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Exile: Ghost Academy (YA paranormal adventure, book 4)

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by K. E. O'Connor

  “I’m fine, I didn’t get hurt. But Charlie, I don’t know what happened to him. We were fighting with another ghost and it just latched onto Charlie’s energy and drained him in seconds. I’ve never seen anything like it before, he was so powerful.” Lauren swiped her hands across her eyes.

  “We will do what we can for Charlie,” said Theo. “But I have to say he doesn’t look too good.”

  “Anything, do what you can. I can’t lose him like this,” said Lauren. “He was protecting me.”

  Theo’s eyes narrowed. “You really like him don’t you?”

  Lauren nodded, her shoulders aching with tension. “He’s my best friend at the Academy, he stuck by me even when we were evicted. I can’t let him down now.”

  Theo’s expression softened. “You’ve come to the best place. Maggie may have strange ways of working but she does not give up on her causes, and she hates to see ghosts who have been injured by those who should be protecting them or working with them. If we can help Charlie then we will, you have my word on that.”

  “Thank you.” Lauren sagged against Theo for a second but then pulled herself upright and turned back to Charlie. “I need to stay with him to make sure he’s okay.”

  “You being here won’t make any difference to him,” said Theo. “Remus is an expert when it comes to the cells. He will keep an eye on Charlie and get the containment fields around him operating effectively to help him keep his current form stable.”

  “That’s right,” said Remus, not looking up from the panel. “I’ll tinker with the field and then when his form is not flickering like that,” he gestured towards the cell, “I will begin to feed him some power and try to restore his form to a more solid shape. It could take days, so there’s no point in you waiting with him. You’ll just get in my way.”

  “Remus does not like it when people get in his way,” whispered Theo.

  Remus grunted in response.

  “But Charlie will want me here when he’s more aware of what’s going on. I would hate to think of him being freaked out when he realises he is inside one of your cells,” said Lauren. “He might think he’s your prisoner.”

  “He won’t know what’s happening to him for days,” said Remus. “You may as well take a rest yourself. You could even do with your own energy boost.” His gaze flashed over Lauren before he turned his attention back to the cell.

  “He’s right you know,” said Theo. “I’ve never seen you look so worn out. Come with me, we can go to the food store and you can pick a meal.”

  Lauren moved away from Theo, shaking her head. “There is no way I’m feeding on any humans you keep here. I’d rather go hungry.”

  Theo frowned. “You really wouldn’t want to go hungry, because when you do, you disappear. What will you feed on if you won’t have one of our humans?”

  “Another ghost?”

  “Bit of a risk that,” said Theo. “Not sure you’ll be able to stop once you start.”

  “I don’t take much.” Lauren pushed back the thoughts of her feeding on Professor Granville and almost extinguishing her energy by accident.

  “How about we go to a portal?” asked Theo. “You can regenerate from one of those and then you can come back here and spend some time with Charlie.”

  Lauren hesitated, her attention going back to Charlie.

  “We will be quick, and he really won’t know you are gone,” said Theo.

  “Okay, I can do that, so long as we’re quick,” said Lauren.

  Theo grabbed hold of Lauren’s hand and grinned at her. “I know the perfect portal.”

  They appeared outside a small stone built church, its ancient roof made out of wooden planks. Lauren’s gaze went around the churchyard. A number of headstones had toppled over and much of the grass was overgrown, brambles thick around her feet.

  “I’ve been to a church before that had a portal,” said Lauren.

  “Sort of sensible really, having them here,” said Theo. “This is where the dead are buried and their ghosts sometimes like to linger around their bodies to see what happens to them. Afterwards, they can simply pop into the church and cross over.”

  Lauren nodded. “Makes sense. Where’s the portal?”

  “It’s inside the church,” said Theo. “Follow me.”

  After another quick glance around, Lauren followed Theo through the small wooden door of the church. “Is this place still in use?”

  “Not really, it’s a small country church so it doesn’t get many visitors these days,” said Theo. “But they hold a Sunday service here a couple of times a month. Other than that it’s usually locked, but as you know doors are not a problem for us.”

  “And why is this the perfect portal for me?”

  “It is old and strong, and will give you enough energy to blow the roof off if you want to.” Theo winked at Lauren.

  “I don’t want to do that, I just need to get my form together and then return to check on Charlie. I don’t want him to be on his own for long.”

  “We won’t hurt him,” said Theo. “Despite all the rumours about us that you persist in believing, we do look after injured ghosts.”

  “It’s not that, it’s just that he’s...”

  “I get it, you like the guy, don’t rub my nose in it.” Theo frowned. “Are the two of you official now?”

  “No, it’s not that, it’s just that Charlie is really open about things. He hasn’t been jaded by what’s happened to him. He’s kind and, I don’t know, gentle, I guess.”

  Theo stared at Lauren, before shrugging and walking forward. “I understand. This world didn’t screw him up when he was alive and you don’t want anything bad to happen to him now he’s dead.”

  “Something like that. You don’t meet many innocent people in this world anymore.”

  Theo nodded. “The world has a strange way of ruining most people. Guess I’m glad you have someone like Charlie by your side.”

  “Me too.” Lauren looked around the inside of the church. The light coming in through the remaining stained glass filtered the colours to muted shades of red and blue. A half dozen rows of wooden pews sat either side of the aisle and a small altar stood in front of the pews, bare except for a deep red runner along the top. “Where is this portal?”

  “You’re standing on it.”

  Lauren looked down and saw a memorial stone under her feet. She knelt down and brushed her fingers over the worn stone. There were carvings of swords and a shield at the top of the stone. “I can’t make the name out.”

  “You are standing on a knight of the realm no less,” said Theo. “Sir Alfred Cain.”

  “He’s under our feet?” Lauren stood up and took a step back, not wanting to appear disrespectful.

  “No, most likely his actual body is in the churchyard or possibly a crypt. Or maybe even buried in a fancy abbey somewhere. I don’t know. He must have had a connection to the parish, otherwise, the stone wouldn’t be here.”

  “What’s under there?” Lauren pointed at the stone.

  “Why don’t we find out?”

  Lauren sighed. “I don’t have time for one of your games.”

  “It will take two minutes.” Theo grinned. “The portal is down there so we need to go underground anyway. It’s linked to the stone work of the church. We go underground, you tap into the portal energy and then we can return to your precious Charlie.”

  “Two minutes.” Lauren raised an eyebrow at Theo.

  “You will love this portal.” Theo grinned. “It’s really strong.”

  “After you then.” Lauren pointed at the stone.

  “Let’s use the stairs. They take us down into the crypt.” Theo hopped over the stone and walked to the back of the church.

  Lauren repressed a shudder. Even though she was now one of the ghosts that walked among the living, going into a crypt did not appeal to her for a single second.

  She followed Theo through a small wooden door, down a flight of stone steps and turned a corner.
br />   “Watch your step,” said Theo. “It’s dark down here. Hold on a second, there are candles somewhere.”

  Lauren heard Theo scuffling around and then a match struck, dazzling Lauren for a few seconds as Theo lit two candles and passed one to her.

  “This way.” Theo led Lauren along a narrow stone corridor that opened up to a slightly wider room, with carved spaces on either side of the walls. “Welcome to the crypt.”

  Lauren looked around. “There are skeletons inside those spaces?” She pointed to a gap in the wall.

  “Some, although not all of them are full. Most of the bones have been removed, but there are a few stone coffins at the end. I’ve never looked inside, but they could well be someone’s last resting place.”

  Lauren shivered and clutched the candle tighter. “Let’s just get to the portal.”

  Theo continued to walk along the corridor. “It’s underneath that memorial stone we looked at.”

  Lauren ducked under a low stone archway as she followed Theo.

  “Here it is.” Theo stepped to one side. To the right of him was a chunk of wall, with a rough shape of a door carved into it. Jagged markings were etched around the outside of the door. “This one has been modified just for the Deviants use. We have someone watching it so we know if anyone from the Academy visits and tries to meddle with it.”

  Lauren peered at the portal entrance. “Modified how?”

  “So we can have an afterlife if we choose.” Theo held his hands up. “It’s far from perfect yet. You don’t get harps and angels in there when you step through. But there’s light, warmth and colour and we see each other.”

  A shudder of anticipation traced along Lauren’s spine. “It really works for us? Does it do any harm to the normal ghosts?”

  Theo shook his head. “Maybe we’re the normal ones and they are the freaks. Ever stopped to think about that?”

  Lauren’s gaze remained fixed on the stone door. “You know what I mean. Do the other ghosts that use this portal to cross over suffer because of the changes you’ve made to the portal?”

  “From what we can tell, they don’t get such an amazing afterlife, but they get something in between. They seem okay about it. And it’s a compromise I’d be willing to live with.” Theo nodded at the portal. “We’re still working on improving it, to give people a better option than the Greyness, but it’s good in there, you'll like it.”

  Lauren smiled. “I was trying to create something similar with Charlie and the freak who attacked him. You remember visiting us at the lake? We found an old portal there that seemed out of use and were working to get it operating for all ghosts, just like you’re doing with this one.”

  Theo grinned. “You see, we aren’t so different from each other. We both just want to help others.”

  Lauren shrugged. “Maybe not.”

  “I often go in this portal when I just need some down time, away from all this.” He waved his hands around the crypt, the candle flame flickering as he did so.

  “And it’s okay for me to go inside? I won’t cross over if I do?” Lauren slowly raised a hand to the portal and pressed her fingers against the stone, feeling the instant give as the portal opened up. The energy had a different feel than her previous portal experiences, but it didn’t feel negative, the waves of energy pulsing from the portal felt warm and inviting.

  “You won’t cross over, not if you don’t want to. You’ll like it in there, it’s very...peaceful.” Theo pushed his hand through the stone. “The energy panel is on the right when you go inside.”

  “Stay here,” said Lauren. “I don’t need your help with this.”

  Theo chuckled but then removed his hand and stepped away from the portal entrance. “Don’t take too long in there, your boyfriend will be waiting for you.”

  Lauren shook her head, handed Theo her candle and then stepped into the portal.

  Chapter 8

  Lauren’s vision took a moment to adjust to the brightness in the portal. She held her hand over her eyes as she looked around. Theo had been right, this was something different. A warm breeze lifted her hair from her face and the scent of fresh flowers filled her nose.

  She sighed and allowed a tiny smile to creep across her face. This was an afterlife she might be able to handle. Lauren shook her head, not wanting to be distracted by what was on offer inside the portal.

  She hurried along the right wall of the portal and located the energy panel. Lauren flipped the cover off and stuck her hands straight in.

  The beams glowed with an aquamarine blue, tiny shreds of black and green shooting through it as Lauren clasped an energy beam and focused on drawing in some of the energy from the portal. After a moment, she let go and looked herself over. Everything seemed to be in the right place, and after another quick look around, she hurried back out of the portal.

  “Did you enjoy it in there?” asked Theo.

  Lauren nodded. “It felt good. I saw different colours in the energy beams. Is that how you altered it?”

  “We adjusted the energy frequencies. Took months of testing before it was stable enough to use, but it works well. And it will only get better the more we work on it.” He held a candle out to Lauren. “You probably won’t need this.”

  “Why not?”

  “Your eyes are glowing blue.”

  Lauren rubbed at her eyes. “It happens when I take portal energy sometimes.”

  “It’s kind of cute, in a weird alien looking way.”

  Lauren snatched the candle and dashed back up the stairs and into the church. “We need to get back to Charlie and see how he’s doing.”

  Theo followed Lauren until they were outside the church. “Take my hand, I’ll get us home.”

  Lauren ignored the tone of resignation that laced through Theo’s words as she grabbed his hand. She had to focus on getting to Charlie and make sure he was safe. She couldn’t look after someone else’s bruised ego right now.

  They arrived back at the Deviants house and into the main entrance lobby. Lauren dashed away from Theo and back to Charlie, running to the cells.

  “How’s he doing?” she asked Remus, who still stood by the control panel as she entered the room.

  Remus didn’t even look up. “You’ve been gone less than ten minutes, how do you think he’s doing? I said this could take days to sort out.”

  “I just wanted to make sure he was stable.”

  “He’s not, he’s a mess. His energy signature is flashing like a stripper in the red light district.”

  Lauren heard Theo laugh behind her as he walked through the doors. “That’s Remus’s polite way of saying this is a tough job.” He walked over and slapped Remus on the back.

  “It’s an impossible job,” replied Remus.

  “Don’t say that.” Lauren’s face paled as she looked at Charlie who was still slumped over, his chin resting down on his chest. “Maybe I can go in and talk to him.”

  “No, I’m not dropping the energy field around him, it’s too risky. Your guy really will be gone for good if I do that.” Remus glanced at Lauren and some of the hardness on his face vanished. “I get you’re worried, but I’m doing all I can to help him.”

  Lauren nodded, the tightness in her throat making it hard for her to swallow.

  Theo walked over to Lauren. “I know the perfect solution. We’ve been trying to watch a movie together ever since we first met. Why don’t we do that? You pick, whatever you like.”

  Lauren looked back at Charlie. “It doesn’t feel right.”

  “He will be fine. You can come and see how he’s doing whenever you like,” said Theo.

  Remus grunted. “I need quiet to be able to do my work. There are no visiting hours here.”

  Theo smiled. “Okay, maybe not all the time, but Remus won’t mind you coming in a few times a day to make sure everything is going well.”

  Remus grunted again but then nodded. “No more than three times a day. A man needs his space to work miracles.”

  Lauren eventually turned away from Charlie. “Okay, I guess he needs time to recover.”

  “The movie room awaits whenever you like,” said Theo.

  “A movie would be good.”

  “Just go you two, before I make a mistake and accidentally blow Charlie apart.” A smirk flitted across Remus’s face.

  Lauren opened her mouth to protest, but Theo simply laughed and grabbed hold of her hand. “Let’s get out of here.” He moved his lips to Lauren’s ear. “He’s brilliant at what he does but Remus is not what you’d call a team player.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t stay here at all.” Lauren allowed Theo to lead her out of the room. “I know the others will be worried about Charlie. I should give them an update about what’s going on.”

  “The Academy didn’t welcome you back, did they?”

  “Not exactly.” Lauren twisted her hair around her fingers. “Some of them did, but it didn’t feel safe back there. I wasn’t certain what they had planned for Charlie.”

  “So, stay here, even if it’s just until Charlie recovers.” Theo nudged Lauren with an elbow. “I promise you we are okay. Well, I am at least.”

  Lauren nodded. “Yeah, you’re okay.”

  “A compliment from you, at last.” Theo grinned. “Okay, horror, sci-fi, romantic comedy, adventure. What is your poison when it comes to movies?”

  “How about a silent movie?” Lauren rubbed her fingers across her forehead.

  “I might be able to find something with subtitles and we can mute the sound?”

  “I’m glad I found you.” Maggie approached them from along the corridor, her gaze fixed on Lauren. “How is your friend? I trust Remus is looking after him?”

  Lauren looked back at the doors to the cells. “He seems to be doing okay at the moment.”

  “Remus will help him, he is excellent at what he does.” Maggie smiled. “Now, I wanted to speak with you, Lauren, about your options for staying with us.”

  “Maggie, maybe you could do this later?” Theo gently pulled Lauren towards him. “Lauren could do with some down time of her own. Sounds like she’s been through a lot recently.”

  Maggie’s lips pursed before she let out a sigh. “Perhaps you are right.” She brushed a hand down Lauren’s arm.


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