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Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy)

Page 26

by Casey, Travis

  I jerked the flowers back as she reached for them. "Where's Holly?" I pushed my way past her.

  "She's in the shower."

  I wheeled around and glared at her.

  "I know what you're thinking, and yeah." She smirked. "I sat in the bedroom while she got undressed. Damn, I almost forgot how hot she is."

  I narrowed my eyes. "Are you going gay again?"

  She laughed. "Of course not. You converted me, remember?" She whispered, "Hey, you worried your fiancée might be a lesbian? Wouldn't say much about you as a man, would it?" She laughed again.

  "Debbie, would you just leave? I need to talk to Holly, in private."

  "Sure. Our business is finished anyway. I'll just say goodbye."

  Debbie skipped to the bathroom and walked in. I heard voices but couldn't make out what they were saying, which annoyed me.

  Debbie came out. "Yeah, she's hot," she said as she walked past. She closed the door behind her and I flipped her the finger as she left.

  I laid the flowers on her kitchen counter and stood there fuming for a moment, confused as to what to do next. A large Jack Daniel's stood out as the best option, but I decided to confront Holly instead.

  I walked into the bathroom and pulled the shower curtain back. Holly stood with her back to the water flow as she lathered up her breasts with her eyes closed. I wondered what she was thinking about while she soaped up. She opened her eyes and jumped when she noticed me standing there.

  "Tyler, what are you doing here?"

  "The question is, what was Debbie doing here?" I stood with my arms folded.

  "She just stopped by to see if I was okay. Wasn't that sweet? She's being a really good friend."

  She put a finger in her mouth and slid it in and out, slowly. Then she popped the inside of her cheek with it. "I need some help washing my back." She lowered her head and looked at me from the top of her eyes, as she so cutely did. "Any takers?"

  I undressed and got in with her. When the 'Oh My God's' started in quick succession, I shoved the bottom end of the shower gel bottle in her mouth. Shower gel shot out as she bit down. It was quite symbolic of the moment.

  After the shower, we got dressed and Holly heated up a couple of cans of SpaghettiO's. We sat on the couch eating from bowls on our laps.

  "I really don't like Debbie hanging around here, babe. I think she's still got designs on you."

  "God, you're not gonna become one of them controlling freaks because we're engaged now, are you? I can see the little cogs turning in your head, Tyler." She looked me in the eyes with sincerity. "There's nothing going on between me and Debbie. Like I said, she's a friend."

  "But doesn't it bother you, her seeing you naked?"

  "Why? Girls would kill for a body like mine."

  "Exactly! You don't want hobos perving on you, so why would you let lezzies got jollies off you?"

  She shot me a look of disgust and shook her head disapprovingly.

  I spooned in a mouthful of SpaghettiO's. "I just don't like it," I mumbled.

  She rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine." She slammed her bowl down on the coffee table. "I love you and we're getting married. I'm not interested in anyone else of either sex. I'm gonna call Daddy right now and tell him the good news."

  Holly jumped up and picked up the phone. I set my bowl down and turned to watch her.

  "Hi, Daddy, it's me…"

  "- Yeah, fine thanks. Hey, I got some great news. Tyler asked me to marry him."

  "- I know. It's great, isn't it? I'm really happy."

  "- Yeah, he's the one for me." She looked at me. "I love him."

  "- Sorry, Daddy, someone's at the door. I'll call you tomorrow. - Love you too. Bye."

  She hung up and sat back down next to me, putting her arms around my shoulders. "As you said before, it's a straight ticket to hell for lying to a preacher. You believe me now?" She stuck her bottom lip out.

  "Sorry, babe. I trust you, but I don't trust Debbie. You sure you're okay about getting married?"

  "I can handle Debbie." She sighed. "I'm not going to kid you, it's not my ideal scenario. But if we don't do this, I'll lose a father and millions of dollars. I'll get used to it. It's just a bit of a shock at the moment." She took a drink of water. "One more thing. An insecure guy is like a total turn-off. So quit asking me if I'm happy, sure, or fucking Debbie. Yes, yes and no."

  After I did the dishes and put them away, I gave Holly a back rub and we went to bed and made love. Afterwards, she lay in the nest of my shoulder and rubbed her leg up and down against mine.

  "So what do you think about my plan?" I asked. "Us getting out and starting fresh."

  She played with my nipple. "Yeah, I like it. You sure you can pull off this sleepwalking thing?"

  "No problem. Funny isn't it? You and I worked so hard to keep me in, and now I gotta get myself kicked out. And because it's a medical discharge the judge can't throw me in jail. I think we're gonna have a great life, babe." I ran my fingers through her hair. "You're going to be the best-looking mom ever."

  She giggled.

  "So, have you thought about where would you want to live?" I asked.

  "Hmm…maybe Oregon. Just sounds like it would be fresh."

  "I could deal with that. Maybe I could be a lumberjack." I stroked her arm. "I know it was difficult to accept, but you getting pregnant was the best thing that ever happened to me. And I'm so happy you agreed to be my wife. I'm gonna be a good husband and father. Promise."

  "I'm sure you will."

  "We better make the most of our time on the island before we have to leave. Why don't we go snorkeling Saturday? Then I'll buy us a couple of steaks and I'll cook. I can't do much, but I do cook a mean steak. Then we'll take a bath together with those scented candles you like so much, and we can set the date for the wedding. It'll be like our engagement party."

  "Oh damn. That sounds great, but I can't. I promised Debbie I'd go shopping with her Saturday and then we're going to a movie."

  My heart fell through my stomach.

  Chapter 27Since Holly was busy on Saturday and couldn't join me for our engagement party, I rented a car and drove around the island by myself. I wanted to explore as much as I could before I got myself discharged. Oregon would be nice, but I doubted it would offer itself to a tropical feel.

  A sign pointed up a hill simply stating 'The Chapel'. I turned up the dirt road and followed it to the top. A small white chapel sat alone. After parking the car, I got out and looked around. A light haze settled in the valley, while the ocean played in the distance. The rippled scars on the side of the mountains revealed the violence of the burning hot lava that formed this beautiful island. It now stood lush and green, its fresh air filling my lungs with purity while a hint of pineapple drifted through the air.

  The chapel door was open so I walked in. About ten ornately carved oak pews ran down either side of the church. A large stained glass window depicting The Last Supper dominated the back wall behind the pulpit with sunlight illuminating the rich colors. I noticed a man in a brown robe kneeling at the alter in the front with his head bowed.

  I sat down in the back pew and closed my eyes. Dad always said he prayed when he was in a tight spot, and they didn't get much tighter than this, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I asked for everything between me and Holly to work out, and for her to deliver a healthy baby. Please, God, let us be happy in a loving relationship. I asked for the power and means to provide her with everything she desired, and to help me forsake all others. I wanted her to be the happiest woman on the planet. I felt God's hand on my shoulder.

  "Blessed are those who seek sanctuary in the chapel."

  I opened my eyes to find the man in the brown robe standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder. His light blond hair was ruffled, and hazel eyes offered me a look of comfort. He looked slender, but it was difficult to the tell under the long flowing robe.

  "Hope I haven't done anything wrong, Father," I offered in a pr
e-emptive apology.

  "Not at all. You're most welcome here. And it's Brother. Brother Noah. Mind if I sit?" He flicked his finger toward the pew.

  I slid over and he sat beside me.

  "Anything troubling you, or are you just here to gain inner strength to deal with the world of today?" He spoke in a soft and gentle tone.

  "I'm getting married soon and just asking that I'll be a good husband."

  "Congratulations." He held out his hand and we shook. "When's the big day?"

  "We don't know yet. But I love her so much I want to do it as soon as possible."

  "Have you chosen a venue yet?"

  "No." My head dropped and I looked at the red tiles on the floor. My head snapped up and looked at Noah. "Hey, do you do weddings here?"

  Noah nodded. "Conducting weddings is my favorite service to perform. A lot better than funerals." He smiled. "You could have it here if you wish."

  "Really? That would be fantastic. Holly would love it here. When could you fit us in?"

  "I had a call this morning. A couple were supposed to get married two Saturdays from today. Apparently, she caught him sowing some oats in a neighbor's pasture and called it off. I haven't cancelled the pianist yet. It's a two o'clock slot if you're interested."

  "We'll take it." I clasped my hands and looked skyward. "Thank you," I said quietly.

  We went into a back room and Brother Noah gave me all the information of what we needed to do before we could get married. I gathered up the papers and his card and bounded out of the chapel. Everything was falling into place nicely. I couldn't wait to tell Holly.


  Holly and I agreed to meet at the Char-Char-Chow in Waikiki Sunday evening for dinner. She said she had things to do during the day and she'd already be out, so it would be easier if we just met there. I found Holly standing next to a big stuffed grizzly bear in attack mode at the entrance. We kissed and the hostess led us to a table. Exposed oak beams suspended overhead gave it rustic look, right down to the wagon wheels and rifles hanging on the walls. We sat together on the same side of the brown booth and held hands under the table.

  "Great news," I said, "I managed to book us the most gorgeous chapel. The setting is incredible. You'll love it."

  Her eyes went wide. "You like booked the wedding without consulting me?"

  "Well you were out with Debbie, remember? Look, babe, time's a tickin'. If we don't get married soon, your dad's gonna figure things out. There is a limit on how premature a baby can be."

  She rested her head on my shoulder. "I suppose you're right. When is it?"

  "Saturday after next."

  Her head jerked off my shoulder. "That's less than two weeks away."

  "Hey, I don't mess around." I offered a reassuring smile.

  "Holy crap." She looked at the menu, but I knew she wasn't reading it. "Tyler, are you sure we're doing the right thing?"

  I took her face in my hand and turned it toward me. "If we don't do this, no money and no Daddy. But you know the most important thing?"

  She shook her head.

  My gaze penetrated deep into her eyes. "Even if there was no money or father, the most important thing is that I love you and want to marry you."

  She smiled, leaned in and kissed me, slipping her tongue in my mouth. I noticed when we walked in that the restaurant wasn't very busy. A romp in the restroom looked pretty good.

  Someone cleared their throat standing at the end of the table breaking us out of our lip lock.

  "You don't look like it, but you folks ready to order?" The red-headed waitress looked at us impatiently.

  "Oh, sorry," I offered.

  "I'm not sure. Would you order for me, Tyler?"

  "Sure. She'll have the sirloin steak, medium, with onion rings instead of fries and a side order of garlic bread. I'll have the T-bone medium rare with a baked potato. A Tab for the lady, and I'll have a Seven-Up. Thanks." I handed her the menus.

  "Wow," Holly said. She leaned away as her eyes widened. "You have been paying attention to what I like. I'm impressed. How come you're not having a beer?"

  "I decided I probably shouldn't drink when I'm with you. You can't, so I won't either. We're in this together." I patted her leg and smiled.

  "That is so sweet. Thanks."

  I described the chapel and surroundings to Holly as we waited for the food. Once she got over the shock that I actually showed some initiative, she seemed to get excited about it. We were having a great time and I'd whisper in her ear now and then what I was going to do to her once we got back to her place, provided we could wait that long.

  "Well, well, well. Imagine you two being here." Debbie and Sanchez stood at the end of the table. "Mind if we join you?" Debbie asked.

  "As a matter of fact, Debbie, Holly and I are making our wedding plans. Since we don't need a flower girl, why don't you fu—"

  Holly threw an elbow into my ribs. "Tyler. Don't be so rude. Please," Holly said, opening her hand to the other side of the booth.

  "Thank you, Holly." Debbie dipped her head politely toward Holly as she and Sanchez slid in. Debbie sat opposite me. She rested her hand on Sanchez's shoulder. "You know my boyfriend, Jorge, don't you, Tyler?"

  I nodded. "How ya doin', Boy George?" I covered my mouth and whispered in Holly's ear. "Did you invite her?"

  She shook her head.

  I looked at Debbie. "Boyfriend, huh? Guess we won't be seeing so much of you anymore then."

  "Oh, I don't know. Jorge and I don't want to smother each other, do we, Jorge?" She turned to him.

  He smiled and shook his head.

  She leaned across the table and cupped a hand to the side of her mouth like telling a secret, but she didn't speak softly. "You know what? Jorge is so much better in bed than my last boyfriend." She settled back into the booth and smiled smugly. She looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

  I studied her face for clues as to what she was up to. First she wouldn't leave Holly alone, and still won't. Now she brings Sanchez on the scene acting as her boyfriend. Confusion was the only thing that outweighed my anger.

  The waitress appeared with our food. She told Debbie and Jorge she'd bring the menu over for them.

  "That's okay, I'll have what's he's having," Debbie said, pointing at my steak. "Jorge?"

  "Oh, I'll just have a hamburger, please."

  "So what brings you to this particular restaurant?" I asked. "I suppose Holly told you we'd be here tonight and you decided to barge in."

  "Actually, it was Jorge's idea." She looked at him. "Wasn't it?"

  Jorge's eyes briefly widened as Debbie's eyes coached him. "Oh, yeah, it was my idea," he said unconvincingly.

  "Are we invited to the wedding?" Debbie asked, looking at Holly.

  "Sorry," I said, "it's going to be a small affair. Mark and Lori are our witnesses. It'll just be the four of us."

  "Shame," Debbie said. "I love weddings. But you never know, it may never happen anyway." She glared at me.

  "Why wouldn't it?" Holly asked.

  Debbie kept her eyes locked on me. "I'm not so sure Tyler's the marrying type. He's quite young to be getting tied down. I'm not convinced he's a one-woman guy. He just looks like a heartbreaker, and I wouldn't want you getting hurt." She briefly looked at Holly and returned her look to me, leaning in and resting her arms on the table. "Have you told her everything about your past, Tyler? Any nasty secrets lurking in your closet you haven't told her about?"

  Her serious tone shook my confidence. She made me nervous and fearful that she may be able to convince Holly that she and I did have a sordid affair. I thought I had let her down gently, but she seemed hell bent on revenge. The ice in my drink rattled as I picked it up, wishing it was a large Jack Daniel's instead of a stupid Seven-Up. Why did I pick tonight to not drink?

  I leaned in. "Some things are shared in confidence between friends. I always try to be trustful with secrets my friends share with me and hope they'll do the same. But yeah, I've been honest with her."
I looked at Holly. "We know everything we need to know about each other, don't we, babe?"

  "What the hell are you two talking about?" Holly shifted her gaze between me and Debbie. "This conversation isn't making any sense. Why the hell are we talking about his commitment two weeks before the wedding?" She looped her arm through mine and looked at me. "I love him and trust him."

  She went back to eating her steak and Jorge was engrossed in examining the salt shaker. I took the opportunity to stick my tongue out at Debbie while they weren't looking.

  "Two weeks, huh?" Debbie drummed her fingers on the table. "A lot can happen in two weeks."

  The waitress brought their food and I managed to engage Jorge in conversation about football for the rest of the meal. But my nerves were shot. Debbie rattled me, and I had a feeling she was going to try something before the wedding.

  It was time to unnerve her a little. I leaned in. "You know what, Debbie? If I was you, I think I'd learn to—"

  "Stop it!" Holly snapped. "I'm tired and I have a headache. I want to go home."

  I put my arm around her to help sooth her pain. "Sure, darling. Let's go." I slid out of the booth and took Holly's hand to help her. We left while Debbie and Jorge continued eating.

  As I drove back to base Holly announced that her head pounded and she wasn't up for any action. She just wanted to go home on her own. Halfway back and I decided I better start laying some groundwork.

  "Ya know," I said, "I think Debbie's stalking one of us. I'm not sure who, but she keeps showing up a little too often for my liking."

  I looked over. Holly had her eyes closed and rubbed her temples. "Like, it showed. You were quite sharp with her. And since when is the guest list down to you. She's been a good friend. I'm going to invite her and Jorge. They make a good couple. I hope it gets her over that asshole ex-boyfriend."

  "Not half as much as I do," I mumbled.


  She dropped me off, we kissed and she left. I went and sat down outside Debbie's room to wait for her. I just hoped she didn't bring Jorge back with her. She turned up an hour and a half later, alone and surprisingly sober.

  "If you're here for some midnight pussy, forget it. Jorge is all man and already satisfied me. So run along little boy." She shooed me with the back of her hand.


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