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The Battlefield Series 6: The Ties That Bind Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “We’ve been friends for a long time. She is not going to make a booty call. No way. Not Lori,” Damon said.

  “How do you know that? Before you were involved with Antonia, you took care of your needs out of town like a lot of us. Why would it be different for her, for any woman in town? We know nothing about her.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, but don’t give up. You and your brothers are all attracted to her and have been shooting daggers at every guy flirting with her today. Never mind sticking up for her last night at the Station. Just hold steady and see what happens. A ménage requires special handling, and the key component is that all parties need to be on board. She could be holding back for a reason other than a potential boyfriend.”

  Leif looked at him as Leif rested his hand on his holster and gun.

  “You know something?” he asked.

  “No, just something I’ve observed when she returns from where she goes if she meets up with Antonia and the girls.”

  “What do you notice?”

  “How upset she seems, and it always follows with a trip to the dojo the next morning or even a jog late at night.”

  Leif looked at her as she was smiling at something Antonia said and then waved good-bye to a few competitors leaving. They really didn’t know that much about her, and maybe it was time they started working on that.

  Chapter 2

  Lori was getting off work a little later than she planned. Some people celebrating a thirtieth birthday party had more friends arriving, and she and Ledger were trying to keep up even with Chloe’s help.

  She caught sight of Kyran talking with Jared, Kye, Jed, and Jack at the other end of the bar. He kept making eye contact with her, and she couldn’t turn away from him. Especially as two women she recognized from the dojo came up to talk to him. One placed her hand on his shoulder and whispered something to him.

  “You’re staring and with daggers in your eyes,” Chloe whispered to her, and she snapped out of her stare and went about working.

  “I wasn’t staring.”

  “Liar,” Chloe said and laughed.

  Okay, so maybe she was watching him, but she couldn’t help it. She had a hard time not thinking about Kyran, Mateo, Marco, and Leif all last night. She thought about their muscles, their good looks and wondered how old they were and how experienced. Then she compared them to Bragan and Pylo. It didn’t help that Evilly had called and asked if she were stopping by this week. She’d said nothing was wrong, but that usually meant something was.

  Lori couldn’t help but take notice of her friends Amber and Antonia hanging out with their men, who were doting on them and kissing them, touching them at every opportunity. Watching it, she felt envious but also unnerved. She had conditioned herself to be self-reliant and to always look for signs of the bad in people. Her half-full attitude had turned into half-empty. She questioned everything and everyone. Glancing at the women out there flirting with men, holding on to their arms and stealing kisses, she didn’t think she could ever be in such a position, or want to.

  When she turned around to look at Kyran just to prove to herself that he would be reciprocating the touches and flirting back with the woman from the dojo, instead she found him alone, staring at her and taking a sip from his mug of beer. When their gazes locked, fire burned inside her core, and she licked her lower lip, watching his eyes squint and hold hers with a firm expression.

  Why did she think Kyran would be a magnificent lover? She didn’t know. A woman would surely feel safe and secure in his arms, too. She looked away and eyed the clock. Twenty more minutes, tops and she could go home with time to wallow in her depressing thoughts as she gave herself a pep talk on how this was the best thing for her to be right now. Single, alone, and not another victim.

  * * * *

  “Lori.” She heard her name and turned around to see Kyran squeezing between two trucks that blocked her view of the bar and restaurant. She stood by her car with the door open and placed her bag on the passenger seat.

  He stared at her, looking her over in the short skirt and black tank top she wore today.

  “Are you heading home?” he asked, and she leaned against her car.

  “Yup, it was a long day,” she said, and he stepped closer, towering over her and standing with his feet parted, but his eyes were glued to hers.

  “It got crowded in there. I thought you were getting off by six.”

  “Well, that party came in, and so many of their friends joined them. It was too busy for just two bartenders to handle.”

  He reached out and pushed a strand of hair away from her cheek and placed his other hand on her hip. She tightened up and stood straighter.

  “You work really hard. Are you tired?” he asked.

  She looked away from him and tried to avoid his gaze. It was hard to push the attraction away when he was touching her and standing this close.

  “Yes. I just want to kick off my shoes, take a hot shower, and sleep.”

  “Aren’t you hungry?” he asked, and for some reason, she didn’t think of food when he asked. Obviously neither did he. They stared at one another, and she couldn’t move away even when he slowly made his move. Kyran gripped her hair under the base of her head and held her firmly.

  “I can’t resist, Lori. I can’t take it any longer. I need to know.” He swooped down and kissed her. His hold firmed, he smoothed his hand along her lower back, and he pulled her against him. He deepened the kiss, explored her fully, and she ran her hands up his chest, then around his waist.

  She couldn’t believe she was making out with Kyran in the parking lot at work. She worried someone might see, but then she remembered the two trucks blocking the view, and besides that, Kyran wasn’t letting up.

  They finally parted lips to breathe, and then Kyran lifted her and pressed her against the car and ran his palm up her thigh.

  “Damn, woman, you are built for me.” He covered her mouth and kissed her again. She could feel his muscles, the strength in his arms as he held her tight and rocked his hips against her. She felt his hard cock and she knew she needed to slow things down, yet hesitated because she wanted to feel more.

  Thank God Kyran had more control than she did right now. He brushed his thumb over her lips and controlled his breathing.

  “I’m going to follow you home. To make sure you’re safe.”

  “That isn’t necessary.”

  He raised both eyebrows at her. “I’m going to, and then we can talk, maybe make some plans.”

  “Talk?” she asked, and he nodded.

  “It’s early, I’ll follow you home,” he said and then stepped back and held the door as she got into the car.

  The entire ride to her place she wondered what would happen. Her mind fast-forwarded to that kiss they’d shared. She then pulled on her shirt and worried she may smell like food or beer or something. She reached into her bag, and as she drove she sprayed some body spray. This was bad. Really, really bad, she thought as she pulled into the small driveway and Kyran pulled his truck in behind her.

  When she got to her door, she faced him.

  “Well, thank you for following me home, but it wasn’t necessary.”

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in, offer me a drink, so we can talk?”

  “Kyran.” She said his name and he reached up to hold her cheek and head with one hand, and he kissed her. It was sweet and brief. “Ask me in and we’ll talk some more.”

  She wasn’t sure why she opened the door, but the second it was closed, her heart raced and her body was needy. She didn’t resist when Kyran pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  His hands felt incredible as they eased along under her skirt to her ass, and he squeezed and thrust his hips against her while he used his tongue to explore her mouth.

  She loved how it felt. The dips of muscles, the cords of steel in his arms as he maneuvered between her legs, slid under her panties, and thrust two fingers up into her cunt.

  She gasped
and pulled from his mouth, and he suckled her neck and bent her lower so she was forced to hold on to his arms and accept his fingers and his mouth’s exploration.

  When her feet left the floor, she held on to him, lifted, and straddled his waist, her skirt now up to her waist and his fingers thrusting inside her.

  He carried her through the hallway and lowered her to the bed, pulled his fingers from her cunt, and went for the zipper and button on her skirt. She stared at him in shock and awe of the god before her. He dragged her skirt and panties down and then lifted his shirt over his head.

  “What are we doing, Kyran? This is crazy,” she said, yet she didn’t want to stop. She didn’t dare think of the consequences of this.

  “What we should have done months ago and could have been doing since then.”

  He undid his pants, then dropped his drawers, and her mouth gaped open at the sight of him. A long, thick, hard cock stood at attention. His hips dipped in with muscles that led lower to iron-clad, hard thighs and super-defined abs. He pressed a thigh between her bare legs and then lowered to help her remove her top and her bra.

  “Damn, baby, you’re perfect. You’re a fucking supermodel.” He bent down to feast on her breasts. He suckled a nipple and part of her breast into his mouth while he cupped the other one.

  When he pulled from the tip, he made demands on her that turned her on and pushed her to enjoy and accept this. No matter what it was.

  “Touch me. It’s you that made my cock this fucking hard,” he said, and she reached down and caressed his shaft. She ran her hands up and down it until he was panting and then grabbing her hands and pushing them above her head.

  He used his thighs to spread hers so she was wide open to him.

  “I need to grab a condom. You stay like this. Open for me, accepting to me.”

  She panted for breath and felt her cunt drip with cream.

  “I’m on birth control.”

  His eyes glazed over, and he licked his lips, then lowered to begin to feast on her chest again.

  He gave her hands a tap. “Keep them up there. Relinquish control to me,” he said, and holy shit—did she just come from his words alone? My God.

  “I love this fucking belly ring, but I hate that other men love it, too.” He slid his hand along the design of her tattoo that went from her hip to her groin in color.

  “A fighting flower, huh?” he asked, and she was surprised he knew the Chinese symbols and recognized the floral design. He licked along it, and when he got to her groin, he suckled hard.

  His mouth moved closer and closer to where she wanted it, needed it to go. When he plunged his tongue into her cunt and then began to lift her legs over his shoulders, she gasped and raised her hands to steady herself. He stopped immediately.

  “Arms up until I say not to,” he ordered. She responded, shocking herself. He licked his lips. “I promise you pleasure, Lori. Pure pleasure,” he said and then stroked fingers into her cunt while he went back to licking and suckling her skin, arousing her further.

  She felt her body tighten and lifted her pelvis. He, in turn, licked her from cunt to anus back and forth, and she moaned and shivered.

  “Kyran. Oh God, Kyran.”

  He pulled his tongue from her cunt and lowered her legs to the bed. He pulled her by her hips so her ass and cunt lay off the bed. Only her lower back to shoulders was on the comforter.


  “I can’t hold back. You’re incredible, Lori,” he said and lifted her ass and hips, aligned his cock with her pussy, and slowly pushed his cock into her.

  Lori moaned and lifted with him. He stepped closer, his thighs spreading her thighs, her ass and back in the air off the bed adding to her arousal.

  She was so turned on and wet. She was mildly embarrassed she was this wet, until he slid into her fully and began to thrust. “Lori, holy fuck you’re so tight and wet. Goddamn, I can’t get over how this feels. Fuck,” he said.

  “Harder, Kyran. It feels so good. Harder.” She cheered him on, and Kyran began to stroke into her cunt relentlessly. The bed rocked and creaked. He lowered over her, nearly crushing her in this sexual position, and she didn’t care. She tightened up and orgasmed hard. He continued to thrust and held her shoulders down, stroking as deep as he could go like he was on a mission to clear any other memories of another man’s cock in her cunt. It was existential.

  He moved his hands down lower with every thrust, like he was loving the feel of her muscular body and the way her large breasts swayed and bounced with every stroke. When he got to her hips, he gripped her tight and came, grunting her name before he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.

  He was panting for breath, and she was relishing in the aftermath of some serious sex. It had been so long. Too long for her.

  He slowly slid out of her and then pulled her into his arms and lay on her bed. He stroked her hair, her shoulder, then down her ribs, tickling her. She giggled and moved to sit up when he gripped her tighter.

  “Don’t move. Let’s enjoy this. It was incredible,” he said. She looked up into his eyes and saw he was telling the truth. It gave her a moment of peace of mind before the worry started.

  He licked his lower lip and then rolled her to her back. He started kissing her skin, then down over her breasts. She reached up and ran her fingers through his short hair. He caressed her skin and touched her in a very possessive, manly manner that felt so different than anything she’d ever experienced before.

  When he got to her belly ring, he licked the gold hoop and made it wiggle. She chuckled, feeling ticklish, and lifted her pelvis toward his mouth. His hands slid lower to her hips, and he smirked as his gaze landed on the tattoo. He lifted up and lay on his side on his elbow as he traced the colors.

  “This must have hurt.”

  “A little,” she said and watched him. She absorbed the feel of his fingers against her skin, the scent of his cologne, and that he was in her bedroom with her and they’d just had wild sex.

  She slid his hand away and started easing back. He wouldn’t allow it.

  He reached over and snagged her waist and pulled her under him.

  “Don’t,” he said firmly and holding her stare.

  He was above her, straddling her hips. His gaze roamed over her face and then her breasts. He traced her nipple with his fingernail, making it tighten and harden, and then he trailed that finger down to her abs and explored the dips and ridges. She worked hard to have a six-pack. So did he. He was beautiful, perfect, and she looked at his muscular chest and arms, then down to his hips and thighs. He even had a great ass like some stallion. The thought had her blushing, and then he lifted and kissed her again.

  This time he rolled to his back, taking her with him, and she figured he wanted her to explore him as well.

  * * * *

  Kyran could feel his heart racing, and he hoped Lori couldn’t hear it. The feel of her hands on him right now was absolute torture. She didn’t even realize the power she had over him or how badly he had wanted to claim her body and get lost balls-deep in her cunt. She obviously felt the attraction, too, the need to accept these feelings, but she was holding back and starting to pull away. He couldn’t allow that. He needed to know more. He wanted to know more.

  He cupped her breasts, and her lips parted. He ran his palms down to her ribs as she caressed up his chest and to his cheeks. She lifted above him and looked down into his eyes.

  “What the hell did we just do, Kyran?” she asked, and he could see turmoil and maybe pain. It bothered him.

  “What we’ve been wanting to do for a while. It was bound to happen. You should know by now how my brothers and I feel about you.”

  Her eyes widened, and she lifted, unstraddled his waist, and stood up by the side of the bed. She bent down to grab her shirt and pulled it on.

  “Don’t push me away now. That was incredible. What we feel is special.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t do this, Kyran.”

sp; He felt his gut clench and questioned his macho manliness a bit after she was blowing off what they shared as “just sex.”

  He saw it as a beginning, an icebreaker to where they would eventually be.

  “Can’t do what? Accept that you’re attracted to my brothers and me? Engage in a ménage? What?” He pushed up and sat on the edge of the bed.

  She looked at him and worried her bottom lip. “I’m not denying the attraction. I’m just saying nothing more can come of this.”

  He started to get angry and jealous. Most women threw themselves at him and his brothers, and it appeared Lori was immune to his charms, his lovemaking, and how powerful the connection was. It didn’t make sense.

  He reached out and pulled her between his legs by her shirt. Her long, dirty blonde hair was set free while they made love. She was sexy and sweet but looked a little intimidated right now.

  “We’ll work things out slowly.”

  “I don’t want to work things out slowly.”

  “Then I’ll call my brothers right now, and they can join us, and we can talk.”

  “No, I don’t want your brothers here now, too. Why? So they can fuck me, claim me, and then start controlling my life? No thank you. I control my life and make my own decisions.”

  “Whoa, slow down. It isn’t like that. You should know what a ménage relationship entails. You see Antonia, Amber, and Carina on a daily basis. Do they look controlled?” he asked with attitude.

  She shook her head. He ran his hands under her shirt and over her ass, pulling her closer.

  “Don’t jump the gun and run to conclusions.” He smoothed his hands against her skin up under her shirt and then leaned back, making her lose her balance. He rolled her onto her back and pressed between her thighs.

  “One step at a time. We got this.”

  * * * *

  Lori took a deep breath as her diaphragm opened up when Kyran pressed her hands above her head. He lifted, she held his gaze, and he slowly began to push his cock between her wet pussy lips. She was aroused, so damn attracted to the man he should be illegal. As his thick cock eased into her deeper and deeper, he wouldn’t break eye contact with her.


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