Book Read Free


Page 11

by Natalie Rios

  “Me,” I say, reverting back to my cocky self. “I think about me, because I’m the sexiest person I know.”

  “Jesus fuck!” Levi chortles. Shit. I forgot he’s sitting next to me. Allie says something, but I can’t hear her over the roar of Levi’s laughter.

  “Gotta go. I’ll pick you up for the pool party later this week.”

  “Pool party?” Allie asks. Oh, yeah. I haven’t told her about that yet either.

  “I’ll text you the details. Bye.” I quickly hang up and glare at Levi. The fucker is too busy howling to notice. “Shut the hell up before you wake up the whole damn bus,” I say in a fierce whisper.

  “Too late,” Mosley grumbles from the row in front of us. “Man, T. Can’t you just try sexting like the rest of us?”

  “For real,” Jackson jumps in. “Just send her a dick pic. No one wants to hear that shit.”

  “Allie’s going to the pool party, huh?” Levi snickers at my silence. “Oh, man, this is going to be so much fun.”

  Note to self: seriously, make new friends.





  We’ve been at this pool party for exactly half an hour and I’ve caught Theo staring at me no less than ten times. And he’s not just staring, he’s analyzing me. Scrutinizing my every detail in a way that makes my cheeks burn. I have to fight the temptation to press my hands against my cheeks, that’s how badly I’m blushing.

  The worst part is, I can’t even call him out since the only reason I know he’s staring at me is because I’ve been secretly staring at him.

  Pretending I don’t find Theo physically attractive is easy….when he’s fully clothed. And there aren’t droplets of water running down those chiseled abs.

  The guy is shredded like lettuce. I swear his chest is taunting me to stroke my fingers along the valleys that form those perfect abs, see if his skin feels as smooth and slick as it looks. His arms...Oh, those perfect arms, with biceps the size of bowling balls. And he’s got some scruff today, sexy blonde bristles shadowing his jaw.

  Somebody needs to mop up the floor before I slip on my own drool.

  “Are you cold? Here,” he blurts out, suddenly shoving a sweatshirt at me. “This will keep you warm.”

  “It’s, like, 90 degrees out.”

  “Still...” He tries to shove it on over my head. “You’re anemic, right? You’re always cold?”

  I’m...kind of touched he remembers. Still, I swat his hands away because it is way too hot out for me to wear a sweatshirt. “I’m fine. I’m going to get a drink.”

  “Wait!” He grabs me by the elbow and spins me around. Skin prickling, I shove his hand away but it’s too late. A spark of heat ignites between my legs and my pussy is tingling like crazy. I’m officially hot and bothered by Theo Montgomery.


  Sucking in a gulp of air, I remind myself he’s a womanizer. A player. He only does casual and easy, two words which are simply not in my vocabulary.

  He’s an arrogant asshole.

  A gorgeous arrogant asshole.

  Who may or may not think about me when he masturbates.

  “I’m getting a drink!” A glass of wine – no, an entire bowl – is exactly what I need right now. At least with a drink in my hand, I can blame my splotchy skin on the alcohol.

  “I’m coming with you,” Theo calls out after me. And I groan. Because his words. Coming with me. They remind me of our phone sex conversation and how later that same night, I had a dream where I watched Theo stroke his dick while he watched me rub my clit. And now I’m sprinting, dashing across the patio towards the bar like I stole something. “Allie, hold up!”

  I don’t look back. I need to compose myself. Because, unfortunately, I can’t just leave. We’re out in the suburbs somewhere, a good twenty minutes off campus. And Theo drove us.

  Which means I have to spend twenty minutes alone with him on the car ride back.

  Oh, Allie, you are so fucked.

  “Whoa!” An arm snags my waist. “Where’s the fire, Allison?”

  I blink, my startled brain taking a couple of seconds to recognize who is standing in front of me. “Well, if it isn’t the couch fucker extraordinaire.”

  Cam immediately takes a step back. “You’re not over that, huh?”

  “My couch still hasn’t been dry-cleaned.”

  “Who dry-cleans a couch?”

  “Those of us who don’t like to sit on come stains.”

  “Jesus Christ!” Cam groans. “Can we please never talk about this again?”

  “Talk about what again?” Theo asks, making his way to my side.

  Just to prove to myself I can look at him without giving in to the urge to maul him like an animal, I flash Theo a smile. Success. I can totally do this. Jerking a thumb towards Cam, I say, “I caught this one doing the nasty on my grandmother’s couch.”

  Theo looks positively scandalized. “At your grandmother’s house?”

  “No, my apartment. His sister’s my roommate. And he’s dating my other roommate. Well, former roommate at this point. Anyway, I walked into my living room one day and BAM! There he was, waving at me in all his morning glory.”

  “Are you always like this?” Cam demands.

  I shrug. “Only on days ending in Y.”

  “How big is it?” Theo asks.

  I don’t miss a beat, holding up both of my hands to measure about four inches. “It ain’t the Mona Lisa, that’s for sure.”

  Theo shoots me a wicked grin that has my toes curling. Oh, hell. Maybe tag teaming with him was a mistake.

  Tag teaming. Good Lord, why is my head so firmly in the gutter today?

  “Hey! You told me you didn’t see anything,” Cam whines.

  “When it’s that small, it doesn’t qualify as something, Schmidty,” Theo drawls.

  “Fuck off-”

  “Schmidty? Is that a nickname?” I ask.

  “No!” Cam immediately objects.

  “Well, it is now that I know you hate it.”

  “Fuck you, Allison.” Cam tries to grab me, but Theo steps in between us.

  “Don’t be queen of drama. We can’t all be Leonardo Da Vinci.” Theo shoots me a wink.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  It’s a masterpiece, Theo had said. And it truly is. Nine inches of perfection: sleek, smooth and thick. A long shaft with a prominent head. In other words, perfect, perfect, and perfect.

  Stop thinking about his dick!

  “Was that an Archer reference? That’s my second favorite show!” My voice sounds shrill even to my own ears and Theo arches a brow at me, silently asking if I’m okay. I nod and he smiles back at me.

  Wait. Since when can we interpret each other’s looks?

  “Okay, what the hell is going on here? Do you two know each other?” Cam demands.

  Theo and I exchange a look. “We’re study buddies,” I admit.

  “And friends.”

  “Sort of friends.”

  “Definitely friends,” Theo corrects. “We Netflix and chill and everything.”

  I sigh. “Are you purposely misusing that phrase now?”

  “You just hate the fact I’m growing on you.”

  He’s wrong. I hate that the way he’s looking at me right now has butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

  “Other things that can grow on you,” I say, holding up my hand so I can tick them off on my fingers. “Ringworm, herpes, a tumor...”

  “A boner,” he adds.

  “I believe those grow on you.”

  “Oh, they can grow on you, too. Any time you want a demonstration, just let me know.”

  Aaaaand now I’m thinking about his dick again. Him lowering his shorts to release his hard, swollen ginormous monster cock.

  “Allison. A word. In private.” If Cam’s tone and facial expression are any indication, I’m not doing a very good job of hiding my dirty thoughts.

; “Why do you keep calling her Allison?” Theo asks.

  Cam rolls his eyes. “Uh, because it’s her name.”

  “It’s not.”

  “It’s not?” Cam shoots me a questioning look.

  I shrug. “I’ve been telling you for years it’s just Allie.”

  “A word. Alone. Now.” Cam levels Theo with a look, but Theo ignores him, instead looking to me for direction.

  “Just go. I’d rather get Cam’s lecture out of the way now.”

  Theo’s barely out of earshot when Cam starts in. “A lecture, Allie? Really?”

  “Isn’t that what you’re about to do? Lecture me about what a manwhore Theo is?”

  “He is a manwhore!” Cam insists. “Rumor has it he has an STD.”

  “Is it the clap? If so, I started that rumor.”


  I wave this away. “Never mind. He’s a manwhore. Continue.”

  “He fucks anything that walks. He plies girls with compliments until he can get his dick in their mouth.”

  “I know.”

  “You – you know?” Cam wasn’t expecting that curveball.

  “I’ve known Theo a lot longer than you have. I know what he’s like with women, but I also know he’s not the horrible monster you’re making him out to be.”

  “Are you kidding me? The guy is awful!”

  I shake my head. “Would an awful person arrange for one of your frat bothers to drive me to and from work so I don’t have to take the bus late at night? I don’t even have to pay.”

  This gives him pause, eyes widening in surprise. But he recovers quickly. “Do you know he refuses to hang out with the team and then lectured me for doing the same?”

  “You mean the Thursday night hangouts at the strip club?”

  “It’s a team bonding activity,” Cam huffs.

  “It’s kind of sleazy. And he doesn’t go because his dad’s the governor.”

  “Are you defending him?”

  “I’m saying he has a good reason. He doesn’t want the tabloids saying his dad’s a shitty parent who can’t control his kid. He’s just trying to be a good son.”

  Cam holds up a hand, conceding the point. “Fine. Be that as it may, he’s still a manwhore.”

  I know. I only remind myself of this fact a bazillion times a day. It’s the only reason I’ve managed to push back on all of Theo’s advances. He’s only interested in sex. A casual arrangement at best and a one-night stand at worst. Neither of which will work for me.

  But I don’t want to discuss this with Cam. Really, I just want this conversation to end, ASAP.

  “You know, it occurs to me you’re in no position to judge. Considering you were using a sex app...” I trail off.

  Cam’s face turns beet red. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Cut the shit, Cam. I know you were using Flirt before you started dating Veronica.”

  “Who told you that lie?”

  “Veronica.” Veronica is my other best friend and former roommate, who also happens to be Cam’s girlfriend. She moved in with him at the beginning of summer, which is how Camilla ended up living with us instead of the freshman dorms.

  “Why in the hell would she tell you that shit?”

  “Tequila. You know Cuervo gives her a serious case of verbal diarrhea. Look, I won’t tell anyone. My point is, you’re kind of being a hypocrite right now. And I’m a big girl,” I continue when he hesitates. “I can handle myself. I appreciate your concern, but the big brother routine is unnecessary.”

  Cam studies me for a moment. “You’re not falling for this guy, are you?”

  “No!” It’s not a good idea. I know it’s not a good idea. “We’re just hanging out at a pool party, same as you.”

  He slides me a look like he doesn’t believe me. “Right. Be careful, kid.”

  Yeah, I don’t believe me either.


  “Dude, is that Schmidt?” Mo sidles up to me. “What’s he doing here?”

  “It’s a Kappa party and he’s a Kappa,” I shrug, not really giving a fuck why Cameron Schmidt is here. The fact he’s currently having a very heated discussion with Allie has me on edge though.

  “Who’s the chick he’s talking to?” Mo rattles on. “She’s fucking gorgeous.”

  “She looks familiar,” Levi says and I groan. Great, just great. The gang’s all here.

  “Not much of a rack, but I guess you don’t need one when you’ve got an ass like that,” Mo says.

  My fists clench at my sides. “Watch yourself.”

  “I’m just saying. She’s wearing a one piece and still manages to look hotter than 90% of the girls here.”

  Can’t argue with that. Allie’s red one piece looks fucking amazing on her. That silky olive skin was made for the color red. And her boobs may be on the smaller side, but that neckline...Sweet Jesus. Plunging down to her waist, her boobs are practically pouring out of it. There’s only one tie, at her neck, and her back is almost completely exposed.

  Fucking beautiful.

  Unfortunately, I’m not the only one who’s noticed.

  She’s getting a lot of appreciative glances the guys. And the way Levi’s ogling her right now, like she’s a drumstick he can’t wait to bite into, gives me half a mind to give him a black eye. At least then he’ll only have one good eye to leer out of.

  Why couldn’t Allie just put on my sweatshirt like I asked her to?

  “That’s one tall glass of water. Is she a Zeta? Hey, maybe I can get Poppy to introduce me,” Levi says, referring to his regular hook up and Zeta Social Chair, Poppy Barnes.

  “Wouldn’t that be a little weird? Considering you and Poppy…” Mo trails off.

  “Nah, Poppy’s cool.”

  “She does look familiar,” Mo murmurs. Glancing over at him, I can see his mind racing, trying to place where he’s seen her before.

  “Zeta, right? Please say Zeta. They’re a lot less work than the Deltas.”

  “Fuck off, Levi,” I grumble.

  “Hey, no poaching! I call dibs on Miss Tall, Dark, and Sexy.”

  Grabbing Levi by front of his shirt, I shove his body against the side of the house and get in his face. Rage burns like fire through my veins. “Nobody’s calling fucking dibs. Got that?”

  A large hand claps on my shoulder. “T.” It’s Mo, silently reminding me we have an audience.

  Levi holds up both hands. “Dude, chill. No harm meant. If you want her, have at her. Let me know when you’re done-”

  I shove him again. “Finish that sentence,” I dare him. “Finish that sentence and I’ll knock your ass out.”

  “Sorry, sorry!” Eyes wide and breathing heavily, Levi pushes at me until I release his shirt. “Jesus, T. What’s gotten into you?”

  That’s a good fucking question. Fuck. Levi and I room together on the road. He’s not just a teammate, but one of my closest friends. And here I am acting like a possessive caveman, threatening to hit him. Over a girl I haven’t even so much as kissed.

  Fucking pathetic.

  “That’s Allie,” I mutter by way of explanation.

  “That’s Allie?” Mo’s jaw drops. “No way, dude! She’s not your type at all.”

  I frown at him. “What’s my type?”

  “Blonde,” is his immediate answer.

  “Easy,” Levi offers.

  “Fake tits.”

  “Sorority girl.”

  “Football groupie.”

  I think back on the girls I’ve been with and shit. They have a point. I have a type and Allie’s not it. But then again, none of those girls have ever held my attention the way Allie does. None of them have ever pushed and pulled at me the way Allie does.

  Allie once said she thinks I haven’t met the girl who is worth the effort. Maybe the reason I haven’t met her yet is because I keep choosing the same type of girl. Girls who are fun and easy to talk to, but won’t demand anything more than I’m willing to give them.


  “Maybe I’m reevaluating my type,” I shrug.

  “Wait a minute. Doesn’t that girl work at Cherry?” Levi asks. Ah, fuck. Allie’s greatest fear come true. Mo lets out a hoot and I seriously want to bash his face in.

  “Holy shit, T’s in love with a stripper!”

  “Shut up! Just shut the hell up, both of you!” One death glare from me and the laughter immediately dies. “Allie is not a stripper. She’s a pre-med student and Phi Beta Kappa. You two will treat her with respect. You will not harass her and you will not tell anyone you’ve seen her at Cherry. Keep running your mouths and we will have a fucking problem. Got it?”

  “Oh, I got it alright,” Levi winks.

  Mo whistles. “Man, T. You’ve got it bad, huh?”

  I ignore his comment, because what can I really say at this point? I like Allie. She’s the first and only girl I genuinely enjoy spending time with. But I also want Allie, with a ferocity that claws at me every time she’s near me.

  And I do mean every time. I want to haul her into my lap when we’re studying together at the library. Unzip my pants so I can settle her on my stiff cock and let her ride it until we’re both crying out. And when she gets all sarcastic and sassy with me, I want to wrap my hand around her hair, drag her down to her knees on the floor in front of me so I can stuff her mouth with my cock.

  Yeah, there’s at least ninety other fantasy scenarios where those two came from. Allie and football are the only two things I think about these days.

  “Didn’t T say she won’t give him the time of day?” Levi’s still intent on torturing me. “Said she wouldn’t even kiss him.”

  “Fuck off, Lev.” But there isn’t much heat in my voice. My body is itching to turn back around, seek out Allie again.

  “It’s because he sucks at pursuing,” Mo notes. “Poor T’s never had to pursue in his life.”

  “You know what they say. Practice makes perfect,” Levi quips.

  “Whatever. She’s my friend so she’s off limits. And that goes for all of you assholes,” I add, before they get any bright ideas.


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