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Stripped Bare

Page 7

by Lyssa Cole

  Jax slides in, smiling his charming smile at me. I can’t help but smile back. He is a serious heart fucking breaker. Not to mention this gorgeous car of his that smells like him and is just as gorgeous as he is.

  He gently takes my hand, bringing it to his lips, brushing the back of it against them. I shiver, the heat between us crackling. I adjust my skirt, with the one hand I have left, crossing one leg over the other in hopes of squashing the heat between my legs.

  Jax pulls out quickly, the charger roaring down the street. “Want to go for a ride there, gorgeous?”

  I nod, a seductive smile playing on my lips. I hope that means park somewhere and fuck. I don’t know how much longer I am going to be able to ignore the ache in my core, the burning in my pussy.

  Jax drives around the empty streets of this small town, flying through dead neighborhoods.

  I roll the window down some, letting the air run through my hair. I sigh, leaning back against the car seat. “Where are we going?” I laugh as Jax takes a quick spin, causing me to fall to the side, my skirt riding up, exposing a whole lot of my ass.

  He grins and I smack his arm playfully. “You did that on purpose didn’t you?”

  Jax wiggles his eyebrows and pulls to a stop on the side of the road. Finally,

  But when I look out the window, my heart falls. We are at my apartment and Jax doesn’t look like he’s coming inside.

  “Thank you for a wonderful dinner,” he says as he leans over, kissing me softly on the lips.

  “You’re not coming inside?” I blurt out, wishing I hadn’t said anything. I lean back, catching his gaze with my own.

  “Not tonight gorgeous. I know you don’t want to rush things and I don’t want to do anything we might regret rushing too quickly.”

  I am a bit taken a back, usually the guy isn’t the one doing this type of thinking. It is sweet, though, and my heart warms towards him.

  Maybe I really can trust him.

  Jax gets out of the car, coming around to open my door. I take his hand as I slide out, making sure to brush my ass against his front. I couldn’t resist.

  A low growl escapes his throat and I love the effect I have on him.

  He follows behind after closing my door and as I get to my door, I am about to slid the key inside the lock when I feel his hands slip around my waist, grasping it as he pulls me flush against him.

  I gasp, his hardness digging into my back. He begins trailing kisses along my neck, then suddenly, spins me around, backing me against my door. He releases my waist and puts two hands up on either side of my head, trapping me in.

  “This is dangerous territory there gorgeous, I don’t know if you can handle it.”

  He kisses me with such ferocity, I almost melt into a puddle on the spot.

  But just as quickly, he is gone, whispering goodbye as he races back to his car, jumping in and taking off.

  I am left standing there breathless. My mind is utterly confused, yet my body screams for more. His scent is left lingering in the air and I grasp at my necklace, wishing I could call my mother, just one more time, to hear her voice, her sweet words.


  The next couple of days passes quickly. I do some videos, I party with Alicia, and we dish. She met a hot man last night when we went out dancing again and now she can’t stop talking about him. Alicia leans back against my headboard, kicking her shoes off the side of my bed.

  “Oh. My. God. Maddie. His cock was fucking unbelievable. I don’t think I have ever been fucked that good. I mean seriously. I think he ruined me for all other men.” Alicia’s eyes widen as the thought dawns on her. She gulps down a huge sip of her wine while I laugh.

  “Girl,” I say as I wave my hand at her. “There are plenty of dicks in the sea. So he had a big one and he knows how to use it. That’s great. And all that means is, you need to fuck him more. Like a lot more. Like as much as you can.”

  Now we are both dying laughing, tears streaming down our face.

  “You know what, you are so right. I found a hot man with a huge cock and he can fuck like no one’s business. Why am I stressing?”

  I chuckle, rolling my eyes at her. “Alicia, I have only known you a short time and even I know you always stress over something.”

  She smacks my hand playfully, lifting my glass to my lips. “Drink now, bitch. It will shut that mouth of yours up.” I chug a few gulps and then grab the glass for her hands, wiping the wine that is now leaking down the side of my mouth with the back of my hand.

  Alicia laughs, her eyes beaming at me. “Next time, I’ll shove a dick in there so watch out.”

  I wink at her. “Fine by me, I always loved me some good dick. So, are you seeing Alex again?”

  Alicia sighs. “See this is the part I hate. We exchanged numbers and he said he would call. Now I wait like a pathetic loser. Or maybe I should grow a pair and finally just text a guy first.”

  I wag my finger at her, my perception off slightly. “Yes, I think that is a great idea girlfriend. It’s time girls take over. Fuck men.”

  We both dissolve into giggles. This wine is going straight to our heads.

  There is a knock at the door and I jump. Panic rolls through me and Alicia must see it on my face because she pats my hand as she goes to get off the bed. “Relax, babe, it’s the door. Want me to get it? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  I stand, taking a deep breath. “No, no. It’s okay. You just never know who it could be.”

  Alicia gives me a strange look. “I’ll come with you Hun, I am sure it isn’t anything.”

  I go to the door and peek through the peephole. The panic following in my body instantly turns to white hot desire.

  Jax. He’s here.

  I look back at Alicia. I mouth, “It’s Jax.”

  I turn to open the door, as Alicia smacks my ass and scampers off back into the bedroom. I can’t help but snort with laughter as I open the door.

  There he stands, looking just as hot as he did two nights ago. He smiles, his face lightening up when he sees me. “Maddie. I am sorry to show up unannounced but I was passing by and thought maybe you wanted some company…”

  His voice trails off and he looks down, shuffling his feet. He looks uncomfortable which seems strange. Jax is usually so confident.

  I step aside, letting him come in. “Sure. Come on in. Alicia is here…” I don’t get to finish my sentence because Alicia comes barreling into the living room, “Oh my God, Mads!! He just text me!!”

  Alicia stops short when she sees Jax, doing a double take. “Oh shit, sorry. Jax, I didn’t realize you had come in. Here I am talking about my own life and my text messages without even saying hi, oh my God I’m blabbering now…sorry, forgive me I have had a bit too much wine.” She holds her fingers into the shape of a small square, showing she’s only had a bit to drink but we know better.

  I roll my eyes as I laugh. This girl is crazy. Legit crazy. And I love every second I am with her.

  Jax laughs too, his body seeming to relax. “Hey Alicia. Who just text you?”

  Alicia’s face flushes a bit. “Alex. This guy I met last night. Maddie and I were at Pulse last night. Surprised we didn’t see you!”

  Alicia needs to shut up already. Jax is already looking at me, his eyebrows raised in question. What? I can’t go out? I’m surprised he doesn’t know by the way he stalks me all the time.

  “Oh yeah? Did you ladies have a good time?” My eyes lock with Jax and I bite my lip, tasting my last sip of wine.

  Jax’s eyes darken as they drop to my mouth and I feel the familiar pull, the desire already flooding me everywhere, my panties becoming more wet by the second. Alicia must be able to tell as my cheeks begin to flush and I am sure Jax already knows.

  I nod as I grin at him. “We sure did. Not that I remember much.” I shrug and Jax smirks. He isn’t buying my shit.

  “I’m going to grab my glass. Then we can sit and maybe order some food?”

  Alicia nods, her eyes
glued to her phone, as she makes her way to my kitchen island, sliding into a high top chair. She only pulls her eyes away to refill her wine glass and then she is back to reading her phone.

  Jax follows me into the bedroom. I grab my glass and spin, surprised he followed me in here. I don’t say anything, just hold his gaze as I gulp down the rest of my wine. I lick the last drops off my lips and he is staring again at my mouth, that dark gaze penetrating me on the spot, causing jolts of desire to run through me. I grasp onto my necklace in hopes of calming the swarm of butterflies that decided to just invade my stomach.

  He breaks his concentration and slides his hands in his front pockets of his jeans. His form fitting t-shirt rides up a bit and I can just make out the top band of his boxer briefs, the very bottom of his abs showing. A dark line of ink runs across his belly and dips down below the surface.

  His leather jacket hugs all the right spots on top of his t-shirt and I can’t help but stare to the point of drooling. We both don’t move, as we stare across the bed at each other, so many words being said without being spoken.

  The heat is palpable in the room, the electricity coursing back and forth. My body feels like it is on fire, I want to jump across the bed and attack him.

  I finally break the ice; I can’t take the silence anymore. “Why do you keep staring at me?” I whisper to him.

  “How can I not stare at you? You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  I flush, the heat spreading across my cheeks quickly.

  Jax sighs, running his hand through his hair. He looks uncomfortable again. What is going on with him?

  “Look Maddie…I came here tonight actually to tell you something. I…”

  Just then Alicia bursts in, squeals of joy pouring from her mouth. “Shit Maddie!! Alex asked me out to dinner! Tomorrow night! We got to plan my hair…my makeup…” She trails off when she sees the way Jax and I are standing and looking at each other.

  “I’m sorry I’m totally interrupting something.” She backs out and heads back to the kitchen. How many times is she going to interrupt us?

  “What were you saying?” I ask him hoping he starts again.

  “Nothing.” He shakes his head. “It wasn’t anything important. So where do you want to eat tonight?”

  And with that the conversation is over and Jax heads to the kitchen. He really seemed like he needed to tell me something. He’s giving me such mixed signals hot and cold. I haven’t heard from him in two days and then he just shows up here, brooding and quiet. What the fuck?

  I sigh and make my way to Jax and Alicia, ready to fill my glass again. I had no idea what was up with Jax but it didn’t look like I was going to be finding out anytime soon. He was probably like any other guy and just looking for a lay. If that was the case, he could count himself out.

  Chapter 17


  I almost told her. I convinced myself it was a good idea. My time is running out. She was here a few days before I even made it here and I only found her out of luck of seeing her in the videos.

  Now I have been here a few days and I am in no better spot than when I got here. I have a 10am flight booked for tomorrow morning and she is supposed to be on it with me. I only have a little under a week before the deadline but we always plan for extra time just in case. You never know what kind of fucked up shit could get in your way.

  What am I going to do? Fuck.

  My phone starts to vibrate for the millionth time today and I know it’s Scott. He’s been on my ass big time. I just keep telling him I’m trying but my plan isn’t working.

  The problem is I can’t tell him why my plan isn’t working. What am I supposed to say that I can’t bring her home because I want her as mine? I want to run away with her, protect her from her piece of shit family.

  My phone is vibrating again and I pick it up, hurling it across the room. It lands with a thud on the floor and finally shuts up. I need to think.

  I stand and begin to pace my hotel room. Maybe I should just take her on a nice date tonight, convince her to run away with me somehow, and then get her on the plane.

  I feel like I’m going to throw up. How will I ever forgive myself if I just drop her off to her family that I know she is scared of?

  I have to. I have to drop her off. It’s my job. I have to finish this job and if I can’t protect her then so be it.

  So why do I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach that what I am doing is wrong? Guilt is running through every part of me and I have no fucking clue what to do.

  I could try to lay low and ignore the calls, keep her laying low with me. But they know where I am.

  Where she is. I had to tell Scott her location who obviously had to report it back to her father. So it would only be a matter of time before they came here.

  Or we just really do runaway together. I still convince her tonight but I don’t take her home. I take her with me.

  Fury rolls through me. I can’t stand this confliction. My career this girl my life.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I punch the wall of the hotel room, my hand splitting open.

  Shit. I can’t deal with this anymore.

  I wrap my hand with a towel from the bathroom, hoping I won’t need stitches.

  I turn my laptop on, hoping Maddie is on right now. I need to see her, my craving thick and hot.

  I bring up her website and sure enough she’s live right now. Score.

  I open the video window and instantly go hard, needing to adjust myself.

  God she’s amazing. She’s wearing dark red lingerie with matching black stockings and red heels. The outfit is sending me over the edge; I want to ravish her.

  Maddie is dancing to her own music, slowly moving her body to the beat as her hands caress her body up and down and all over.

  I am practically panting as I watch her grind against her bed then she turns, lifting her perfect ass into the air. She shakes her ass back and forth and I groan, imagining the things I would do if I were there in that room with her.

  I close my eyes, the whole scene so heady. I can’t even focus.

  I drop the video down to the corner and message Maddie.

  Jax1031: Holy shit baby, u look divine and I mean, fucking divine. Can I see u tonight?

  I go back to the video and watch as Maddie now has herself draped across the bed as she lifts her legs one at a time, running her small hands up and down the sleek stockings.

  Last night ended awkwardly so I’m not sure how she is going to take this offer. After I almost blew my cover, I hung with the girls for a while and we got some dinner but then I took off. I was afraid I would blurt out my secret.

  But tonight, it’s time to carry out my plan.

  I just don’t know how my ending is going to go yet.

  I glance back at the computer and Maddie is still giving quite the show.

  She hasn’t answered my message yet but I know she will. For now, I want to finish the show. I pull my cock out of my jeans and begin to stroke myself.

  I have to relieve some of this intense pressure, maybe then I will be able to make a clear decision.

  Her answer comes a few seconds later, just as my warm seed squirts on my belly.


  I picked Maddie up later that evening. I had no idea what I was going to do, and I couldn’t decide on any place to go, so I just drove around, hoping to find a place to park.

  My head felt like it was going to explode, so many thoughts were jumbled inside and I felt so conflicted.

  I hold her hand, the music playing in the car softly, barely loud enough to mask our breathing. I wonder what she is thinking as she stares out the window, not saying a word.

  Is she just as conflicted as me? I can tell she is trying to resist me too. She must think I will put her in danger, expose her secret.

  Plus, getting close to someone is dangerous in itself. Been there, done that.

  Maddie plans to run again soon; she wouldn’t want to be t
ied down to someone. But what she doesn’t know is I will run with her. I will go wherever she goes.

  I can’t help but feel this way about her. From the first moments I laid my eyes on her, I was drawn to her and I don’t think I can fight it anymore. How can anyone resist such a strong connection?

  An explanation is what I wish I had, but I can’t even figure this shit out myself. It’s eating me from the inside out. I sigh, the confliction inside me burning a hole deep in the pit of my stomach.

  Soon it’s going to spill out and I have no fucking idea what’s going to happen.

  I finally find what looks like a park of some sort and I pull in, parking in a secluded private spot. I reached into the back seat, pulling out a few beers, hoping to ease some nerves.

  Maddie seems to be acting shy with me, I can’t figure out why. It’s making me want her even more. She keeps twisting that necklace and running her hands through her hair. I can tell she is really nervous and I wish I could take it away, make it all better.

  I let go of her hand and grasp her chin, making her meet my gaze. “You looked stunning earlier, gorgeous. It drove me crazy.”

  She seems to visibly relax as a small smile forms on her lips. I lean in and just barely kiss her, my lips only giving the slightest touch, wanting her to show she wants me as much as I want her.

  I lean back, my eyes hooded and dark as I stare at her gorgeous face, “I don’t know how much longer I can resist you…this…us…” I trail off, not knowing what else to say.

  Maddie press a finger to my lips, “Shhhh.” She then kisses me, her lips crushing mine, her tongue pushing my mouth open with a hunger I have never felt before.

  The next few moments happen in a blur. We are all over each other-hands, mouths, it’s as if we can’t move fast enough.

  I pull her onto my lap, our mouths never breaking apart, as I run my hands along her sides. Her curves are long and luscious and I want to lick every inch of her body.

  Maddie pulls away from the kiss, out of breath and gasping, and I take that as an opportunity to glide my mouth down the side of her jaw and onto her neck. I begin planting soft kisses, nuzzling her tender spots, shivers rippling through her.


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