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Exile: Ghost Academy (YA paranormal adventure, book 4)

Page 17

by K. E. O'Connor

  Lauren laughed. “Not quite what I meant.”

  They reached Professor Templeton’s door and both of their expressions grew grim.

  Lauren sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. “Let’s see what he has in store for us.”

  Chapter 13

  Professor Templeton was not alone when he opened the door. Professor Granville and Professor Mackintosh were also in the office, sitting in chairs by the side of the desk.

  “Come in, both of you, take a seat,” he said, gesturing to two chairs by his desk.

  Professor Templeton returned to his seat and leaned back, staring at them for several seconds.

  “How’s the rebuilding efforts going?” Lauren couldn’t hold off from filling the silence any longer.

  Professor Templeton sat forward. “It’s going well. As you heard, we should be in our new establishment shortly.”

  Lauren nodded and looked over at Charlie who seemed content to sit silently in his seat.

  Professor Templeton cleared his throat. “Charlie provided us with an update of your activities whilst you were outside of the Academy. We have been to evaluate the portal you discovered and you will be pleased to know it is still working just as you left it.”

  “Does that mean I have an afterlife to go to?” Lauren felt a swirl of excitement in her stomach.

  “We have not made any changes to that portal, and will not do so,” said Professor Templeton. “If you wish to use it one day to cross over, it will be there for you.”

  Lauren smiled. “Thanks, Professor. That means a lot.” It wouldn’t give her a perfect afterlife but if Lauren ever decided she no longer wished to remain a part of the Academy she had somewhere she could go to.

  “I also told them about Grant and what happened,” said Charlie.

  “Do you know him?” asked Lauren.

  “We remember Grant.” Professor Mackintosh leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “That guy was a real piece of work. Became addicted to draining human energy after his very first hit. Managed to escape from here before we could deal with him.”

  “What will happen to him?” asked Lauren.

  “We’re looking out for him, and when things settle at the Academy, Professor Mackintosh will focus on tracking him down,” said Professor Templeton.

  “It will be my pleasure to remove that stain from our Academy,” said Professor Mackintosh.

  “Mitch, we will work hard to rehabilitate Grant before we do anything drastic,” said Professor Granville sharply.

  Professor Mackintosh snorted and sat back. “Yeah, what she said.”

  “What happens next?” asked Lauren, looking back at Professor Templeton.

  “That is really for your new Head of Academy to determine.”

  “I mean with us,” said Lauren. “We’re back in the Academy, but I guess you’ve not forgotten the reasons why we were asked to leave.”

  “Ah, yes. Well, let me just say that I have been reflecting on recent events.” Professor Templeton leaned back.

  Lauren shifted around and looked down at her bitten nails. “And?”

  “And your graduation is in two weeks’ time.”

  Lauren’s eyes widened as she looked back at Professor Templeton. “You mean that’s it? No punishment?”

  Professor Templeton looked around his office, his gaze drifting along the bookshelves. “We are moving on, all of us. Mistakes were made, some of them mine. But I believe the Academy is stronger for it.”

  “We get to graduate?” asked Charlie.

  Professor Mackintosh grunted. “Even I got to graduate, kid.”

  That didn’t reassure Lauren. “Are you saying I shouldn’t?” She glared at Professor Mackintosh.

  He grunted again but stopped when Professor Granville placed a hand on his arm.

  “All of us have every faith in your abilities to do great things at the Academy,” she said. “If anything, you have taught us some useful lessons, and that change is not a bad thing.”

  Professor Mackintosh sighed. “Lauren and I have talked. She understands I’ve been a bit hard on them both. I’m just...protective of things that matter to me.”

  Lauren was tempted to argue the point with Professor Mackintosh but saw the way he looked at Professor Granville and decided to keep quiet.

  Professor Templeton nodded. “You do indeed both get to graduate. Your team have worked well together and succeeded in a number of assignments. All students who meet the required criteria graduate the Academy.”

  “What about you?” Lauren asked Professor Templeton. “If you’re not in charge anymore, what will you do?”

  A faint smile crossed Professor Templeton’s face. “I have places I would like to visit. I have been at the Academy for decades and have lost touch with people and places I once cared about. I’m going to find them and make new memories there.”

  “Will you still be a part of the Academy?” asked Charlie.

  “Oh, yes. I will return, perhaps do some teaching, but I have old haunts I’d like to remember if you will pardon my poor pun,” said Professor Templeton.

  “It’s good to know you aren’t leaving for good,” said Lauren.

  He smiled. “I was perhaps too hasty with my decisions about you. I am not saying everything that happened was correct, but you should never have been made to leave.”

  Lauren shifted in her seat, feeling herself blush.

  “Professor Templeton will be a part of the Academy for as long as he wishes to be,” said Professor Granville. “There is still a lot of work to be done, not least of which is opening our new building, and finally fixing the portals to ensure ghosts have a safe passage to their afterlives.”

  “Yes, and I believe your unique abilities with the portals may be called upon to assist us once again,” said Professor Templeton to Lauren. “Professor Altman and Jeremy are busy setting up a team to begin work on the portals and make sure they are safe and would like you to be involved.”

  Lauren nodded. “Okay, if you need me, I’d be happy to help.”

  “We do need you both. You have shown great skills and we are proud to have you back with us,” said Professor Granville.

  “Well, excellent. I believe there is work to do, and let us not forget we have some graduations to prepare for,” said Professor Templeton.

  Lauren looked over at Charlie and he grinned at her. Maybe the Academy could finally be home for both of them.


  Lauren shuffled in her seat, tangling her hands into her purple graduation gown. All of the students were back in the main library, seated in rows facing the professors. A buzz of anticipation laced through the room.

  “This is it,” said Esmee. “We finally get to graduate, no more pointless studying for us.”

  Lauren shook her head. “The pointless studying got us here.”

  “It doesn’t end today, babe,” said Alex. “We get into the advanced stuff now.”

  “I’m advanced enough. I just want to be out on assignment,” said Esmee.

  “I’d be happier staying inside,” said Charlie.

  “You Goths are all the same, scared of sunlight and hard work,” said Esmee.

  “I’m not a Goth,” protested Charlie. “And I work hard.”

  “Ignore her,” said Lauren. “She’s just worried about where she’s going to end up. If Professor Mackintosh has his way, we’ll probably all be on grunt duties.” She recalled his less than enthusiastic response at her return.

  She looked over to Professor Mackintosh, who sat facing the students, his arms crossed and the usual scowl on his face. Their relationship was definitely improving, but it was going to take work to convince him she could be trusted.

  “Let’s see what Professor Templeton has in store for us,” said Alex. “You never know, he might decide Esmee would make a perfect kitchen wench.”

  “Shut up, loser.” Esmee swatted Alex with the wide sleeve of her gown. “I’m going to get an elite team to be a part of.”

  He caught hold of her hand and kissed the back of it.

  “Students, welcome to this term’s graduation ceremony.” Professor Templeton stood up from his seat at the front and looked around the room. He was dressed in a long, dark red ceremonial gown, complete with red mortar board on his head, just like the rest of the teaching staff.

  All the students, mentors and teachers were present in the library. The Professors sat in a row behind Professor Templeton, the mentors were in the front row and right behind them sat the new graduates; Alex, Esmee, Charlie and Lauren.

  “We have had perhaps the most interesting and testing term for a long time, and it is without doubt testimony to your skills and tenacity that the Academy is still thriving and in fact growing. Just yesterday, we had four new students arrive and begin their induction,” said Professor Templeton.

  “It’s the new us,” Alex whispered.

  Esmee shushed him and whacked his arm again.

  “Today is a day for celebration, as we welcome our four new graduates into the Academy, and recognise their work and dedication,” said Professor Templeton. “Without further delay, let us begin the certificate presentations.”

  The four of them shifted in their seats, knowing they were about to discover what the Academy believed they were capable of.

  “Esmee Morgan.” Professor Templeton’s gaze landed on Esmee as she climbed the steps towards him, her long purple graduation gown almost touching the floor, her blonde hair plaited neatly down her back and a tentative smile on her face.

  They shook hands and he passed her a graduation certificate. “For services to society and with particular note to your skills and aptitude in the field of vengeance,” said Professor Templeton. “Professor Granville has requested you join her specialist taskforce working with abused women. She would value your skills in seeking retribution for the wrongs done to the innocent.”

  Esmee gripped her certificate “I can handle that.” Her smile grew as she moved away from Professor Templeton.

  “Alex Young,” said Professor Templeton.

  Alex bounded up the steps and clasped Professor Templeton’s hand in both of his, before accepting his certificate.

  “You have shown great loyalty in the field, taking on tasks with effortless enthusiasm. Your cheerful nature has made you a joy to teach and I do not believe I have ever heard a negative thing said about you,” said Professor Templeton.

  Lauren leaned over to Charlie. “He must not have been listening to Esmee.”

  Charlie grinned at her.

  “Thanks, Professor.” Alex gave a small hop of delight into the air. “What’s my speciality to be?”

  “As I said, everyone would welcome you with them. It is up to you to decide what you would most like to do. Perhaps when you have completed your studies, you may consider becoming a mentor to new recruits?”

  “I...don’t know.” He turned his stunned expression to his friends. “I’ll think about it, thanks.” Alex hurried down the steps after Esmee.

  “Charlie Howard,” said Professor Templeton.

  Charlie made his way onto the stage and accepted his certificate.

  “You have shown great skill in healing the damaged among us. Professor Altman has asked for you to join her team in an official capacity. It will mean fewer field assignments and more work inside the laboratory with her and Jeremy. How does that strike you?”

  Charlie grinned and shook Professor Templeton’s hand. “Sounds great, Professor.” He gave Lauren a thumbs up as he walked back to his seat.

  “Lauren Cole.” Professor Templeton smiled at her as she approached, and she tugged at the sleeve of her graduation gown.

  She reached for her certificate, but Professor Templeton held it back.

  “This has been something of an adventure for you,” he said.

  Lauren lowered her hand. “It has.”

  “And what area do you want to work in now you have reached graduation?”

  Lauren’s response was immediate. “The portals.”

  Professor Templeton nodded. “I believe that would be a sensible choice, but much like Alex, you have been offered positions under various professors, so do not rush in making your decision.”

  “It has to be the portals,” said Lauren. “I want to learn all I can about them. Keep them safe, make sure they work, for everybody.”

  Professor Templeton raised his eyebrows. “Yes, that is a good idea. No one should be without the opportunity for an afterlife if they so desire to move on.” He passed the certificate to Lauren and shook her hand. “You have done good work here. The Academy thanks you for opening us up to different ways of working.”

  Lauren nodded, surprised to feel her eyes filling with tears. She hurried away from the stage and back to Charlie, sitting down swiftly in her seat.

  Charlie reached over and squeezed her hand. “You did great.”

  “I believe it is now time for some celebrations,” announced Professor Templeton. “Refreshments will be served in the front lounge and you may all have the rest of the afternoon off as we welcome our new graduates.”

  Slowly, the students dispersed, many of them stopping to congratulate the four new graduates, who stood by the door, shaking people’s hands and nodding thanks.

  “This party had better make up for the one that got ruined when they kicked out Charlie and Lauren,” said Esmee as the last of the students left the library.

  “Let’s go and see shall we?” Alex grabbed hold of Esmee and twirled her in a circle. “We’re graduates now, the least they can get us is a cake.”

  “You don’t even eat cake.” Esmee shrieked as Alex spun her round faster.

  “You do, and that’s all I care about, making you happy.” Alex stopped spinning and kissed Esmee.

  Lauren and Charlie stood by the doorway, watching Alex and Esmee break apart, startled expressions on both of their faces.

  “That looked like fun,” said Charlie. “You want to try the whole spinning thing?”

  Lauren laughed. “No, I definitely don’t want to try that.”

  “How about this?” Charlie leaned forward and kissed Lauren’s cheek. “I know we’ve still got loads of work ahead of us, fixing portals, getting used to the new Academy, keeping clear of ghost hunters, but together we can achieve it.”

  “We won’t be working together so much anymore. You’ll be fixing broken ghosts—”

  “And you’ll be fixing broken portals for my broken ghosts to use.” Charlie kissed Lauren’s cheek again. “It could work nicely.”

  Lauren’s smile was hesitant but she felt full of hope. “It does sound like a pretty good combination.”

  “Let’s go, we have a party to get to.” Charlie took hold of Lauren’s hand and they followed Alex and Esmee along the corridor to the lounge.

  Lauren paused as they reached the door, smiling as she saw so many happy faces in the room. She watched Alex smear pink cake icing on Esmee’s cheek and Professor Granville deep in conversation with Jeremy, who was trying desperately not to stare at her mouth the whole time. Her gaze shifted to her mentor, Spencer, who had helped her out of a number of scrapes, and Professor Mackintosh who stood apart from the group, a drink in one hand. Professor Rose chatted to Professor Templeton, a cookie in one hand and a mug of tea in the other.

  Finally, Lauren turned and looked up at Charlie and smiled at him as he waited patiently by her side. The Academy wasn’t perfect and there was a lot of work to do, but she knew this was the right place for her.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13




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