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The Faye's Secret: A Keepers of Light novel

Page 17

by Sarah Beth

  Wesley’s thigh moved against hers as he squirmed in his seat, warmth flashing up her body at the friction of jeans. When Abby looked over at her, Tori’s eyes were shining with a smile she was trying to hide.

  “That’s not a bad idea. We could ask Claire if you could use her guest room for a while. That way someone is close enough to keep an eye on things.” said Alex, his head nodding in Wesley’s direction.

  Studiously trying to ignore the heat in her body, Abby held up a hand, “Hang on a sec, I don’t need a babysitter.” Not that she hated the idea of Wesley staying in the city, but she also didn’t like to feel smothered. She could take care of herself.

  “Of course you don’t,” Alex chuckled, “But it would make everyone feel better, having him close by. Besides, that will give you two some time to get to know each other without any of us around to bug you.” His eyes were positively dancing and Abby felt the blush rise in her cheeks again.

  But before she could say anything, Alex nodded his head firmly and rose from his seat. “Excellent, I’ll give Claire a call and fill her in.” He headed for the kitchen, setting his mug in the sink. “You two can leave in the morning. Will that be alright, Abby?”

  She sat there a little stunned, trying to figure out how the conversation had ended to abruptly, but nodded her head. “Uh, yeah...I’ll email my teachers. Say I’ll be back on Wednesday.”

  Alex nodded again, smiling at her as he headed for the stairs, “Excellent.” They watched him disappear up the stairs and then Tori was laughing, clutching her stomach.

  “You should see your face!”

  Abby looked over at her, a smile growing on her face at the sound of Tori’s laugh, “Does he do that a lot?”

  Wesley chuckled, leaning back into the couch, his shoulder bumped hers. “What? You mean make a decision and end the conversation before anyone can say anything more?” He glanced over at Tori, smiling. They said in unison, “Yes.”

  She couldn’t stop the chuckle from escaping her lips, “Oh, well that’s good to know.”

  Tori wiped her eyes, a laugh still on her lips. “You two should probably stop by Kyle and Warren’s place before you leave, they’ll be upset if you don’t say goodbye and they still want to meet Abby.”

  Wesley nodded, his head against the cushion, “We can swing by on the way out.”

  Nodding, Tori grabbed her mug off the table and headed for the kitchen, “I’ve got to get more homework done.” She smiled at Abby over the back of the couch, “You better wake me up before you leave.”

  “Don’t worry,” Abby turned to face her, “We won’t leave that early. I plan to enjoy sleeping soundly in this house one more time.”

  Tori’s brows pulled together, “I’ll mention to Alex that maybe we can get Claire to cleanse your apartment. Maybe that will keep the spirits away.”

  Gratitude filled Abby chest, “Thank you.”

  Tori smiled again as she headed for the stairs, “Don’t mention it, it shouldn’t be a problem.” With her hand on the bottom banister, she looked back at Abby and Wesley on the couch and her smile grew, “Sleep well, you two.”

  The fire crackled behind her, the heat warm on her back, but her attention was on the man beside her. The room suddenly felt a lot smaller than it had, now that everyone else was gone. And it wasn’t a small room, she knew that. The kitchen was still to their left, beyond the couch. The front foyer and dining area where ahead of her. But it felt like the only space that existed in that moment was the couch under her thighs and the man beside her. She watched, mesmerized, as a small smile grew on his face. She couldn’t help but smile back, “What?”

  He shrugged, his smile turning coy. He started to lean in, closing in the inches that had been separating them. Warmth started to flood her body, originating from his hand on the back of her neck. Her heartbeat picked up, like a jackhammer in her chest. His smile grew bigger, and she knew that he could hear her heartbeat. Damn werewolf.

  She was about to open her mouth, to say something, anything, but then his lips met hers. She was fairly certain her brain short circuited. How was it possible for the world to disappear when someone kissed her? Not someone, though, just Wesley. It had never felt like this when any of her high school boyfriends had kissed her.

  No, this was different. Strikingly different. Terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. The noise of the fire burning fell away, the feeling of the couch cushions against her bare arms was no longer noticeable. Even the murmur of Alex’s voice in his office wasn’t important anymore. All that mattered was the man in front of her. His hand fell down her back, pushed into her shoulder blades, pulling her closer. His other hand came to rest on her face, gentle as his thumb ran against her cheek bone. A flush followed his finger as it trailed against her skin. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. Her lungs constricted and begged for a minute to breathe. Her brain was telling her to back off, to put some space between them. And yet her heart was willing her to never move from that spot.

  She couldn’t remember a time when her body was at such conflict with itself. She couldn’t decide if the rapid speed of her heart was due to the anxiety of having someone so close, or because of how expertly he kissed. It was all becoming too much; his hand pressing firmly on her lower back, his thigh flush against hers on the couch, their kiss that was turning into something more. With a small gasp, Abby put her hand on Wesley’s chest and gently pushed him away. She refused to acknowledge the part of her that mourned the loss of his lips on hers. He let her push him away, and she knew that he had allowed it to happen. He was infinitely stronger than her. He rested his forehead against hers, both of them taking a moment to breathe heavily.

  “I just…” Her brain wasn’t working yet, she didn’t even know what she was going to say. She only knew that she needed space.

  Whether it was the bond they unknowingly shared, or just Wesley being observant, he shook his head briefly before placing a kiss to her forehead. “It’s okay...I was getting carried away. We should— we should go to bed.” Trying to ignore the way her stomach flip flopped when he said that, knowing that he hadn’t meant anything by it, she nodded.

  He got up first, extending a hand down to her, his face calm and possibly the happiest Abby had ever seen anyone. She let him pull her from the couch and lead her towards the stairs, leaving the mugs forgotten on the coffee table. When they reached the stairs, he placed his hand on her shoulder, running his fingers down her arm feather light until he could grasp her hand. She leaned back into the banister, let the wood digging into her back keep her grounded.

  Placing a gentle kiss to her forehead, leaving his lips there longer than necessary, he smiled down at her. “Sleep well, Abs.”

  She nodded, unable to find her voice after such a tender gesture. His hand fell away as he stepped back. Running a hand through his hair, he turned and walked towards the stairs that would lead him to the basement. And away from her. She watched as he stopped at the top of the stairs, his hand resting on the railing, and cast one last glance at her, before descending out of her view. She stood there a moment, forcing herself to ignore the intense need under her skin to follow him. With a deep sigh, she turned her back to the basement and headed up the stairs to her bedroom. Focusing on the feeling of smooth wood under her palm and not comparing it to the feeling of his lips on hers at all.

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  The next morning, after a full breakfast of waffles with all of the toppings, Wesley and Abby headed down the dirt road to see Kyle and Warren. The two men had gotten back from the city around midnight and they wanted to meet Abby properly before she went back to the city. Wesley wasn’t sure what kind of state they would be in when he and Abby knocked on their door. His pack brothers were known for enjoying their alone time and liking to catch up on sleep after a late night.

  Wesley looked in his rear view mirror for the tenth time since leaving the driveway. Seeing Abby
’s blue Civic following him only calmed his nerves a fraction. It was the first time they had driven separately since he found her in that cemetery. He had argued with her that morning about her driving her own car.

  They had been standing in the driveway. He had found her and Tori out there loading her things into her car. “Why are you putting that stuff in there?”

  Abby had looked at him with a raised brow, “Because I’m driving my car back to Seattle.”

  His wolf had woken up at her words, his chest vibrating with a growl he had only just been able to contain. He had taken a deep breath before speaking, “Why? We can just drive together in my truck.”

  “Because I’m not leaving my car here. I need my own transport, you’re not driving me around everywhere.”

  He had sure planned on doing just that. A sigh had escaped his lips then, “But what if something happens? What if a ghost bothers you again on the way there? I can’t protect you if I’m not in the same vehicle as you.”

  Tori and Abby had shared a look, before Abby had crossed her arms over her chest. “I was up late reading last night, one of those books from Elazar? I can protect myself from a ghost, thank you.” She had turned back to her trunk, tossing her new boots in. “I’m driving my car. I’ll follow you all the way there.”

  Cringing at the memory, Wesley turned his attention back to the road in front of him. Why had he been an idiot that morning? It made no difference if she drove her car back to the city. Except that it set his nerve endings on fire not having her near him. Maybe going back to the city, so Abby could go to classes, was a good thing. A little time apart might help him to clear his head. He raised his hand to run it through his hair and stopped. Remembering he had pulled it back with a tie that morning, not wanting it falling into his eyes while he drove. It was getting long, almost time for a cut.

  Pulling into a gravel driveway almost identical to Alex’s, Kyle and Warren’s house was a warm contrast to the cloudy sky above the roofline. The redwood of the siding and green metal roof inviting. Getting out of his truck, Wesley waited as Abby pulled in beside him. He leaned against the truck as she climbed out, looking at the house before her. It was smaller than Alex’s, with only one bedroom and no basement. It was essentially a cabin in the mountains. A very nice cabin. Two dormers broke up the solid green of the metal roof; the siding was all rough logs, like those old log cabins in movies. The front porch was modest but large enough for two rocking chairs. A bright red door greeted visitors when they drove into the small lot.

  Abby looked over the roof of her car at him, an eyebrow raised in question. Right, so she was still annoyed with him. Great. Way to go, idiot. With a sigh, Wesley headed for the front door. The sound of her boots on the stone pathway the only indication he had that she was following him. Before he could knock on the door, or just barge in like he usually did, it opened to reveal a smiling werewolf.

  “Look who’s up bright and early!” Kyle’s smile was infectious on the best of days, it reached his baby blues and made the corners of his eyes crinkle. In sweatpants and a plain t-shirt, Kyle clearly had no plans on going anywhere that morning. Not that Kyle ever liked going anywhere in the mornings — the way his brother rubbed the back of his neck and yawned was a clear indication.

  Wesley couldn’t help but chuckle at the exuberant welcome, “It’s past ten in the morning, Kyle.”

  Waving off his words, Kyle stood aside so Wesley could walk into the house. “Right, like I said. Bright and early.” The last of his words were punctuated with another yawn.

  Abby laughed lightly behind him, “I take it you’re not a morning person?”

  A deep chuckle came from further in the house. Warren stood in the kitchen, jeans on and no shirt.Of course not, thought Wesley. Warren hated wearing shirts. No shirt on, however, showcased the many faint scars that littered his torso. Even though Wesley had known Warren since he was twelve-years-old, he would somehow always forget about the unsavory past the werewolf had. The man he knew today didn’t line up with the wolf of his past.

  Warren was living proof that werewolves could indeed scar, even if most of the scars happened before Warren was Changed. Wesley knew, from asking far too many questions like any young boy did, that not all scars healed through the first Change. But it was the black ink curving up and around his arms and torso that both hid and highlighted the scars at the same time. A tribal design that never seemed to have an end, traveled from one wrist to the other, carving around the defined muscles of his chest.

  As Warren looked over his shoulder at them, he smiled wide. “Kyle is more of a wake-up-at-noon kind of person.”

  Kyle shut the door behind Abby, once she was clear of the entryway, and shrugged. “Hey, I like my sleep.” He smiled wide when Abby glanced back at him, “But getting up early to meet the new member of our family was worth it.” Wesley didn’t miss the way Abby’s cheeks heated at his brother’s words.

  As he headed into the kitchen area, the island standing between him and Warren, he rolled his eyes. “How about you put a shirt on, old man?”

  Warren chuckled. Turning to face Wesley, he handed him a cup of coffee. “What? Afraid your Mate will see something she likes?”

  Through gritted teeth, Wesley growled out, “No.” The glint in Warren’s eye said that he wanted to push Wesley’s buttons more, but he walked past the island and headed for the bedroom. Pausing to kiss Kyle on the side of his head on the way.

  Wesley was still glaring in the direction Warren had gone, when Abby came up beside him. He glanced at her and saw her face more relaxed than it had been since they left Alex’s house. Pulling out one of the bar stools, she sat down right beside where he was standing, her arm brushing against his. He sucked a breath in at the touch. For the briefest moment, he could feel her annoyance like it was his own. It had been like that since he had woken up that morning. If he concentrated, he could feel her emotions wafting off of her and into his own body. It was like the kiss the night before had done something, ignited something between them. If Alex hadn’t been home, Wesley would’ve asked Abby if she had experienced the same thing upon waking that morning. But since his Alpha had been content to join them for breakfast, Wesley hadn’t had a chance to bring it up. In the meantime, though, he had something else he had to bring up.

  Glancing at Kyle, who was busy making himself a cup of coffee, humming some tune or another under his breath, Wesley sighed. Werewolf hearing was very good, so although it was likely that Kyle would hear him anyway, Wesley leaned in close to her. A lock of her hair tickling his nose. “I’m sorry for earlier — I was being an idiot.”

  She side eyed him, “Yes, you were.”

  He was impressed with himself when a sigh came out of his mouth and not a growl, “I didn’t mean to come off...controlling…” He glanced down at his hand on the back of her chair, his fingers itching to touch her back. “I just — I like it when you’re near me.” He felt his cheeks heat at the admission. When was the last time anyone had made him blush? He couldn’t think of a time in recent memory.

  “It’s only 2 hours, Wesley.” Her voice shook with silent laughter.

  He looked back at her face, saw her lips quirking up in one corner. She was enjoying this. With a breathy chuckle, he leaned his forehead to her hair for a moment, “Right.”

  At the sound of Warren’s footsteps, Wesley leaned away from her. Grasping his mug between his hands, he ignored the way Kyle smiled at him. “So, Alex said you’re going back to school, Abby?” Warren said as he leaned against the stove, facing the island.

  Abby nodded, accepting a mug of coffee from Kyle with a smile, “Yeah, it seems like the best idea.” She shrugged, “I can’t afford to get behind.”

  Warren nodded, crossing his arms over his now clothed chest, “I agree, it’s always best to finish what you start.” He shrugged one shoulder, “It’s also important to keep learning. Just because you’re going to be around for a long time, doesn’t mean you can get away with not stud

  Kyle snorted from beside Warren, casting a side-eyed glance at him. He turned back to Abby with a smile, “Alex and this old man here are very adamant about all of us having degrees and going to school.”

  Warren shrugged again, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips, “Hey, when you’ve been around for a hundred years or more, education is very important. Dumb people tend to stand out.”

  Abby shifted beside him, her arm brushing against his, “How — When were you born, Warren?”

  Wesley glanced at the side of her face, a smile fighting its way onto his face. She was getting smarter. Easier to ask a werewolf when he was born than flat out how old he is. Same question, but worded differently.

  Warren chuckled, coming to stand in front of the island beside Kyle, “Don’t let all of the old man jokes make you think I’m as old as Alex.” He winked at her, “I was born in 1919.”

  Wesley watched Abby’s face as the words set in. Her brows that had been pulled tight rose on her forehead, her mouth slightly parting in shock.

  Kyle laughed, his head falling forward, “Told you. Old man.”

  Abby shook her head slowly, before Warren reached a hand out and swatted Kyle’s shoulder gently. Her lips quirked up and a soft laugh escaped her lips. Watching with a smile on his lips, Wesley couldn’t help but think back to when Kyle joined the pack. It had only been a few years after Alex had brought Warren in. Thinking that a quiet life in the mountains of Washington might calm the wolf.

  They had been checking out a missing person’s report in Nevada, where a few attacks had happened that clearly looked like the job of a wolf. The state’s head Alpha had asked Alex and Warren to check it out. In the worst part of Reno, they’d found a scared and angry young man. Kyle and Warren gravitate to each other almost instantly. They had both seen some nasty stuff in their lives. When it became clear that Kyle didn’t have a family to go back to, he traveled back to Buern with the pack. He had been an annoying and lovable thorn in Wesley’s side ever since.


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