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The Sheikh's Marriage Of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 10)

Page 11

by Cara Albany

  When, at last, he closed the distance between them, pressing his damp body against her, crushing his hardness against her, it didn't matter that he was wet, didn't matter that this was the craziest thing she'd done, letting him in, letting him close.

  Karim grasped her in his powerful, muscular arms, and his lips crashed down upon hers, igniting sensation that flooded her body. She groaned in spite of herself and wrapped her arms hungrily around him, drawing him to her.

  He felt astonishingly powerful, his torso firm against her. His tongue explored her, and she matched his hunger, eager for the taste of him. His skin tasted salty after his time in the sea, but that only added a primal edge to the sensation which had seized control of her.

  She felt his breath, harsh and urgent. Her breasts pressed hard against his muscled torso, and she could feel her nipples hardening.

  His firmness pressed against her core, igniting heat there.

  She felt his hands scoop her up and place her bottom on the edge of the table. Her hips settled, and she leaned back, his hunger driving him forward, unwilling to let her go, not even for a moment. Every moment seemed sacred now, every second filled with promise.

  Erin propped herself on the table with her hands and felt him support her with strong arms around her back as he continued to explore her mouth with his tongue.

  Then he lifted his head away from her, and he dipped down, seeking her breasts. She felt one of his hands slide around away from her back and curve gently around one of her breasts. His thumb teased at her nipple through the fabric of her dress. Electric pleasure raced through her, and she gasped. The sound of her pleasure seemed to merely drive him on even more. She felt him press his need against her core, and she was momentarily shocked at its size, its insistent pressure. She was aware of her own moistness, but the pleasure that had overwhelmed her drove all thought from her mind. All that mattered was being here, right now, with Karim as he ravished her body, as he drove her to pleasures she'd never felt before.

  Erin grasped Karim's dark hair, fisting it carefully in her hands. When she tugged gently on it, he lifted his head and gasped out loud. The appreciative grin on his face told her he liked it when she did that to him.

  Erin lay back down on the hard table. She felt Karim descend upon her, the weight of his body supported by one arm by her side. His other hand drifted downward, and she felt him lift up the hem of her dress. She closed her eyes and submitted to the sensation of his fingers tracing a line up the inside of her thigh. Galvanic pleasure traced a line around her core as anticipation grew. His fingers caressed the soft skin of her inner thighs.

  Erin felt breath escape her, and her mind went utterly blank, giving in to the promise of what was surely to come. Every movement of his fingers across her delicate skin sent quivering waves of pleasure coursing through her.

  She knew this was what she wanted; knew this was what she needed. Something this good had to be right, didn't it?

  Then she felt his fingers tug gently at her panties, easing them to one side. Erin slid her hand down the length of Karim's naked back, feeling the taut power of his muscles. She wanted to reach lower, needing to touch him; confirm the strength of his need. But she could feel that need in every one of his straining muscles. He was trying to contain himself; trying to control the urges that were pulling at him, urging him to claim her.

  She felt his fingers probe her most sensitive area and she gasped as sensation swept throughout her middle. Erin's fingers curled against his back, her nails scraping at his flesh. She felt Karim's body tighten as she did that, but his fingertips continued their relentless pursuit of her pleasure.

  There was a sudden noise from inside the villa, and she felt Karim stiffen.

  Then he lifted himself up, and she gazed at him as he looked toward the interior of the villa. Whatever had caused the noise, it had transformed Karim instantly. His brows had furrowed, and his lips were tight with frustration and concern.

  Erin suddenly felt foolish lying on the table, looking up at him. She pulled the hem of her dress down and forced herself up. Karim stepped away from her. He was still slightly out of breath, and she could see the evidence of his desire contained within his shorts. If they'd carried on much longer, she knew what would have happened.

  Erin slid off the table and stood. She straightened her dress as best she could, glancing nervously at Karim as she did so.

  Karim cleared his throat. "Perhaps I should get inside, after all. Dry myself off," he explained hesitantly.

  Erin nodded, feeling suddenly like she'd been caught making out at a Prom night.

  Then, as quickly as he'd appeared, Karim walked away from her, leaving Erin to take in a deep, calming breath. She listened to the soft sound of the waves from far below the terrace.

  She could still feel the echoes of the sensations he'd called forth from her body. She slumped down on a chair and rested her elbows on the table. She covered her face with her hands and groaned into her palms. What a fool she'd been. Nothing good would have come from making love with Karim, here of all places.

  Erin sighed heavily and rolled her eyes.

  Maybe Karim wasn't the only one who needed a calming swim in the evening waters, she told herself.


  She'd save her own swimming until the sun came up and she could enjoy time on her own. After what had just happened, Erin knew one thing for sure. For the next few days, she'd have to keep well away from Karim.

  The only thing was, she wasn't sure she was going to be able to forget the promise of the ecstasy Karim had pledged with his tender touch.


  Three days later, Karim stood on the balcony of one of the rooms which faced the long stretch of beach and watched as Erin lay taking the early afternoon sun. It had been three long days and nights since their encounter on the terrace downstairs. Three days and nights for him to experience every emotion from regret to frustration.

  When was she going to come around to seeing everything his way? Should he even ask himself that question? This was just a marriage of convenience, after all. Wasn't it?

  He regretted his impulsive action, the way he'd almost given in to the temptation to possess Erin, even if it meant sharing their passion on something as unseemly as a table. What had he been thinking of!

  The more he'd reflected on his actions, the more he'd realized that it had been more than simple lust. Some part of him had seized upon the chance to claim Erin and, in doing so, found a way to break down the barrier between them. Because, that barrier needed to be broken, he told himself. They were so much more than just two people pretending to be married. He absolutely believed that.

  Now that he'd had some time to be around her, he knew that fate had delivered Erin into his arms. He loved everything about her; the way she looked; her defiant character; the way she liked to battle with him, keeping him always on his toes. Being with Erin was exciting. Life felt more vital when he was with her.

  And that was why he felt such a strong sense of frustration. The excitement he felt was tempered by one thing. Her obvious determination to keep him as far away from him as possible, even here on this island.

  The last three days they'd shared breakfasts, lunches and dinners and nothing else. They'd gone through the motions of being civil to each other, even though he was sure they both knew how they'd felt three nights ago on the terrace. Their conversations had been polite and courteous, and nothing more. Neither of them had brought up the subject of their dangerous encounter.

  And, to cap it all off, every night had been spent apart. She in her suite, her door firmly locked. He in his room further down the corridor. He knew none of the staff would dare comment upon the distance between the sheikh and his new wife. They were too loyal for that.

  So, here he was, watching his wife from afar, trying to figure out what he could do to win her affections. Because he knew one thing for sure. He had to make this marriage work. When they returned to Qazhar life there w
ould be no disguising the distance between them. All of their public appearances might be easy to stage manage, but the routine life spent around family and friends would be far more difficult to control.

  He pushed one thought firmly out of his mind. Sooner or later, everyone they loved might have to know the truth about their sham marriage. He sighed. He'd deal with that when the time came.

  And, to make matters worse, he'd been speaking with his associates back in Qazhar. One, lone dissident voice was still trying to gather support for one last ditch effort at destabilizing Qazhar. That individual would take more persuading, it seemed. There was still work to be done if this crazy marriage of convenience was to work.

  Karim gazed down at the beach. He could see Erin's distant figure stretched out on a long beach towel. She'd propped a large, open umbrella between her and the bright sunshine. He laughed quietly at the thought of her following his advice about taking care with the harsh sun on her pale skin. He recalled how her skin had felt to the touch nights before; remembered how her cheeks had flushed as he'd caressed her body; the memory of her scent; the way she had reacted to his every touch.

  He groaned quietly. Karim knew he should be down there, by her side, lying next to her. They should be sharing this time together, not apart like some estranged couple. He wondered what she thought of all this. Did she feel the same way about this whole sham marriage? Was there even the flicker of a hope that she could open up to him the way he needed her to?

  Karim gritted his teeth. If there was a way, he was determined to find it.

  A flash of light caught his attention. He looked out toward sea and felt a chill run up his spine.

  A boat had edged around the headland and was zeroing in toward where Erin was lying on the beach. Karim leaned urgently forward, narrowing his eyes, straining to make out who was on the boat. It was still a long way out to sea so it was difficult for him to make things out in detail.

  There were more flashes of light, as the sun was reflecting off something. Then it came to him.


  It could be a boat of paparazzi looking to get some valuable images of Qazhar's favorite newly-weds. Hadn't those people been given what they needed back at the airport and at the wedding?

  Karim went to his room and fetched a small pair of binoculars from a drawer. He went out onto his balcony and lifted the glasses to his eyes, focusing in on the small boat.

  Karim could see figures moving around animatedly on the deck of the small boat. He could see tripods being set up, and the leaning figures of photographers focusing their lenses on Erin. Karim shifted his focus to check on Erin. For her part, she was completely oblivious to the new attention. She looked like she was sleeping, or at least enjoying the sun with her eyes closed.

  Karim cursed, clenching his fists into tight balls. He had to get rid of the photographers. He couldn't have them taking pictures. While they were here on the island, their privacy was sacred. When he returned to Qazhar, he'd make his views known to the right people. In the meantime, he knew he had to do something.

  Then an idea came to him. It was a crazy notion, but one born of sudden desperation. He weighed the idea in his mind for a few moments. Maybe this situation could be turned to everyone's advantage. Including his and Erin's.

  Karim turned and raced out of the room, desperate to get to Erin as fast as he could.


  Erin drew in a deep breath and sighed contentedly, stretching out her limbs on the warm towel. She felt good. Really good.

  Even beneath the shade of the huge beach umbrella, the heat was still intense. She waved a small fan in front of her face, but it hardly made any difference to the sweltering heat. Her body was layered with a mixture of sweat and suntan lotion.

  Every muscle in her body felt luxuriously soft, and she was building up the best tan she'd ever had in her life. Who wouldn't feel good lying on a secluded desert island beach with hardly a care in the world?

  Now, that last part wasn't strictly true. She had plenty of cares, not least of which was what to do about Karim. It hadn't been easy being to be so cold with him these last three days. But it had been important to keep her distance, especially after what had happened on the terrace.

  Correction. Almost happened.

  After her nerves had settled, after Karim had left her on the terrace, she'd been grateful that they'd both pulled back from the brink. The thought of what it would have meant for them had made her shiver on more than one occasion during the last seventy-two hours.

  So, since then, she'd done the best she could do to be polite and respectful to Karim, even though she could see what that night had meant to him. It wasn't hard to see the barely disguised need behind those dangerous dark eyes.

  She'd also managed to get through a long phone call to her mother. Louise had needed lots of reassurance that her eldest daughter was doing well, that she was safe and happy. Erin had done what she could to allay her mother's fears, and eventually, she felt like she'd succeeded.

  Now, all Erin had to do was get through another couple of days. Karim had suggested they return to Qazhar over the coming weekend. She would be glad to get back to the mainland, relieved to see her family again. Would she be equally relieved to set up residence in Karim's palace? The next few months would pass excruciatingly slowly if things didn't improve between her and Karim. She would find out soon enough, she told herself.

  Erin opened her eyes, removed her sunglasses and shifted onto her stomach. She lay her head down on the beach towel. Maybe time to take a swim, she thought. She needed to deal with the heat. It wasn't only the heat of the sun that was the problem. There was also the heat she felt every time she remembered Karim driving her wild with pleasure. Those memories had been insistent and hard to get rid of. She'd welcome the cooling effect of the wild sea.

  But first, maybe she'd just close her eyes a while, she thought, snuggling against the towel.

  Suddenly she heard fast footsteps thudding into the sand close by. Erin opened her eyes and lifted her head. She squinted in the direction of the villa and saw the figure of Karim running slowly toward her. He was smiling broadly.

  Erin sat up as Karim halted at the end of her towel, near her head, right next to the beach umbrella. She looked up at him. "Karim? What is it?"

  He shook his head. "Nothing. I just wanted to come see you. Is that a crime?"

  Erin sat up, her back to the sea. "Of course not."

  He was out of breath, as if he'd been running fast. He gestured toward the towel. "May I?" he asked.

  Erin shifted, allowing him room as he dropped down beside her. He was wearing a thin T-shirt, loose-fitting pants, and flat pumps. He hadn't come to her like this before. Perhaps something was up.

  "Is there a problem?" she asked.

  "No," he said in a flat voice. "Should there be?"

  Erin shook her head. "I guess not. It's just that you haven't come to the beach with me before."

  "I wanted to make sure you had some time to yourself." He glanced down the length of her body. She was only wearing a bikini. Memories of what had happened on the terrace flickered into her mind, and she shifted self-consciously, crossing her bare legs. She saw him watch her do that, his gaze instantly hungry.

  "I can see your tan's coming on nicely," he said with an appreciative grin.

  "I was thinking of going for a swim," she said.

  She started to move her head to gaze out to sea, but right at that moment, Karim did something that took her completely by surprise. He cupped her chin in his hand, keeping her eyes looking at him, and gazed deep into her eyes. There was a dominant, demanding look in those eyes, she realized. Familiar desire, kept subdued for days now, flamed into life as she looked at him.

  Then, he kissed her. The sudden mixture of shock and pleasure caused a wave of pleasure to race down her body. She wanted to object, felt she needed to, but her body defeated every sensible thought that rose to her mind. She lifted a hand, intending to push him a
way, but all she could do was groan with pleasure and settle her hand on his shoulder.

  Erin felt Karim's hand drift down to her middle, settling on her bare belly. Heat tingled at her core, and she wondered if his hand would move down further to explore her, the way he had almost done a few nights before. But, he didn't move his hand. The fact that it settled warmly on her bare flesh only made the need she felt even stronger.

  His lips were as expert as ever, driving her to familiar pleasures. She moaned again, the impulse to resist him rising once again to the surface. But, sensation drove every objection back to where it belonged. Maybe another time.

  Right now, the combination of surprise and all the thoughts she'd had during the past three days came together, pushing her to accept utterly this impulsive gesture, this hot, devouring kiss. His tongue probed her, and she granted him entry, willingly and thankfully. His body leaned against her, and she felt the strength she'd noticed nights before. This time his desire was even stronger, more insistent.

  Erin wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she lay back on the towel. He leaned across, all the while kissing her, and she felt his hand slide up toward her breasts, but halt just before enclosing one breast in his tender grasp.

  Why was he being so modest? Why was he holding himself back? Was it because of what had happened in public on the terrace? Was he fearful of another inconvenient interruption?

  The truth was she wanted him, suddenly and inexplicably. She didn't care about anything else, only that the long wait was over. That he had come to her and she had made her decision.


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