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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 32

by L. Ann Marie

  I laugh. “This is good. I’m so happy for you Serenity.” At the house, she gives me a quick hug and keeps walking. I take Nekanis in and go right to the bedroom. I stop short in the doorway. There’s a hat tree standing in the corner by the closet door. He knew. He knew and fixed it for me. Tears fall and I walk to the closet. I see right away he got me the clothes that I miss so much. Serenity tried, but there’s only so much you can get at Walmart and Kmart. Walking in I touch the shirts admiring the colors then the black old band shirts. How did he know? Hats line the shelves above my clothes. He must have bought a whole hat shop. Nekanis brushes my leg and I look down at him. That’s when I see the boots. I fall to my knees touching boots and shoes, he even got me sneakers in funky colors with bright laces. I sit and cry. He knew and fixed it.

  “What the fuck? I thought you’d be happy. Did I get it wrong?”

  I laugh and look up at this amazing man. “You got every single thing right. Thank you Christian.”

  He lifts me to him and walks out of the closet to the bed. “I’m never understanding women. Why the tears babe?”

  “You knew and fixed it.” I wipe my face with my sleeve. I’m not ever wearing it again anyway. “I was just thinking there is nothing of me in my clothes. I thought you got me more clothes like the last ones Nancy sent.”

  “Some of these are from Nancy. She didn’t think it sounded like you so I looked in on Serenity and found you in your fun, carefree clothes. It’s not quite what I’ve seen you wear and I liked the smiling you in her memories so I got those. If you want something else just get it. Nancy has some stuff at her shop for you to look at, but there are a million fuckin’ stores and I’m sick of picking clothes.”

  I laugh. He sounds disgusted. Oh, my God! “You picked my clothes? And all the hats?”

  He shakes his head no. “I picked a bunch, like four hours’ worth, then sent it to Nancy so she could see the style and colors and she did the rest. I told her to get matching shoes and hats for you, she went by what I already got and filled in all the rest. I hate fuckin’ shopping babe.”

  I laugh. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m so damn happy you’re mine. Thank you Christian.”

  “Why don’t you go find some clothes that make you happy and I’ll get dinner on the table. I need to pull the food off the grill.”

  I kiss him and jump up. “Okay!”

  He laughs walking out.

  * * *


  I get everything on the table and stand looking at it. I bring a vase over and decide it looks stupid sitting there empty so I move it back. I get napkins under our silverware and think that looks better, but not great. Trying to find something to put on the table I’m distracted by the flash at the window. I look and smile. Getting a jar, I send it out and collect three fireflies. When I put it on the table I think it’s perfect and turn the light lower. She laughs from the doorway and I swing around.

  She’s in jeans with holes on the legs and a bright blue shirt with paint splashes all over it. Her shoes don’t match, but one has blue on it and the other is black with blue laces. I look up at my Little Pixie who looks like a Little Pixie and smile. “Love the hat babe.” She’s got an old-fashioned man’s hat on, but it works with the clothes.

  She laughs. “Me too! I love everything you picked. Thank you.”

  “You look like a Little Pixie.” I walk to her taking her hand and put it over my heart that just skipped a beat. “My Little Pixie.” I kiss her thinking this is about as good as it gets. She’s happy and looking carefree in her clothes. I like the carefree and I fuckin’ love the hat.

  “I love you Christian. Thank you for everything you do. I like the lightning bugs on the table too.”

  I bring her over thinking they work with the carefree look she’s wearing. “Love you too babe. I thought the table was missing something. They work.”

  She laughs and we sit to eat. “This is great. I need to thank your mom for teaching you to cook.”

  “My dad grills, mom cooks in the house. He taught us all outside and mom taught us cooking inside. They were a great team to grow up with. Do you want to go up to the Club for a little while? The Officers show up there a couple times a week. We don’t have to stay, but I should show.” She nods happy with that and I’m relieved.

  After dinner, she lets the fireflies out and puts the jar in the dishwasher smiling. She’s so fuckin’ cute in her mashed-up style and that hat. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck. “I can’t wait to see what you’re wearing tomorrow.”

  She giggles making the whole thing complete. I drag her out and up to the Club. As soon as we hit the door I get a feeling and pull shields. The MC, fuck. I connect with Devan and Ricky telling them what I see. Keeping my eye on Dean while she’s talking to Eliza and some woman, I tell Darren what’s happening. Aquyà is in my head telling me what they saw. I guess he’s the speaker for them now.

  “I need to get up there,” I tell him taking a step toward Dean.

  His hand on my arm stops me. I move it away and look at him. “I’ll get them home and meet you at the hangar.” He starts talking to Ops to set it up.

  I nod and make my way to Dean. “Babe, shit’s happening at the MC. I need to get up there.”

  She looks scared then her face relaxes and she smiles. “Stay safe Christian. I’ll see you when you get home.”

  I kiss my girl and move people out of my way so I can make the door without interference. The Brothers are mumbling shit. Maybe I moved them a little fast.

  Dakota is doing his flight check when Darren boards the chopper. The readers are scrambling, but Uncle Steve has them focusing and calmer than when they sat down. Devan goes through the Op with them and I see everyone smiling when Ricky walks in.

  Darren waves his hand in front of me. I focus on him. “They good?”

  “Getting focused for the Op. We have about half an hour. Did you get Pres?”

  He shakes his head no. “My dad said they’re on a date night. Dad’s on his way in.”

  Jesus. I look for him. Fuck. They’re in their room. I throw he’s needed in Ops and get the fuck out of his head and their room smiling. “I told him.”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t want to know.”

  I laugh, “No, you don’t.” I remember the first time I saw my mom and dad. I can live without that shit in my head.

  “Get someone on Pres. He’ll be leaving the Compound. Elizabeth and Harley would be helpful.” He nods and calls it in.

  I look for Jeremy and find him in KC with Aubrey. ‘Je we need you.’

  He stops throwing at her. ‘Yeah. We’ll be there.’

  ‘You should have gone for the meeting.’

  ‘I got it,’ he says. Lowering to the floor he puts his hand out for Aubrey. ‘Time.’ I leave him throwing the pictures I got to both of them.

  Ops is looking for Pres. He’s not out yet. I look hoping he has clothes on at least. He’s at the door kissing Kate. ‘Leave now or that will be her last fuckin’ kiss!’ I yell at him. He jumps and turns. “I need to go now,” he tells her walking out. Kate is laughing and I hope it stays that way.

  I’m dropped at the Compound making me think Dakota must know something. “There is quite a bit of knowledge in me Christian. Some of it even helpful.” I laugh jumping out. “Be safe Brother.”

  I look back at him and see what he does. Fuckin’ hell. A Security bike is waiting and I climb on as Pres pulls up. “You ride in between us.”

  He looks pissed, but nods. We roll to Elizabeth and Harley and Pres looks at me. “VP, Tiny, Danny, Bob, Digs, even fuckin’ Geek?” He’s thinking the girls won’t work if this is his last ride.

  “None have what it’s going to take to get you to Ops today.”

  Jeremy pulls up with Aubrey on his bike and throws us chin. “First.” I nod and Pres rolls his eyes then asks Geek if VP is tracking him.

  Uncle Steve comes over pissed. “Took your fuckin’ time. Kids
are all that’s gettin’ you here.”

  Pres hits his mic off and glares at me. “Mic stays on. If I can do this so can you. The visions aren’t fuckin’ quitting Pres. Let’s get you to Ops.”

  I see him hit his mic and we follow Jeremy. “Elizabeth and Harley keep us clear from behind. We have the front.”

  “Roger Guardian.” I feel their focus shift and thank Elizabeth in her head. She’s not happy seeing the lack of confidence in Pres.


  “Got it. Now Aubrey!” Jeremy yells. A truck flies right over us and I laugh. It lands nose down, but sits just like that. Fuckin’ kid is too much.

  Pres closes the distance between us and Jeremy. He’s getting it. We make Main and see it’s like a fuckin’ war zone. Who the fuck has this much money to waste on this shit? I push it away and shield Pres from the fuckin’ bullets coming from every fuckin’ where.

  “Elizabeth, whatever it takes to stop from getting hit in the back,” I tell her and focus on what’s coming.

  “Roger Guardian.”

  “Jeremy turn away from it and take us around.”

  The stubborn bastard shakes his head once. “No. We got this. Keep him shielded.”

  “Aiyana, can you help?”

  ‘I am with you Warrior Protector.’

  “Shield Pres while I keep the stubborn fuck clear,” I growl out. She laughs making me smile. It’s just another day. I keep it in my head and brace.

  “I am with you also Christian. VP allowed me a headset and I will help where I can.” Dakota says and my mind relaxes.

  “Thanks Eagle Eye. I need you to push with us as soon as we get a visual on the trucks.”

  “Roger Guardian,” Dakota says and I feel him in my head.


  She cuts me off. ‘Co and Kaya are here Guardian. We have this.’

  I smile at her try for levity. “Cover Pres, no matter what happens, you get him to Security. The shield will work once we get past Jeremy’s fuckin’ show down.”

  Jeremy laughs. Devan tells us the trucks are circling waiting for us to make the middle.

  Jeremy turns fast and I hold Pres to my side moving him with us. He hasn’t said a word, but I don’t have time to look. Devan says the trucks are widening their circle to follow us. I see where Jeremy is going and think he’s fuckin’ smart. Getting rid of them is better for everyone away from main roads and neighborhoods.

  The reservation land up here isn’t set up with grid like roads and the roads are a fuckin’ mess. I see the first truck then a vision of a line coming from the front and another from the back.

  I look at Pres. “Sorry Pres. I’ll get you down as soon as we’re clear.” I move his bike to the tree line and lift him up to a high branch. “Keep him covered Aiyana. Elizabeth, hit the trucks coming from behind. Blow every other and the rest will go. This is a straight shot. Just ride the line and steer clear of shit flying.”

  I see the bikes swing around and shake my head. How the fuck did they miss seeing the skill here?

  “Roger Guardian,” she says like it’s just a ride.

  Jeremy is a good half mile ahead of me and I see the fire roll from Aubrey. She’s hitting every other truck. I hit the first and third and spin back toward Elizabeth. The last trucks are shooting. I lift her bike and she shoots the pussies like it’s a normal day in the fuckin’ crazy MC.

  I roll fire down the line shielding them from shit flying and they ride back toward me. “We had it Brother.”

  I nod. “I need to get Pres to Ops.” They follow without bitching me out. I lower Pres and he still doesn’t say anything. Jeremy looks at me smiling. I shrug. He can shoot me later. I need to get him to Ops.

  “Thank you, Aiyana. I’ve got Pres. If you can help in any way here, it’d be appreciated.”

  ‘Roger my Guardian,’ she says and Jeremy cracks up.

  “That puts you using procedure better than me today Aiyana. Thank you.” I speed up, seeing Mase and Colt in a fuckin’ brutal attack. “Elizabeth, town two. Devan, get her to LP1 then Mase. Elizabeth, work fast—no mercy and move. Mase and Colt will need your help.”

  Pres looks at me while the radio goes off in my head. “I can get to Security. Go help Mase and Colt.”

  He’s fuckin’ sick if he thinks we’re leaving him here. “I just did.” I see he’s going to argue. “The job is a select few for us. You’re one of those. We do what we can for everyone else, but you are the job today.” He throws chin, and thank fuck, isn’t going to argue. We hit a real road and fly to Security. Someone’s taking shots as we pull in. Pres ducks. “You’re covered,” I tell him just as Jeremy yells.


  I look back. “Aubrey cover both of you and get inside. I got Pres.” I pull Pres’s jacket getting him in the door behind them. Jesus. “Most people work with Security. I’d think you would get how that works,” I say moving us to Ops.

  “Watch how you talk to me and they weren’t aiming at me.” He’s pissed at me?

  I open the Ops door and hold my temper until it closes then swing around facing him. “Watch the fuckin’ feed and see how many bullets hit the fuckin’ shield we held over you. Jeremy was hit shielding you instead of himself. Lose the attitude that this is a fuckin’ game to us and look at what’s happening around you. If you don’t clear this threat you’re not making another birthday. We can fuckin’ shield you, but they’re catching on. The vision was you dead today in the middle of the fuckin’ yard.” I throw up the picture on the center board of him on the ground with two trucks burning around him. His helmet is rocking twenty feet away from him. “If you keep the attitude and assumption that no one knows what you’re thinking, I won’t have much help in keeping you alive for the next one. Open your fuckin’ eyes Pres. You can shoot me, but I’m still the guy keeping you alive. It’s a risky move on your part seeing as how you DON’T FUCKIN’ TRUST ANYONE UNDER FORTY. I need to help Uncle Danny and keep Mase and Colt safe. Watch the fuckin’ feed.” I walk away and straight to Ally and Devan at our control. Ally high fives me.

  I’m pissed. I thought we were past this. Pres walks to Ricky and Ricky shakes his head no. I throw to Jake to look at Jeremy’s arm. “It’s flesh and on his forearm,” I tell him. He hands Pres his headset and walks toward Jeremy and Aubrey. No one has said a word to Pres. I’m glad they’re fuckin’ pissed too.

  Ally hits my leg and I look at the screen. “Fuck!” I jump to Uncle Danny and hold the bike up giving him a push higher. The ground explodes under him.

  “Thanks Brother,” he laughs as I lower him just past the big fuckin’ hole in the ground. Crazy bastard.

  I look for Mase and Colt and see Elizabeth and Harley have them clear. Thank fuck something was easy today.

  Devan handles this way better than I ever could. I don’t want to be running Ops. He stops talking and looks at me. “I’ll do it. VP hasn’t changed anything I’ve done.”

  Good to know, but there are fuckin’ bullets flying right now. “Later.” He throws me chin and gets back on with the Team.

  I watch the boards, helping where I can, for three fuckin’ hours. This sucks. While the Teams roll in, the other controls are watching the boards. Uncle Steve pulls Pres to ours and tells Ally to put up the feeds so he can see what a fuckin’ pain in the ass he is. Pres wants to shoot him, so I move away.

  Dakota comes in smiling. “Good job Brother. You are always interesting to travel with.”

  I laugh. “We may not be invited back.”

  Since he’s still smiling I guess I’m wrong. “Just the opposite our great Warrior Protector. You will be sought for council because of your commitment to the job.”

  I push my hair back. “Oh Jesus, not by Pres I hope.” The fuckin’ guy still wants to shoot me.

  He laughs. “Ricky and VP see much clearer than Pres. He will not shoot you.”

  I throw him chin. That’s something. “Are we ready?”

  He shakes his head no. I see the meeting room and m
y head falls forward. Fuckin’ great. Our Team walks in and I tell Devan and Ally they’re done for today. I let Jake know what to watch out for and walk out behind the Protectors.

  “This is fuckin’ bullshit,” Colt says as soon as the door closes.

  “I want to move down to Princes. I can run Ops from there,” Devan says and it isn’t a question.

  “Me too,” Ally says surprising the fuck out of me.

  Elizabeth takes a step forward. “I’m not leaving, but this shit needs to be sorted.”

  I nod and look in the meeting room. There are already Brothers gathered in there. “Use my office Brother,” Ricky says from behind me.

  He follows us up and tells the room he’s in. Boards and lights come on together and everyone sits or leans against the wall. Since I didn’t do shit, I stand letting the Brothers that need the seats sit.

  “Devan, I have Jacob running from Princes.”

  Jeremy stops me. “Need him here.”

  I think about that. “Okay welcome to Princes Protector Ops.”

  He smiles, but it’s not real. He’s pissed at Pres. “I’ll be there tomorrow.”

  I look at Ally. “Jacob isn’t a reader. He needs someone that gets it on control. Will you consider staying for a while longer and giving Jacob that support?”

  She bobs her head up and down. “If you need me here I’ll stay. I work good with VP and Devan, but Jacob is nice and knows I’m smart.”

  What the fuck? I look at Ricky. “There was doubt and we cleared it up tonight.”

  Fuckin’ Brothers. I nod looking at Colt then Mase. “I would like nothing more than to take you at Princes, but the bigger threat is here. I don’t give a fuck what people think about me or you. The job is the same either way. You being at Princes just means I need to arrange your travel back here daily.”

  They nod, but they’re not happy. I move my hair and look at all of them. “Our job isn’t to decide who is worthy of protection. Our job is to protect however we can. This is new to everyone. Seeing you moving objects and fighting the way you do is new to everyone. Give them the time to take that in. We are making progress. Sometimes it’s too fuckin’ slow for our way of thinking, but it’s still progress. I can’t be more proud of you than I am right now. Knowing you all saw what Pres was thinking and you still did the job threw relief on me. Let him think what he wants. He made it here and has to deal with VP—to me, the job was easier.”


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