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Alice in the Middle

Page 7

by Judi Curtin

  After basketball, Sarah didn’t feel well.

  ‘I’m going to skip lunch,’ she said. ‘I think I’ll go and lie down in bed for a while.’

  ‘You poor thing,’ I said, putting my arm around her. ‘I hope it isn’t anything too serious.’

  She shook her head.

  ‘I don’t think so. I’m sure I’ll be fine soon. Anyway, if it turns out to be anything bad, I’ll make sure to breathe on Hazel so she catches it too.’

  I laughed, and waved good-bye to her, and then set off for lunch.

  I collected my food, and went to sit next to Alice and Hazel. I tried not to care that Alice kept talking to Hazel, and sometimes seemed to forget that I was even there.

  By the time we were all finished our jelly and ice-cream though, I was more worried than ever. Not alone had Alice got totally caught up in her new friend’s life, but also she had that funny gleam in her eye that always makes me feel so nervous. She was plotting and scheming again – I was sure of it.

  The three of us sat outside in the sun for a while before we had to go to French. Alice and Hazel spent most of that time with their phones in their hands, texting madly, like it was going to go out of fashion any second. Then, during French, they kept giggling and grinning at each other. They were definitely up to something – I just wished they’d tell me what it was.

  That night should have been fun. Gloria and the other leaders had set up a treasure hunt all around the school, and the winners were to get a big box of sweets to share. We were all ready to go when Gloria said the dreaded words,

  ‘Now everyone, find a partner to hunt with.’

  I wondered if she’d told Alice and Hazel that they couldn’t go together, like she had for the talent show. I soon found out that she hadn’t.

  Before I could even move, Hazel grabbed Alice’s arm, and said,


  Alice looked at me with a funny expression on her face.

  Was she upset because she couldn’t go with me?

  Or did she just feel guilty because this time she’d got the partner she really wanted?

  Luckily Sarah was feeling better, and she was standing near me. She came over.

  ‘Will we go together?’ she asked.

  I nodded.

  ‘Thanks,’ I said, and tried not to watch as Hazel dragged Alice across the room and far away from me.

  Two boys won the treasure hunt, but someone had seen them cheating, so it didn’t really count. Anyway, there were enough sweets for everyone, and there was silence for at least ten minutes while we all chewed happily.

  Sarah and I hung out together for a while when the treasure hunt was over. I couldn’t really concentrate on what she was saying though, because I was too busy trying to see where Alice and Hazel had got to. Sarah was being really nice, and I didn’t want to offend her, so I said I was going to go and have an early night.

  I found Alice and Hazel up in our bedroom. They were huddled together on Alice’s bed, whispering and laughing.

  When I walked in, Hazel jumped up, looking really guilty. Alice just laughed.

  ‘It’s OK,’ she said. ‘You don’t have to worry about Megan. We can trust her.’

  I was glad she felt that way, and that she wanted to include me. But what exactly did I need to be trusted with?

  Alice grabbed my arms and pulled me until I was sitting on the bed. Hazel sat down on the other side of me.

  ‘We have a plan,’ said Alice, and that old familiar sinking feeling hit me right in the middle of my tummy. Alice’s plans always ended up being more trouble than they were worth.

  ‘There’s a really funny film out at the moment,’ she continued. ‘And tomorrow afternoon we’re going to go to and see it.’

  That didn’t sound so bad. How serious could a trip to the cinema be? My tummy began to unsink itself.

  ‘That’s great,’ I said. ‘I haven’t been to the cinema in ages. Has Gloria arranged it?’

  Hazel gave a mean laugh.

  ‘No, Dork-face. Your precious Gloria hasn’t arranged it. She doesn’t know anything about it. We’re sneaking out of camp.’

  My mouth fell open. I knew I probably looked really stupid, but I couldn’t help it.

  ‘Sneaking out?’

  My voice was all squeaky and scared. Even thinking about sneaking out made me afraid.

  Would I ever be brave enough to actually do it?

  Hazel gave another mean laugh.

  ‘Yeah, sneaking out. See Alice? I knew you shouldn’t tell little scaredy-cat Megan.’

  Alice stood up.

  ‘That’s not fair, Hazel. Don’t say that. We can trust Megan, can’t we, Meg?’

  I nodded weakly.

  I took a deep breath, and put on my bravest voice.

  ‘Tell me everything. I want to know every single detail.’

  Before Alice could say anything, there was a tap on the door, and Gloria peeped in.

  ‘Girls, you should all be in bed by now,’ she said in a pretend cross voice. ‘Lights out in four minutes.’

  There was a big scramble as we got ready for bed, and then Gloria’s hand appeared around the door, and switched out the light.

  I waited a few minutes to be sure that Gloria was gone. Then I whispered.

  ‘OK, Al. Tell me what the big plan is.’

  ‘OK,’ began Alice, but just then her phone beeped, and for the next ten minutes she and Hazel texted madly, giggling to each other as they did so. By the time Alice finally put down her phone, I was almost asleep. I jerked myself awake though.

  ‘OK, Al,’ I said. ‘Now tell me about the big plan.’

  She gave a big yawn.

  ‘Sorry, Meg,’ she said. ‘How about I tell you tomorrow? I’m really tired right now.’

  ‘I suppose so,’ I said, trying not to sound too disappointed.

  I felt like punching someone. I hated that Hazel knew all the details of the plan and I didn’t. I was supposed to be Alice’s best friend. I was the one she was supposed to share her secret plans with first.

  I couldn’t argue though. I didn’t want Hazel to see Alice and me fighting. Still it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Alice is the world champion secret-keeper. I’d have to wait until the next day, whether I liked it or not.

  Even though I was tired, I hardly slept at all that night. All kinds of thoughts and questions raced around my brain.

  I wanted to know more, yet at the same time, I didn’t want to.

  How would we sneak out?

  What would happen if we were caught?

  Did I want to see any film so much that I’d risk being sent to Mrs Duggan, or worse, being sent home from camp in disgrace?

  I could just say I didn’t want to go with Alice and Hazel.

  But then I thought – I had to go with them. This was my big chance to prove myself. It would let Alice know that I wasn’t just a quiet little chicken. And it would let Hazel know that I wasn’t just going to stand back and let her ruin my friendship with Alice.

  A few sleepless hours later, I had made up my mind.

  For once in my life I was going to be brave.

  I was going to break all the rules, and have some fun.

  I felt a bit better once I’d decided.

  Sneaking out would be fun.

  Maybe Alice would lend me the turquoise top she’d promised me for the disco.

  I wondered if I’d have time to straighten my hair.

  Would Hazel do my face again?

  Luckily my best jeans were clean.


  When I finally fell asleep I had lots of crazy mixed up dreams about Alice, Hazel and me..

  Chapter sixteen

  We all slept late in the morning, so there was no chance to talk about the plan. At breakfast time, Sarah came and sat with us, so we couldn’t say anything then either. I’d have liked to tell Sarah that we were going to sneak out. Maybe she’d even want to come with us. But I knew Hazel wouldn’t want that, and I didn�
�t want to risk making her mad. So I didn’t say anything.

  After breakfast, Alice and Hazel had to off to their tennis lessons. Just before they left, Alice came and whispered in my ear. ‘I’ll tell you everything later, OK?’

  I nodded.

  Basketball seemed to go on forever. I was so excited and scared. A few times I missed really easy shots, and the coach got cross with me.

  ‘Want me to spit in his coffee later?’ whispered Sam. It was funny, but I was too nervous to laugh properly.

  In the morning break, Sarah and I sat together, but I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying – I was too busy telling myself to be brave for the afternoon’s adventures.

  At last it was lunch break. While everyone else was tidying up the basketballs and the team vests, I raced upstairs to my room. Alice and Hazel weren’t there yet. I changed into my jeans, and borrowed Alice’s hair-straightener and straightened my hair. I took her top out from the wardrobe, and put it on. I knew she wouldn’t mind. Then I sat on my bed and waited.

  At last Alice and Hazel came clattering up the stairs. They came into the room and closed the door behind them. Alice looked at me.

  ‘Hey, Megan, that top really suits you,’ she said. ‘You look great, but why…..?

  Hazel didn’t let her finish her question. ‘Come on, Alice. Hurry up and get ready. We have to go in ten minutes, otherwise we’ll miss our bus.’

  I grinned at her.

  ‘You don’t have to worry about me,’ I said. ‘I’m ready.’

  Alice gave me a funny look.

  ‘Ready for what?’ she asked.

  I laughed.

  ‘For the big sneaking-out adventure, of course.’

  Alice was still looking at me in that strange way, but she didn’t say anything.

  ‘Come on, Al,’ I said. ‘Don’t keep me in suspense any more. Tell me how we’re going to get away with this.’

  Alice didn’t answer. It took me a minute to notice that Hazel was sniggering at me, and that

  Alice had a look on her face like I had punched her really hard right between the eyes.

  There was a silence. A very, very, very long silence. I twiddled my straight hair, and rubbed imaginary dust from the leg of my jeans.

  Finally Hazel broke the silence with a big loud laugh.

  ‘Ha,’ she said. ‘Surely you don’t think that you’re coming?’

  I could feel my face going bright red. Of course I was going with them. That had always been the plan, hadn’t it?

  I looked at Alice desperately.

  Surely she wouldn’t let me down.

  Would she?

  Alice’s face was red too. She looked kind of mixed-up, but still she didn’t say anything. Usually she didn’t know how to stop talking, so why was she suddenly so quiet?

  ‘Tell her,’ Hazel sneered. ‘Tell your little friend everything. Or do you want me to?’

  Alice’s face was so red I thought that maybe you could make toast by holding bread up to it. I had never seen her look so embarrassed before.

  She didn’t look at me.

  ‘You see, Meg …’ she began.

  This was all wrong. I could feel that hot feeling behind my eyes that meant tears weren’t far behind.

  Hazel gave a huge snort of laughter.

  ‘Megan really thought she was coming with us. I don’t believe it. That is so totally pathetic.’

  I quickly wiped away the first tear with the back of my hand. Unfortunately, Hazel saw it.

  ‘Oh, stop crying and get over yourself, Megan,’ she said.

  I wiped away another tear and looked desperately at Alice.

  ‘Let me come with you,’ I begged.

  Alice shook her head.

  ‘I’m sorry, Meg,’ she said. ‘This is really awkward. You see … I mean … it’s …’

  Then the words came rushing out.

  ‘What I mean is …… you can’t come with us. I’d like you to, but you can’t.’

  I still didn’t understand.

  ‘But why can’t I come?’ I asked. ‘You know I won’t tell anyone.’

  Alice hesitated.

  ‘Well, you see, it’s a… it’s kind of a date.’

  Now it was my turn to be embarrassed.

  ‘A date?’ I repeated.

  Hazel laughed an evil laugh.

  ‘Yes, a date. You know, like with you and Sam.’

  She stopped and put her hand over her mouth.

  ‘Oh, silly me, I forgot. You and Sam didn’t go on a date, did you? Anyway, a date is where a boy and a girl go out together. Only in this case it’s two boys and two girls. Conor and Lee and Alice and me. Four is a lovely even number, don’t you think? So I’m afraid there’s no place for you. You stay here with your sweet little summer-camp friend, Sarah, while Al and I go have fun in the real world.’

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  Alice was going on a date, and I was only hearing about it now?

  How had this happened?

  By now Hazel was ready. I had to admit that she looked really great in a short denim skirt and a striped top. She was looking at her watch and tapping her foot impatiently.

  Alice was tying the laces of her new runners.

  She looked up at Hazel.

  ‘Why don’t you wait for me outside the back door? I’ll be down in a few minutes.’

  Hazel shrugged.

  ‘Whatever?’ she said, and she went out of the room. ‘Just don’t be late for our important date.’

  Alice came and sat on my bed. She put her arm around me.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Megan,’ she said. ‘I thought you knew that it was just Hazel and me. I had no idea that you thought you were coming too.’

  I didn’t answer for a minute. I was all mixed-up.

  Part of me was disappointed that I wasn’t getting to go on the big adventure.

  Part of me was very relieved that I wasn’t going on the big adventure.

  Mostly though, I just felt stupid for having thought that I was invited in the first place.

  I should have known that I was never going to be included in any plan that involved Hazel.

  ‘Meg, I’m really so sorry,’ said Alice again.

  I knew that she meant it. Suddenly I understood that this wasn’t really Alice’s fault. She was my best friend, and she was all excited about her big date, and I should be happy for her.

  I tried to smile.

  ‘So I’m not going with you. It’s not a big deal really. Tell me all about it anyway,’ I said. ‘Tell me what you and Hazel plan to do.’

  She smiled at me.

  ‘After all the crazy stuff you and I did this year, this should be very easy. We just climb over the back wall while everyone else is still at lunch. Then we walk into the village. There’s a bus into Cork at one o’clock – Hazel phoned up and checked. We’re meeting Lee and Conor outside the cinema – Hazel was there before and knows the way. The four of us go and watch the film, then we hang out for a while, and get something to eat, and then we get the bus back. Like I said – it’s easy-peasy.’

  ‘But won’t someone miss you?’

  She shook her head.

  ‘No. We’ve got it all worked out. Gloria was on lunch and tea duty yesterday, so she won’t be on again today. They only do every second day. And the other leaders won’t miss us. They don’t even know us properly. And after lunch it’s rehearsals for the French play, and Hazel and I aren’t in it, so we won’t be missed then either. And we’ll be back long before Gloria comes to check up on us at bed-time. And that’s it – that’s the plan.’

  She was right. It did sound easy. I tried not to think about how all of Alice’s plans sounded easy until the time came to carry them out. In the end, they were always much more complicated than I could ever have imagined.

  ‘But why?’ I asked.

  Alice gave a dreamy kind of smile.

  ‘It’s because of Lee. He’s really nice. And I want to see him again. And
if I don’t do this, I won’t get another chance. He’s going to America with his family next Sunday and we’ll be going back home to Limerick. It’s now or never.’

  She looked at her watch and jumped up.

  ‘I’ve got to go or we’ll miss the bus. Thanks for understanding.’

  Did I understand?

  I’m not really sure.

  I fiddled with the embroidered sleeve of the top I was wearing. Alice smiled.

  ‘That top really does suit you,’ she said. ‘You can wear it whenever you like. You can wear it again for the disco. We’ll have a great night then, I promise.’

  I smiled back at her, and then she skipped out of the room. I could hear her singing as she went down the stairs.

  I was glad someone was happy.

  I took off Alice’s top, and threw it into the back of the wardrobe. Then I changed into my own faded and stretched old t-shirt, and went downstairs for my lunch.

  Chapter seventeen

  It seemed like a very long afternoon. I kept on thinking of Alice – where she was, and what she was doing, and was she having such a good time with Hazel that she’d never want to be friends with me again?

  After lunch Sarah and I watched the rehearsals for the French play, and then we played rounders with some of the others. After that we just hung out.

  I really, really wanted to tell Sarah about Alice and Hazel sneaking out. But even though I knew I could trust Sarah, something stopped me. I was afraid that somehow Hazel would find out, and then she would make my life even more of a misery for the last few days of the camp.

  At tea-time, as Alice had predicted, there was no sign of Gloria, and the other group leaders didn’t notice that they were missing two girls. Sarah noticed immediately though.

  ‘Where’s Alice? And Hazel?’ she asked as we sat down with our trays. ‘I haven’t seen them all afternoon.’

  I had an answer ready for this.

  ‘Oh, Hazel didn’t feel very well, so she’s up in the bedroom. Alice stayed with her. They might be down later.’

  Sarah shrugged.

  ‘Somehow I can’t make myself feel sorry for Hazel. Let’s hope whatever is wrong with her will keep her out of our way for the next few days.’


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