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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 30

by L. Ann Marie

  Chapter Thirteen


  I move the laptop when I hear the door. Nekanis is up waiting for me to tell him what to do. I smile. ‘Friend.’ He relaxes against Dean. I move the bag up and bring the jewelry boxes to me. I can’t wait for her to see them. If she ever fuckin’ wakes up. If I hear the word patience one more time I’m going to lose it. I shut the phone down and shielded just to get some work done. They call here then tell me to be patient. I shake my head. Crazy bastards.

  Taking the boxes, I look at the ring then charm bracelet. Te Jess has a bracelet like this and I love that she still wears it. It still means something after all these years. I want Dean to have that too. I only put ten charms on it, but it’s cute and the jeweler said I can add to it every year.

  I put it down and pull her cut out. It’s a princess cut with the Protector patch. Turning it, Blackhawk draws my eye. My name will be on her. My heart skips a beat and I smile putting my hand over it. I want that reaction every time I see it.

  She moves and I lower the cut and boxes turning toward her just in time to see her eyelids flutter and open. I feel it again and smile moving her hand over my heart. “It’s so good to see those beautiful eyes baby.”

  She smiles. “You’re okay.”

  “Better now that you’re awake.”

  She squeezes me and looks up. “I saw you get shot.”

  “I was at Security earlier. We wear vests whenever we go out. I picked you up and never changed.”

  She leans toward me and kisses my lips. “Thank God you didn’t. I need the bathroom.” I lift her and move her to the door. I love that giggle. “I love the service Christian, but laughing doesn’t help.”

  I set her down and she moves fast closing the door as she goes. I’m sitting here smiling like a pussy. I shake my head and look at Nekanis. “Thanks Brother.” He jumps down and walks out. I guess his job is done for now.

  She climbs on the bed and my dick is hard. Jesus I need to control this better if I’m going to get through this. “Now that I can think, how long was I out?”

  “Almost a full day.” I sit up and pull her to me. “It was a slow fuckin’ day too.”

  She laughs and kisses me. “I’m sorry you had a slow day. My parents just let me sleep it off.”

  I look at her, but decide to save those questions for later. “I have something for you.” I lift the cut to me showing her the front. “This is my cut. It’s a symbol of my commitment to you.” I turn it so she can see the back. “I’m ‘all in’ Dean. That means we work for everything. Every smile, every touch, every tear. We don’t divorce, leave or intentionally hurt each other. I will work for us Dean. With everything I do you’re my first thought. That’s for yesterday, today and tomorrow. You will always be that for me. I’d be honored if you’d be my old lady and wear my cut letting everyone know you’re mine.”

  She’s smiling and nods with tears ready to fall. I kiss her and get the cut on her. “It looks best right there, babe.”

  She giggles. “I’m an old lady like Holly! I can’t wait to tell Serenity.” She tries to move, but I hold her still in my lap.

  “In a minute babe.” I raise the box and watch her face fall. What the fuck? “The old ladies like the paper with the cut. The Brothers that are ‘all in’ don’t give a shit either way, knowing what the cut means, is enough for us. Either way, the ring and cut mean the same thing. Will you marry me Dean?”

  She’s nervous and not talking. She’s also not taking the ring. My heart speeds up. “You don’t want to marry me?”

  Finally, she looks at me. “We don’t need to get married. I understand what the cut means to you. I don’t need the paper.”

  This is not working like I thought it would. I just gave her the option and I’m let down that she took it. “Are you sure?”

  She nods smiling. “Yeah. If I change my mind we can always get married later.”

  I’ll be changing her mind. “Will you wear my ring?”

  “If you want me to yes.” I slide it on her finger feeling a little better. She doesn’t want to marry me sits heavy on my mind. I wish for the millionth time that I could read her. I put the bracelet down on my bag not sure what to think. “Now I’m calling Serenity. She’s going to be so excited.” She bounces off me and runs out of the room.

  Seeing the cut on her doesn’t feel like I thought it would. I jump hearing her laugh.

  * * *


  He’s been quiet all afternoon. I can’t believe I’m wearing his cut and talk enough for both of us. When I told Serenity all he said, she wanted to throw a party making me laugh. I could do a party. After running and being scared for so long a party sounds like just the thing to kick off our new life together.

  He stops at a restaurant right on the water. “Serenity is throwing us a party.”


  My eyes snap to his as I sit down. “To start our new life together. I thought you’d be happy?”

  His face changes and he puts a smile on. “If it makes you happy, I’m happy babe. Whatever you want.” If the smile reached his eyes, I’d believe that more.

  “What’s wrong Christian?”

  He picks the menu up. “Nothing babe. When’s the party?”

  Maybe something is going on at work. I get excited all over again. “She’s getting Jess to help her. They’ll let me know. She said old ladies need to help with an old lady party.” I almost stomp my feet, but catch myself and look around. Old lady. I love it.

  We eat and he relaxes. He wants to go to the reservation again. Since everything makes me happy today I’m all for it. People get seated on the side of us and are arguing. The woman cheated on her husband, but is mad at him. I’ll never understand people. I try closing doors, but she’s pissed and everything she thinks keeps messing with my head.

  “Let’s go babe. The ride will relax you.” He stands and I look at my plate. We didn’t finish, but he’s leaving so I can relax.

  I hold his hand and stand, but don’t look at him. I can’t even sit and eat like a normal person. Why he picked me runs through my head. He’s not moving. When his hand reaches for me I look up at him. “I’m sorry.”

  He shakes his head no. “I should have paid for the tables. Next time I’ll remember.” Bending he kisses me right here at the table. “Let’s ride.” He throws money down and walks me out like it’s no big deal. A shiver runs through me. That’s Badass.

  When we get home the guard is holding a bag and hands it to Christian. He passes it back to me. “Can you hold that to the house?”

  “Yes. I think I can make it.” I laugh. He ordered food. He’s the best boyfriend. I wonder if he’s my old man. I’m waiting to ask until I can see his face. Somehow, I think that will be something I don’t want to miss. I’ve never heard anyone say old man when referring to their men. I don’t mind being the first. I giggle.

  “I wish I could read where that’s coming from.” Reaching back, I give him the bag.

  “Somehow I think you wouldn’t want this one.”

  He takes my helmet off and kisses me. “I want them all. Every thought every smile, everything and anything that would help me understand you.”

  I shake my head no holding his hand while we walk in. “You got a whole lifetime to figure me out.” I giggle. “I hope you never do. It will keep life interesting.”

  Pulling the trays out of the bag he smiles. “Yeah. Because the visions, suspending and jumping to the spirit world gets boring.”

  I laugh and can’t stop. Everything bubbles up then out. He lifts me holding on and I wrap my legs around him leaning against his chest until I calm. “This is the best day ever. I love you Christian Blackhawk.”

  He kisses my head. “Love you too my Little Pixie old lady.”

  I start giggling again and look up at him. “Are you my old man?”

  He smiles. “Christian works.”

  I loosen my legs and slide down him. “Everyone always says old lady w
hen referring to the women. You said we don’t get to leave or divorce, which I love by the way, but I’m not calling you my boyfriend for life. Old man it is.”

  He rolls his eyes, “Partner, paramour, lover, all of those fit. If you think old man is how you want to label me, whatever.” He doesn’t smile as he says it.

  I sit thinking about five years from now and calling him partner, paramour and lover. I don’t think I can even say lover to someone I just met. ‘This is my lover Christian.’ Yeah, no, that isn’t going to work for me. I let out a sigh. I’ll try old man, but he doesn’t look like that thrills him. I don’t know why. I’m excited to be an old lady. Really, I’m excited to be his old lady. He’s such a good boyfriend. “Thank you for ordering the food. I was hungry.”

  He does the chin lift thing, but he looks a million miles away. With his work and vision stuff he must have something going on. I finish eating and stand behind him. I kiss his ear. “You’re the best. Thanks for the awesomest day. I’m going to take a bath.”

  “Okay baby. I have some shit to do. I’ll be up in a little while.” He clears the trays and throws the trash away.

  I’m surprised, but with everything going on he needs to work when people need him. Going up the stairs I think about the van that parked by me and Serenity’s apartment. They were there one night, then I heard shots and they were gone the next morning. He kept me safe and I didn’t even know him then. I get in the tub thinking of my old lady cut. I let out a squeal then laugh.

  I open my eyes when I hear the door. “I didn’t know you were waiting for me.”

  I smile. “I wasn’t really. I think I dozed in between all those teenage dreams.”

  He sits and starts washing me. “Teenage dreams?”

  I wave my hand and splash him. “Sorry. You know, living with the guy of your dreams, vacations, kids, all that stuff.”

  “Yeah, I hope the kids are small like you. Short-Blackhawk is a hell of a name if they aren’t.”

  “Short-Blackhawk?” I don’t want my kids called Short-Blackhawk. “I thought they’d just be Blackhawk.”

  He shakes his head no. “My kids won’t ever think they’re bastards. They’ll have both our names so they know they’re always wanted by both of us.”

  I just nod. Since I’m not pregnant this isn’t something I need to think about right now. “I already washed up. I’m ready to get out.”

  He stands and I’m raised up. I smile the whole time. He’s never going to be boring. After drying every spot on my body, he smiles up at me. “Done baby.”

  When I’m lowered, I pull him down. “Love you Christian. Thank you.” I walk out and drop my clothes in the basket. Two steps into the room and I’m lifted again. “I can get on the bed Christian.”

  “I can put you on the bed, but I was thinking of something else babe. Are you too tired?”

  I look over at him and see the smirk. I’ll play. “Nope.”

  He flips me so I’m looking down. This is different. Hands slide up my body from my feet as I watch him undress. It’s the craziest feeling knowing he isn’t actually touching me. My legs get massaged going all the way up. It feels good and I let out a moan. He looks up and smiles. “You’re going to like this babe.” He picks a box up and throws it in his drawer. What was that? It’s from the jeweler and he whipped it in the drawer like it was nothing. I think back, this is where he had the cut and ring. He had something else for me? I want to see. Why didn’t he give it to me? “If you’re too tired we can do this another day,” he says in my ear and a shiver runs down me.

  “No! I’m not too tired. I was thinking of something. I’m done.” It all comes pouring out of my mouth in a rush.

  He laughs from above me and I feel his real hands go from my waist to squeezing my nipples while the others are stroking me faster. I moan pushing my chest into his hands. “You like rough babe?”

  The question throws me for a second. “I guess. I like when you bite me.”

  He slaps my ass, after the initial shock I’m not expecting the second slap and moan with how that feels. My pussy is throbbing with need and I roll my hips. None of the hands are there. “Looks like my lover enjoys the fuck out of rough. Let’s go with that first.” The hands on my nipples squeeze harder. My body bucks into those hands loving the feel of the hard squeeze then the soft caress right after. “Love to see you chasing it baby.” His hands slide up holding mine above my head. “I’m going to make this beautiful body sing for me babe. Just relax and feel me around you, inside you and right here above you.” Hands move closer to my throbbing pussy and I buck my hips for them, but they move to my ass. Damn hands! I growl in frustration. “Relax my little lover. I’ll make it good for you.” I try, but those hands aren’t making it easy. “My name on your back means no cover babe. You good with that?” His hands finally slide to my pussy and I can’t think.

  No cover, pregnant...oh my God. “Don’t stop! That feels so good.” I cry out trying to will his hands to stay right there. The lower half of me is jerked up and his mouth is on me. Heaven. This is heaven.

  I’m ready to come and he moves. “No, please.”

  “Shhhh baby. I just needed to taste you.” The hands are stroking me again and the throb is almost painful. He’s kissing my neck and I feel his finger slide to my ass. He’s done this before and I moan knowing how good it will feel. “That’s it baby relax into me.” His finger slides in me and I push my ass back liking the foreign feeling, but trying for something more. The hands start stroking again and I cry out. My skin is sensitive and feels every touch as if it’s igniting lighter fluid through my veins. I’m going to die before I come, but it feels so damn good. He slams into me, I’m not expecting it and yell. “So fuckin’ tight baby. It feels good without the cover. When you come, push baby, push down and give me everything. It will be good babe.”

  “Yes!” I cry out wanting to feel good.

  He’s everywhere. I feel his bite on my shoulder, a slap to my pussy, something catches fire inside me and those damn hands feeling so good everywhere. I scream his name and push.

  * * *


  Holy fuck. I’m gasping for breath and feel us lower. Holding the air in I raise us up and move the towels with us to the bathroom. Jesus I’m fuckin’ spent. She has the sweetest scent dripping off her, but I don’t have the energy to do more than breathe it in. I stand her in the shower and move the handheld to clean her up. When I’m done, I dry her, or the towel does, and lay her on the bed while I shower. Without the brace, I’m suspending and feel the energy draining out of me. I put me on the bed and place her against my side with her head on my chest. I jump feeling her heartbeat run through me.

  Sitting with Hawk, I tell him how it worked. Everyone hears it, but seeing it and the feeling it threw on me was fuckin’ awesome. I Googled it while she was in the tub earlier to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I smile and look at him. “I didn’t miss anything. An orgasm like that will make her want more. Maybe enough for her to marry me.” He just looks at me, but I know he is agreeing or maybe I just want him to.

  When my mind and body are settled, I jump back. I need a plan. I get the laptop above me and think. There’s no fuckin’ way my kids are going through life as Short-Blackhawks and I see that doesn’t make her happy so I’m using it. Today it hit me she won’t use lover as a label either. She’s too innocent to call me her lover. I laugh. We’ll use that too. What else can I do?

  She got a couple of outfits, but Nancy didn’t send much. With Dean saying they were nice, but not acting all girly with the new clothes I got the feeling she’d wear them—but not be happy in them. I look for Serenity and pick through her brain. I see Dean like she is now but dig deeper then stop. Serenity has memories of her in the craziest clothes. She’s in neon bright eighties clothes, skater style and I’m surprised to see biker black with zippers and chains. Everything she wears she has a hat and boots or matching shoes for. My Little Pixie is cute with her hats and the big f
uckin’ smiles I see. She looks free of worry. She gets hats for Christmas and I’m struck again by that carefree emotion she lets show. She’s safe and comfortable with them.

  I watch her walk away from Serenity and get in a car. She’s dressed in that funky skater style with her hat and two different converse sneakers, but she looks sad. It doesn’t work with the clothes that make me want to smile. Serenity doesn’t stop watching her so I don’t. As she drives away I see her tears fall. ‘Someday baby girl, when it happens I’m throwing you a party.’ She turns watching the car in the distance. I jump out and look at the laptop. Serenity has been buying her clothes from wherever they could afford and Dean wears them without complaint. Why wouldn’t she get clothes now? Darren was getting their money to them from the insurance. I look and see him helping her with the paperwork. Maybe it’s not in yet. I shake my head. She wouldn’t buy clothes with her new school bills and no actual need for the clothes.

  I pull the laptop closer and search for what my old lady wants. I back that up smiling. “What my lover wants.” I need to keep that one up.

  On a site that sells every fuckin’ hat in the world, I’m sick of shopping and can’t even remember all the shit I ordered. I put it all on a spreadsheet and send it to Nancy. Jesus. She can find her more shit. I ask her to find hats and shoes to match whatever she sends and close it all down. Thinking about the clothes, I know Nancy will nail it. The look is similar to how Sandy dresses except for the biker clothes. I’ve never seen Sandy like that. I can’t wait. She moves and I check time. Jesus, four fuckin’ hours of shopping.


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