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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 5

by L. Ann Marie

  Chapter Three

  Two days

  We’re in KC training and it’s going well, except for Elizabeth. I take Blaze’s place and work with her, but she’s off. “Focus Elizabeth. You’ll end up hurt if you don’t clear it out and focus.”

  She gives me a look. “You haven’t hit me yet.”

  I spin and slap her ass with the stick. “Because I’ve been waiting for you to react. If you can’t do this now, just go. We’ll work again next week.”

  She sits down looking completely defeated just like Aiyana was. I see what’s going through her head and sit beside her. “We’ll get through this like everything else.”

  She shakes her head. “This is big. We don’t even know these people Christian. They want us all dead without seeing any good here.”

  “You’ve seen this before. This is no different than any other war we’ve had. A wise Brother once told me, ‘we get through it all together.’ Every one of us has a purpose that we defend however we can. We know ours now and we can do this. With focus and solidarity, we will do this.”

  She’s watching me, but doesn’t lose the thoughts of being overwhelmed going through her head. I put my knee against hers and look around the mat. “Brothers come jump with us.” Hawk sits against my back.

  They all sit in a circle and we jump. Blake, Devan and Mase see right away something is wrong and give Elizabeth encouragement. When we jump back Elizabeth is more settled. “Let’s do this like we’re defending all the people we love against these evil fuckers. They are no match for us when we pool our strong,” I tell her.

  She smiles and stands up. “I haven’t heard that in so long. We got this. Let’s go Brother I got shit to do today.”

  I laugh and we begin again. They’re all focused and Blaze isn’t going easy on Elizabeth. She whips the stick out of Blaze’s hand and it flies against the wall. We all clap. “Just like that! Good fuckin’ job Brother.”

  Elizabeth is shocked. “I didn’t touch it.”

  I laugh. “That’s your strong showing through. Focus and practice. This new line of defense is counting on each of us to bring what we have. Use your abilities whenever you can, where it isn’t seen, so when you need it you’re comfortable.”

  “We won’t get a pep talk before we need them so make sure you can control the fuckin’ shit you’re throwing,” Colt says making me smile.

  Elizabeth gives him a look. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?”

  Colt stops with a stick suspended in the air and looks at her. I’m smiling while everyone watches him and the stick. “Like you don’t know my fuckin’ parents?”

  I laugh. They do swear a lot, but Elizabeth is watching the stick. “Show me how to do that. I can defend without the stick in my hand?”

  They get into a conversation then he shows her how to control an object. I sit and watch for a while. When our time is almost up, I pull everything they’re controlling and hold it up high. Mase cracks up knowing what I’ve done. “Gather around Brothers.” I wave my arm motioning them closer. When they realize I’m controlling their sticks and the chair Blaze was moving they look from me to the ceiling, but move closer. “You practice on your own or in groups. Every one of you has the ability to suspend objects. Use it in your rooms, at your houses, wherever you’re alone. Practice shielding at your next training, but do it by suspending objects to deflect. Yeah?” They nod and look up again. I smile and throw fire setting the sticks to burn. With the sticks burning high I lower the chair and stop the sprinklers from going off.

  “Yeah?” I ask again.

  “Fuck yeah. Teach us how to do that,” Colt says making Mase laugh. He can throw fire already, but he doesn’t say anything so I leave it alone.

  “I’ll see you next week. If you get anything bring it to Mase or Uncle Danny. If I need it right away call to me and I’ll take it from you.” They’re still watching the ashes above us. I send them to the trash barrel lifting it up to collect the ash. When I put it down they look at me again. “Did everyone hear what I said?”

  “Yeah, but that was cool Brother,” Devan says. “Why aren’t they bringing me the visions?” Since he’s my second here it’s a reasonable question.

  “I need you on something else this week. Mase will take everything to Ally, but we have a threat coming our way and I need you and Colt on it.” He nods. “Everyone else keeps to the training schedule and I’ll see you next week.” Mase waits with Devan and Colt. “This is an Op that’s easy, but will require you to use your abilities. We need information on the group that’s planning the hit to Princes.” I hand them the information. “You get close, get the information and take whatever they’re using with you. If it’s guns I want them. You don’t have to bring me shit like rocks.” They smile. “They are planning to stone Justice to death.”

  “Fuckin’ hell!” Mase yells.

  “Take whatever they plan on using to get him. There’s no way they can get him unless they plan an attack at the school or Compound. We need to stop that however we can. Your schedules are clear for the next two days. I need you on this now.”

  “Got it Christian,” Devan says pulling Colt by the arm.

  I look at Mase knowing the question before he says it. “Why not me?”

  “Three reasons. This is the first Op for us. Sending two that are just realizing their ability says something about us as a group. They do the job and it works for everyone. Two, you already have your focus and fight effectively with your abilities. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Three, VP said you have Ops scheduled and he needs you.” He smiles relieved so I go on. “Your Op this week is with these pussies. You use whatever you have to take them down. I mean all the abilities we’ve been training you on. Your control on reading needs to be more focused, but for this week you run HS Ops and stop these lunatics by any means necessary. I’m going to ask Jeremy to get with you about the reading. He may be helpful with that focus.”

  He nods still happy. “We have dinner with him and Aubrey tonight, I’ll ask him. So, we’re not hiding abilities anymore?”

  “We’re hiding specifics. You use what you have in a fight, but don’t start getting your own coffee and donut at the Bakery. The flying shit will cause more of a problem than it’s worth.”

  He slaps my back. “Got it. Thanks Christian. I’ll work on the reading. With Jeremy and you it isn’t something I really practiced. I will now.”

  “Good Brother, because we’re going to need it.” I look around and don’t see him. “Hawk, let’s go Brother.” He runs from where he was sitting by the elevator.

  “How the hell does he run like that? He’s fuckin’ old.”

  I laugh walking up the stairs to the house. “Mucimi does shit with him. I don’t have a clue. The healing thing doesn’t touch me. I’ll catch you later Mase, I need to get to training with Jeremy and Aubrey.”

  He nods hitting my fist. “I’ll ask them tonight about reading.”

  On the ride to the Baxter’s Compound I stop at the lake on the reservation. My Security gives me space staying ahead and behind me, but far enough away that I’m not crowded by their thoughts. Something has me on edge. I sit and jump. Going through my readers up here I don’t find anything, but I’m happy to see the hope shining through where there was doubt. I jump to Princes and see Mucimi is upset again, but that’s not my main concern. He’s pulling from Aiyana and Kaya. Fuck they’re talking to an elder that’s pissed about the pipeline fight and a pipeline that broke in one of their river’s tributaries. I call Aiyana, but she doesn’t answer so I hit Co.

  “I have been waiting for your call Christian,” he answers in Mohegan.

  “I’m glad I caught it. I need Aiyana and Kaya at the pipeline with their Security to stop the oil flow from touching the river and calm the unsettled construction and police force that’s showing up there. I’ll make sure they have HS with them.” I wish I had better words to get my feelings across. I can’t let them go without protection.

  Co l
aughs. “I understand my Protector Prince. I will get them travel today.”

  I blow out a breath. “Thanks Co. I need to calm Mucimi. The boy is going to be depressed at four if this keeps up.”

  “He will calm soon. Find a way to show the good being done. He sees only what he is allowed. Taking away that block so he sees all clearly will give him peace.”

  I nod. He’s right. “Is he too young to jump my wise Shaman?”

  “Eagle Eye jumped a harvest moon ahead of Mucimi. He is ready Guardian of the unrest.”

  I smile shaking my head. “I’ll get him on a straight path Co, thank you. Is there anything else I am not seeing?”

  “You are a wise Protector. You will learn as the day goes on my warrior. Let it be as it would.”

  “Roger Co. I need to get to training. Let me know if I’m required.”

  He laughs. “You will always be needed Christian,” he says in English. He really does get my meanings. He hangs up before I respond. I shrug. I didn’t know what to say to that anyway. I ride the rest of the way forming a plan for Mucimi. I remember what it was like seeing so much death and destruction that I felt paralyzed by it. We keep the shit away from the kids because they already see so much. Maybe it’s time to show them so that the perspective they have to go by isn’t skewed to their small part of this world. I look up at the camera outside the Lab and the door opens. Jeremy added me so I can come right in. I walk in his office and step back out knocking on the door jam. “Je it’s time for training.”

  Aubrey laughs. “He already saw. Let’s go.” She comes out pulling Jeremy behind her.

  “Glad you still have clothes on.” I smile at him.

  “Door’s open.” He gives me a look as if him being caught making out is my fault.

  I just laugh following them to the first level testing room. There’s nothing, but rock and block wall in here. “Flip the cameras on Je.”

  He nods and stands holding Aubrey’s hand. “Done.”

  “You both know what’s at stake. I need you to be able to get away from a threat using everything in you. Your throw and shield are good. Suspending objects is one way to defend, but we need to take that to the next level. If a threat is so close it can harm you, you need to suspend yourselves and get to where you’re not in danger.”

  Jeremy’s brows draw down. “Show me.”

  I pull the shield so he can read it then take a quick step to the side and flip, but hold my body so it moves slow. “Suspend your body until you are clear of danger. You get Aubrey to where she can do this comfortably Brother. This is one of the abilities that keeps her alive. I’m glad you are both fighting Aiyana’s vision. We need everyone to make this work and keep everyone safe.” When my feet hit the floor Aubrey’s smiling. She’s in my head taking everything I left open to her.

  Jeremy gives me a sad look and I see what he sees in his head. “It hasn’t happened and I’m not giving up. It took me fuckin’ forever to get here. I’m not going out that easy. You practice and perfect suspension. Yeah?” In my head, I tell him not to speak of the vision of me. He gives me a look, but nods.

  Aubrey laughs. “Got it Christian. I’ll be flying by tonight.”

  I smile and pull her to me kissing her head. “Not flying Little Bit—suspension.”

  She waves me away. “Flying, suspension it’s all the same, I get it.” She throws me a picture of her moving across the room.

  Jeremy cracks up. I leave them to practice and get to MC-Baxter. I’m happy to see they already have Hawk here and he’s waiting for me at the door. In Ops, I talk with Ally and get a hug before I go. She’s still so cute, I love this kid. She knows her shit and updates my boards before I’m even gone. Neil flies me to Princes Security and I think about Mucimi. I walk right into Ops and look for Brantley. Jacob is smiling. He shows me Jeremy hanging in the air on his phone. I laugh. “I told them to practice. Aubrey said she’d have it by tonight.”

  He smiles proud. “She’s got it, it’s on the video before this one.” He has a picture in his head of Aubrey and Jeremy kissing in the air. I don’t need that shit in my head so I slap his back and head to Brantley’s office.

  “Brother.” I open the door and close it just as fast. What the fuck is happening today? “Come see me when you’re free Brother.” I go into my office smiling. My brothers with their women today, even Mase had plans for tonight. I think about that and figure a trip to the Club isn’t a bad idea. It’s been a hell of a week. Since Brantley doesn’t show by the time I’m ready to go, I text that I’ll see him on his deck tonight. Texting Taylor, I get Hawk squared so he’s not waiting here alone. “Go work with Delta Brother. I’ll be home later.” I give him a bone and watch him run down the hall.

  Terry’s at the bar when I walk in, I slap his back and he introduces me to his girl for the night. “It’s got to be a Blackhawk thing today,” I say throwing chin and walking toward the parlor. Kit isn’t here so I keep going to the whores’ rooms. The music is loud making knocking pointless so I just walk in. Brothers are everywhere. I see Jacob fuckin’ a whore against the wall and keep going.

  Kit is just walking out of the hallway and spots me smiling. “Just in time handsome. I was shopping and got back late.”

  I nod seeing it’s true. She turns and I follow her back to her room. “Glad my timing hit right.”

  She doesn’t say anymore. In her room, she doesn’t talk. This is just how I want it. I don’t need her extra memories or other men flowing through my head when I’m fuckin’ her. She bends knowing how this works and I take her from behind and focus on getting relief and making sure she feels my hands on her even though I don’t move them from her hips. The pictures in my head get me there and she’s running on exhaustion. When I finish, her mind and body are done. I go into the bathroom and clean up dropping the condom in the recycle bin shaking my head. It’s like a medical waste container, but it keeps the condoms from clogging the plumbing. The medical waste analogy is fitting, I feel like this is clinical. Walking through I stand at the end of the bed and move Kit to the center of it. The only good thing about her being so tired and dazed is she has no clue that my hands never touch her. I clean her and pull the covers over her never moving from my spot. Dropping money in her jar I close the door as I walk out.

  Finding relief is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to learn. It was Dakota that helped when he saw me completely stripped and shaking as I left the whores room one night. He didn’t actually talk to me, but had Prez explain how to get relief with little contact. He was right about the getting relief, but no contact is a hard way to live when you crave a woman’s hands on you. With release, my body expects and looks for that intimacy and connection that you get from holding your partner before, during and after. I don’t know if it’s better to be able to walk away without being in such a vulnerable state or walking away feeling that loss. Either way, it’s a release that is never fully satisfied and it fuckin’ sucks.

  I walk through the parlor and don’t see Jacob or Terry. Checking the time, I see why and move people so I can walk through easily. No one ever says anything and I smile going by Driscoll and Bull. These are big guys and I move them like I choreograph my exits. I’m surprised no one ever calls me on it. I throw them chin and keep going to my bike.

  There’s a problem at the gate. I feel it before I turn in so my gun is ready when I see guards surrounding a car. The woman is scared and the baby is screaming. Pulling right alongside the driver’s door everyone stops, but the guards on the other side have their guns aimed at the woman.

  “Stand down. She is no threat to me.” I get off my bike and throw to my Security hoping to calm everyone down.

  My Security takes over for the two guards from that side throwing relief on me. They’re nervous about anyone being so close to the gate. I look at the woman and get what she’s thinking easily. She’s clouded by nervousness and pain, but happy I showed. “What brings you to our gate?”

  She gives me an incredulous look
. “Do you hear the damn kid screaming? I have a headache the size of Cleveland. You think you can get the rest of the guns out of my face so I can get out?”

  I nod to the last gate guard and he lowers his gun. “Done.” I don’t know if she’s a bitch or just cranky, but her thoughts are making me want to smile. I open her door and wait for her to step out. I can’t give her my hand so it may seem an invasive move, but I’m not putting my guard down and her hand in mine will throw me.

  She stands and moves to the back door. Security moves closer to the back. “Really! The kid doesn’t even look a year old. You think he’s dangerous?”

  I’ve had enough of the bitchy. “Look we have people trying to get at our kids. We’re all on edge here. If you’d tell us what the fuck is going on we can react better.”

  She leans against the door. “Yes, I can see that would be reasonable, but I have this headache that won’t quit and this kid that won’t shut the hell up.” Her shoulders slump with a dejected look crossing her face.

  “Move away and I’ll calm the boy.” She rolls her eyes at me, but moves. I slide in her head and keep her right where she is then move to get the boy out. He’s a cute little thing with chubby cheeks that are red and wet from his tears. I talk in his head calming him and release the belt on his seat. I can smell the urine on him and know he’s crying in pain. “He’s in pain. Where’s a diaper so I can change him?”

  She doesn’t say anything so I look back. She’s frozen in place. Fuck. I loosen my hold on her and she moves her hand. “There was just the seat. He had a toy in his hand, but that’s all.”

  I see she picked him up just off the exit ramp. Who the fuck leaves a kid on a road like that? I don’t have time to look for more. The boy hurts and I need to get that straight. “How did you know to bring him here?” I notice he’s having pain breathing and loosen my hold on him.


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