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Masters of My Desire

Page 15

by Jenna Jacobs

“Please Master, hurry. I need to feel you inside me,” I moaned.

  A sturdy slap landed across my ass and I jerked, gasping in surprise.

  “Patience my sweet slut. You’ll be properly prepared before we allow you to sail to the sun and explode. Besides, I’d rather hear your screams of pleasure instead of pain, little one.”

  “I’m already on fire, Master,” I groaned, impatiently rocking upon his embedded fingers.

  “Yes you are, kitten,” Dylan growled. “Your silken walls feel like liquid lava. Christ, Nick, tell me you’re almost there, man.”

  “I’m getting there,” Nick replied between clenched teeth.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can hang, bro. I’m losing the fight to drive into her slick pussy.”

  “Patience, fucker. You can hang.”

  “Easy for you to say, you’re not the one boiling inside her heavenly cunt.”

  “No, but I’ll be blistering in her hot little ass very soon. That’s ten times worse and you damn well know it,” Nick chuckled as his fingers slid free.

  I closed my eyes and inhaled a deep breath, trying to quell the anticipation of his broad crest pinching through my tiny rim. I jerked, and threw my head back. A cry of delight peeled from the back of my throat as Nick sunk his teeth into the flesh of my ass.

  “Now she’s ready,” Nick declared in triumph as the cool tip of his crest slid against my tender opening. “Relax and let me in, little one. Let us take you to paradise, baby.” He steadily pressed the bulbous head, breaching my rigid rim.

  After having my ass claimed numerous times over the past few days, my muscles knew how to respond. The exquisite burn intensified and coalesced with blinding pressure. A low moan vibrated in the back of my throat as Dylan plucked my nipples, rolling them between his fingers and thumbs.

  “Your body was made for us, kitten. You’re so goddamn perfect,” Dylan murmured.

  My body sang in sensory overload. My heart brimmed with joy knowing my submission was giving them such pleasure.

  Swimming in their savage indulgence, I tossed my head back and snarled as their synchronized shafts surged. Demand grew with each deliberate scrape of my G-spot, and the exploding nerve endings of my ass.

  I felt raw. Open. Exposed. In my heart, I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t give them; nothing I could deny to bask in their powerful command. They took me with a demand so sublime and pure, I was helpless to do anything except free fall into the pristine depths of ecstasy.

  Wild and wanton, I held nothing back. Grinding upon their driving shafts, I was lost to the primal calling of submission. So many places within me had never been touched, yet they effortlessly unlocked every fragment of my mind, body and soul. They’d set me free.

  I could never go back to what I’d been before. There was nothing of my former self left. They’d redefined me beneath their masterful hands. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, a new woman had been born.




  Willing, ready and able to surrender it all to their fervent demands.

  The power was indeed mine, but it was hollow… inconsequential without their dominant devotion.

  Their passion.

  Their strength.

  Their love.

  And I was safe.



  Savage heat pooled in my womb, expanding through my limbs. Dylan’s chest was glazed in our combined sweat. His dusky indigo eyes sparkled in desire, countering the fierce grimace of restraint curled on his lips. The magnitude of his struggle to stave off release was etched on his face.

  Slammed by the force of demand, my heavy breaths were laced with keening cries of need and panic. My mounting sounds of desperation echoed in the room, mingling with their grunts and curses of perseverance. The building pressure soared until I was sizzling with the need to come. Imploring their permission, my control was crumbling, being obliterated by the swelling orgasm.

  “Nick?” Dylan barked in a gravelly voice.

  “Fuck yes,” he hissed digging his fingers into my hips, maniacally thrusting his entire length into my ass.

  Dylan narrowed his eyes. His fingers brutally squeezed my nipples. “Now, kitten. Shatter for us. Shatter hard!”

  His bellicose roar took possession of my soul and I splintered. I exploded with an orgasm so intense, I was powerless against its consuming fury. Taut muscles gripped and released their driving shafts in rippling spasms as screams of rapture tore from my throat. Their feral cries thundered as they purged and filled the latex barriers. Torrents of hot come spurted against my clutching passageways.

  The annihilating crescendo unfurled ribbons of pulsating ecstasy, setting my every nerve ending blaze, but I wasn’t coming back down. Their driving cocks thrust me to an even higher peak of sublime pleasure.

  “Yes!” Nick roared. “Again, you sweet, insatiable slut. Give us more.”

  Succumbing to an equally devastating orgasm an inhuman cry rent from my throat as spasms wracked my tunnels, milking the last ropes from their shafts.

  I collapsed over Dylan’s slick chest, possessed by the twitching aftershocks fluttering within. Long minutes passed before our breathing leveled. When Nick finally eased from my ass and climbed from the bed, Dylan wrapped a sturdy arm around my waist and rolled me to my side. With my body still coupled to his rigid shaft, his fingers smoothed away strands of my sweat-soaked hair before leaning in to lavish a kiss so tender and reverent, it brought tears to my eyes.

  When Nick returned, Dylan issued a sorrowful moan then slid his cock from my wet tunnel before strolling to the bathroom. Silently, Nick cleansed my quivering pussy and throbbing ass then climbed into bed, pulling me to his chest with a possessive hug. As we locked gazes, neither of us said a word. We didn’t have to. I read his expression clearly. Satisfied. Happy. Content. Cognizant of his capacity to sense my matching emotions, a smile tugged one corner of my mouth.

  “My sentiments exactly, little one,” he whispered with a wolfish smile then bestowed me with an equally gentle kiss.

  When Dylan reappeared, we assumed our usual meshing of bodies. Exhaling a soft sigh, I nuzzled Nick’s neck like a sated kitten. It wasn’t long before their tandem snores were reverberating through my body. Lingering tingles skimmed through my veins. The intense session we’d shared should have rendered me comatose but I couldn’t seem to shut off my brain. The events at the diner kept spooling through my thoughts.

  Easing from beneath their heavy limbs and being careful not to wake them, I crawled from the bed and tiptoed out of the room. Snagging the blanket off the couch, I wrapped it around me and started a fire before padding to the kitchen, where I prepared a cup of hot chocolate.

  Seated before the roaring fire, I absorbed the blessed heat as I sipped the creamy cocoa. My mind whirled like a centrifuge. This fantasy we’d created was beyond anything I’d ever imagined and I wasn’t ready for it to end.

  They’d awaken in a few hours and take off in their quest to kill Bambi—I shuddered—then return. We’d share another twenty-four hours of the incredible power exchange, then we’d say our good-byes and go our separate ways.

  Tears stung my eyes.

  “Come on reality, show your ugly self. I need you now,” I whispered to that tiny voice in my head. She didn’t appear and honestly she wasn’t going to shed light on anything I didn’t already know. Walking away from those amazing men was going to be the hardest thing I’d ever had to do. They’d stolen my heart; it belonged to them now, and I didn’t want to contemplate the severity of the black and painful abyss in which I’d soon be suffocating.

  It was my own fault for falling in love with them. They’d never promised me a thing. Quite the contrary, they’d been absolutely honest with me from the start. My hopeless romantic notions would soon be shattered. I’d let the fairy tale take over my heart, even knowing it never stood a chance of a happy ending. That naiveté had gotten the best of me an
d did little to soothe my growing angst.

  The experience at the diner once again rolled through my mind, and with it, the bleak realization that acceptance of a ménage relationship—beyond the four walls of the barn—was nonexistent. The embarrassment and shame I’d been made to feel made me take pause. Could I handle the constant assault of belittling comments and looks of disgust? While I didn’t know of anyone living such a lifestyle, I imagined the complications involved could be insurmountable.

  So even if they’d wanted to forge a long-distance relationship, I didn’t know if I had the fortitude it would take. Was I equipped to help slay their demons? Nick was determined never to lose his heart again. Did I possess the potion to take away his fear to love again? And Dylan…how long would he struggled with the horrors of his past? Could I help him heal and put the pain he carried to rest?

  I knew about artifacts and Native burial grounds; I didn’t know squat about the workings of damaged human psyches. My head was probably fucked up way worse than either of theirs, anyway. Why else would I be sitting alone in the middle of the night, allowing pointless scenarios to spin through my brain? If I had stuck to my plan and disengaged my heart in the beginning, I wouldn’t be eating myself up inside.

  I still wasn’t clear what individual fulfillment Dylan and Nick gained in sharing me. Maybe they’d been doing it so long, they’d simply grown past asking why. I’d experienced the way they fed off each other and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Sharing such an incredible connection with Dylan and Nick, I couldn’t imagine ever being with one man again. But honestly, there weren’t any other men I’d want in my life except the two snoring Doms in the other room.

  “I wish I had a magic wand…I’d cast a spell over the three of us so we’d never have to say good-bye,” I whispered, staring into the fire and wiping a tear from my cheek.

  But the time to for magic was long gone. The hard cold truth was depressing, but it couldn’t be changed. Instead of mourning what I could never have, I should be counting my blessings that I was the lucky one Dylan and Nick chose. There was a certain comfort, out of the already blossoming pain, that my life was richer and fuller because of them. I just hoped gratitude would sustain me in the empty days to come.

  “After tomorrow, it’s all over.” More tears slid down my cheeks.

  I closed my eyes and drew in a quivering breath as I tried to welcome the familiarity of being alone. This was what I’d grown accustomed own quiet space, a place where I could process my thoughts without interference, without having to confess each and every emotion to be analyzed and scrutinized. It was hard enough for me to process my emotions by myself; sharing them was like an all-you-can-eat-buffet for my insecurities.

  But, God, I was going miss them.

  I wiped my tears, scrubbed a hand through my hair then took a sip of chocolate. The ache in my heart was inescapable. I needed to formulate a plan if I was to come out on the other side of this with any semblance of sanity.

  After hours of joyriding my mental merry-go-round, not one second of which was fun, I still hadn’t formulated a painless exit strategy. With a heavy sigh, I closed the glass fireplace doors and crept back into bed. Neither man stirred as I snuggled against their rugged bodies.

  Moonlight spilled through the window, illuminating Nick’s handsome face. I stared at him for hours, drinking in every ridge of his smooth tawny skin. I focused on memorizing the fine lines at the corner of his eyes, the dark thick lashes that caressed his cheek, and the crease lining the arch of his full, broad lips. I could still taste his kiss. It took every ounce of my willpower not to reach up and trace his exotic cheekbone or thread my fingers through his silky hair.

  Dylan snorted then turned on his side, wrapping me with a thick arm. I studied him as I’d done a few short days ago. I could picture that heart-stopping dimple that dipped deep when he grinned and the intoxicating color of his magnificent eyes would haunt my dreams forever.

  I had one more night to spend like this, just one. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. Tears slipped down my cheeks as a lump of anguish lodged in my throat. I softly sniffed, trying to hold back my sorrow, but I couldn’t stem the flow. The ache in my heart felt insurmountable and despair gripped my heart in a desolate fist.

  Suddenly, Nick’s sat phone beeped and he bolted upright. I quickly dried my tears, but my soft sniff drew his attention.

  “What’s wrong, little one?” he whispered. Concern wrinkled his brow as he cupped my face with his warm hand.

  God, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t tell him I’d fallen in love with them and I was falling apart at the seams. “Oh, it’s nothing, Master. Just a bad dream,” I lied. “My parents.”

  “Awww, pet. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No, Sir. I’ll be fine. I have them from time to time and they leave me a little rattled.” I was awash with guilt for lying to him.

  “On the ride home last night from dinner, you seemed a little… distant… preoccupied. Is everything okay?” he pressed.

  “Yes, Sir. I’m fine.” I nodded with a slight, false smile.

  “We’re going to head out and do some hunting. Are you going to be okay until we get back?”

  “Of course,” I whispered, forcing my smile to widen. “I’m going to roll over and go back to bed and hopefully not dream.”

  “Okay, baby. We’ll be back in time for lunch.”

  “Please, Master…don’t kill Bambi,” I begged.

  Nick laughed and slapped his hand on Dylan’s shoulder. “Get up, man. Let’s get this done so we can come back and test some more of our sinfully sweet pet’s limits.”

  “What? Huh?” Dylan jerked and sat up but wasn’t fully awake. “Oh, yeah. Hey! Good morning gorgeous. What are you doing awake?”

  “I had a dream but it’s over now.” I smiled as my heart dissolved into a million pieces. Dylan rolled over and caged me beneath him then kissed me with a ferocious growl.

  “Keep our bed warm, kitten. ‘cause we plan on setting you on fire when we get back.”

  His blue eyes sparkled with promise and I clung to him a moment longer than I should have, but he didn’t seem to notice. As he leapt from the bed, Nick turned and pinned me with an interrogating stare.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine, Sir,” I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him down for a passionate kiss. “Go do your cave man thing. You know…hunt and gather. I’ll do my job and keep the bed warm for my Masters.”

  “All right. But not too warm. You don’t have permission to come, little one.” He grinned as his gaze delved even deeper.

  Keep the mask tight, Savannah. No cracks. No fissures. And NO falling apart.

  After a long moment, he nodded and rose from the bed. I pretended to lavish in the big empty space, sprawling my arms and legs out, but in reality I was absorbing the vestiges of their warmth; inhaling the remains of their musky, masculine scent as I died inside.

  I curled up in bed, summoning my strength to remain invincible as they dressed and readied to leave. As soon as the front door to the barn snicked shut, I buried my face in the pillow and sobbed.

  I listened as the pickup roared to life. The crunch of pulverized gravel beneath the tires matched the shards of glass that pierced my heart. And as they drove away, I felt all peace and happiness inside me…vanish with them.

  How was I ever going to keep it together for the next twenty-four hours? I’d barely been able to maintain the short time it took them to dress and leave. Those torturous minutes were but a precursor of what was to come. When they returned, there was no way I could mask my fears and pain of never seeing them again.

  My pitiful wails filled the air as I succumbed to the debilitating agony that flooded my soul. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. My heart wasn’t supposed to be ripped from my chest. Not like this. I couldn’t take it. The magnitude of walking away slammed me with crushing emptiness.

p; Clutching their pillows to my face, I sobbed and breathed in their rugged scent.

  Bold and sensuous.

  Masculine and virile.

  Pungent and perfect.

  Commanding yet so tender.

  Oh God! Why did it have to be so fucking painful? I jerked off the bed and paced the room as tears streamed down my face. Clutching my stomach, attempting to hold myself together, panic and pain consumed me.

  “I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you, two. Goddammit!” I screamed with a sorrowful sob. “I can’t do this. I can’t!”

  I flopped to the bed once more, surrounded in their scent as memories flashed through my mind like strobes of blissful torture. Sobs burned my throat. Despair descended like a black cloak, sucking the light from my soul. I remained there long after all the tears had fallen. After all my mourning, I was finally empty and numb.

  Eventually I made my way to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I raised my head and stared at my haunted reflection. Swollen eyes, rimmed red, matched my nose. An errant tear slid down my cheek.

  “You’ve got to get a grip. This isn’t the end of the world,” I scolded aloud to myself.

  It sure as hell felt like it, but I needed to get a handle on my chaotic emotions. The fear of falling apart at the seams in front of them continued to hold me in a ruthless grip.

  “I can’t pull it off. I know I can’t,” I whined as I dried my face with a towel. Nick’s scent clung to the fabric and another wave of tears slammed me. Sinking to the floor, my back against the tub, I cried some more.

  There were only two options I could conceive. I could stay and allow them to see how stupid I’d been for falling in love with them, which would mire them in guilt for not seeing the signs. They would probably think me a player for not confessing my true feelings, but it wouldn’t change a damn thing. I’d still be oozing feelings of abandonment. They couldn’t fix it with an order or a bandage, the wound was too deep. Open. Raw. Bleeding.

  Or…I could pack up and leave before they returned. Go back home like a gutless coward and never reveal how I felt. No strings. No commitments. Hell, those were the rules. I’d been a fool for not following them in the first place. If I left, they’d never see how badly I’d fucked up.


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