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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 36

by L. Ann Marie

  His hands are in his hair. “The Baxters stepped back. They’re jumping into the PD.”

  I nod. “It works well and it’s not where your focus is needed.” I look around the table. “This is the fourth fuckin’ time I’ve said it. If you don’t get on the fuckin’ leads, he dies. I don’t know how to get that across to him. Maybe you can. I’m not saying it again. This is why—you ask and don’t listen.” I look at Ricky. “Was there anything else?”

  He sits looking defeated and shakes his head no. “Thanks for running Brother. We’d be fuckin’ lost without the Protectors.” He throws me chin. I throw it to the table and we walk out.

  “Thank fuck that’s over. We need to see Jacob in Ops.” I thumb in and he’s waiting.

  “I knew you wouldn’t take it. You good Brother?”

  I nod. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Jeremy said you were pissed.”

  I wave it away. “Not at anything except wasting fuckin’ time in meetings explaining the same shit over and over. I need to talk to you and Devan. Jeremy will keep training Aubrey, but the MC needs to get the fuck over themselves and work the fuckin’ leads. Anything you can do to push that will help.”

  He nods. “I’m in with Geek. I’ll talk to him and Tiny. I’m pretty sure Bob and Rich will help. Pres is thrown by all things freaky. I’m glad he finally got it, but even I feel like we’re running out of time and I’m not even a freak.”

  I smile. “You’re our freak Brother. Can you get with them today?”

  He’s watching me and I pull the shields to see what’s happening. “I’ll go right now.”

  I’m slammed with visions again and turn away. We walk out and wait in the chopper. I jump and sit with Hawk until I feel them close. When I open my eyes my dad is standing outside the door. “Can I have a minute?”

  We get out and he walks away from the chopper toward the back field. “Playing it straight. I am not asking because I want you to take it. The question is will you reconsider inner circle?”

  “No. It has nothing to do with anyone, but me, Dad. I don’t need more fuckin’ meetings. I can see meetings without being there. Nothing changes for me. I’m just not roped into a fuckin’ chair while I can be doing something else.”

  He smiles and nods. “Got it. You were fuckin’ amazing today. So fuckin’ proud Christian.” He hugs me quick and walks away.

  I smile climbing in. Jessie’s watching me. “Cloud’s good?”


  “You threw Pres again. He thought you’d take the seat.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know how to get them to listen. Sitting in meetings isn’t doing it.”

  He nods. “I see it Brother. Hearing he’s going to die hit me. He’s worried about the seat and everyone was pointing out the warning. I think their inner circle is going to work with Ricky on it.”

  “Thank fuck. Jacob is talking to Geek and Tiny. He thinks Bob and Rich will jump in too. Any way we can get them to focus is good. Maybe Uncle Danny, now that he’s not PD, can get them moving.”

  Surprise is on his face. “You went to Jacob after the meet?”

  I nod seeing he thought I was walking away. “What the fuck do I have to do to show I’m all fuckin’ in?”

  His hands go up. “Relax Brother. With him brushing the warning off, I would have walked. I don’t doubt your loyalty or ability, but he does tend to push your buttons. I just thought you’d keep running from the outside.”

  I see it. “I am. I’m going around him, but at the moment that’s where I’m needed. When I need to move closer I will. I don’t have a problem with any of it or even Pres. As long as I don’t have to keep explaining shit.”

  He laughs. “Thanks Brother. He’s a lot even on the good days, but he’s my dad. I don’t know how the fuck Uncle Danny puts up with him.”

  I crack up. “That’s why he’s always at Princes.”

  He gets serious. “You really didn’t know you were inner circle?”

  I shake my head no. “I wasn’t told. Inner circle meets and I wasn’t invited.”

  He nods. “Prez thought one-on-one with you would work better. You’ve been meeting him right along.”

  I almost shrug, but stop myself. “I didn’t know. I’m honored and glad I don’t have to sit in the extra meeting.”

  He laughs and we’re quiet until we land. “The old ladies are heading up there to do a girls’ night out.”

  What? “When?”

  “Tonight. They weren’t telling Dean until today. We got everyone covered. You shield everything?” He looks surprised.

  Fuck. I should have gotten this. I got Ally, but didn’t look at it. “I’ve got a lot going through me. I’ve been running through shit like a slideshow. If it isn’t a threat I’m moving before I look closer at it.” I need to slow shit down.

  “Good to know there’s no threat.” He climbs out and we follow.

  I throw him chin and point us to the Compound. Jessie follows me to the gate and makes a turn heading out. I’m not pissed about the escort and smile. Her first night out. I connect with Elizabeth and ask her to shield for Dean while they’re out. A crowd won’t be fun for her if she’s getting everything coming in. ‘I’m on it Christian.’ I smile. My girl will have fun. Taking Nekanis for a run I’m glad I’m not feeling any pain and remember I need to ask Dakota about healing my leg. My days are long, but today was a good one.

  * * *


  I run in the house so excited to see his truck already here. “Christian!”

  He looks up smiling. “Yeah babe.”

  “I’m going out with the old ladies! All of them!”

  He laughs. “I heard. Elizabeth will shield for you, so you have fun.”

  I stop. I didn’t even think of that. “Thank you for doing that. I wasn’t thinking. You take me everywhere and I never have a problem.”

  He’s still smiling. I move to him and sit on his lap. “You’ll have fun. The old ladies are a fuckin’ trip when they’re out. You’ll be singing the whole way home.” He laughs.

  I hop up. “I need to find clothes!” I almost take a step, but turn back and kiss him. “I love you.”

  I run hearing him laugh. Since it’s old ladies I do the biker chick look. Someone has really good taste and makes my life easy. With a leather skirt, white tank and my cut on, I find my boots and the perfect hat. I am so excited.

  “Babe the tights are ripped.”

  I spin around. “That’s how they come.”

  “Jesus. I’m so fuckin’ glad I’m not up there tonight. You look like a little biker pixie.” He doesn’t look happy.

  “Is that bad?”

  “If anyone goes near you have Sheila take them out.” He’s so serious when he says it.

  I laugh. “Will do. What are you doing tonight?”

  “I need to meet Devan up at the Club. Then I’m waiting for you. I’ll never get to sleep without you.”

  Up at the Club? “Devan lives here now. Why up at the Club?”

  His eyebrows frown. “Making an appearance and I need to talk to him. It works.”

  I want to go with him. “Jess said Jessie has a meeting and everyone was going there.”

  I nod. “I’m meeting Devan after it. It’s only an hour and Devan will be done by then.”

  Will be done. The whores?

  “You don’t want me at the Club?” He’s still frowning. Damn.

  I wave my hand. “I want to go with you. Now I’m rethinking girls’ night out. Dancing with you sounds like way more fun.”

  He laughs. “Go have fun with the old ladies. I’ll take you dancing tomorrow if I’m not too late.”

  I smile at him. “Okay.”

  He walks to me and the look in his eyes has me seriously rethinking girls’ night out, until the pounding starts on the door. He smiles. “Sheila’s here.” He kisses me and she’s yelling for me to get my ass in gear.

  I laugh and he steps back. “Love you Christian. Save me
a dance.” I run hearing him laugh. He doesn’t dance with anyone, but me. I giggle going down the stairs.

  I like the helicopter and practice blocking on the way up. Serenity is so excited, I can’t help but laugh. I read her no matter how hard I try to block. She’s never been on a helicopter and has the most ridiculous questions.

  We’re brought to a huge building and everyone is wondering why. This is Security where Christian has been working out of. I’m interested in seeing this so I keep my mouth shut. Ally comes running and stops right in front of me. “You’re here!”

  Everyone laughs. “I am and I’m so glad you’re coming with us.”

  “I won’t hug you, but I want to. I’m supposed to bring you inside. Follow me please.” She’s so cute.

  I giggle. “Lead the way Ally, I hear you’re the woman with all the secrets, I’ll follow you anywhere to get one.”

  She laughs. “We don’t talk about Ops because someone can get hurt. We have to be good Brothers and keep that close. I can tell you Harley likes a Brother. You have to ask her for the details. He’s to die for.”

  Oh man, Harley is young. This may not be the secret I want to hear. The picture Ally has in her head is a guy in his late twenties. Inside she points down the hall. “Everyone can go down there and grab some food. I have to bring Dean in here.”

  She puts her thumb on the keypad and the door vibrates. No one is walking down the hall and I’m glad. Why do I need to go somewhere different?

  Ally looks back when I don’t follow her. “It’s just Pres. He wanted to talk to you.”

  I look at Sheila not sure what to do here. Eliza saves me. “We all go or no one does. She can’t be touched and this isn’t cool Ally. She’s Christian’s old lady.”

  “I am here Eliza. I will keep her safe. Pres had a valid concern,” Dakota says from behind everyone.

  Eliza moves so she can see him. “Still not cool. Would you want Jess in a locked room with two Brothers?”

  He nods. “I see your point. I will bring Pres to the cafeteria and we can sit away so they can talk. I will be with them so Nadine can be comfortable.”

  Eliza looks at Sheila and gets a nod. There’s something going on that they aren’t saying and I can’t read. I’m usually good at reading Eliza, but now I wonder if she lets me read her.

  “Let’s go get a snack and we’ll wait together. Where we can see you,” Sheila says from my side. I like Badass on her.

  I nod and we walk. This place is massive. The cafeteria is as big as a restaurant. They never do anything small around here that’s for sure. I’m good with a fruit cup, but put it on the table and walk to where Dakota is sitting with a man I’ve seen before. He was at Princes.

  They stand and I’m nervous. “This is Pres, Nadine. He was away when you met Kate and you were sleeping when he went to check on you and Christian.”

  “I saw you at Princes. It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for checking on us.” He smiles and I relax. He’s thinking I’m cute all dressed up to go with the women. He can’t be bad if he thinks like that.

  “I’m happy to see you awake this time. Please sit.” I do. “I’ve fucked up about as bad as a man can where Christian is concerned. I was given some information and hope to fix something that’s bothering him.”

  I can’t see what he did wrong and look at Dakota. Do I ask? He tells me ‘no’ in my head.

  “You accepted Christian’s cut, but don’t want to get married,” Pres says and I watch him giving him a nod. “Is there a reason? Are you not sure about staying with him?”

  That’s what this is about? “That’s not it at all. He said he didn’t care and other than Serenity I don’t have anyone to go to a wedding.” I feel the tears and blink them back. “My parents died a few months ago and I never thought about getting married, but they aren’t here.”

  He nods and moves to take my hand, but Dakota stops him. “No Pres.”

  “Sorry. I see why you demanded to be here.” He looks at me. “It matters to Christian. I know I’m not your dad. You don’t even know me, but I’d be honored to walk with you to marry Christian.”

  It matters to Christian? I think about all the crazy songs, proposals and the billboards. “Is he changing my music and making people propose in front of me, like every damn place we go?”

  Dakota laughs. “No, but if he thought to do those things himself, I am sure he would have. That was different people. I am sure he does not know all they have done.”

  “It matters to him and other people found out, so they were messing with me to change my mind?” These people are crazy, but so damn sweet.

  “Yes. Like you, we never thought he would find a woman he could touch. Marriage and babies were never part of his plan. Now you’re here. I’m not pressuring you one way or another, but just wanted to tell you it matters to him and I’d be honored to stand in for your father.” They are amazing.

  “I will stand with you as well Nadine. I know Jessie would too.”

  I laugh. They aren’t kidding. “Why wouldn’t he tell me it matters?”

  Pres looks at Dakota so I do. “He will not force you to take his name. He offered it and felt you did not want it. Men are stupid when it comes to women. The choice is yours to make. I can tell you Pres just wanted you to be aware.”

  I nod. He wants to marry me. Short-Blackhawk is a stupid name for kids. Everything flies through my head. The room at the Club, his mood swings, introducing me as his lover to every damn one. I start laughing. “I really miss having a mom and dad. I bet they would have gotten it right away.” I shake my head glad they’re smiling. “Can we get married before the party? I don’t want to tell him though.”

  Pres laughs. “We know someone that just got the paperwork to perform the wedding. We can do that. So, you and Serenity?”

  “And his family,” I add smiling.

  “We will take care of it. All you have to do is show up thirty minutes before the party. Both Pres and I will walk with you.”

  “I can’t wait. You won’t tell anyone, right? I want to surprise him.”

  “I will get the rings with help from Nancy. We won’t tell anyone else,” Pres says and stands.

  I’m so excited! “Thank you for telling me. I’m sure in a year or two I would have gotten it.” They laugh and Dakota brings me back to the women. I hope they tell the paperwork guy.

  ‘I will tell him.’ Dakota says in my head and I’m ready to spill it to all the old ladies. Luckily, I keep my mouth shut.

  * * *

  Tess is so happy she has me cracking up. She knows and I didn’t say a word. “I don’t want everyone to know.”

  “I can help with that.” She has a musical little laugh making me smile. The bar is huge. They tell me it’s rowdy, but no one ever comes close to our corner. Amanda’s husband is watching over us with a wall of Security boxing us in. There’s a whole conversation about him talking.

  Joey tells me they’re all crazy and takes me out to dance. She’s fun and so damn happy like the rest of them. She can move with her crutch and I’m impressed. We talk about my class, but it’s too loud to do much talking. We make plans to meet at Dunkin’ with Holly. I’m glad she lives with us at the Compound.

  When we get back, Serenity is telling them about my hats and how I dance using them. I hit her to shut up, but she doesn’t. Of course, they all want to see it. Damn sister. “I grew up with just my family. There wasn’t much for me to do as a teen so dancing was it. I’d watch the dances and keep playing them back until I got them then add the hats in. They were my only friends, until I moved here, so I made them my partners.” Everyone is quiet for a minute then right back on me.

  CJ laughs. “In this place, if you got it, we want to see—then learn it. We need something to keep life interesting.”

  Kate, Jess and Nancy all agree. These are the old ladies that have been here forever. How do you say no to them? Since there’s a wall of Brothers facing away I agree.

  Serenity tells me
to do the Dirty Dancing one. “You have the right hat for it.” I laugh and Sheila goes to have the music changed.

  Tess hands me a drink. “Courage,” she says making me laugh.

  My face is burning and I don’t know if it’s the drink or embarrassment, but I get up and wait for the music to start. Holding my hat up as if it’s at partner height I start moving to the beat smiling as if I’m so happy to be here with my partner dancing. I move the hat, jumping back in time to my bedroom and I just dance. When the beat picks up I roll the brim down my arm and wait for it to hit my fingers. It hits my fingertips and I flip it up, spin and catch it plopping it on my head for a second then we dance as if it’s my partner again. I roll it down my leg and flip it up snatching it and plopping it on my head at the last beat and they’re all clapping and yelling. Amanda lets out a whistle and I look around smiling until I see the wall of Brothers watching me. Oh damn. I put my head down and Bob laughs.

  “Cute, Shorty.”

  My eyes snap to his and I smile. “You do talk. I knew it.” He laughs turning around.

  Tess tells me to show them how to do it. When she tries to go find hats, Bob stops her. “I need hats Bob. We’re just borrowing them.” He rolls his eyes and looks at another guy. The guy walks away smiling and I wonder if he’s a reader. “No, he just doesn’t talk much. They know I won’t quit until I have hats so they’ll get them. That’s why Kate sent me for them.” She giggles and I crack up. They certainly know how to move around the Brothers. Nancy talks to Bob and comes back to us. I wonder what that’s all about, for like five seconds. The Security guy has hats!

  We get all kinds and do a line dance throwing them up and catching them with little quirky moves in between. We’re all laughing and move right into the next song. Eliza thinks this is cool and adds moves with Jess—throwing the hats to each other. I sit watching them thinking they are cool as hell old ladies. Ally is right there with them. Beth stays right by her showing, then encouraging her to do more. It’s so damn cute.


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