Book Read Free

Starr Fated

Page 22

by G E Griffin

  “So you’ve no intention of trying to reconcile with Seraphina at all?” I needed to be sure about this. I didn't intend to open up to him yet about my intentions, but at some point he was going to have to know if I succeeded in persuading her to try to work something out with me.

  “Absolutely not. I'm going to be a good boy and just concentrate on passing my finals. Then Toby and I are going to travel round Australia and New Zealand, just as we always intended.”

  “I see. And where does this girl Poppy fit into all of this?”

  “She doesn't. It’s nothing serious between us, it’s just a bit of fun. She’s got plans to travel round Europe with her best friend, so I guess that’s when we’ll go our separate ways,” he shrugged.

  “Look, Jamie, I just want to clear something up. You seem to be under the impression that I’m rough with women, that I act as if it’s okay to force a woman to do things she doesn’t want to. But you need to understand that I’ve never forced a woman to do anything against her will. Everything I've done has always been fully consensual. I don’t dispute that I may have pushed them to try a new experience…”

  “That’s all I was trying to do with Sera. Liam. I was just trying to use some foreplay to get her to relax so that I could make it really good for her and then she just freaked.”

  “Wasn’t her screaming at you to stop enough of a hint that you were pushing her too far? And then cutting her lip, even if was an accident as you claim, is just unforgivable.”

  “I know, and believe me I do regret that. It was just a reflex action when she bit me and I pulled away. I never meant to hurt her, I’d never do that intentionally, but I wasn’t thinking straight. I'd been drinking, it had been months since I'd had a proper fuck, Sera was all over me, tearing my clothes off, and then wham, suddenly she called a halt, telling me I wasn’t want the one, whatever that means. I'm telling you, she acted really weird, Liam.”

  “Well, just remember in future that however provocatively you think a woman is acting towards you, she still has the right to say no, however hard it is for you to stop. Otherwise next time you could find yourself in court facing a charge of indecent assault or worse still, rape,” I warned him.

  “There won’t be a next time. You tried to warn me about Sera but I wouldn’t listen. You told me I should make sure I picked the right girl in the first place – one who liked a good hard fuck, so now I have. Poppy’s perfect for me and I feel much calmer and more relaxed now I have my own little fuck buddy, just like you,” he grinned at me.

  “Just make sure it’s always safe sex. And just make sure…oh, never mind.” I wanted to say just make sure you don’t become a cold heartless bastard like me, but I didn't. Jamie wasn’t really anything like me, and for now, I guessed there was no harm in my little brother playing the field.




  Date: 11 May 2013

  Subject: Re: Don’t bite my head off…

  Okay, okay, Liam. Sorry. Perhaps I was a bit harsh, but it’s just the way you take control of everything that makes me kick back against you. It’s exactly what I mean about losing myself, being swept along by you, and I think it makes me panic and overcompensate just a tad.

  So, on reflection, now that you’ve explained a bit more about Greg, under the circumstances I would be happy for him to meet me when I get back. I’m booked onto flight EI712 on Monday the 13th, which should get into Heathrow Terminal 1 at 13:05. To be perfectly honest with you, I’ll be glad to get back because my family are driving me nuts with their incessant questions about you. Nana seems to think the sun shines out of your backside for some reason and you can do no wrong in her eyes, poor deluded woman.

  I'm very glad to hear that you want a totally monogamous relationship just as I do, and I hope you understand that I just had to put it out there in case we were on completely different pages. I agree that perhaps it’s best we talk through my concerns face to face when you get back. Skype won’t really be any good because I’m afraid I don’t have a web cam. Sorry you find the communication issues frustrating, but there’s nothing I can do about the lack of network reception here. I did come back to spend time with Nana, so I don’t feel it’s fair to keep disappearing off in search of a decent signal, especially now that I'm leaving again after just a few days.

  I really appreciate that you’re going to try and be romantic for me when I know this is a whole new concept for you – another piece of information gleaned from the boys in the student house. Apparently you’ve never believed in any of that romance crap, was how I think they termed it. So trust that I’ll do my part to ensure I don’t disappoint you with my choice of underwear, without the need blow a fortune in Harvey Nicks lingerie department. Just try to reign in the micro managing freak side of yourself, then hopefully you won’t wind me up so much.

  And what you said about not wanting anyone else? It’s the same for me, Liam. It’s only you. I already told you that was the reason I couldn’t go through with things with Jamie. He wasn’t you. So hopefully you won’t have to wait too long before we can take things further. On that subject, I’ve managed to get an appointment at the campus health centre for the day after I get back. I knew they were usually pretty good about getting contraception sorted urgently – with a large and highly sexually active student patient base, I'm sure you can work out why.

  I’m happy that you're happy with my designs, and if they’ve helped on your trip in anyway then I’m over the moon. I found producing them very satisfying, so bring it on with the next phase. But here’s a thought. I don’t want everyone at work thinking I only got the job because I'm seeing the Boss, which inevitably I know most of them would. So can we keep our new relationship under wraps – maybe that’s what you had in mind anyway? Everyone was under the impression that you barely knew of my existence, or that if you did you couldn’t stand me, so maybe we should just allow everyone to continue thinking along these lines? I have no doubt that you can pull it off, the way you scowl at me sometimes.

  I have to go now; Aoife is trying to read this over my shoulder. Annoying nosy relatives! Are your plans firmed up enough yet for you to have any idea when you’ll be back? What’s it like in New York? I suppose you’ve been so many times before that it’s all old hat to you.


  I was much happier with the tone and content of this email from Seraphina, and very relieved that she’d shortly be heading back to London. I quickly made the necessary arrangements for Greg to be at Heathrow at the designated time, safe in the knowledge that I could trust him to see her right to the door. I also sent an instruction to my facilitator, Andrew, asking him to give the apartment a final check over to ensure everything was in full working order before she moved in. It was a fully furnished, two bedroom apartment, so all Seraphina would need to bring were her own personal possessions. I thought she could maybe turn the second bedroom into a study/studio for all her bulky art equipment that I'd seen clogging up her room in the student house, so I had Andrew set it up accordingly.

  I hadn't actually explained to her yet that this apartment was in the same warehouse conversion complex in Butler’s Wharf where I lived. I was hoping this arrangement would work well – we would each have our own space, but be near enough to see each other whenever we wanted. I’d originally bought this second apartment as a buy to let property to add to my property portfolio. It’d been very fortunate that nothing had actually been signed with the latest tenant who’d been about to move in, and I’d been able to cancel the contract at the last minute, much to his annoyance. The lack of rental income from the apartment was of no concern to me under the circumstances, not if it meant that Seraphina would be living close by.



  Date: 12 May 2013

  Subject: Wise Grandmothers

  What can I say? Your grandmother is clearly a very intelligent woman with
impeccable taste, and you would do well to listen to her.

  I'm very happy you’ve booked your return flight, and I’ve arranged for Greg to pick you up. You should recognise him, but in any case he’ll be holding a sign up with your name on it.

  I’m pleasantly surprised at how easily you got an appointment at your health centre. All I would say is be sure to complete the necessary research beforehand so you can make a well informed choice, and that I'd be happy to talk through with you any worries or concerns or health issues you may have. Let me know how you get on anyway.

  As to how you wish to handle our relationship at work, no one who has seen your designs can be in any doubt that you’ve been offered the position purely on merit. However, I can appreciate that you don't wish to be the topic of gossip any more than I do, and as I’ve always kept my private life totally separate from my business concerns, I’m happy to continue in the same way for the time being. The other reason that it might be best to keep things under wraps for now is Jamie. I imagine he’s going to be surprised about us, and I’d rather he’d completed his finals before we drop this potential bombshell on him. I don't want him distracted from all the studying he needs to complete if he’s to do well. Jamie’s a very bright lad, but he’s also lazy and leaves everything to the last minute, as I'm sure you must’ve realised in your dealings with him. I know you must be finding all this rather awkward, but as soon as the time is right, I promise I’ll sit him down and explain everything. This secrecy goes against the grain for me, I prefer to be open and honest, but I hope you agree that it’s for the best under the circumstances.

  You asked me about New York. Truthfully, I hardly get to see much of it as I usually have back-to-back meetings, conferences and various other functions to attend while I'm here, and the inside of one building tends to look much like another after a while. Perhaps you'd like to come with me on a future trip, and then maybe we could take some time out to do some sightseeing?

  I’m flying out of New York on Thursday evening, and will be back in London on Friday morning. So that gives you the chance of a few days to settle yourself into the apartment before I’m back. I thought perhaps I could take you out to dinner on Friday evening for our first date?


  And so I was left counting the days until Friday.

  Chapter 23


  “Of course Finny’s broken hearted that you’re leaving already,” Aoife sighed. “But that can't be helped. He was all for raising a lynch mob to run Liam out of town, but I told him he must be blind if he couldn’t see the chemistry between you two. Do you know, he might be good looking but I sometimes think even if that boy had two brains he’d just be twice as stupid.”

  “And yet there you were, trying to pair him up with me. I’m sure he’ll soon get over his disappointment if the number of girls I saw hanging around him at the pub are anything to go by.”

  “They’re just silly teenagers with a crush because he’s in a band. You know he’s always liked you, Sera, so he’s really disappointed you’re not staying.”

  “I blame you for getting his hopes up by insisting he take me to your birthday party. If you remember I told you it wasn’t a good idea, but of course you ignored me,” I pointed out.

  “Well that was before Liam the Sex God turned up in person, wasn’t it?” she smirked at me. “I’ll want a full and detailed blow by blow progress report emailed to me daily, once you and him get down to taking care of business.” Her suggestive smile and wink left me in no doubt what she was talking about.

  “This is sounding more and more as if you are trying to live vicariously through me.”

  “Too bloody true I am, Sera. Sean and me have been married a while, so you know, the spark has gone out of things in the bedroom department. All we seem to do is work too fecking hard to be too tired for anything other than sleep when we fall into bed completely knackered,” she sighed.

  “Sounds as if you both need a break. Apparently this apartment Liam’s letting me use has a spare room, so maybe you and Sean could come over to London for a holiday? If you book your flights in advance, they aren’t that expensive,” I suggested. I didn't vocalise my thoughts that they’d better come sooner rather than later in case things didn't work out and I had to leave the apartment.

  “That sounds wonderful, but it’s so difficult taking time off when you run your own business. Who’d mind the shop, cos we certainly couldn’t afford to employ anyone.”

  “Wouldn’t Aunty Caitlin help you out, if it was just for a few days?”

  “Maybe, I suppose. I could tell her we need to check Liam out, although just like Nana, she’s as happy as a pig in shit about you going back to London to be with him.”

  “Why is everyone so happy about it? I’d have thought you’d all have hated him as a typical arrogant English gobshite,” I said, using the local vernacular.

  “Ah, but he’s as Irish as you are, isn’t he? Neither of you can help the unfortunate fact that you had English fathers, but at least you both come from good solid Irish families.”

  “I don’t think Liam or his brother were really aware of their strong Irish connection,” I pointed out.

  “Doesn't matter. It’s all in the blood,” she argued.

  Ever since Liam had showed up, he was all my family seemed to be able to talk about, and it wasn’t helping me to clarify my thoughts about him. For that reason, I heaved a sigh of relief once I’d boarded the plane from Cork for the short flight back to London, where I knew I had a few days to myself before he would be back.

  As I sat on the plane, I still found it hard to accept that they all seemed so sure that things were going to work out between me and Liam. However, after giving myself a serious talking to, I decided to try my hardest not to spoil things by being negative all the time. As Liam had said, it made sense to try our hardest to make things work between us, otherwise there was little point in my coming back. So I should try to graciously accept the help he was offering me, rather than keep throwing it back in his face. He was only trying to show that he cared about me, and he was trying to become a nicer man, although a little doubting voice at the back of my mind said it was very easy for him to generously throw his money around because he had plenty of it. Well, time would tell, and once we’d gone on a few dates together, I’d have a better idea of where things really stood between us, of how compatible we really were.

  I couldn’t deny that it was really nice having Greg pick me up from the airport, rather than having to fight my way down to the tube with all my luggage. I spotted him as soon as I walked out into the arrivals hall, because he stood head and shoulders above most of the other drivers waiting for their clients. He held up a big sign with ‘Miss S. Jones’ on it.

  “Hi, Greg. No need for the sign, I’d have known you anywhere. Thanks for coming to collect me,” I beamed at him, happy to see his friendly brown eyes twinkling at me.

  “My pleasure, Miss Jones. Here, let me take your luggage for you,” he offered.

  “Please, call me Sera. And I can manage….” I started to protest.

  “I think Mr. Starr would prefer that I call you Miss Jones. And carrying your luggage is what I do, it’s all part of my job. How do you think it makes me look to the other guys here if I just stand back and let you struggle with your bags?” He frowned at me, clearly affronted.

  “Sorry, I guess I’m just not used to all this,” I tried to explain, hoping to mollify him. That last thing I wanted to do was offend Greg, especially since Liam had spelled out to me how important his job was to him. “That would be very kind of you, thanks.” I watched as he effortlessly took my shabby suitcase and hand luggage from me, and led the way to the car park.

  Once we’d reached the car, he opened the back door for me.

  “Would it be okay for me to sit up front with you? Only I think I’d feel a bit like the Queen sitting in the back all by myself,” I asked with a shy smile, hoping I wasn’t breaking another unwritten
chauffeur’s rule.

  “Whatever you prefer, Miss Jones,” he smiled back at me, as he opened the front door instead. He made sure I was in safely, before closing the door and stowing my luggage in the boot.

  Once we were on our way, I found Greg was a very confident driver, and I soon relaxed as he effortlessly negotiated his way around the complicated one way system out of Heathrow.

  “I assume Liam…Mr. Starr gave you the address of where I'm staying? I’m not sure how complicated the route is…”

  Greg chuckled.

  “I think the car could happily drive itself there, the number of times I’ve driven Mr. Starr to and from his apartment to either Heathrow or London City airport.”

  “Oh. You mean he lives near where you’re taking me? Butler’s Wharf?”

  “Yes, Miss Jones, didn't you know? He lives in the same complex, but he has the penthouse suite.”

  “Of course he has,” I muttered. Why hadn't he said anything about living in the same place? He’d said the apartment was similar to his, just smaller, so why hadn't he elaborated? I shook off my annoyance and asked Greg about his family to divert my mind.

  “So, do you have any kids?” I asked, not divulging the fact that Liam and I had discussed his personal circumstances.

  “Yes, Miss Jones. I have a daughter who’s just turned four, and twin boys who are coming up to two years old now.”


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