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Chasing Leah (Journey Series)

Page 10

by Williams, C. A.

  My phone rings just as Ally leaves and I answer after glancing at the name on the screen. “Hey Remy.”

  “Hey Leah. Look I know this kind of last minute but I was wondering if you could cover my shift for me. Mark and I wanted to head out a little early to my grandparents house.”

  “Oh yeah, you AND Mark?” I emphasize.

  “Yes,” she giggles, “I know it’s kind of soon but we seem to really click so…do you mind?”

  Seems like every one finds time for a relationship but me. The daycare the Caleb normally goes to had closed for the holidays already but Clarissa had told me she would be around and to give her a call if I needed a sitter for Caleb at all. “No not at all Rem. I need to be there at 6:00, right?”

  “Thanks sweetie,” she squeals back to me.”Yup I’m the only one scheduled, it should be pretty slow and then the place is closed down for the weekend.”

  “Not a problem. I’m definitely looking forward to the break. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  “Thanks again Leah. We’ll get together when I get back. Bye.”

  I hang up the phone and immediately call Clarissa who says it will be no problem to watch the little adorable Caleb and she’ll be right over.

  I arrived at work with a minute to spare and coasted through my shift. As Remy had predicted it was pretty slow but with me being the only waitress working I was able to keep steady until the end of my shift at 11. I wave at Gino the owner as I head towards the parking lot. “See you Gino have a good holiday.”

  “Thanks Leah,” he answers back. “Take it easy kid, I think you work more than I do. Eat some extra turkey and put some meat on those bones.”

  “’Kay I’ll try.” I laugh back at him and wave. I pull back into a pretty empty parking lot. Most of the tenants at the complex were college aged students and seemed to have cleared out as well. I trudge back up the stairs, thanking and paying Clarissa who said of course Caleb was an angel. He must just save his little tantrums for me. I’m worn out from running around on my feet all night and make my way to my bedroom throwing on an old t-shirt before I double check Caleb who probably wouldn’t wake up if a tornado literally tore its way through our apartment and I collapse into bed.


  I wake up the next morning to a loud banging on the front door. Ohmygawd who could that be? I crack an eye open to glance at my clock seeing that its only seven a.m.. Maybe whoever it is will just go away. I roll over onto my stomach and throw my pillow over my head but I can still hear the loud thumps on the door. Caleb of course is still snoozing away, apparently I’m a little bit lighter of a sleeper than he is. “Fine!” I shout out. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” I whip open the door and snap, “What!?!”

  Chase stands there in all of his wonderful sexiness in a navy blue V-neck sweater and a pair of dark jeans. His hair which is normally covered up by a hat has grown out a bit since I’ve last seen him and his short dark locks look artfully messy. I self consciously tug on the t-shirt that I had worn to bed that just covered my purple boy shorts with cute little pink hearts dotted across them and try to smooth my hair out. “Uh hi Chase. Is there something I can help you with this freaking early in the morning?”

  He smirks back at me with his green eyes twinkling, “Sorry Leah I didn’t mean to wake you up but I was heading out early to my moms. Ally mentioned that you were staying here for the holidays and I was wondering if you and Caleb wanted to come with me.”

  I rub my eyes with the back of my hand. Of course Ally had mentioned we would be here all alone. She was still trying to get me to run into Chase whenever possible, she had it stuck in her head that they were meant to be. I knew her and Chase hung out on occasion and Sky went with Ally to a few of the Major Hoosiers performances.

  “Um thanks Chase, that’s nice of you to offer but really we’re fine. Me and Caleb are going to hang out, be lazy. Ally just felt guilty for leaving me, sorry she dragged you into it.”

  He runs a hand through his hair, tugging on it. “You are so..,” he takes a deep breath like he’s trying to calm himself down. “Ally didn’t put me up to anything Leah. I just don’t like the thought of you sitting here all by yourself. My mom always has a ton of food and you’ll love my sisters. Caleb will have some kids around his own age to play with. Please?” He looks back at me with puppy dog eyes.

  “I don’t know Chase,” I gesture towards him with my hands, “it clearly looks like you’re ready and I’m most definitely not.” I point back towards myself and my scantily clad body.

  He scans his eyes up and down my body, “I’m good with what you have on Leah.”

  “Um thanks Chase but I’m not sure anyone else would appreciate it,” I say as I self consciously try to cover my body up with my hands. If my dark complected self could blush, I would be red from head to toe right now the way Chases eyes seem to be devouring my body.

  “I’m kidding Leah, I wouldn’t mind but your right, probably not appropriate attire for the day. An hour long enough for you? I need to go pick up a few last minute things for my mom and then I can swing back by to pick you guys up.” He says as he twirls his keys around his long slender fingers.

  “Kay Chase if you’re sure,” I look up at him questioningly. He nods his head to me, “Definitely. My family is gonna love you. See you in a bit.”

  I close the door behind him and rest my head on it. What was I doing? All I’ve been trying to do the past few weeks is to avoid Chase and now I’m going to have dinner with his family and not just any dinner, THANKSGIVING. That was something you would take a boyfriend or girlfriend to, right? Not some random girl who lives across the hall from you who has clearly been trying to avoid you at any cost. That has a kid to top it off.

  I shrug my shoulders as I head to my room to shower. Well I guess this beats my frozen dinner and the leftover tofu lasagna Ally had left for me. Yuck, just thinking of that makes me cringe. Ally was always trying to get me in on her vegetarian lifestyle but I was definitely a meat kinda girl.

  I pulled out an off the shoulder burgundy sweater dress and paired it with a pair of black leggings and boots. Chase looked a little dressier than usual with his sweater that complimented his broad chest nicely so I figured this would fit the occasion. I blow dried my hair and worked my fingers through my loose curls and applied some light makeup. Caleb of course was still asleep, so after packing him a small bag to take with us, I tried to gently nudge him awake.

  “Hey little man, wake up bud.” Not even a flutter of movement. I try shaking him a tad harder. “Caleb, Caleb?” Okay last resort, it works almost every time. I take a little bit of water and sprinkle it over his nose. He swats at his face with his tiny hand. Ah finally, we have movement. “Come on little man. You want to hang out with Chase today?” This immediately gets his eyes to pop right open. Ha knew that one would work, he’s been talking about how cool Chase is ever since he’s met him. I’m not gonna lie, it makes me a little jealous.

  Caleb literally sprang out of bed after that and even got himself partially dressed even though his shirt ended up inside out and his shoes on the wrong feet. But with my help we were finally ready to go and I usher him out so we could meet Chase.

  He hops out of his jeep with a small bouquet of daises in his hands and hands them to me. “Are these for me?” I ask, inhaling the flowery scent as he nods his head back at me. “Thanks Chase you really didn’t have to do that.” He grabs Calebs car seat for me and buckles him in after giving Caleb a high-five.

  “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl.” He steps back and does another up and down look of me. “Well I liked how you answered the door earlier but this is definitely a sexy look on you too. Can I see that one again later?” I slap my hands on his chest and push back lightly before climbing into his jeep. “Thanks but I don’t think so. Now why don’t you try and keep your eyes focused on the road?”

  We drive out to his moms house which is in a small town about 20 minutes from campus.
Chase uses the ride to fill me in on his family a bit and all of the different personalities of his many sisters. “It might be a bit chaotic when we get there.” He looks over at me with a grin. I love the way his eyes seem to twinkle every time he looks at me. “Just be prepared when you get there, that many women together can get a little overwhelming.”

  I clasp my hands together over my laps as I contemplate what Chase has just said. Okay maybe I should have just stayed home. I really wasn’t used to big family gatherings. Most of Allys family was spread out in different states so when we did get together it tended to be just us, her parents, and two brothers. I really wasn’t even sure how to define my relationship with Chase if asked, I guess we were friends. Right, friends? Friends didn’t really try to avoid each other.

  “Hey,” he leans over and rubs his hand lightly over my thigh. “They won’t be that bad. I know they’ll love you. And Caleb will have a ton of fun. As long as he doesn’t mind tea parties.” He turns into a long winding driveway that stops near a sprawling Victorian house. One whole front of the house looks to be an arched sheet of glass with stained windows across the top and there’s scallops running across each of the arches. A wrap around covered porch curves around the other side of the house and is dotted with comfy looking rocking chairs and various kids toys strewn about. It basically looks like a blown up dollhouse and I’m instantly in love. What girl wouldn’t be?

  “Wow,” I say as I step out of the jeep. “This is beautiful. You grew up here?”

  Chase shakes his head as he pulls out the groceries he picked up for his mom. “No, we moved here when my mom got remarried to Chris, I think I was about twelve. He built the place, luckily it’s huge especially after they added more siblings to the mix.”

  He pulls open the decorative entry door with Caleb on his hip and I cautiously follow him inside. Which was a good thing, as soon as Chase is across the threshold he’s assaulted by four girls who all look to be under the age of twelve. “Chase, Chase you’re here!” I hear one of them shout as a girl with two ponytails bouncing on top of her head leaps into his arms. “Calm down I was just over like a week ago,” he laughs out as he sets down Caleb before being assaulted by hugs. “Me! Me!” The littlest one of the group demands as she stomps her little feet in place. She looks to be around three if I’m judging by her appearance and looks to be about the same size as Caleb. Chase scoops her up and plants a kiss on her blonde curls. “Girls this is Caleb, why don’t you show him your room Belle?” They all run off towing Caleb along by the hand. Ah kids have it so easy. Instant friends.

  “Hi honey. Thanks for picking all of this up for me, I always manage to forget a thing or two even with all the years of practice.” A woman wraps an arm around Chases shoulders and I can instantly tell this is his mother. They have the same matching green eyes. She peeks over his shoulder. “Oh Chase! You didn’t tell me you were bringing company. Sorry dear I didn’t even notice you with all of the girls excitement.” She turns and wraps me in a warm hug, she smells just like I imagine a mother would like cookies and cinnamon. She steps back and elbows Chase, “I’m Mary by the way. My son normally has better manners and tells me when we’re having company.”

  “Oh I’m sorry if I’m intruding. Chase insisted I come, I just assumed he at least told you before he asked.” I narrow my eyes and look back at Chase who has suddenly became occupied with a nonexistent spot on the impeccable floor of the entry way. I don’t know how this house stays so clean with so many people living in it.

  “Not a problem dear we have enough food to feed an army. You are just as beautiful as Chase described. It’s hard to get him to shut up about you sometimes but we like to hear it, he rarely discusses any girls so we know that you must be pretty special to him.”

  Chase talking about ME? She must have me confused with Ashley, the blonde bimbo I’ve seen hanging around. Chase and I haven’t even talked more than a few words the past few weeks. Just as I’m about to interrupt her to correct the assumption Mary steers me towards the kitchen, “C’mon Leah dear lets introduce you to the rest of the girls, they’ll all be so excited that you’re here. And I just need to meet that sweet little Caleb, I’m sure Belle will have him occupied for a while.”

  I feel my mouth drop open and then I quickly shut it and shoot a look at Chase who’s making his way towards the set of stairs the kids all ran up. So it was me Chase has been talking about and nonstop apparently according to his mother. After the Halloween party I had just assumed he had moved on with Ashley.

  Mary introduces me to her husband Chris and the rest of Chases sisters who all seem to gush over my presence. I learn all about Chases youth and the activities he participated in throughout high school. His older sisters, Amy and Katie, like to bring up the more embarrassing stories about Chase which he simply shook his head at and gave his trademark smirk to. They even filled me in on his past relationships and that he just had one serious girlfriend, Julie, during high school.

  “I think because he grew up with all of us girls, it gave him a soft heart,” explained his oldest sister Amy. “Chase would do anything for anyone no matter the situation. That’s what we all love about him. That bitch Julie knew exactly how to play Chase too, she knew he would come running at her beckon and call.” I look over at Chase as she said this who was looking down sheepishly with a blush rising to his cheeks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Chase embarrassed before.

  “Oh Amy stop it!” Mary chided her oldest. “Julie was a bit of a drama queen but her and Chase have been over for awhile now. There’s nothing wrong with my baby boy having a soft heart, he just needs someone to handle it well for him,” she looks over at me with a pointed look. “Now let’s get all this food out to the table before it gets cold.”

  The meal was spread out on an elegant dining room table with fall decorations scattered across it that were lovingly made by Chases younger sisters who pointed out which one each of them made to me. Caleb seemed to be fitting in well with them and they seemed excited to have a little boy around, making him king of the kids table.

  Chase and I sat next to each other with our loaded down plates. I leaned over to whisper in his ear as we sat down, “So does your family know about Ashley or is she one of those secret girlfriends?” He scrunches up his nose and gives me a confused look, “Ashley? Wait you think….No we aren’t dating. We used to awhile ago but it was nothing serious and I did her a favor by taking her to that party but she uh… well she got sick of me talking about this other girl I’ve had a thing for.”

  I raise my eyebrows at him, “Oh another girl? You do get around don’t you Chase and you have your whole family tricked in to thinking you’re this precious mamas boy, huh?” I teasingly ask as I grab a roll out of the bread basket that’s being passed around the table.

  He looks back at me and rolls his eyes, “Leah seriously do I need to spell it out for you? That girl would be you. Ever since I met you that first night your all I think about day and night. Trust me there’s no other girl that compares to you, I just wish you would see that.”

  I sit back stunned in my chair and play with the food on my plate. I just figured Chase had moved on after I told him I wasn’t looking for that kind of relationship with him. “Well I really don’t know what to say to that Chase.”

  “Don’t worry Leah. I’m not giving up on you and since you’re so resistant and always trying to avoid me I think I need to step up my game a little bit.”

  We finish up a beautiful meal and after we all help clear the table and help with dishes, the family shifts to the expansive family room that overlooks there beautifully landscaped backyard with a small fishing pond. Chase is conned in to playing a game of Candy land with his younger sisters and Caleb and the others felt like it’s time to play 50 questions with Leah. I’m asked about what I’m studying, where I’m from, my family, and many others.

  After I explained my home life a bit, Chases mother wipes away a stray tear, “Oh Leah you are such a beautiful
and strong young woman, I can’t imagine what it must be like not to have family around. And you are obviously doing a great job with Caleb, he’s such a sweet little guy. Anytime you need anything honey, you can always come to one of us.” All of Chases sisters nod their head in agreement and murmur kind sentiments to me.

  After joining everyone in some card games for a few hours, Chase jumps up and wraps an arm around my shoulder.“Well Leah I think we should be heading back now. Calebs probably worn out and ready for bed.” Instantly there’s an array of shouts from the younger girls. “No Chase and Leah stay, please, please, please?!?” They all shout and beg jumping around the room. The youngest, Belle, wraps her tiny arms around me and looks up at me with her wide blue eyes, “Please Leah?” I bend down and give her a hug, “We’ll be back sometime soon.”

  “Promise?” she asks. “Pinky promise,” I say as I wrap my pinky around her tiny finger.

  “Kay,” she says excitedly. “Next time we can play princesses and have a tea party and I can show you my pretty tutus….”

  “Okay Belley, I think she gets it.” Chase interrupts her as we’re both wrapped in crushing hugs. “Here you two go,” Mary says as she hands us a canvas bag. “Plenty of leftovers to last you the weekend.” She wraps me in a hug and whispers in my ear. “We’ll see you soon Leah. Take care of my baby boy.”

  “’Kay Mom,” Chase says as he ushers me to the door. “We’re going, let her out of your clutches.” He leans over and plants a kiss on his moms cheek. “See ya soon everyone.”

  After dragging a very resistant Caleb away we make our way out to the jeep and load up our leftovers into the back. Apparently he really fit in with the family and did not want to leave. After promising him we would come back for a play date, he reluctantly left after being peppered with kisses and hugs from all the girls. What a little ladies man.

  “So was it bad, did they overload you with questions,” he asks as he pulls out of the driveway.

  I laugh at the worried expression on his face. “No Chase everyone was fine, really. I loved your family, you’re so lucky to have all of those siblings. And your mom is just the sweetest.”


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