Iron Claw MC: The Collective

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Iron Claw MC: The Collective Page 8

by Erin Trejo

  Chapter 39

  The sun beats down on me. I never did like the heat. Who the hell wants to sweat their asses off all the damn time?

  I wipe the sweat from my eyes before dragging the binoculars back to my face.

  “Rise and shine, motherfucker.” Mumbling to myself, Trig chuckles next to me.

  “This is bullshit. I don’t believe he’s in there.” Trig grumbles next to me before I lower the binoculars once more.

  “I don’t either. It’s hot as fuck out here though. Damion is losin’ his shit.” Flicking another drop of sweat from my face, I sit up slightly, pulling my shirt over my head.

  “You would think Ronald would be on the run, right?” He asks. Glancing over at him, I nod.

  No way in hell would someone like Ronny stick around after what we did to his old lady. We tore that bitch up before toasting her ass.

  The prospect made sure to drop her remains off on his doorstep too.

  She gave up the location of our shit. Damion and a few other guys are on that shit but Trig and I are looking for Ronny.

  “If he’s here, he’s fuckin’ passed out!” He says. The thought never occurred to me. If I was Ronny and my bitch was just killed, I’d be drunk off my ass.

  “Goddamn it, Trig. He’s probably in there fucked up!” Shoving off the ground, I dust myself off before tossing the binoculars at Trig.

  “Son of a bitch! If we been out here sweatin’ like this and that motherfucker is in there, I’ll burn his ass!” Trig huffs as he follows along behind me towards the house.

  I guess that was my fuck up not thinking straight.

  All that seems to roll around this head of mine is Nina. The way she feels against me. The way I feel when she isn’t near me. She touches something inside of me that’s long since died. A part of me can almost see the hope of a future.

  Motioning to Trig to follow my lead, I pick the front lock. Pushing the door open slowly, I pull my gun from the back of my jeans before making my way inside.

  Slow and steady, we move through the house. Noting he isn’t in the living room, we move towards the back of the house.

  There’s something about killing someone in their personal space that ignites the beast in me. I’ve always loved the blaze of the fire but knowing that it’s in their own surroundings just increases that.

  I make hand signals for Trig as I slowly push the single door open. There on the bed, snoring like a bitch is Ronny.

  He looks like shit. He doesn’t have his cut on which pisses me off slightly. I love taking a life of a rival but the power that soars through me when they are still in their cut? That’s unbelievable.

  Walking to the end of his bed, I motion for Trig to stand at the side. I didn’t see a gun but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one.

  “Rise and Shine, Princess.” Tapping my gun against the bottom of his boot makes him stir.

  His eyes slowly pull open before he sees Trig with a grin on his face. I can’t stop the chuckle that erupts out of me.

  Ronny’s eyes dart from Trig’s back to mine.

  “You should have seen that bitch burn.” That sparks the fire inside of him. There is no better way to kill someone. Having them fight for their life, it’s the best.

  Ronny jumps onto his knees in front of me. Holding my gun in my hand, I laugh.

  “Where are you goin’, Ronny?” He knows he’s outnumbered. He knows this is it. I can see the look in his eyes much like I’ve seen a million times before. The look that all the pain and all the torment of life is finally over.

  Not just yet for him though.

  “We know where our shit is. You know what that means?” Ronny doesn’t say shit. He stares me down like he has some kind of balls.

  Nodding at Trig, he steps into the hallway, grabbing the can of gas that he carried in with him.

  Tossing the liquid all around the room, he stops before pouring it on Ronny. Much to my surprise he still doesn’t move. Such a shame. I like a good fight.

  Pulling a cigarette from the box, I light it up.

  “She screamed. A lot. Are you goin’ to scream for me, Ronny?” Pushing his buttons, I want him to come after me. I want to see the look in his eyes when I ignite his ass.

  “Fuck you!” There it comes.

  “She screamed before my dick gagged her. You should have seen the look on her face when Neely dug out her insides. Did you know she was pregnant?” I ask. His eyes widen before he leaps off the bed straight into me.

  The laughter that explodes from my chest is nothing compared to the look on his face when I touch the cigarette to his skin.

  The fire erupts, spreading quickly but Ronny still has his hand wrapped around my cut.

  His screams pierce my ears as the heat suffocates me.

  “Shit, Blaze!” Trig hollers before I realize that my arm is burning along with this asshole.

  Ronny screams as his hand tightens its grip before I slam my fist into his face.

  “We need to move before that tank blows!” Trig yells over the sound of Ronny.

  The smell of burnt flesh is nothing you could ever forget. Its stench will forever be branded in you.

  I watch as Ronny staggers backwards, now fully covered in flames. Trig tugs at my arm but I’m so wrapped up in what’s in front of me, I don’t listen.

  The way the oranges mix with the yellows. The flicker of light that rips through all that it touches.

  “FUCK! The can!” Trig screams once more before I shake myself out of the daze I’m in. Shoving him towards the door, I take one last look at the now silent Ronny before running through the house.

  We barely make it out of the door before the gas can explodes igniting the rest of the house.

  I stand back and take in my handy work.

  “You are a crazy bastard.” Trig shakes his head before walking past me. Maybe I am.

  Or maybe this is just who I am.

  Time to go

  Chapter 40

  The club house is being repaired where it got shot up. I can’t stand all the noise.

  I thought about going home but the Doc is coming over here to look at these burns.

  The prospect has Nina locked in the room as if that will keep her in. That goddamn girl can pick a lock like any common criminal.

  “Trig said he lost you for a while.” Shrugging my shoulders, I take a pull from the bottle in my hand.

  “Not lost. Mesmerized.” I respond. Damion knows that shit intrigues me. I don’t know why he’s questioning me now.

  “He said it was more than that. Said you were lost in yourself.” He says. I huff before I turn to look at the man that sent me to do a job. Now he bitches about me doing it?

  “I did what I was told. I did what I always do. Since when is that a problem?” I wait for an answer but it doesn’t come from Damion.

  “When it almost kills a brother.” Trig’s voice filters through the room. I close my eyes before slowly turning to face the prick.

  “You didn’t die, did you?” I ask, opening my eyes and focusing on him. I’ve never known Trig to be such a bitch about a situation before but here he is.

  “I told you we needed to get out. You were wrapped up in yourself.” My stomach knots up before I shove out of my chair. I’m not in the mood for this shit.

  Swinging once, Trig stagers back before hitting the table behind him. My nerves are firing off one by one.

  “That’s enough!” Damion chimes in but that means nothing to me right now.

  “Since when did you become scared of your own goddamn shadow?” I yell at him. Pushing every button that Trig has, I take a step closer.

  “You tryin’ to get us all killed! You been off since that bitch showed up!” That’s it. He’s crossed the line.

  My hands clench before I let them fly. Slamming into his face, I enjoy the crack of his cheek bone.

  We rain blows down on each other before we’re yanked apart.

  Laughter falls from my lips before Damion hollers loud

  “I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you two! You are always at each other! You’re fuckin’ brothers!” I don’t care what he says. I haven’t had any trouble with Trig until he started to become weak.

  “Fuck this! I’m out of here. I don’t need this shit, Damion! He’s a fuckin’ weak link!” Pointing at Trig, he tries to pull free from Danny’s grasp. I’m ready for him. I’m ready to lay his ass out when hear Nina.

  “What the hell?” She says. My head snaps in her direction before I hear Trig chuckle.

  In an instant, I turn back to him, ready to finish this shit.

  “You motherfucker!” I growl, stepping towards him, but Nina steps in between us.

  Her hands come to rest on my chest, calming everything in me.

  I slowly lower my head, my eyes meeting hers.

  “Let’s go.” She says softly. Trig laughs a little harder but her eyes pull me in.

  How the simplest of things can settle me, I will never know but she does it. Time after time.

  When darkness falls

  Chapter 41

  Doc stopped me on our way out. He gave me some cream for the burns but that’s the last thing on my mind right now. I don’t give a damn about my arm.

  I may have lost my place in this club. This may be the end of the line for me but hearing Nina in the bathroom humming to herself, I can’t find it in me to give a shit.

  Coming back to the apartment was my idea. I need the break. I need the silence to collect myself.

  I may have lost myself in that job but that’s no different than the usual for me. It’s a high, it’s a drug. I crave that.

  Running my hand through my hair, I shove out of the chair. Heading towards the bathroom, I need to feel her. I need to feel what she does to me.

  I push the door open to find Nina standing there in nothing. She’s brushing her hair without a care in the world.

  She intrigues me. She’s been kidnapped, beaten, starved and god only knows what else but she found it in herself to care for the one that took her. Granted I didn’t do any of those things to her, why me? The question is legit. It sits in the back of my mind every day.

  “What are you thinking?” Her eyes come to rest on mine and the world stops spinning. That right there. How the hell can she do that?

  “Why me? Why after all you’ve been through do you trust me with yourself?” I ask. Her face saddens as she sets the brush on the sink. I know she trusts me now. I can feel it.

  Turning completely towards me, I suck in a breath. So much beauty inside of her that gets masked by the pain.

  “You’re you. A lot of people can’t see you the way I do, Blaze. They see that tough exterior that you show them but they can’t see the real you. The one that has a heart. The one that wants real things out of life.” She says. Shaking my head, how does she see it?

  I take a step toward her, reaching for her. Nina lets me have control of this moment.

  “What about you? What do you want?” My fingers travel over her skin. Bumps form everywhere I touch.

  “I want to live without fear. I want to love with everything I have. I want to share my life with someone that cares about me.” She says. I don’t miss the sadness in her voice. She doesn’t believe that she will find that, but she did. She just doesn’t know it yet.

  Leaning down, I capture her lips with mine. Slow and gentle. I want her to feel what she does to me.

  In my mind, I know this is probably a bad idea but in my heart, it’s perfect.

  I will find her father and make him pay for everything he’s done to her. I will make sure he feels every ounce of pain that she has carried with her over the years.

  When his darkness falls, I will watch him burn into the ashes of hell for her.

  Take your time

  Chapter 42

  My dick aches, ready to explode as I pry my eyes open. Glancing down, Nina’s blonde hair tumbles around her face, tickling my thighs.

  Her blue eyes come to meet mine with the hint of a smile.

  “That is a damn good mornin’ wake up call.” Her head bobs up and down taking me all the way to the back of her throat. My hips rock on their own wanting to get as deep as I can in her.

  The world fades away when I’m with Nina. Nothing else matters. Time ceases to exist.

  When she sucks me harder, I know I need inside of her.

  “Get up here!” Growling, she pulls her lips away from me before grinning up at me.

  “I was just having fun.” God that mouth of hers.

  Nina slowly climbs up my body before straddling my thighs. Her small delicate fingers wrap around my dick, stroking it up and down.

  “Take your time baby.” I tell her. Her hand continues its torture before I see the shine in her eyes. She needs me inside of her.

  “Climb aboard.” I grin. Her little giggles fill me with a new need. Nina leans up, sliding me inside of her with a groan.

  “I’ll never have enough of you.” I don’t know if the words were meant for me to hear but I feel the same way. She brings out things in me that I never knew were there.

  “Shit, Nina.” The way her hips move making me hit her as deep as I can, I groan.

  Nina rolls her hips taking me to a new level of high. Feeling this girl wrapped around me, I could stay here forever.

  My fingers slowly slide up her thighs to her pinch her nipples.

  “Blaze. I fucking love when you do that.” Chuckling, I tug them harder as her pussy clenches around me. I know what she likes. She may think otherwise at times but there hasn’t been one time that I’ve fucked her and she hasn’t screamed my name.

  “Lean back, baby.” Without hesitation, she does as she’s told. Bracing her hands on my thighs behind her, I raise my hips bucking into her.

  I hit her at a new angle, my body floods with heat. Her titties bounce freely with every thrust.

  “Goddamn that’s beautiful!” Grunting as I thrust harder, Nina screams for me.

  “Right there! Don’t stop, Blaze!” She cries out. As if that was even an option. There is no way in fuck that I’m stopping now.

  My hips buck into her, her body responding to every little movement before I explode.

  Nina’s pussy clenches around me, sending me spiraling out of control.

  “FUCK!” My body jerks as the orgasm rips its way through me. Grabbing Nina around the waist, I pull her against me.

  Her head drops to my shoulder as she tries to catch her breath.

  “I’m never lettin’ you go.” Whispering in her ear, her body erupts in bumps.

  Time to focus

  Chapter 43

  I sit at the table with breakfast made and a cup of coffee in my hand. It’s been a long goddamn time since I’ve drank this shit. Even longer since I’ve cooked for myself let alone anyone else.

  I play things over in my head about Nina’s dad. Why the hell does he want her out of the way? Why send people after her?

  Nothing makes sense anymore. Where he is, why he wants her dead, none of it.

  “Did you actually cook?” Her voice rips me from my thoughts. Turning to see her in only my shirt does something to me.

  “Haven’t had anyone to cook for in a long time. Come here.” Nina walks slowly towards me with a grin on her face. My heart automatically kicks up a beat.

  Pulling her into my lap, I kiss the side of her neck as she squirms in my arms.

  “You look better in that shirt than I do.” Sliding my fingers under the edge, I caress her bare skin.

  “Shit, you need to start wearin’ some clothes around here.” Squeezing her thigh, she moans before climbing off my lap and sitting next to me.

  “Biker boy can cook. It’s amazing.” Wiggling her eyebrows, I smile. She’s so damn beautiful.

  “I’m pretty sure there’s a lot I can do.” Staring her down, she blushes.

  “I already know that.” I watch her as she brings the fork to her mouth. Wanting it to be my dick instead, I adjust that

  “Can I ask you something?” Her eyes come back to meet mine. Something off in them.

  “Of course.” I say although I don’t know what the hell I just agreed to.

  “Does it bother you that I’m younger?” She asks. Shit, I hadn’t even thought about her age since the night we took her.

  “It did at first. Honestly, I haven’t thought about it lately. Why, does it bother you that I’m older?” She clams up. That should have been answer enough but it’s not, not for me.

  “It does, doesn’t it?” I can see it all over her face. I don’t know why this wasn’t a discussion before now. Fuck, it should have been a long time ago.

  “I’m sorry. I should have asked that before. Fuck!” Tugging at my hair, I should have known better.

  “I’ve never been with anyone older than me. And obviously, no one like you.” Should that bother me? No one like me?

  Shaking my head, I push out of my chair suddenly tired of the conversation.

  I stalk across the room placing my plate and cup in the sink before turning. Leaning against the counter, I cross my arms over my chest as Nina watches me.

  Her eyes focus on my chest before slowly climbing up my body. The way she licks her lips almost makes me forget the conversation.

  “I’m sorry, Nina. I shouldn’t have messed with you in the first place. I should have left it at you being a kid.” Her eyes suddenly jerk to mine. They hold there, neither of us moving. Is that the right thing to say to her? Just because she’s younger than I am doesn’t mean anything.

  “I didn’t say that, Blaze.” Her voice drops before her eyes do the same.

  “It’s ok. It’s my fuck up. Right now, it’s time for me to focus.” Shoving off the counter, I walk back towards the bedroom.

  Nina calls to me but I don’t stop. Maybe I did fuck this one up.

  Search and destroy


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