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by Miles J. Unger

  excesses of young men (giovani) in, 34

  1530 siege of, 337–38

  French alliance with, 88, 90–91, 157, 185–90

  French occupation of, 50–51, 53

  as “fulcrum of Italy,” 30–31

  golden age of, 30–31, 45, 46

  government of, 4n, 6, 20–21, 23, 29, 31–32, 40, 43–45, 52–55, 71–91, 123–24

  home of NM in, 13, 15–16, 39, 50, 75, 210

  Medici domination of, 2n, 4n, 6, 7, 21–22, 23, 25–26, 29–32, 48–53

  Medici expelled from, 50–52, 53, 54, 60, 153, 157, 197, 199

  Medici regime restored in, 2n, 6, 7, 196–202, 282

  NM as Second Chancellor of, ix, 1, 4, 6–7, 10, 18, 28, 35–36, 42–45, 49, 53, 70–91, 97, 103, 105–8, 114–19, 122–33, 136–76, 181–201, 341

  Old Market in, 16, 30, 249, 274

  Oltrarno section of, 16, 17, 19, 21, 25, 108

  palaces in, 16–17, 29, 30, 50, 51, 60n

  patriarchal society of, 27, 216

  Piazza della Signoria in, 19, 50, 59, 65, 69, 162–63, 197

  political and military weakness of, 96–98, 102–3, 107, 115, 124, 157–58, 159–61, 217

  political conflict and violence in, 18–20, 25–26, 27, 31–32, 39–40, 44, 45–46, 52, 96, 187–88, 225, 267

  political patronage in, 73–74, 78

  population of, 17, 29, 53

  quarters and gonfaloni of, xii–xiii, 16n

  rats and contagious diseases in, 16, 29, 46n

  social activity and entertainment in, 31, 36–37, 41, 83, 104

  social hierarchy of, 13–14, 15, 16–17, 19–22, 23, 26, 29, 52, 251–52

  status of women in, 108–12, 274–75

  taxation in, 21, 55, 73, 77, 146–47, 161, 185

  tourists and visitors in, 16

  Via Larga in, 16–17, 29, 60n, 197, 294

  Via Romano in, 15–16, 21

  Florence, University of, 25, 34, 74, 303

  Florentine Great Council, 52–53, 54, 58, 61, 62, 72, 73, 76, 124, 136, 162–63, 192, 195, 197, 336

  Florentine Histories (Machiavelli), 20, 45n, 48, 117n, 148–49, 251n, 262n, 271, 303–4, 308–9, 313–14, 341

  Foix, Gaston de, 189–90

  Forli, 80–82, 83, 90, 97, 98, 129, 326

  Fornova, Battle of, 57

  Fossombrone, 131

  France, 47, 96

  NM’s diplomatic missions to, 98–108, 158

  Spanish wars with, 108n, 135, 139, 157–58, 177–78, 189–90, 279, 311–12

  see also French army

  Francis I, King of France, 312–13, 315, 321

  Franciscan Brothers, 42, 64–66, 299, 300

  frateschi, 58, 61–62, 63, 73

  Frederick I “Barbarossa,” Holy Roman Emperor, 164

  Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, 164

  French army, 86–91, 117, 157, 160, 315

  1494 invasion of Italy by, 45–52, 55–58, 78, 86–87, 94, 159

  1498 invasion of Italy by, 87, 88–91, 96–98

  French Revolution, 245

  Freud, Sigmund, 218

  Galileo Galilei, 257n, 347

  Gallic Wars, 255

  Garigliano River, 157

  Gascons, 89, 90

  Gauls, 31, 44

  Geneva, 165

  Genoa, 145, 177, 178

  Gentillet, Innocent, 9n, 335, 344–45

  Germanic states, 56n, 57n, 88, 166–67

  Germany, Nazi, 264

  Geta e Birria, 247

  Ghibelline party, 18–19, 105

  Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 22, 30, 75, 150

  Giovanni delle Bande Nere, 81n, 324, 325

  Giunta, Filippo di, 302

  Gondi, Giuliano, 61

  Gonfaloniere, x, 4n, 16n, 76, 123, 124, 136, 154, 162

  Gonzaga, Francesco, Marquis of Mantua, 192n

  Gordon, Thomas, 345

  Gospels, 41, 186, 220, 229, 255

  Greece, ancient, 33, 36, 147, 251n, 255, 257, 267

  Greek language, 33

  Guelph party, 18–19, 105

  Guicciardini, Francesco, 30–31, 45, 48, 50, 57–58, 60, 76, 77, 85, 87, 96, 231, 278, 311, 327, 338

  NM’s friendship with, ix, 30, 45n, 184, 238, 260, 273, 292, 299–302, 312, 315–19, 321–23

  works of, 31, 45n, 198, 300

  Guicciardini, Luigi, 209, 322

  Gurk, Bishop of, 168

  Hamilton, Alexander, 237n, 348

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), 228n, 229

  Hannibal, 47, 121

  Hebrews, ancient, 43, 184, 241

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 128, 290n

  Henry VI, Part 3 (Shakespeare), 347

  Henry VIII, King of England, 9n, 322n, 337, 343

  Hippocratic Oath, 148

  History of Florence (Guicciardini), 31, 45n, 300

  History of Italy (Guicciardini), 45n, 198, 300

  History of Rome (Livy), 24, 254n, 256, 269–70

  Hitler, Adolf, 9n, 232, 349

  Hobbes, Thomas, 230n, 237, 239, 346n, 348

  Holy League, 56–58, 87, 181, 188–89

  Holy Roman Emperor, 18, 56n–57n, 164–65, 242n

  Holy See, x, 5, 42, 45, 96

  see also College of Cardinals; Vatican

  homosexuality, 104, 277–78

  Horace, 249

  Huguenots, 9n, 344

  humanism, 106, 255

  Hume, David, 268

  Imola, 122, 126, 129, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146

  Inferno (Dante), 18n

  In Praise of Folly (Erasmus), 227n, 263n

  Institutio principis Christiani (Education of a Christian Prince) (Erasmus), 221–23

  Isocrates, 219n

  Italian Renaissance, 33, 40, 46, 57n, 85n, 94, 108–9, 115, 128, 137, 143, 172–73, 194, 222, 225, 228, 339, 343

  Italy, xi, 7n

  barbarian invasions of, 31, 44

  coinages used in, 84n

  1494 French invasion of, 45–52, 55–58, 78, 86–87, 94, 159

  1498 French invasion of, 87, 88–91, 96–98

  political upheaval in, 44

  reunification of, 241n, 245

  wool and silk industries of, 14, 25, 30, 299

  Jacopo of Piombino, 79, 159

  Jay, John, 237n

  Jesus Christ, 256, 258, 270, 272

  Jew of Malta, The (Marlowe), 346

  John III, King of Navarre, 139

  Judeo-Christian tradition, 223n

  Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 173n

  Julius II, Pope, x, 136–39, 153, 312, 322

  arts patronage of, 179

  death of, 207

  secular and religious power of, 178–90

  Kissinger, Henry, 148, 350

  La Magione Castle, 121

  Landino, Cristoforo, 283n

  Landucci, Luca, 50, 60, 62, 66, 68–69, 79, 107, 116, 117, 162–63, 169–70, 175, 197

  La Rocca fortress, 122, 143

  Last Supper (Leonardo), 142

  Latin language, 32, 33, 75, 83, 102, 150

  League of Cambrai, 181–85, 188

  League of Cognac, 322, 324–25

  Le Grazie bridge, 83

  Lenin, V. I., 287

  Lenzi family, 203

  Leo III, Pope, 56n–57n

  Leo X, Pope, x, 8, 54, 97n, 244, 245, 263, 268, 279, 283, 285

  death of, 306

  1513 election of, 3n, 207–8

  NM and, 54n, 292–94, 296, 313

  Leonardo da Vinci, 30, 60, 141–46, 148–55, 163n

  family background of, 142, 216

  multiple talents of, 141–42, 143–46, 148–52

  NM and, 141–46, 148, 150–52, 153

  notebooks of, 150

  setbacks and frustrations of, 142, 151–52

  Leonora (sister of Charles V), 321

  Leviathan (Hobbes), 230n, 239

  Life of Castruccio Castracani (Machiavelli), 298

  litterae humaniores (human letters), 34

  Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans (Pluta
rch), 128–29

  Livorno, 145

  Livy, 24, 32, 106, 137, 254n, 256, 270

  Locke, John, 237n, 345, 348

  Lombardy, 47, 89, 240, 315

  Lopez, Cardinal, 72

  Louis XII, King of France, ix, 87–89, 96–98, 100–103, 105, 107–8, 113, 158, 181, 186, 188–90, 312

  Cesare Borgia and, 96–98, 100–101, 105, 107–8, 113–14, 116–17, 123, 126

  Pope Alexander VI and, 87–88, 96, 100–101

  Lucca, 85–86, 144, 145, 169, 298

  Lucretia “La Riccia” (NM’s lover), 278

  Luther, Martin, 306, 312n

  Ninety-five Theses of, 263n, 293

  Lycurgus, 228, 266, 272

  Lyons, 89, 186

  Lysander, 301

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord, 10n

  Machiavelli, Alessandro, 22

  Machiavelli, Bartolomea (daughter), ix, 276, 277

  Machiavelli, Bartolomea Benizi (mother), 26–28, 101n, 109–10

  religious poetry of, 27–28

  Machiavelli, Bernardo (father), ix, 248

  character and personality of, 22–26, 155

  death of, 14–15, 101, 185

  diary of, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29

  family concerns of, 25–26, 32

  farming of, 14, 29

  financial fecklessness and debt of, 22–23, 24, 27, 28, 33, 155, 185, 218

  intellectual pursuits of, 14, 24, 28, 72, 256

  law training of, 22

  Livy’s History of Rome indexed by, 24, 256

  marriage of, 26–27

  NM’s relationship with, 22, 25, 28

  properties of, 13–14, 15–16, 17, 23, 27, 30

  social and political connections of, 14, 23, 26, 35, 74

  Machiavelli, Bernardo (son), ix, 112n, 113, 208, 276, 277, 322

  Machiavelli, Buoninsegna, 21

  Machiavelli, Girolamo, 25–26

  Machiavelli, Guido (son), ix, 208, 276–77

  Machiavelli, Lodovico (son), ix, 208, 276, 277n

  Machiavelli, Lorenzo di Filippo, 21

  Machiavelli, Margherita (sister), 27

  Machiavelli, Marietta Corsini (wife), ix, 327

  marriage of NM and, 8, 108–13

  motherhood of, 8, 35, 112, 127, 208, 211, 274, 276

  NM’s relationship with, 35, 111–13, 127–28, 208–9, 274–76, 278

  Machiavelli, Niccolò d’Alessandro, 25

  Machiavelli, Niccolò di Bernardo, ix

  abrasive manner of, 1, 7, 36, 128, 171, 210, 213

  active vs. contemplative life preferred by, 248–54

  arrest, imprisonment, and torture of, 2–4, 35, 204–5, 212, 274, 293–94

  birth of, 13, 15, 17, 22, 27, 148

  bitterness and sarcasm of, 4–6, 15, 42, 85, 217

  brothels and taverns frequented by, 36–37, 41, 42, 83, 103–5, 208, 209, 248, 274

  candor of, 132, 147, 199–201, 215

  childhood and adolescence of, 13, 16, 22, 25, 27–37, 141, 148, 216

  citizen militia raised by, 1–2, 20, 150, 152, 160–64, 169–72, 174–75, 187, 188, 191–94, 303

  conventional decorum and morality condemned by, 210, 218

  cynicism of, 19, 35, 86, 198, 237–39, 253

  death of, 9, 35, 261

  debating skills of, 249

  diplomatic missions of, 42–45, 74, 80–82, 83, 97, 98–103, 105–6, 114–19, 122–33, 136–40, 158–59, 165–69, 181–83, 185–89, 217

  education of, 32–34, 41, 74, 75, 106, 256

  enemies and detractors of, 1–2, 6, 9–10, 23n, 35, 104, 146, 170–71, 177, 185–86, 201–4

  family background of, 13–15, 17–22, 72, 75, 110, 155

  family responsibilities of, 27, 72, 101, 108, 127–28, 208–9, 211–12, 274–77

  farming of, 4, 202n, 211, 247, 249

  fatherhood of, 8, 35, 36, 83, 109, 112–13, 208–9, 211, 276–77

  financial need and debt of, 6, 7–8, 11, 17, 23n, 28, 35, 37, 72, 101, 125, 127–28, 202, 209, 212, 213, 214, 216

  as “finger of Satan,” 261, 343–44

  Fortune and the Muses evoked by, 3, 6, 8, 40, 46, 140, 175, 206–7, 209, 224, 228–29, 248, 260, 264, 271–72, 274, 275, 281

  gregariousness of, 5, 23, 35, 37, 247, 249, 281–83

  honesty and loyalty of, 6, 202, 204, 210–11, 215–16

  humor of, 7, 35, 111, 205–6, 209, 285–93

  hypocrisy seen in, 6, 7

  illness and death of, 331–33, 341–42

  “Il Machia” nickname of, 7

  intelligence and insight of, 5, 29, 35, 36, 250

  lawsuits against, 36

  literary and political critics of, 6, 7, 78, 170–71, 218, 231–32, 242–43

  literary interests and talent of, 30, 33–34, 35, 36, 41, 72, 74, 106, 128, 158n, 248, 256, 285–86, 292

  logic and practicality of, 54, 78, 144, 148, 172, 263–64

  love affairs of, 211, 248, 278–80, 290, 291, 309, 311, 318

  loyal friends of, 4, 35, 36, 74, 75, 82–83, 103–4, 109, 185, 208, 210, 249, 274

  marriage of, see Machiavelli, Marietta Corsini

  military responsibilities of, 46, 74, 79, 80, 83–87, 105–7, 117–18, 144–46, 150, 152, 159–64, 169–72, 174, 191–94, 303, 322–24

  modest patrimony of, 4, 5, 37, 72, 185, 247, 252

  moral relativism charged to, 78, 265

  patriotism of, 6–7, 28, 53, 82, 86, 136–37, 147, 159, 198, 204, 241n, 245, 336

  pessimism of, 31, 45, 176, 186, 228, 269–71, 273

  physical appearance of, 34–35

  plays of, ix, 15, 24–25, 36, 37, 110–11, 155, 209, 219n, 239n, 260, 271n, 275, 287–93

  poetry of, 2–3, 4–5, 35, 44, 55, 56, 91, 126, 147, 149, 158–59, 183, 205–6, 212–13, 285

  political philosophy of, ix, 1, 9–10, 11n, 15, 19, 31, 54, 62–64, 71–72, 77–78, 85–86, 102–3, 117–19, 128–30, 137–40, 147–48, 201, 290

  popular image of, 9–10, 132, 200, 340

  posthumous fame of, 7, 9–10, 40, 206, 336, 341–42

  prison release of, 3, 207, 208, 213n, 274

  realism of, 215, 220, 233, 252

  religion criticized by, 3, 7, 9, 10, 28, 33, 40, 41, 218, 219, 227, 258–59, 332, 343

  restlessness and social isolation of, 1, 4–6, 11, 209–14, 216, 247–49, 273–74, 305

  ribald correspondence of, 82–83, 103–5

  salary of, 72–73, 98n, 101, 127, 251–52, 298, 303–4, 308–9

  sardonic mockery of, 29, 35, 112, 206

  sinister reputation of, 8, 9–10, 15, 132, 218, 233, 277, 320

  social and political ambition of, 6–8, 17–18, 28, 30, 35–36, 37, 142, 143, 216, 217

  social insecurity of, 15, 17–18, 28, 141, 142–43, 216–17, 253–54

  stoicism and dignity of, 2–3, 205–7, 211

  study of history paramount to, 270–71

  tomb of, 335–36

  treason suspected of, 2, 3, 7, 187, 202–5

  work ethic of, 251–52, 253–54, 274

  youthful political passivity of, 53–55, 102

  Machiavelli, Niccolò di Buoninsegna (grandfather), 21n

  Machiavelli, Piero (son), ix, 276, 277, 331–32

  Machiavelli, Primavera (daughter), ix, 112, 208, 276

  Machiavelli, Primavera (sister), 27, 101, 277

  Machiavelli, Totto (brother), 27n, 101, 277

  Machiavelli family, 13–15, 17–22, 29, 35–36

  Machiavellism: The Doctrine of Raison d’Etat and Its Place in Modern History (Meinecke), 229n

  Madison, James, 77, 267, 268, 269, 345, 348

  magnates (social class), 13n, 20, 21, 146, 201

  malarial fever, 133, 207

  Malatesta, Galeotto, 152

  Mandragola, La (Machiavelli), 15, 36, 37, 110–11, 209, 219n, 239n, 260, 287–93, 304, 307, 318–19, 333n

  critical success of, 291–92, 319n, 341

  first production of, 291–92

  prologue to, 155, 291

Mantua, 190, 300

  Marlowe, Christopher, 346

  Marx, Karl, 9n, 128, 268, 290n, 345, 348, 349

  Marxism, 340

  mathematics, 32–33

  Maximillian I, Holy Roman Emperor, ix, 56, 57n, 164–65, 167–69, 181–83

  Mazaruol, Piero, 182

  Medici, Alessandro de’, 292, 307, 318, 329, 338

  Medici, Cardinal Giovanni de’, 50, 157, 188, 190–92, 194–95, 197–201, 207–8

  see also Leo X, Pope

  Medici, Cardinal Giulio, 45n, 293, 294–98, 303–4, 305, 306–9, 313

  failed plot against, 307–9, 311, 313

  see also Clement VII, Pope

  Medici, Cosimo de’, 21–22, 25, 81n, 197, 236, 281n

  Medici, Cosimo de’, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 81n, 304

  Medici, Giovanni de’, 81

  Medici, Giovanni di Bicci de’, 21n

  Medici, Giuliano de’, Duke of Nemours, x, 2n, 3n, 8, 10n, 35, 36, 80, 84, 157, 190, 192, 294–96

  death of, 8n, 32, 214, 217n, 244, 294

  NM and, 2n, 35, 36, 199, 212–14, 274, 281, 285

  return to Florence of, 196–97, 203

  works of NM dedicated to, 2n, 35, 199, 205, 212–14, 243–45, 293–94

  Medici, Giuliano de’ (uncle of the Duke), 114n, 203, 294

  Medici, Ippolito de, 292, 307, 318, 329

  Medici, Lorenzo de’, 81

  Medici, Lorenzo de’, Duke of Urbino, x, 8n, 10n, 214, 294–96

  death of, 296

  dedication of the Prince to, 8n, 10n, 141, 142–43, 217, 245, 284–85

  direct address in The Prince to, 217, 219, 221–22, 232–33, 241

  Medici, Lorenzo de’ ” Il Magnifico,” ix, 14, 21n, 35, 69, 73, 80, 81n, 108n, 159, 198, 296

  arts patronage and civic leadership of, 29–32, 148–49, 153n, 281n, 295

  carnival song of, 288n

  death of, 31, 45n, 48, 304

  poetry of, 30

  sons of, x, 10n, 35, 36, 48–50, 157, 192–98, 244

  Medici, Nanina de, 282

  Medici, Pierfrancesco de’, 81

  Medici, Piero de’ ” The Unfortunate,” x, 8n, 45n, 54, 61, 74, 84, 100–101, 113, 116, 122, 146, 197, 201n, 214, 285, 295, 304

  betrayal of Florence by, 48–50, 88

  death of, 157, 188

  fall of, 54, 60n, 61, 64, 81n, 153, 294

  Medici dynasty, 73, 207, 294–95

  crest of, 187

  Florence dominated by, 2n, 4n, 6, 7, 21–22, 23, 25–26, 29–32, 48–53

  1466 failed coup against, 162, 201n

  1494 Florentine expulsion of, 50–52, 53, 54, 60, 153, 157, 197, 199

  Florentine Restoration of, 2n, 6, 7, 196–202, 282

  NM’s attempts to ingratiate himself with, 6, 7–8, 10, 35–36, 199, 212–14, 215, 280–81

  NM’s connection to, 2n, 8, 10, 35–36, 45n, 54, 199

  palace of, 16–17, 50


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