollow of her throat.


  He cupped her breasts in his big hands and leaned his forehead against hers. His fingers flexed, massaging slowly. “I thought the second time...wouldn’t be so intense. That I could take it slower, let you see I’m not some out-of-control maniac.” He lifted his head and sighed. “But, God help me, I want you even more.”

  “I’ve never thought you were some out-of-control maniac.” She pushed the rest of the blanket away. “Don’t torture yourself.” She gulped as sensation shot from her sensitive breasts to her core. “Or me.”

  Rising up on his knees, he released her breasts and cradled the back of her head, tilting it forward so he could nibble on her mouth. “I would never want to torture you. I only want to make you happy.”

  She reached for his belt buckle. “There’s a surefire way to accomplish that.” She had his belt partly undone when he took over.

  After that, he didn’t waste any time. Freeing himself from the confines of his jeans and briefs, he used one arm to support her hips and the other to cushion her back. His instructions were delivered in a voice tight with strain. “Grab my shoulders and wrap your legs around me.”

  “But what about your shoulder?”

  “I’m fine. Just do it.”

  She wasn’t about to argue. She held on tight, cradled in his strong arms. Then he was there, his solid length filling her.

  Leaning forward, he feathered a kiss over her mouth. “Wish I could see your eyes better. I love how they look when I’m deep inside you.”

  “Wish I could see yours.”

  “Next time.” He said it with such confidence, as if he had no doubt there would be a next time.

  And how could she deny him? As he began to thrust, he gave her exquisite pleasure with each bold stroke.

  Making love in the dark could have seemed anonymous, but not with Zeke. She knew the feel of him, the scent of him, the sound of his breathing and the sexy words he took delight in using as he coaxed her to surrender. No one inspired reckless abandon like this man.

  “That’s it,” he murmured. “You’re close. Let go. I’ve got you.”

  With a jubilant cry, she dived headfirst into a whirlpool of sensual delight. He followed a moment after, holding her close as his big body shuddered against hers. Eyes closed, she enjoyed the security of being wrapped in his arms.

  He cared for her and wanted her to be happy. She didn’t question that in the least. And in this special moment after they’d shared a wonderful experience, she felt something that hadn’t been all that common in her life. She felt cherished. For now, that was enough.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Holding Tess while he listened to the crickets chirping, Zeke felt a soul-deep peace that he hadn’t experienced in a long time. His shoulder hurt, but he downplayed the issue. What man in his right mind wouldn’t?

  As Tess grew limp in his arms and her breathing became light and shallow, he realized she might be dozing off. That was the other thing Rosie had mentioned when they’d talked about meat loaf. She’d said that pregnant ladies needed more sleep than usual.

He sure as hell wasn’t letting Tess drive herself back to Thunder Mountain if she might fall asleep at the wheel. Really, he’d suspected all along that he’d be taking her in his truck. Trying to navigate the muddy road in her sedan made no sense. He’d figure out a way to get her car to her tomorrow morning.

  But he couldn’t take her wrapped in a blanket. Or could he? He hated to wake her up, and Rosie and Herb seldom locked the front door. They definitely wouldn’t tonight, knowing Tess would be coming back. And they’d be in bed by now.

  Slowly he eased her onto the blanket where it lay on the steps. Then he wrapped the loose ends around her. She made a cute snuffling sound but stayed asleep. After getting his clothes back together, he peered down. She hadn’t stirred. This might work.

  He went inside to grab her clothes, purse and his keys, then pulled her keys out of her purse and laid them on the counter so he’d have them tomorrow morning. When he arrived back on the porch, she didn’t look as if she’d moved at all.

  A wave of tenderness took him by surprise. He wasn’t used to watching out for anyone but himself and, theoretically, he should hate the idea. He didn’t.

  She still hadn’t moved after he stashed her stuff in the small back seat of the cab. He decided on another quick trip into the house for a pillow and arranged that in the passenger seat.

  Finally he scooped her up and carried her to the truck. Getting her in was difficult and his shoulder protested the move, but getting her out would be easier. He’d never seen anyone sleep so soundly, but he’d never been around a pregnant lady before. He wondered if little Heath was sleeping, too. He didn’t know how that worked. He belted in both mother and baby.

  Navigating the muddy road from the ranch to the highway made him glad he’d done this. He was used to back roads without streetlights, but she wasn’t. He engaged the four-wheel drive and plowed through the muck. Even that noise didn’t wake her up.

  Not long afterward, he parked in front of Rosie and Herb’s place. The house was dark. When he opened the passenger door, Tess was still dead to the world. Leaving the truck door open, he moved as quietly as possible up the steps and across the porch. Sure enough, the front door was unlocked. He opened it wide and went back for Tess.

  Getting her out was way easier than putting her in. As he cradled her in his arms and started up the steps, she murmured something and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He paused. “Tess?”

  No answer.

  Okay, she was still mostly asleep. The trusting way she clung to him when she was so vulnerable made his chest ache. The sensation was unfamiliar, but he kind of liked it.

  Good thing he knew this house so well. Rosie had a night-light burning in the hall, which filtered into the living room and helped guide him, but mostly he navigated by memory. Rosie and Herb hadn’t changed the furniture arrangement since he’d lived there, although individual pieces had been replaced.

  He’d never considered that before. Maybe they weren’t into rearranging furniture, but he suspected they’d left it the same for the sake of their boys. Guys who’d had rough beginnings would likely be comforted by familiar surroundings whenever they came back to the ranch.

  Turning sideways, he maneuvered Tess through the doorway of her room and walked over to the bed. Whoops. He hadn’t realized that the bed would be made and he couldn’t easily tuck her under the covers.

  He came up with the next best thing. Laying her on top of the bedspread on one side, he reached over and pulled the far side of the spread over her. That plus the blanket should keep her warm.

  She mumbled his name and snuggled into the cocoon he’d created for her. Crouching, he kissed her lightly on the cheek.

  Her soft sigh tickled his face.

  “I’ll be right back with your things,” he murmured.

  “Mmm.” She was clearly still in dreamland but might be vaguely aware of him.

  He made the trip to the truck and back as quickly and quietly as possible. Leaving her stuff on top of the dresser, he backed out of the room and closed the door.

  When he turned around, Rosie was coming down the hallway from her bedroom. She motioned him toward the living room and he followed. He should have known she’d be listening for Tess. Rosie had spent years keeping track of the comings and goings of her boys, and now Tess, mother of her second grandchild, was under her supervision.

  In the darkened living room, Rosie turned and laid a hand on his arm. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. She fell asleep at Matt’s. I didn’t want to wake her so I just brought her back in my truck.”

  Rosie squeezed his arm. “Good decision. She shouldn’t be driving country roads on a rainy night.”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “How’d the meat loaf turn out?”

  He’d expected a question or two but not that one. “We lost power partway through the cooking so we had to ditch it. I made eggs and potatoes over the Coleman stove Herb bought.”

  “In the kitchen?” She sounded alarmed.

  “No, outside after the storm passed.”

  “Sounds like you had an adventure.”

  She had no idea. He was grateful the darkness hid his face. “We did. During the storm a branch came through the window in the master bedroom.”

  Rosie gasped. “Were you two in there?”

  Okay, so maybe she had a better idea than he’d given her credit for. “No, ma’am.”

  “Thank goodness. Is it still there?”

  “I used my truck to pull the branch out and we duct-taped some plastic over the window. It should hold until morning.”

  “Heavens. No wonder that poor girl fell asleep on you. Do Damon and Phil know?”

  “I texted them.”

  “Well, then.” Rosie heaved a sigh. “Thank you for getting her back safe and sound. I didn’t think you’d let her drive back by herself.” She patted his arm. “I’d better let you leave so you can get some rest.” She stood on tiptoe and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Come for breakfast in the morning and bring Tess’s car. Somebody will drive you back.”

  He breathed in the flowery scent that he always associated with his foster mother and felt a tug at his heart. He might not have distanced himself as much as he’d imagined. “Thank you, ma’am. I’ll be here.”

  As he drove back to Matt’s place, he thought about the crazy stunt he’d just pulled off. Normally he didn’t get this elaborate in his dealings with a woman. Tess inspired him to dream up these scenarios, though. The morning’s proposal had been a perfect example. In his imagination, she’d enthusiastically accepted, which led to some early morning sex on that flat rock.

  Since then he’d learned more about Tess and understood why that never would have happened. He’d known of her previous marriage but hadn’t realized the jerk had turned her against the institution completely. He still thought marriage was the way to go in this scenario, but since she didn’t, he’d come up with alternatives until he found one she liked.

  He arrived at Matt’s ranch to face the mess he’d made cooking their dinner, but the power was back on. He scrubbed the burned food from the frying pans, ran the dishwasher and put away the lantern and the Coleman stove. He made a mental note to thank Herb for them.

  The bedroom was a different kind of challenge. Even though he remade the bed with dry sheets, he felt Tess’s presence everywhere, which made him restless. Damn it, he missed her.

  Pacing the room, he argued with himself. He wasn’t the type of guy who missed people when they weren’t around. He enjoyed their company when he could and otherwise he was fine on his own.

  Taking the barbell out of the closet, he did a few reps. Sure enough, he might have set himself back a little with his shenanigans today. He worked with the oversize rubber band some, too, and the doorway stretch the PT guy in Che
yenne had taught him. No worries. He’d get back on track after Tess went home to Casper.

  Maybe that was the problem. Whenever he’d been involved with a woman she’d either been within reach or hundreds of miles away after they said goodbye. Since Tess was over at Thunder Mountain, she wasn’t in either category.

  He had a strong feeling she’d never fit in a category again. But while she was in Sheridan he would like it much better if she stayed with him. Rosie already knew what was going on.

  Okay, that much was settled in his mind. Tomorrow when he delivered her car he’d ask her to move over here. She’d probably only stay another night or two, anyway, and he couldn’t see the point in having her continue bunking at Thunder Mountain. Not when they had things to discuss and a middle name to choose.

  Calmed by the idea that she’d be with him tomorrow night, he thought he might be able to get some sleep. But when he took off his jeans, something crinkled in his pocket. It turned out to be the list of reading material she’d given him.

  If he had one of those books, he could read it until he dozed off. Then tomorrow he’d be able to discuss what he’d read, which might help convince her he was dedicated to fatherhood. But he didn’t have a book.

  Come to think of it, with the way things were going, he might not have time to look for any in town tomorrow, either. Even if he managed a quick shopping trip, he wouldn’t spend tomorrow night reading. Not with Tess around.

  Thinking about her lying naked in his bed erased all the calm feelings he’d had a moment ago. If only he had one of those damn books. Reading about pregnancy and childbirth would get his mind off sex real quick.

  Then he remembered that a friend on the circuit read books on his phone. The process had looked awkward as hell to Zeke, but maybe some of the books Tess had recommended could be bought and downloaded.

  Once he got the right app, the process was fairly simple. He chose a book that took him through the stages of pregnancy and explained the mechanics of giving birth.


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