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Chasing Leah (Journey Series)

Page 6

by Williams, C. A.

  “Well that’s all its going to be, even if he thinks differently. Which I’m pretty sure after tonight that’s not the case. I have Caleb to worry about and enough going on with work and school to be dating.”

  “So is Calebs dad not in the picture at all? You do everything on your own?”

  I shake my head at him, “No I was not on an episode of 16 and pregnant. He’s my brother, my mom took off and left us when he was just a little baby. No clue on who the dad is but I’m sure he’s a loser.”

  “Wow Leah. He calls you mommy so I just assumed,” he trails off as he gives me a sideway glance.

  “Well he just started doing that being around other little kids for the first time at daycare. And I’m not about to correct him. I had a shitty upbringing and I’m going to make his life better. He doesn’t need to know that his mom abandoned him.”

  “You’re pretty amazing, you know that? Calebs lucky to have you and in every sense you are his mom. You’re the one taking care of him like a mother should.”

  Chase pulls up to our complex and we both hop out of the jeep and head into the building. “Well thank you and for the ride. I’ll definitely have to try and make another performance, you guys were awesome. I wish I knew how to play the guitar.”

  “Really? I could try and teach you some time. My mom was always having me and my sisters try new things when we were younger. Guitar and soccer were the only two things that really stuck.”

  Wow soccer too. I really wasn’t expecting that one. “I doubt I would be able to pick up the guitar. How many sisters do you have?” He laughs and pretends to count on his fingers.“A grand total of six. Two older and four younger, the youngest just turned three.”

  “Oh wow I can’t imagine being in a house with that many girls and I am one. I feel bad for you.”

  “It’s actually not that bad. My parents divorced when I was younger and then my mom remarried my step dad Chris a few years after that and started popping all the younger girls out. Chris is a good guy, he really loves me and my older sisters like we’re his own. I’ve always been the man of the house, taking care of my little sisters, no one messes with them or they have to deal with me.”

  Well that kind of explains how he’s so good with Caleb. He takes his hat off and runs his hand through his short hair. “That’s gotta be tough not having your mom around. I’m not afraid to admit I’m a bit of a mamas boy.” I grin back at him. “Now I really find that hard to believe. I picture a Mamas boy still living at home in the basement with his mommy baking him cookies and tucking him into bed.” He shrugs his shoulders sheepishly, “Naw, not the whole tucking in thing but she does bring me food over. A lot. I am a bachelor ya know. And I sure as hell don’t cook. I would probably get food poisoning”

  “Jeez your spoiled,” I tease. “Well I really need to get in, I have a little bit of studying I need to do and I work an early shift tomorrow. Plus this little guy needs to get to bed.” Chase leans his arm above my head against my door frame looking back at me with his brilliant green eyes. “You are way too busy Leah. I always hear you either coming or going from class to class or in between work. Do you ever have any time for fun?”

  I shrug my shoulders, “I have some free time here and there but I’d rather spend it with Caleb really. I’m just trying to save up money for school and concentrate on all of my classes so I can breeze through the nursing program and get us on our feet.”

  “Well when’s your next free time? Let me take you out for some real fun. Just as friends and Caleb can come with us,” he adds at the end.

  Hmm, just as friends. Well I don’t see that as a problem, Allys always pushing me to go out more. “I only work a morning shift on Tuesday and I finish up with class around 2:00. After that I’m free for the rest of the day.”

  “Awesome that works out perfect that’s my short day of classes. Oky wear something casual and bring a bathing suit. Make sure it’s a sexy one,” he winks at me.

  I punch his shoulder playfully, “’Kay I’ll make sure to pull out my one piece. See ya then Chase.” I swing my door open and wave back at him as he heads across the hall to open his door. “Can’t wait Leah I’ll be counting the minutes till then.”

  I laugh and close my door behind me. Well at least the night ended on a good note.

  Chapter 9


  Ally, Caleb, and I went home to her parents house over the weekend so I didn’t get a chance to run into Chase again. Skylar also tagged along with us so he could be introduced to the James family. Ally was extremely nervous about him meeting her mom and dad but the James are good people. The last thing they would do is make someone feel uncomfortable. I know they wish Ally would bring someone home who’s a little more normal but their pretty used to her eccentric taste by now.

  I left Caleb with the James family and stopped over at my grandmas while we were in town to pick up a few extra boxes I didn’t have room for when we had moved into the apartment. Grandma had left for Florida a few days before we had left for school. She was a snowbird and was normally there through the end of August until about April or May before Caleb and I had moved in so she was getting back into the swing of things without having us around.

  We got back to our apartment late Sunday night after dropping Skylar off at his townhouse that he shared with two other roommates. “I am really not looking forward to class tomorrow, this weekend really drained me.” I say as we drag up boxes and care packages that Mrs. James had sent with us. “See you should have let me do your schedule. I was smart I planned all of my later classes for Monday, gives me a chance to catch up after the weekend.”

  Ally pushes our door open and we toss everything into the living room. Caleb runs to our room to play with all of the toys he missed playing with over the weekend. “At least you have Tuesday to look forward to and your date with Chase.” I kick off my shoes and throw my jacket onto the couch. “I told you it’s not a date. We’re just hanging out and Calebs coming too. Besides I’m sure Chase has enough girls throwing themselves at him and they don’t have any extra baggage.” Ally rolls her eyes at me.“Whatever you are so oblivious sometimes Leah. He had his eyes on you the whole time the other night at the bar, he didn’t even notice any of those other girls.”

  “Well I’m really not interested. He’s fun to hang around with though so.” Even though I really wouldn’t mind dating Chase. From the small touches we’ve had, my whole body ignites. But Ally doesn’t need to know that, she’ll have us married off in a heartbeat. I turn and give her a hug. “Thanks for taking us with you this weekend. I’m going to give Caleb a bath and then were gonna head to bed.”

  “”Kay Leah. Oh did you see if you’re free for that Halloween party my sorority is hosting next weekend?” She asked before I was able to slip out. “You have to come!”

  I groan out loud, “I did request it off awhile back and Clarissa did say she was available. So I guess but I am absolutely not dressing up.”

  “Fine! Just as long as your there that’s all I care about.”

  “Kay night Als.”


  I woke up early Monday morning for a day filled with classes. Ally was right, I really should have thought that out when I jam packed Mondays with classes. I threw on a pair of jeans, sneakers and an Indiana hoodie that me and Ally had purchased the first day we arrived on campus. Shoot I really needed to hurry so I could get Caleb dropped off on time.

  “Come on little guy we are so totally late it’s not even funny.”

  He replies with a little giggle, “I think it’s funny Mommy. I excited to go to school.” I roll my eyes at him and bite back a grin. At least someone’s excited to go to school. I wish I could finger-paint and play with blocks in place of classes all day.

  I grab a red bull out of the fridge as I grab my books. I am really gonna need this today and rush out the door pulling Caleb behind me and run right into Chases broad chest.

  “Whoa Leah
what’s the hurry? Apartment on fire?” He grabs my hips to steady me and I feel a rush of electricity zap through me at the slight graze of his fingertips. “Hey Chase. I don’t have time to talk, sorry. Running behind.” I say as I stand up straight and head towards the stairs.

  “Let me help you get Caleb in the car, I’m heading over to campus too.” He scoops Caleb up and follows me down the stairs and straps him in his car seat while I hop in the drivers seat. I stick the keys in the ignition and nothing happens. Okay lets try this one more time. Yup nothing. Great. I bang my head on the steering wheel. “Leah is there a problem?” Chase asks as he leans in the driver side door.

  “Yup my life. The one piece of shit my mother leaves for me and I can’t even rely on it. I might as well just skip classes today.”

  “Here,” he holds out his hand to me and gently pulls me out of the car shutting the door behind us and running over to unstrap Calebs car seat. “You guys can ride over with me. I’ll take a look at your car later when I get back.”

  “Um okay that sounds good, thanks.” I follow him over to the jeep and hop in. “So how was your weekend, were you and Ally gone? I didn’t hear you coming and going at all. Not that I’m spying on you or anything.” He grins over at me.

  Wow I could look at his smile all day. He is really completely different from Gage, who has more of the preppy look. Chase is totally the bad boy who your mother warns you to stay away from, well if you had a mother that actually cared. “Yeah we went back home and visited with Allys family and I had to grab a few things. We got in late last night and I’m about to crash.”

  “Didn’t you say you lived with your grandma? Did you get a chance to stop by and visit her?”

  “Yeah I lived with my grandma since I was a sophomore in high school. She didn’t really adjust her life much when we moved in. She has a house in Florida that she spends almost half the year at. That’s part of the reason me and Ally have always been so close, we practically lived at her house.”

  I see his jaw tense as he looks back at me pulling over near the building of Calebs daycare that I had directed him to. He leans over and brushes his finger over my cheek. His long slender finger is so warm and sends shivers through my body. “I’m sorry Leah, you don’t deserve that. You’ve taken so much on and haven’t had anyone from your family to lean on.”

  I shrug my shoulders as I loop my backpack on and hop out of the jeep, opening up the back door and letting Caleb out. “Trust me Chase I’m used to it. I’ve gotten by just fine.”

  We both walk towards the main part of campus where the wide path is dotted with trees, the leaves beginning to change brilliant shades of oranges and reds at the start of fall. This time really is my favorite season; the smell of the weather changing, hot apple cider, and pumpkins. Then the nasty snow has to come and ruin it having to slush around and making everything a gloopy mess. I really wasn’t looking forward to trudging through that to get from class to class.

  “I can tell you’re a really independent girl Leah that’s one of the first things I noticed. I guess coming from a big family I find it hard to think how it would be without them.” He rubs his hands together to try and warm them up. He’s still dressed for 80 degree weather in his faded jeans and plain short sleeve black shirt that’s stretched across his chest.

  “On a lighter note I can’t wait till we hang out tomorrow. I have a ton of fun stuff planned, everyone deserves to have some fun once in a while you know.” He crouches down and gives Caleb a high five. “You ready for some fun buddy?”

  “Yup fun, fun. Now Chase. NOW.” Caleb demands as he jumps up and down. I roll my eyes at him and scoop him up. “See what you’ve done Chase? Tomorrow buddy, gotta wait till tomorrow. Thanks for the ride, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave to him as he turns to head towards the building his class is in. “Can’t wait, see ya Leah! Bye Caleb.”

  Tuesday brought another early morning shift at Ginos with Remy. Luckily Chase found the problem with my car and I just needed a jump to get it running again. I hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Remy since we had gone out the other night so I hadn’t mentioned that I was getting together with Chase.

  “Hey Leah how are ya sweetie?” Remy called from a table that she clearing as I stash my purse behind the counter.

  “I’m good. I’m glad we get to work together this morning, you always make the day more bearable.”

  “Glad I can help,” she laughs as she walks up to join me at the counter. “We’ll have to go out soon again I had so much fun the other night. Chase was an absolute sweetheart.”

  “Yeah he’s a pretty good guy. He’s fun to hang out with as friends.”

  “Really, friends Leah? The way he was looking at you all night I was getting way more than a friend vibe off of him.”

  Chase was looking at me all night? Ally had said the same thing. He had girls practically throwing themselves onto him all night you’d think they were some headlining tour band.

  I walk over and began wrapping silverware before the oncoming rush started that I knew was coming.

  “Well I’m really not interested in a relationship right now Rem. I’m just way to busy right now.” I pause and put a hand on my hip. “Besides I thought you were into Chase.”

  “Leah trust me he only has eyes for you. There’s plenty of other fish in the sea out there for me. Besides, me and the drummer kinda hit it off. We’re going out tomorrow!” She squealed.

  “That’s awesome!” I pictured the drummer whose name was Mark in my head. He seemed to be a pretty nice guy, not sleazy like the lead singer, Teddy.

  “Speaking of going out, are you coming with me to that thing at Allys sorority? I really don’t wanna be stuck all by myself.”

  “Yup I traded shifts with one of the usual morning girls, so we are both free for the night. Mark was telling me they have a gig that night but he’s going to meet up with us afterwards, maybe he can bring Chase along.”

  I shrug my shoulders, “Maybe, he might have plans though. I’ll ask him tonight, we’re meeting up to hang out.”

  Remy looks back at me with a smirk, “Hanging out,” she says with air quotes, “Is that what they call it nowadays?”

  I roll my eyes back at her, “Whatever Rem, it is possible for girls and guys just to be FRIENDS,” I emphasize.

  “Trust me Chase doesn’t want to be friends with you. He wants a whole lot more.”

  Chapter 10


  “Hi honey it’s so good to see you, I feel like it’s been so long.” I try to pull away just slightly out of my mom’s tight embrace. For being such a small woman she has one hell of a grip. “Mom I was just here on Saturday, it’s been like three days. She finally loosens her grip and pulls away before turning back to the kitchen to finish up with dinner. “I know baby but it’s never the same without you here. The girls are always missing you.” She stirs a pot of sauce that’s simmering on the stovetop and I peek over her shoulder.

  “Well maybe I should start coming every day. Whenever I’m not here I miss your cooking. Your homemade spaghetti sauce is so gonna hit the spot.”

  “Chris will be home in a bit, so we’ll eat then. Come out in to the living room for now, the girls are working on some homework and we can catch up.” I follow my mom through the kitchen and dining room into the living room which is immaculately clean, my mom makes sure of that but it still has a homey feel to it with the overstuffed couches and quilts thrown over the back that my mom made.

  Three of my sisters are sitting around the coffee table with stacks of textbooks spread out between them. They squeal when they see me and yell out a collective, “Hey Chase!” before I’m smothered in hugs.

  “So honey what’s been going? Any lucky ladies yet?” Ah always the first question my mom has for me whenever we see each other. She just can’t wait to plan another wedding. My two older sisters have already been married off. “Nothing new to report mom. There is this girl that I’m interested in, Leah. She is so gorg
eous mom and she acts like she doesn’t even know it. But she says she’s not interested in dating so…” I trail off. “Well that’s never stopped my baby from getting what he wants. Has she said why she’s not interested in dating?” I knew that question was coming and my moms like the least judgmental person ever, so I don’t see it as a problem.“She sorta has a kid.” My mom lifts one perfect brow at this and my sisters turn their heads away from their books, hoping to hear some juicy gossip. “Sorta? I don’t think that’s really possible Chase unless she’s pregnant? And I don’t want to tell you what to do but I think that could be a real sticky situation.”

  “No it’s not that mom. The kid, his names Caleb. Real sweet little dude, he’s about the same age as Belle. He’s actually Leahs younger brother. Her mom took off on the both of them and Leah stepped up when she was old enough to take over guardianship. She’s really busy with him, work, and school and she’s convinced she has no time for dating.”

  “Oh my, what a poor thing. How a mother could ever do that to her children I’ll never know. Well Chase that is definitely a sticky situation but you’re a good kid I’m sure you’ll know what to do if you’re really interested in her.”

  “Thanks Mom. I always know who to come to for advice.” Now I just needed to convince Leah that dating me would be a good idea. And I have a feeling that’s going to take some work.

  Chapter 11


  After work and classes I hopped on a bus to rush home and get ready to go out wherever Chase was planning to take us. I took a shower so I could shave my legs for my bathing suit. I had no clue where we would be going in the middle of October that I would need a bathing suit for but I guess I would go along with it. I threw on my white bikini with the tie strings at my hips and around my neck. I still had a deep tan left over from the summer that wouldn’t lighten up much back to my normal complexion. I threw on a pair of jeans and a black V-neck shirt over my bikini and grabbed an extra change of clothes and a pair of trunks for Caleb.


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