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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

Page 80

by Courtney Clein

  “Helena. I am so happy you are alive. Your mother and I have missed you.”

  “Have you?” I spat. “I heard the bells.”

  He looked down at the ground, disappointed at my reaction to seeing him. I guess he had expected it to be all smiles and best wishes, but I had none of those feelings. The man standing before me was just another pawn in the game.

  “I’m sorry. I am so sorry.” He was beginning to tear up. “I did everything I could.”

  “Did you?!” I screamed, standing up and rushing the bars of the cell.

  My father recoiled a little bit. He had become frail in his old age. I had never seen him frightened before, and deep down, I was glad he was afraid of me.

  “Helena, please.”

  “No, dad! No, please! No I missed you! Why didn’t you come to save me?! Instead you sent that adulterating, friend fucking bastard!”

  His eyes widen at the words coming out of my mouth. He had never heard me speak as a woman before.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t know?! Do you not pay attention to my life at all?! No, you don’t actually! Not until it inconveniences you! What have you even become, father? I don’t even recognize you anymore.”

  “I could say the same for you.”

  “NO!” I snarled. “You don’t get to criticize me after everything I’ve been through. Most of it was because of you, and you don’t even realize it.”

  “Why don’t you fill me in then?” He stated, looking defeated.

  “YOU sent Johnathan after me, after he had sex with my best friend! All he ever wanted from me was my virginity. He tried to fuck me on the boat three years ago until I tied him up and escaped with Dimitrius.”

  “The pirate.”

  “His name is Dimitrius! And he isn’t a pirate anymore. We haven’t been for three years!”

  “We? So you are a pirate now too?”

  “If that is the label I must wear to be free, then so be it! It is better than being you. Stuck in this town, slowly fading away to a shell of who you once were; brave, kind, compassionate, caring! Now look at you… too afraid and too busy to go and save your own daughter! Well guess what, dad! I didn’t need saving! I didn’t want saving! I was where I was supposed to be all along. Right beside the man I love, living like everybody else! Not like some slave in Jonathan’s bed!”

  I could see it in my father’s eyes, he felt guilty. I was glad. Maybe I would get through to him. To make him realize who the real villains were in this scenario. Too make him see that he was sacrificing his daughter’s happiness and chance at love all for one materialistic government position.

  “If you have any feeling for me as your daughter left in your decrypt heart, at least look at yourself in the mirror for once and realize you are ruining my chance at true happiness; At true love!”

  I couldn’t help but cry as the words escaped my mouth. It had been building this entire time and I could no longer hold it back. My father left without a word. Coward! I had finally lost all respect for my dad, which made me feel even worse. A child is supposed to love their parents, but that wasn’t the case for me any longer. I hated him. I hated him with all of my heart… until he returned and unlocked my cell door.

  “Are you coming or not?” He asked.

  I hadn’t heard his normal voice in so long… he had become so used to being diplomatic and governing all of the time… it made me smile through my tears. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder. I knew, somewhere deep down, that I was still his baby girl.

  “I’m sorry, Helena. I’m sorry that I forgot who you are to me. I’m sorry that I forgot who I was to myself. We are a family and nothing will ever change that. Can you ever forgive me?”

  “I love you, dad.” I said, with my head snuggled on his shoulder.

  “I love you too, Helena.”

  He took me to where Dimitrius was locked away. As soon as he saw me he was on his feet and at the bars. He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed him as much as I could.

  “I am unable to free you.” My father said to us. “I wish there was something else I could do.”

  He put the key in to the cell door and unlocked it. I grabbed Dimitrius’ hand and tried to pull him forward, motioning to him that we are free to run, but he refused.

  “The whole reason we are here is because we are done running.” He said to me.

  “Please, Dimitrius! We have to go now! I don’t want to lose you.”

  “I’m sorry, Helena. I just… I can’t run anymore. I’m tired of running. I want to be free… for real this time. I don’t want to have to always look over my shoulder and watch my back. I want to live in the world as a free man, and not a criminal.”

  “They are going to kill us!”

  He pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around me. He squeezed me tighter than he had ever done before.

  “Let them kill us. We will go together, and we will meet in the next life and be together forever.”

  I thought about this for a moment and realized he was right. Freedom wasn’t free if we were always running away. We needed to stand up and face our fears. My fear, was the fear of death. Of losing the ones I loved; when in the end, I needed to have faith and trust that everything would work out. This all became clear in this one moment. This is why Dimitrius had been brought in to my love. Not just to fill my heart with his love, but to restore my faith and to help me find a courage I would have otherwise never known. I embraced him passionately and my father left us to be alone, locking the cell behind us.

  He held me in his arms and I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him. We began to strip off each other’s clothes. First, he lifted my shirt and my breasts fell loose. He began to kiss my chest and play with my nipples. As he did, the familiar goosebumps returned to my skin. I smiled and ran my hands through his hair. I could feel the electricity! This was the last time we would make love together, and we both took advantage of that. He laid me down on the cell floor, the cool cement sending a shiver through my already electrified body. As he went down on me, I could feel his soft lips pressing against my vagina. As his tongue moved, first quickly and then slower and then quick again, the tension in my hips began to build. I couldn’t hold it any longer, I came for the first time. My moans echoed around the cell and out in to the vacant corridor. I grabbed his hair with both of my hands as my legs shook. He slowly brought himself back up to my mouth and began to kiss me. I could taste the sweet taste of myself on his lips. I sat up and forced him on to his back, climbing on top of him. I began to kiss his ear, slowly moving down to his chest. While I kissed him all over, I undid his pants. I could feel his bulge pushing against my naked body. It was already hard and ready to go by the time I pulled it out. I played with him with my hands, feeling his girth grow more and more until I thought he would explode. As soon as I heard the first moan escape his lips, I wrapped mine around the head of his penis. I played with him slowly, running my tongue up and down the length of his shaft. I swallowed as much as I could, gagging myself in the process. The erotic feeling it brought me was one of excitement. I continued to deep throat him as long as I could and eventually he exploded in to my mouth. Feeling the warmth of his cum in my mouth turned me on to a point I didn’t know existed. I felt my vagina pulsing, wanting him to take me. I leaned in to his ear and ran my tongue around it.

  “Take me. Please, take me.” I whispered to him.

  I could feel the tension mounting between both of us. He knew what I meant when I said take me. He knew I meant take me like it was the last time, because it was. He grabbed me around the small of my back and pulled me toward him. He sat up, propping his back against the cell wall. As he slid in to me, my breath caught in my chest. My vagina still hadn’t adjusted to his size, so he took it slow at first. I barely had time to breath before he cupped my butt and began lifting me up and down on his cock. I could feel myself traveling the length of his penis, and every time I slid back to the base I f
elt as though I would lose myself; every time, he pulled me away just before I would cum. Eventually it was too much, so I forced him to let me cum. I trapped his penis inside of me, pushing my pelvis against his, allowing my clitoris to rub against his upper pelvis bone. The second time I came was unlike anything I had experienced before. My legs went numb and my body convulsed. I arched myself backward, letting out a scream of pleasure. This is when he switched positions and laid me back on the floor. The cool cement sent a shiver of pleasure in to my body as he began to pump forcefully. At first, it hurt a little, but with every push in and every pull out my body wanted more.

  “Yes! More! Please… give me more!” I was screaming.

  I had never felt pleasure like this before. As my breasts bounced up and down with every forceful pump, I could feel him growing inside of me. He pushed as deep as he could and I came again! Before he would allow himself to cum, he pulled out and flipped me around so I was on my knees. He slowly pushed his thick cock in to my tight vagina. From this position he felt even larger, and within a matter of seconds I was cumming again. He laid me on my stomach and I felt his weight on my back and butt. This was the deepest I had ever felt him. My vision was blurred with ecstasy. My mind was in a state of pure bliss. My body was being taken over by pleasure. By the time he was finished, all I could do was roll over and lay my head on his chest. We laid together in silence for quite some time before he spoke to me.

  “I just want you to know how much I love you.” He said to me, in the aftermath of our ecstasy.

  I looked up in to his eyes and smiled. Even though we were on the brink of execution, I couldn’t help but be happy. I was happy that I had gotten to experience something as magical as this love. Dimitrius had truly loved me for me. From the first time he saw me, to the last… his feelings for me hadn’t changed. Our relationship had deepened and we were more mature in ways we hadn’t been before. We argued here and there, but no matter what… he never stopped loving me. My heart was full and I was content.

  “I love you too, Dimitrius. More than those words can say.”

  “I don’t want you to be afraid, my love. Tomorrow will come and even after tomorrow the next day. I’m afraid we won’t be here to witness it together.”

  The thought of this scared me slightly, but I didn’t want to let fear in to ruin the moment. Dimitrius could tell I was frightened.

  “I promise you… we will be together in the next life. I will find you and we will be free. We will be free for real.”

  As I fell asleep with him, I couldn’t help feeling that his words were true. I trusted and believed in God, and I trusted and believed in love. Tomorrow was the first step in letting Dimitrius and I live a life that was together forever.

  Chapter 10

  I awoke to the sound of jingling keys and footsteps. I had been having such a great dream, that it took me a moment to remember where I was. I had dreamed of a life where Dimitrius and I were free, with children, in a cottage off the coast of a beautiful beach. The sky was a beautiful pink and orange as the sun set, and the moon poked lightly through the clouds as dusk made its way in tonight. It was almost as if God was sending me a sign of comfort to grasp onto. I smiled lightly as the cell door opened and the guards stepped inside. They lead us to the gallows, past on looking citizens. I heard their boos and cries of judgement, and for the first time in my life I didn’t judge them. I knew they were only able to view the world through the glasses of the information they were given. Sunhaven only allowed their citizens to know what they wanted them to know, and all they knew was that Dimitrius and I were criminals. My heart began to race as the gallows came in to view. The executioner was standing on the platform, waiting to do another days work. To the onlookers, the executioners and the governing bodies, we were nothing; but to each other, Dimitrius and I were entangled in a love that no one else watching could understand. As we ascended the steps to the noose, tears began to form in my eyes. They stood us in front of the ropes so we could look out upon the crowd. I could see not one friendly face as the tears filled my eyes. I wanted to reach out and grab Dimitrius’ hand, but our hands were tied behind our backs.

  “Helena.” I heard Dimitrius say. “Be brave. Do not be afraid. Have faith. I love you.”

  The black bags were tossed on to our heads as Jonathan’s familiar voice began to echo throughout the courtyard. He was speaking of how we were traitors and criminals. Blah, blah, blah! I assumed he had the honor of speaking at our hanging due to the fact that he was the one who caught us. As he finished, I listened to the executioner’s footsteps fall across the wooden platform. He stopped behind me and I felt the noose slip over my head and tighten around my throat. I could hear Dimitrius’ breathing begin to quicken as mine had. The natural panic was beginning to set in. No matter how much faith we had, it wouldn’t overshadow the fear of leaving our material bodies. I took one final breath and accepted my fate. I waited for the short drop and immediate stop, with my heart pounding in my ears, but then someone called out.

  “Stop! Do not execute these people.”

  It took me a minute to register who was speaking, but as he continued to speak, I realized it was my father. The crowd was beginning to grow loud and discontent. I heard his footsteps approach and all of a sudden the bag was being ripped from my head. The sunlight was blinding after being in the dark. I squinted, allowing my eyes to adjust, and looked in to the face of my father. He removed the noose from my neck and put his hands on my shoulders. He looked in to my eyes and smiled lightly, with a sadness hidden that I couldn’t understand. Then, all of a sudden it clicked. He was going to save us, while at the same time ending his political career.

  “I have a royal pardon for the release of these prisoners.”

  The crowd erupted in to cries of anger and disappointment as my father held up the paper in his hand and waved it for the crowd to see.

  “Executioner, please free these prisoners. You may all be asking yourselves why they have been pardoned. They have been pardoned because there is evidence that the crimes they have been charged with are false accusations made out of jealousy and betrayal. This man here!” My father said while pointing to Jonathan. “He has committed acts of adultery and sin that are punishable in the eyes of God. To cover up his sinful ways, he has decided to scapegoat his sin onto two innocent lovers who found comfort in each other’s arms. Jonathan Escrow was set to be married to my daughter Helena, and during their engagement committed sexual acts with several different women, one of which who has come forward and confessed to her sins. In turn, catching them in the act, caused Helena to run away and join Captain Fox’s crew. I witnessed the love these two share first hand, and I will be the one to stand for them! They have changed each other’s lives in ways that are unimaginable to the rest of us. So, we must ask ourselves, are the actions of the past worth destroying something so true? We have all done things we wish we had not, yet none of us have been condemned to death for them. Only in the eyes of God can one be truly judged. I for one, will not be judged for destroying love. Cut them free.”

  “Hang on just one moment, governor!” Jonathan said, coming forward. “These prisoners are mine and I will say what is done with them.”

  “Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way, Son.” My father said. “I for one, will not allow the death of my daughter at the hands of a lying cheating bastard like you.”

  “Ladies and gentleman do you see! Do you see the acts of your governor?! He is supposed to be diplomatic and instead he is standing here playing an emotional game! He is not fit to lead, and even less fit to make decisions about prisoners!”

  The crowd had now become divided. Some of them were agreeing with Jonathan, while others agreed with my father.

  “We shall have a vote then.” My father said.

  He turned toward the five governors on the parapets who had come to witness the execution. He held the note in his hand high and waved it at them.

  “This is the official pardon from the
high court of Sunhaven. This is their seal! If you so wish to see these people hang, you will officially be breaking the wishes of the high court for the wishes of an adulterating criminal!”

  “And if you choose to side with the high court, you will be siding with a pirate and a pirate’s wench!”

  My father turned around and delivered one solid punch to Jonathan’s jaw. Jonathan toppled off of the gallows and crashed in to the dirt. My father turned back to the remaining governors and held the note high.

  “Make your choice.” He called out.

  The governors talked amongst themselves for a moment and then one of them stepped forward.

  “Considering the high council of Sunhaven has pardoned these criminals we must abide by what they say. There will not be a hanging today! However! We must agree with Jonathan Escrow III and admit that you are playing a very emotional game. Your job as governor is to make decisions that will protect Sunhaven. The release of the most notorious pirate in the land is not a decision that is wise nor in the best interest of Sunhaven. In turn, we have all agreed that this will be your last act as governor. Should you refuse to stand down, we will have no other option but to execute you for treason. As for you two, you are free, but you are hereby banned from Sunhaven. If you return for any reason, we will execute the both of you on sight. Be thankful that your father has spared you with his sacrifice!”

  The crowd erupted in to a chorus of cheers, boos and hisses. It was good to know that there were people who were on the side of love, even though the majority of them were filled with hate.

  “No!” Jonathan cried out. “I will not let you take this away from me! I was to be the hero!”


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