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Her Captain's Command

Page 5

by Isabella Kole

  When he released her, he looked into her eyes. "You are dismissed, Commander."

  She scrambled to straighten her hair and ran out of his office, her heart and her bottom both aflame from his sudden assault to her senses.

  Ducking quickly into one of the lavatories on board the ship, she splashed her face with cool water and did the best she could with her hair, tucking the short strands behind her ears and finger-combing it the best she could. Damn Blaine Rogers all to hell! Who did he think he was? He thought he could pull rank on her and use that to his advantage? Well, technically, he could. She could have his arrogant ass in a sling if she filed harassment charges. She would never do that to him, though. There was no way her heart would allow it. He was right, oh so right. There was something between them. It had always been there, dormant all these years, and it had been rekindled in Honolulu. They both knew it. He was just more willing to give in to it and admit it than she was. Looking at her watch, she saw that it was nearly time for her shift to end. She would make a sweep through the kitchen area before retreating to the safety of her cabin.

  All was in order in the kitchen, but the cook's assistant was on duty, so she had expected no less. She went to her office and closed it for the day before heading to her sanctuary aboard ship. She dropped her uniform on the floor, stripping on the way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She turned the hot water on and stepped into the steam. The heated water cascaded down her body, stinging as it made contact. She didn't care. She needed to cleanse herself… her mind more so than her body. When she stepped out and wrapped herself in a towel, she could see the redness of her skin in the mirror. Looking at her bare bottom, she could see that Blaine had left no marks after the spontaneous show of dominance in his office earlier.

  She had just thrown on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt when she heard a soft rapping on her door. Who could that be? she thought as she ran across the room to answer it, fluffing her still damp hair with her fingers.

  "Blaine!" she said when she saw him standing outside her cabin.

  "May I come in?" he asked.

  Sighing, she stepped aside and ushered him in. "To what do I owe this impromptu visit?" she asked.

  "I wanted to apologize—you know—for earlier, in my office. That was unprofessional and uncalled for."

  "Yes, it was. But… sit down, Blaine. We need to talk. Can I get you a soda?" she asked.

  "Sure, that'd be great," he said as he sat down on the small couch in her cabin and stretched out his long legs. He was wearing a fresh uniform, and his hair looked damp, as if he had taken a recent shower. He accepted the soda from her and watched as she sat down in the chair opposite him.

  "I said…" she began, only to be interrupted when he started to speak at the same time.

  "You know…" he said and then stopped and apologized again. "I'm sorry, you go first."

  "No, go ahead. You came here to say something, so say it."

  "It's just that when you said Hawaii was over, it triggered something, it was like that night all over again. Only this time, I wasn't going to let you end us. I knew I needed to stay and fight for you, fight for us."

  "I have given it some thought, too, since earlier this evening. I think we are both under a tremendous amount of pressure, being thrown together the way we have been. Honolulu was peaceful, relaxing, romantic, the perfect place to revisit an old love affair. Then reality hit, we had to go back on duty, and I don't think either one of us knows how we're supposed to handle this… this… newly sparked relationship. I thought the best way to handle it was to avoid each other on the ship. Apparently, you don't agree."

  "That would probably be the sensible thing to do, yes. But, Charlotte Rose, it's been fourteen years. I never thought I'd ever see you again, much less be able to work with you and spend time getting to know the woman you've become. You are a capable, accomplished, seaworthy naval officer. But you are also a woman, hopefully my woman again. You need to give love and receive it in return. That was evident on the island. I should have stayed and fought for us back then. I should have given you what you asked for. Who knows where our lives would have taken us if I had? I don't want to lose you again. You are under my command for, at the very least, the next six months. After that, you'll be assigned to this ship for at least two and half more years, if not longer. As for me, we don't know. I could be up for reassignment soon. I shouldn't be for another year, but we don't know what the Navy will decide. Just like the sudden change in plans that landed you here now. So, no, I don't want to waste time. I don't want to avoid you. In front of the crew, yes, by all means, proper decorum needs to be observed. But in the privacy of our cabins, or when we go ashore, I want to spend every possible moment making up for lost time and getting to know you all over again. I want to see where this goes, build on it. Can you fault me for that?"

  Charlie set down her soda on the table next to her chair and got up. She went to him. Kneeling in front of him, she took both his hands in hers and said, "I'd be a liar if I said I hadn't wondered what might have been over the years. I wondered if I had made a mistake. I, too, never thought I would see you again. When I saw your name on those orders as my new commanding officer, I nearly panicked. I almost hoped it was a different Blaine Rogers. But I did my research, and I knew, without a doubt, it was you. I had resigned myself to the fact that you were probably happily married and had forgotten me. When I learned that you weren't and you hadn't, I had no idea how to respond. Then Hawaii happened. I thought it would be a shore leave fling and nothing more. But I was wrong, Blaine, I was so wrong."

  "Are you saying you have renewed feelings for me as well?" he asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

  "Renewed? I don't think I ever lost the feelings for you."

  No words were spoken after that admission, for he had scooped her up and sat her on his lap, and his lips devoured hers. Lips still attached, he stood up and carried her slight frame to the bed, where he gently deposited her before he kicked off his shoes and joined her.

  "Charlie, my Charlie," he murmured as he ran his hands through her short, damp hair. "So different, yet so much the same."

  His hands moved to slip under her t-shirt, where he found she wasn't wearing a bra. As his lips moved to nuzzle her neck, his fingers teased her nipples, bringing the pert buds to attention. Charlie moaned and moved her hands to unbutton his shirt. He shrugged out of it and laid it on the floor, returning to her breasts in short order. As their lovemaking continued, the heat that began as a slow burn suddenly ignited into a scorching flame. Soon, they lay unclothed on the bed, and Blaine took his belt in his hand.

  Charlie's eyes widened. "What are you going to do with that?" she asked.

  "Don't worry; your sweet little ass is safe… for now. I have other ideas." He took her right wrist and secured it to the bed with the belt, tightening, wrapping and buckling. This was new. They'd had a busy sex life in college, but had never practiced any kind of bondage.

  "Blaine?" she asked softly.

  "Trust me?" he asked, a lock of his damp hair falling forward on his forehead, giving him a carefree, sexy look.

  "Y-yes," she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

  "Good girl, because I would never hurt you," he said as his lips met hers again, this time his tongue forcing its way inside her mouth.

  His hands were busy exploring her perfect body, teasing and awakening every sense. He smelled of spice and soap, he tasted like peppermint, he looked sexy as hell, and his low voice sent shivers down her spine. His touch, oh his touch, was like an ember lighting her body, building the perfect fire. When he moved down her body with his tongue, she shuddered uncontrollably. He chuckled and continued to tease her until he finally reached the throbbing, needy nub that was crying for release. He slowly lavished flicks of his tongue against that spot, tantalizing her with his drawn out attentions.

  When she finally lost full control, he continued with his efforts, not stopping until the last of her climax had subsid
ed. Then he unbuckled and unwrapped the belt, freeing her wrist. He rubbed it sensuously before flipping her over onto her stomach. His tongue resumed its travel by starting at the nape of her neck and moving on to her shoulder, down her spine, causing her to writhe in need yet again. He didn't stop there and kept going down one leg, stopping to suckle a toe, moving to the other and back up again. When he reached her bottom cheeks, he treated each one as well.

  Finally, he lifted her up and positioned her so that she was on her knees, her hands clutching the bedclothes as he entered her from behind, his thick cock filling her, completing her. His hands reached for her breasts as he began to thrust forcefully. Charlie moved her ass up, and he moved deeper inside of her, the friction almost driving her insane. He prolonged the inevitable for as long as he could, and when she softly called out his name, he released inside her, tweaking her nipples as he moaned in delight.

  "Charlie, we are so good together," he said when he had finally rolled off her and lay beside her, holding her close.

  "We are, but is that enough?" she asked earnestly, flicking a lock of wayward hair from his forehead.

  "Oh, Charlie, this isn't all there is for me. I find you to be exciting and challenging in and out of bed. You are so much more than the girl I knew all those years ago. That girl was uncertain and scared. The woman you've become is confident, self-sufficient and ambitious."

  "You're right, I was scared. And I may be all those things you said, but I find that I've missed certain aspects of our old relationship. I miss… you taking care of me."

  "I will always take care of you."

  "I'm not the only one who has changed and matured. You—look at you—commanding your own ship now. And doing an excellent job of it, I might add. Before I left Mississippi, I heard nothing but good things about you from some of the officers who had served under you before. I looked up your profile, and could tell you'd made a name for yourself. You've earned the respect of many."

  They talked for hours, and finally, he moved to get out of her bed. She protested slightly. "Do you have to go?" she asked.

  "I think it's best that I return to my own cabin, don't you? Proper decorum and all that," he said as he started to dress. "We'll have shore leave again soon. Then you can fall asleep in my arms and wake up there."

  She reluctantly agreed that it was duty first. He leaned over to kiss her goodnight and told her not to get up. "I can see myself out. Sleep well, princess."

  He hadn't called her princess for a very long time. She thought it was nice to hear as she rolled over and went to sleep.

  The next day, Blaine went ashore when several of the crew left for their leave, leaving word for Charlie that he would return that evening when his business was finished.

  Charlie was to meet Marci for supper when their shifts ended, and she was actually looking forward to spending some time with the only other female on board. They had several things in common, they had discovered early on.

  The dinner was relaxing and interesting. The women talked about their experience with communications, their naval careers, and their personal lives. Marci confided that she was in a relationship with a fellow officer. He was assigned to another ship at the moment, but when they were able to be together again, they were planning to marry. Of course, Charlie told her about Tim. She and Marci discussed the difficulties at length, and by the end of the conversation, Charlie assured her new friend that she could tell her relationship was much stronger than the one she had shared with her ex.

  "What about you and Captain Rogers?" Marci asked.

  Charlie looked at her in surprise. "What do you mean?" she asked.

  "Oh, come now, my friend. Most of the crew may be oblivious, but I know sparks when I see them. Have you two got something started on this ship? I am asking as a friend, not a colleague."

  "Promise to be my confidant?" Charlie asked.

  "Of course, you can trust me. I don't like shipboard drama. I would never make waves for you, believe me. That's not on my agenda."

  "Blaine and I were college sweethearts. After we broke up—which was basically me asking for space and him walking out, and the two of us never seeing each other again until this assignment—we went our separate ways. I didn't even know he was in the Navy. Obviously, he didn't know I was, either. Our paths never crossed. Of course, I was going by my initials and my married name, so he had no idea that C.R. Vandecamp, or Charlie, was really his old flame, Charlotte Rose Hanna, until I reported for duty."

  "Oh, I'll bet that was a trip when he first saw you."

  "Pretty much, yes," Charlie replied with a giggle. "Anyway, to make a long story short, we've had some serious discussions, some of them heated, about the past."

  "And… is there a future for Charlie Vandecamp and Blaine Rogers?" Marci asked.

  "Maybe, yes, actually there is a very real possibility that there is."

  "That is about the sweetest story I've ever heard."

  "Our relationship is anything but sweet," Charlie replied with a grin.

  "Oh… do tell. So, seriously, do you think you'll have the same issues you had with your ex-husband, both of you being officers?" Marci asked.

  "Blaine is not Tim. And my feelings for Blaine are much stronger than my feelings for Tim ever were. I guess I just never really got over Blaine. So, I don't know what the future holds, but I think Blaine and I have a much better chance at survival than Tim and I ever did, much like you and your guy."

  "Well, I am happy for you. I know it can't be easy working together in such close quarters and trying to keep it secret from most of the crew."

  Charlie smiled. "Oh, look at the time. I hate to end our night. I've enjoyed this girl time so much. But I've got some things to check on before I can turn in. Will you excuse me?"

  "Of course, I should get some shut eye myself. I have the early shift in the morning. Let's do it again sometime, Charlie."

  "Definitely, you have a good night," Charlie said as she got up to leave. She wanted to make a run through the kitchen before she returned to her cabin. Blaine had said he would be back, so she expected to see him after he returned to the ship.

  As she walked down the corridor, she suddenly smelled something that was not right. Breaking into a run, she entered the kitchen area to find it filled with thick, black smoke. She could see flames licking the wall and spreading higher. She nearly tripped over something, and looking down, she saw Cook lying on the floor. He wasn't moving. Charlie collected her wits about her long enough to call the bridge, asking them to alert Damage Control, and then she bent down to check Cook's pulse. It was faint, he was alive! Why hadn't help arrived yet? She realized it was up to her to pull him to safety. She was alone, and the burden rested on her shoulders. No one was here to help her. She tried to lift him, but he was a big man, and she was a small woman. She grabbed his arms and began to try and pull him to safety. The smoke was thick, and she was finding it hard to breathe. The flames seemed to be spreading, heating the room. She pulled and tugged, struggling to reach the door with the big man in tow. She was tired… so tired. He was so heavy…

  Chapter 5

  Blaine had just boarded the ship when he saw Damage Control scurrying past. "What's

  going on?" he demanded of the first seaman he saw.

  "A fire down in the kitchen, apparently, Captain," the man replied.

  "The kitchen? Damn!" Blaine took off in a run, not far behind the other men.

  When they arrived, someone shouted, "Two down!" Several of the men rushed to the source of the fire, which was, by now, nearly out of control. It was spreading fast, and black smoke filled the room. It was hard for Blaine to breathe, as he was without the precautionary gear worn by the others.

  "Captain, please, I need to ask you to stay out there. We'll get them out."

  Blaine knew he should heed the warning, but what if Charlie was in there? "Can you tell who is in there? Are there any others?" he asked.

  "Stand back, sir," the man barked.

/>   He stood and waited for what seemed an eternity. Finally, some of the men came out of the smoke filled room carrying someone on a stretcher. Blaine could see it was Cook. Two of the men were assisting him, trying to bring him around. My God! How long had he been in that room? Was it too late? He turned his attention to the door. Where were they? Where was the other person they had seen? Disregarding the earlier warning to remain outside the kitchen where it was safer, he rushed into the room. Flames were everywhere. He could barely see for all the smoke. It was difficult to catch his breath, and the heat was horrific.

  "Charlie! Charlie, are you in here? Can you hear me?" he called out in panic. Normally calm and collected in a crisis, all he could think about was if his Charlotte Rose was in that room, fighting for her life. Was she injured, was she alive? Against all training, he walked further into the inferno.

  Moments later, one of the men walked toward him with a small figure in his arms. "Get out, now, Captain!"

  Captain Rogers followed him out and watched as he gently laid the person down. His heart dropped to the floor. It was Charlie. There was no doubt about it, even covered in the dark soot from the smoke, he could make out her face. He rushed over.

  "Is she breathing?" he asked.

  "Please, Captain, stand back!"

  Barely thinking about his actions, he did. Another man said, "Captain, you're injured. Your arm! Let me see to it."

  Blaine brushed him aside. "Not until I know my XO is all right. And Cook, what about him?" he asked.

  He glanced in the direction of the kitchen and no longer saw the flames spreading. All that was visible now was the dark, billowy, gray haze that lingered in the air. The acrid smell burned his nostrils.


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