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Chasing Leah (Journey Series)

Page 3

by Williams, C. A.

  I grab my red polo shirt with Ginos elegantly scrawled across the corner in black lettering along with a pair of black pants. Head to my dresser and pull out a matching set of lacey black underwear and bra, hey just cause know ones going to see them, doesn't mean I can't look good. I turn towards the bathroom that’s attached to my room ,another plus to this apartment and head in to take a speedy shower. I look back and notice Ally curled up on my bed with my purple comforter wrapped around her like a cocoon, already passed out. I muffle a laugh with my hand, well at least someone can enjoy it.

  I take a hot shower hoping to wake myself up a bit and towel off quickly. Pull my dark hair into a long ponytail, apply a little makeup and I'm ready to go. Hopefully I have time to grab some coffee on my way because I will definitely need a boost of caffeine this morning. Luckily our apartment is situated in the center of everything and Ginos is only about a mile away.

  My moms Honda that she had so graciously left me, was still putzing along and I was able to get from point a to point b. Although Ginos was more of a pizza joint, the owners were also smart thinkers and figured since they were in a college town, why not be open 24 hours? It seemed to get a lot of business judging by the two days that I had done of training.

  I push through the front door entrance of the restaurant with just one minute to spare. "Hey honey! Ready for your first day on your own?" The chipper voice floats out from the behind the counter that wraps around the front of the restaurant. I lean over and smile at the leggy waitress that had trained me who was busy marrying the ketchup bottles. “Hi Remy. I'm still trying to get used to being an early riser but I can deal. I think I'm good on my own today.” I grab an apron and order pad from beneath the cash register to get ready for the day.

  From the moment I stepped in on my first day I instantly liked Remy. She was so open and warm that it was hard for anyone not to. It was her second year on campus and we were both majoring in nursing so I kind of felt a connection to her right away and she had a lot of inside scoop for me on the nursing program. She pops her fire engine red head up from beneath the counter and begins setting the bottles out on the counter. "Okay, good to hear cause it’s just the two of us this shift, I know you'll do great. I have all of section one and you'll do section two, we normally start picking up around 6:15,” she grins over at me and starts pulling out silverware to wrap as I move bottles to the mostly empty tables.

  Sure enough we did pick up and had a steady flow of customers in and out until around 10:00. I mixed up a few orders here and there and spilled one cup of coffee but other than that I think I had the hang of things for this being my first time waitressing job. Remy stopped to check on a few of my tables and all of my customers so far had given raving reviews of my awesome waitressing skills.

  I stop for a break at the counter and take a sip of my lukewarm coffee. Blech, maybe a nuke in the microwave would solve the problem or maybe I just needed to make sure I had extra time to grab coffee from somewhere else. “Leah,” I hear Remy call over from her section as she’s wiping down booths, “you have another table.” She cocks her head over to a corner table and wiggles her brows at me. I glance over to see what could be so exciting, maybe someone younger than 70 as were most of our customers so far this morning and I see Gage, the 'bartender' from last night. I try to contain my smile as I walk towards his table.

  "Hey stranger, did you already miss me?" I pull my order pad out of my apron as I lean my hip against his table. Gage grins up at me flashing his perfect white teeth, he reaches over and runs his fingers up my arm and makes tingles shoot down to my toes. “Yeah, well I told you I run every morning by here and I happen to know they have some fine scenery around here.” Uh huh laying it on a little thick here aren’t we mister? I notice his clothing as he says this and realize he has a black workout shirt on with the sleeves cut off and a pair of athletic shorts. Yum, he fills out that outfit nicely as I look at his sculpted arms that have a nice tan. “So anyways……,” he shoots me a mischievous looking grin with a quirk of his eyebrow. “Huh? Oh sorry," I bite my lip nervously as I realize he had been talking to me the whole time I had been lost in thought checking him out. "What can I get for you?"

  "I'll just take a coffee and one of your fruit yogurt parfaits,” he says as he hands me the menu back. “Okay, great. Coming right up.” I head back towards the kitchen and start to tap my order in. “Ohmigawd who is that fine piece of specimen sitting in your section, who by the way specifically requested you," Remy says fanning her face with her hands. I roll my eyes at Remys reaction to Gage. Well, glancing back over where I see Gage grinning back at me, he isn't bad to look at so I can see why she’s all hot and bothered.

  “His names Gage, I met him at a party me and Ally went to last night. We didn't really talk much but I happened to mention where I was working. Apparently I made an impression.” Remy bends over and grabs her stomach as she bursts out laughing. I scrunch up my nose at her wondering what I said that could be found so hilarious. “Leah,” she chokes out in between laughs, “you're freaking hot. If you so much as breathe in any guys direction they'd be jumping at the chance.”

  I laugh and grab the pot of coffee to fill Gages cup and take mine along with me. "Thanks Rem. I guess I’ll take that into consideration from now before deciding to converse with anyone from the male species. Care if I take a break?" Remy nods her head at me, her red ponytail bobbing up and down, “No problem, I'll cover any other tables that pop up. Wouldn't want to get in the way of cupids arrow over there.” I roll my eyes at her and head towards Gage. That’s the last thing I need but a few friends wouldn’t hurt.

  “Mind if I join you while I take my break?” I ask as I slide into the seat across from Gage. “Not at all, I was hoping I would get more of a chance to talk to you if I stopped by. Both of us were a bit busy last night.” We sat there for most of my break and got to know each other. I told him how I had been attending classes at the community college back home through dual enrollment for my junior and senior years and even the summer before I moved here. I actually had enough credits to technically be considered a sophomore and a half and had all of my prerequisites out of the way for the nursing program that I had been accepted to.

  I learned Gage was starting his third year in the law program and had earned a full scholarship to the university through grades and that he was currently living in the frat house that was right next to Ally’s sorority house where the party was held the night before. He shrugs as he tells me this. “Not my first choice to live with a bunch of guys but my dad really pushed me into joining as soon as I got to campus.”

  I tuck a loose strand of hair back into my ponytail, "Well it could be worse you could be stuck at one of the dorms. Me and Ally have our own apartment, it’s pretty refreshing to have a space I can do with what I want, well for the most part.” If Ally had it her way every wall would be a different color and she would probably let Caleb help her with some of his finger-paints. He finishes up his yogurt that I had brought over while we chatted and sets his spoon down. “Is Ally the girl from the party, she seemed to be pretty wild."

  "Yeah she makes life interesting; we've been best friends since high school. It’s nice to know at least one person here, this is such a big campus.” I drain the last of my coffee and start to stand, stretching my legs. “Well I need to get back to work, my shift ends at 11:30 and then I have to head over to the bookstore to grab a couple of things before classes start tomorrow.”

  "Sure,” as he reaches into his back pocket for his wallet and lays out money for his check. “Look I know we haven't really known each other for that long but I was wondering if I would be able to take you out sometime. I could show you around the town a bit." I glance over and smile down at his turquoise eyes. He looks so nervous just by asking me out on a simple date, surely with his looks he’s had plenty of dates.

  “I’m not really looking to date right now Gage but we can hang out as friends."

  “Friends?” he asks
in a questioning tone before plastering a small smile onto his face. “Um sure that would be cool. We’ll hang out soon then.”

  After handing Gage his change and him adding his number to my phone, we make plans to meet up for coffee in between classes on Thursday. Remy walks over to the counter where I'm counting out my tips before punching out for the day. “So. Spill,” she anxiously says. “Simmer down girl, he’s just a guy. Besides we’re just going to be friends, he was cool with it." I say as I shove my tips into my pouch. Not bad for the first day on my own. She rolls her eyes at me, "Oh please Leah. Friends with a guy like that?”

  “Well, whatever." I toss my apron into the dirty pile and grab my purse. “A few friends in my life to have a little bit of fun with won’t hurt. And if he can’t deal with that, oh well his loss.” Remy twirls a loose strand around her finger while she leans across the counter, “Yeah I would really like to have some fun with Gage. He looks a little Richie Rich for my taste but god those eyes!" Laughing, I turn and yell back over my shoulder. “See ya Remy!"

  I head home and pick up Caleb from Ally who heads back to bed as soon as she’s relieved of babysitting duties. “I need to pick up a few things buddy and then we can go grab some lunch, sound good?” I cram his feet into his light up shoes that he’s so proud to show off to anyone who will watch and grab his bag. “’Kay, can we have skettie?” “Sure thing dude, sounds yummy.”

  After clicking him into his car seat, we head back towards campus and pick up the last of my books that I needed. Luckily I had a bit in savings but that was going to quickly dwindle with the high cost of books and everything else I needed to take care of Caleb. The end of my schooling could not come soon enough.

  Chapter 6


  The next few weeks fly by as I’m kept busy with my hectic schedule of work, school, and juggling Caleb into the mix. Caleb adjusted really quickly with going to preschool and daycare and of course the teachers love him, he’s everyone’s little sweetheart. He picked up pretty quickly from the other kids the word Mommy that he hadn’t really heard before and I really wasn’t sure how I felt about the new title I had been labeled with, but I guess if it made Calebs life easier I could deal with it. He doesn’t need to know that his real mom ditched him.

  “Mommy can you turn Diego on for me?” He asks as he wraps his little arms around the back of my legs. I’m getting ready to go out with Gage after he promised me it would strictly be a friend’s thing. We had met up for coffee a few times and lunch once on campus and after a ton of persuasion and Ally agreeing to watch Caleb for a little bit I agreed to go.

  I finish pulling my hair partially up with a slight pouf on the top and scoop him up into my arms. “Jeez what have you been eating squirt you’re so heavy! Let’s go down to Auntie Allys room for a minute and then I’ll flip it on for you, sound good?” “Yup!”

  I wander down to Allys room, peeking my head in. I notice she’s on the phone and grin over at her. “Okay sweets....I’ll see you in a bit. Okay, yup got it. Got to run, Ms. Leah is in need of my assistance.” From the expression on her face I can already tell who that was without even asking. Ally had met a guy named Skylar at some of kind of animal rights petition that she had helped to organize on campus. He was the quintessential hippy in my eyes with his long blonde dreads, multiple facial piercings, and frayed jeans, but he seemed to make Ally really happy and they had spent almost every minute together since meeting. I think I saw less of Ally now when we were actually living together, then in our whole last summer back in our hometown together.

  Ally throws herself back onto her bed, “Ahh I think I’m in love,” as she clutches her hands to her chest dramatically. “ He is totally my soul mate. Now all we need to do is find your soul mate and we can do double dates, a double wedding, have kiddos who will be instant bff’s for life. I think I even found the perfect match for you.”

  I raise an eyebrow and flop down next to her and Caleb climbs up next to us resting his head on my outstretched stomach. “Simmer down Ms. Matchmaker, I think I can only handle this little guy right now.” I run my hand through Calebs still baby soft hair. I can’t believe he’s already three years old.

  “Besides I don’t plan on getting married for about 20 more years, I don’t want to keep you and Skylar from running off into the sunset and making your love babies.” I reach over and grab her hand to pull her up.”Do you think you can stop daydreaming for two seconds and help me figure out what the heck I should wear tonight?” She pops up and starts flipping through her closet which is an array of bright neon’s and flowing skirts. “Um…. Als? All that looks great on you but I don’t think anything you have going on in here will help me fit in. Can you come down to my room? I have a few outfits picked out.”

  Ally makes her way into my room and stands with her arms crossed over her chest, a finger under her chin. “Hmm well I think this might be a little bit too dressy,” she tosses a navy blue shift dress off to the side. “Here this will look great together.” I grab the outfit she hands to me and head towards my bathroom to change quickly. I hook my bra on the back of the door, definitely can’t wear one with this outfit. I dab on some lip gloss and spritz my body with some wildflower body spray.

  “Does it look alright?” I ask Ally as I pad back into my room.”You look pretty Mommy!” Caleb exclaims as he races his cars around every surface in our room.

  Ally had selected a black pencil skirt paired with a silky ivory ruffled halter top that tied around the base of my neck and had a low cut on my back. “Perfect! Classy with a little bit of sexiness mixed in. Gage won’t be able to keep his hands off your hot body in this.” She shoves a pair of black peep toe heels at me and I slide my feet in.

  “Well he better keep his hands off. I’ve clearly explained to him friends only. It took a lot of convincing for him to get me to agree to going to alumni dinner his frats putting on.”

  “Bye sweetie be good for Auntie Al,” I lean down and plant a kiss on Calebs sweet baby cheek.

  “’Kay Mommy I be good.” He waves at me with his small hand before Ally starts to tickle his belly and they start rolling around on the floor, both of them giggling.

  I roll my eyes and pull out my keys to lock the door behind myself so I can meet Gage out front. I figured that would be best instead of him coming up since I hadn’t explained the whole Caleb situation to him yet. Even though I told him this was strictly a friends thing, I wasn’t sure how a college aged guy would react to me having a kid.

  Just as I stick my keys into my black clutch, the door across the hall from ours pops open and out steps tattoo guy, Allys quickie from the first night we had went out. Jeez he really gets around, is he trying to conquer his way through all of the single tenants in the building? He locks his bright green eyes on to me and flashes his dimples at me.“Oh hey Leah. Wow you look really good.”

  Even his voice is sexy, kind of low and gruff like he just woke up. Or just got done having wild ah-mazing animal sex. Get your head out of the gutter Leah. I bite my bottom lip anxiously- how does this guy know my name? I don’t remember introducing myself and I certainly didn’t catch his name. Ally must have mentioned it to him. “Uh, hi….thanks. Sorry I’m in a bit of hurry. Good to see you again,” I wave over my shoulder as I hurry away and see him staring after me with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans and an amused look plastered on that oh so amazing face of his. I really need to get out of here before I suddenly find my panties on the floor and am added to his list of conquests.


  The dinner party was just as I expected. Everyone came out trying to up class all of the other attendees by who was driving the most expensive car, had the best designer clothes or the most jewels dripping lavishly off their bodies. Gage looked handsome in his charcoal suit and black dress shirt with the top two buttons undone. He was definitely in his element here, escorting me around the crowd and introducing to me an endless amount of people.

sp; All of the alums were in attendance so I figured I would be meeting his dad tonight too. Gage had an arm wrapped around my waist as he introduced me to his father who was an older, grayer version of Gage and his step mother, Catherine, who looked young enough to be Gages slightly older sister with her sleek blonde bob and enough diamonds on to feed a small country for a year. “Hello Leah, so nice to meet you,” she says with an upturn of her clearly fake nose as she gives me two air kisses on each cheek. “So we’ve heard a little here and there about you from Gage. We’ll have to get together sometime soon for brunch at the club so we can chat, just us girls.” Wow that sounds like a ton of fun and definitely not something a friend would probably be doing with ones friends step-mother. I smile at her not wanting to embarrass Gage and politely answer back, “Oh of course that would be great. I’ll have to check my schedule though I’ve been super busy with work and school.”

  Gages father who seemed to be studying me since we were introduced interrupted, “So Leah what do your parents do for a living?” Uhh…. I had been hoping to avoid this question tonight but it always seemed to come up in situations like these. “They’re both kind of out of the picture. I’ve been living with my Grandmother the past few years.” Mr. Mccroy nods his head, he’s eyes darting around the room like I’ve already lost his interest since I don’t come from an influential family. I hear his name being called by another guest that I had been introduced to earlier in the night. “Excuse me, it was very nice to meet you Leah, it’s not often that Gage brings any girls around.” Really, huh? That kind of surprises me, he seems like he’s such a ladies’ man and oozing with confidence whenever we’re out together, I know I’ve seen girls checking him out all over campus. I look over at Gage and he looks down sheepishly at a spot in the floor that all of a sudden looks rather interesting.


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