Book Read Free

The Journey

Page 12

by Jennifer Ensley

  He glared at me, his dark eyes glinting maliciously.

  “Just… leave me be, Demon. Let me concentrate on getting back out of this godforsaken place.”

  He smiled then, but it was twisted, dark.

  “And just how do you think you can accomplish that?”

  “I have the key.” I grabbed my pendant. “I can pop back out wherever I want.”

  “Yes, you can. So, tell me where it is you need to go. The sooner you tell me why you came here, the sooner you can leave my sight.”

  “What? I don’t—”

  “I am the Gatekeeper for the Witness. You pop into here, I send you back out through there.” He motioned toward a rather plain looking wall. “That is, as long as you have the key, enough fuel, and your destination in mind.”

  “But I don’t know where I’m supposed to go. I didn’t even mean to come here. Azazel told me to—”

  “Azazel? You spoke with him?”

  I didn’t answer.

  “Of course you did.” He snurled up his nose. “I still smell him on you.”

  “Smell him?” I lifted my sleeve to my nose as I mumbled.

  “That’s the atrocious scent stinking up the place. It is revolting. You are revolting.”

  “Yeah, we’ve established that already. But if you think I’m the one who’s smelling up this joint—”

  “Where do you wish to go?”

  “I… I don’t know.”

  He rolled his eyes and made sort of a disgusted clicking noise with his tongue. “Just… give me the damn thing.”

  He snatched my book before I even realized he had moved. He glanced back at me while flipping through the yellowing pages.

  “Your meter’s already half empty. Take care you don’t get trapped here. If I thought I had to spend eternity staring into those big old clueless eyes of yours, I’d gouge my own out, here and now.”

  I slowly looked down at my pendant. He was right. I began to panic.

  Paltiel slammed the book shut. “Carpathia,” he said dryly as he jabbed the large tome against my chest. “Here’s how this works. You appear before me. You say one word—the place you wish to go. In this instance it would be Carpathia. Then poof, you are gone. No chit-chatting. No small talk. And definitely no retching on the floor. You pop in. You pop out. That’s it. Know where the hell you’re going before you use the key. Got it?”

  “No, I—”


  Then, I was standing in an unfamiliar looking forest… grinding my teeth.

  I inhaled deeply, and ever so slowly let it out again.

  Well, that went about as bad as you could possibly imagine.

  I took another deep breath.

  Pffts… Handled that little volatile situation like a real champ, Jem… Not!

  I sighed and popped the bones in my neck.

  “And what’s he talking about, anyway? Me? Smell? Idiot. How could he possibly smell anything over the stench of that vile place? Ugh!”


  I stood in the middle of a nearby clearing as the cool wind washed over me. I stayed like that for a long time, until the chill reached almost to my bones. I couldn’t help it. I wanted the rancid Nether blown from my clothing.

  “My curls still reek. Not much else I can do about that right now. Okay… let’s see.”

  When I opened the ancient book, the chilling breeze picked up, flipping through the many pages. It slowly stopped a little over a quarter of the way through. I began reading.

  “Hmm… looks like fate wishes to see me in Hronsek. I’ve heard about that old church. It’s supposed to be marvelous.”

  And it was. Built within a single year back in the 1700s, it was handcrafted minus any metal parts whatsoever. No nails. No brackets. Exquisite woodwork only. It was breathtaking. The old Protestant church is shaped like a cross—with five different doorways—and can seat up to eleven hundred people for worship.

  “Huh… Shipbuilders. It had to be crafted by those artistic Viking shipbuilders. There’s no other explanation for such mastery. Breathtaking.”

  I didn’t even try to hide my awe. My breath audibly hitched when I stepped inside… and was completely surrounded by the exquisite, living past. It was a core moment for me—a scene in my life I shall mark, and never forget.

  Drella had been right. Once I became a Witness, obtaining what I desired became sooo much easier. I respectfully asked for the volume my soul desired, and then handed the ancient writing I had carried with me in exchange for the new one. The middle-aged man didn’t even make eye contact with me. Simply handed me one priceless treasure for the other, and turned to go.

  “Hmpft. Guess my new job has afforded me the privilege of owning my very own celestial library card. This might not be so bad after all. If it weren’t for having to deal with Palpateen—or whatever black-haired dude’s name was—I would say this could become rather enjoyable.”


  I shivered involuntarily when the chilly breeze of my chosen meditation spot was suddenly exchanged for the hot, dry air of the wretched Nether.

  “Howdy, Palestine. I need to go to Keiss. Keiss Castle, actually. In the Scottish Highlands.”

  I’m not sure why, but I giggled when I said Scottish Highlands.

  “The name is Paltiel,” he said, slowly walking up behind me. “I will do you one favor, woman.” He hissed out the word like it was a black curse. “Never will I do you another. Best go see your beloved Azazel… while you still can.”

  The vile, dark-haired man grabbed a fistful of my curls and shoved me forward with such force, I hit my knees hard before falling flat on my face. Fine dirt filled my mouth, entering my nostrils when I suddenly inhaled. Needless to say, I coughed and gagged as I hurriedly rummaged through my backpack, spilling as much water down my chin as I got in my mouth. I swished and spit three times before I looked up and realized where I was.

  “Bloody hell. Already?” I checked my nearly empty pendant and sighed. “This is gonna take some serious getting used to. Stupid Paladio. I hate that guy. Wonder if it’s too late to put in for a different escort? Or, whatever the hell he is.”

  I dug out my flashlight and started down the tunnel, almost glad to be somewhere familiar for a change. This time, I didn’t miss a single beat. I ran down that darkened passageway just like it was an unlit Temple hallway. Now that I think back on it, I believe I was even whistling a little bit. Azazel started yelling before I ever reached the bottom.

  “Jem! Come, child. Run! Faster!”

  “What? What is it?”

  My heart suddenly started racing like a thoroughbred at the Derby. It was pounding in my ears, drowning out some of the frantic Angel’s shouts.

  “Douse your flame and come to me. Now!”

  I clicked the little black button and blindly sprinted toward my mummified seraph friend.

  “Here! Here!”

  Just as I started to slow down I felt his brittle hand latch onto my wrist, pulling me down against him with such force I feared I would soon hear his ancient ribs crack beneath me, the dust of his remains puff up in the air and surround me.

  “What?” I tried to catch my breath. “What is it? Are you hurt? Did something happen?”

  “Did you not see him? Not sense him?”

  “Him? Who him?”

  “He was after you. I am certain of it. I smelled his treacherous essence only half a heartbeat after your divine scent wafted over me.”

  “Whose scent, Azazel? Who did you smell? Who’s chasing me?”

  “Paltiel—foulest little absconder who ever claimed wings.”

  “Oh… him… Nah, he ain’t chasing me.”

  “Y-you know him?”

  “Yeah. If you can call it that. We’ve met a couple of times.”

  “Met?” He grabbed a handful of my hair, inhaling deeply. “You have done more than met, little one. Why is it your beautiful locks reek of that worthless traitor?”

  I gently untangled his ancient
fingers from my curls as I tried to sit up.

  “I guess you could say, he’s my Gatekeeper.”

  “Gatekeeper? Why do you need a Gatekeeper? You still have the keys, do you not?”

  “Yeah. I still have them.”

  “Then… why can you not pass through the Nether as you please?”

  I snorted. “You’re asking the wrong person, Angel.” I dug out a few tealights while I was talking. “You seem shocked by this news, well so was I. Drella didn’t mention anything about having to go through Paltiel, either. Who knows? I mean, I don’t have a clue about that place. I’ve only gone there on purpose once, and that was right before I popped out here just now. After I left you the last time, I went with Drella to Japan.”

  “Drella.” He sort of growled. “He made you scream when you left me.”

  “Heh. He stepped from the shadows and startled me. That’s all.”

  “That is not all. He had anger in his voice. Did he punish you?”

  “That wasn’t anger. That was fear. He was afraid you had harmed me. I stayed too long, remember? And I broke the only rule he gave me.”

  His voice softened. “…Sharing with me.”


  “Did he punish you?” He lightly placed his hand upon my back. “Did he mark your lovely flesh?”

  “Pffts. No, Azazel. He did not punish me. Things don’t work like that. Not anymore.”


  “Meaning, people aren’t allowed to just hit you. At least, not where I come from. Although… I suppose it does happen. But it’s no longer socially acceptable. It’s against the law, Azazel.”

  “The law?”

  “Yeah. If someone hurts you, just call the police and have them hauled off to jail. Or if you’re like me, just stand up to them. If my mama thought I let a man raise his hand to me… she’d beat me herself.”

  Azazel gently felt of my shoulder, then down my arm before lightly squeezing my bicep.

  “Yet… you are so frail.”


  “Yes. How could you stand up to a man?”

  “Azazel, I’m gonna let that one slide just because you’re… you.”


  I sighed. “Meaning… you’ve been bound down here for a long time. Things have changed. Some people still mean you harm, yeah, but they can’t just do it in public and get away with it. I have traveled this world for years. I’m not stupid. I pay attention to my surroundings. And… I know how to defend myself. So, no. Drella didn’t beat me. Such a thing would never even cross his mind. He was worried about me. That’s all. When we left here, he took me to this beautiful old town in Japan. We got to spend a couple of days together… before he was called away.”

  “You truly love him.”

  “Yes, but you already knew that.”

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  I had started to tear up, thinking about my Drella, until that little comment almost made me giggle.

  “Pffts. Every chance I got. You kidding?”

  He yanked on my hair. “Harlot.”

  I chuckled as I began lighting the candles. “If anyone should know about harlots, that’d be you.”

  He locked his fingers in my curls, but he didn’t pull on them this time. It was more like a gentle it’s okay, don’t cry kind of gesture. At least, that’s the way it made me feel.

  “Besides, Azazel, you know I cannot share in carnal pleasures with Drella. Now, if he were still human—”

  “Hush, child. Do not speak on such things.”

  I giggled when he tightened his grip in my hair. “Why? Jealous?”

  He softly cleared his throat. “It is rude to talk about such things in mixed company. You should be concentrating on your job as Witness. Not on men.”

  “Is that so? Hmpft. I am surrounded by nothing but men—Angels, Seekers, priests, monks. I rarely get to socialize with the gentler sex.” I sighed. “What I wouldn’t give to have a girlfriend to laugh with—talk about boys…”

  I dragged the word boys out as I lit the small candle and turned to face him… and received a breath-catching shock.

  Azazel was different, changed. His skin was still cracked and all of his ribs were clearly visible, yes, but his eyes seemed different. His whole face, actually. Those nearly hollow sockets and shriveled up little black eyes were changed.

  “Wh-what happened to you?”

  He smiled softly. It was truly captivating.

  “I am as I was.”

  “No. No you’re not.”

  I hesitantly touched his now soft lips. His smile widened.

  “Will you always greet me with such shock, little one? Angels do have egos—enormous ones. Never forget that. And you are dangerously close to crushing mine.”

  “Wha— No. No. It’s not a bad thing. I mean… it’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “Your eyes.”

  “What about my eyes?”

  “They’re blue.”

  He smiled again. “They have always been blue.”

  I shook my head. “No. When last I saw you, they were tiny little black things. You didn’t hardly even have a nose.” I touched it as I said the word. “More like… just a sunken hole in your face. Wow… It’s so lovely.”

  He chuckled. “My nose is lovely?”

  I nodded. “Yes. So long and sharp—the perfect profile nose. I love it. Well… I’ve got this thing for sharp noses. I can’t help but admire them.”

  “Well, I have this thing for little button noses like yours.” He touched mine as he spoke. “Only humans have soft features such as this—tiny, gentle, fragile. No trace of Angel to be seen.”

  “Pffts. Of course I don’t resemble an Angel, you big goof. I’m just a common old human.”

  He cupped my cheek. “I like it when you blush—how bright your skin glows.”

  “Stop teasing me, Angel.”

  He chuckled. “I am glad. My heart is lightened to see that a tiny bit of the pity you once showed me has been replaced with but a drop of awe.”

  “And… your smile…”


  “Azazel, you’ve got one of those smiles that make women’s knees go weak, make their tummies feel all funny inside.”

  “What are you saying, child? I smiled at you last time. I couldn’t help but smile. In truth, I laughed.”

  “I knew you were laughing at me.”

  “How could I not? Crawling about on your knees, grasping at air, begging me to let you light your torch because you were afraid of the dark.”

  “I said, stop teasing me.”

  “Oh, come now. Watching you… that was the first time I had smiled in centuries.”

  “Well… it wasn’t like this smile.”

  “You like my smile?”

  “I love it. I mean… last time, when you smiled… it took my breath away a little. But this smile… Oooh, this smile makes me weak, melts me. How did women resist you?”

  “They did not.”

  I swallowed hard then, remembering exactly who it was I was now talking to.

  “Umm, well… I guess I’d better do as that Palpateal guy said and—”

  Azazel growled then and grabbed my arm, pulling me closer. “You did not answer my question from before. How is it you so easily turned my mind from your transgression?”

  “My transgress—”

  “Why are you covered with that filthy Angel’s scent?”

  “I don’t know. I just—”

  “Jem! I will not release you until I know you speak the truth.”

  “Hey! Chill out, Angel. Don’t think for one minute that you can just jerk me around as you please. I was kind to you because I chose to be. Don’t make me change my mind.”

  He released me and sort of snorted. “And what could you do to me?”

  “And what could you do to stop me?”

  He shot me a sideways glance, and then looked back to the ceiling. We sat like that for sever
al long, quiet moments.

  “…I am sorry,” he whispered softly.

  His humble confession truly shocked me. I never dreamed a creature such as him even capable of remorse. It took me a long moment to find my voice.

  “It’s no big deal. Sorry I snapped at you like that.” I sighed. “The truth is… I have no idea why I smell like Palpatoe.”


  “Yeah, Paltiel. The dude hates me. Remember when I told you I rarely ever use swear words?”

  He smiled with only one corner of his mouth. “Unless you broke a nail.”

  “Something like that. Anyway, that raven-haired bully of an Angel made me cuss—like three time, maybe even more. I was so mad I could eat nails.”

  “What did he do to make you cuss?”

  “Cussed me first, I think. Ugh… I don’t even recall the whole of it now. I can’t remember the last time I was so angry. And it happened instantaneously—soon as he started snapping at me.”

  “Paltiel can be a rather trying creature, it’s true.”

  “Yeah, well, when I went back to the Nether and told him I needed to go to Keiss, he said he was gonna do me a favor. The only one I’d ever get from him, as a matter of fact. Then, he grabbed me by the hair and shoved me here. I fell face-first into the dirt at the top of the tunnel.”

  “…Were I but whole… I would end him.”

  I smiled. “Well, that’s super sweet of you, but don’t worry about me. I can put up with his hatred for the short amount of time it takes me to pass through there.”

  “Hatred? Hmpft. You are so terribly young, little one.”

  “Do not count me as a fool, Angel. I know hate. I know disgust as well. And I saw both of them plainly within Paltiel’s cold eyes.”

  “Hate or desire—I cannot say which. Promise me one thing, child.”


  “Give that Angel wide berth. Trust me in this.”

  “…I will.”

  He smiled then and gently took my hand. “Come. Let me see what you have seen since last we spoke.”


  “Yours pictures, little one. Let me see your phone.”

  “Oh. Sorry, Azazel. I don’t think I’ve taken any pictures since then.”


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