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Page 16

by Natalie Rios

  I lunge at him, stopping short of actually hitting him only because Mo and Jackson both restrain me.

  “Take it easy, T. And you-” Jackson jabs a finger in Levi’s chest. “Quit poking the bear. You know this girl’s got him twisted up inside.”

  Levi raises both arms in surrender. “I’m just the messenger. Sunshine said he asked and she said yes. If there’s some sort of misunderstanding, you need to take it up with your girl, not me.”

  He’s right. Taking my frustration out on my teammates gets me nothing but a possible suspension.

  “Fuck this, I’m out.” I make my way to the locker room and check my phone. It’s 7:40am on a Thursday. Which means Allie should be heading to some class called Physical Chemistry. Whatever the fuck that is. But I know it’s in Bolton Hall. I’ve offered to drive her there after my morning workouts no less than ten times, but she always says it’s way out of the way. An inconvenience, she calls it.

  We’ll see who is inconvenienced today.

  Grabbing the rest of my stuff, I hop in my car and drive. Make it there just in time to see Allie walking up the steps.

  “Allie! Wait up!” I’m jogging up behind her, likely creating a scene from all the stares I’m getting. But I don’t stop until I reach her, grabbing her arm and spinning her around to face me.

  She gasps, placing a hand over her heart. “Jesus! You scared me.” Her nose wrinkles with mild disgust. “You stink. Did you forget to shower or something?”

  “Or something.” Letting go of her arm, I rake a hand through my hair, trying to pretend it’s not shaking. “So…I heard a funny rumor about you.”

  She blinks. “About me?”

  “Yeah. Something about you going to the Kappa Halloween Party with Sunshine?”

  “Who? No.” Thank you, Jesus. I blow out a sigh of relief. “But I am going with a guy named Taylor,” she continues.

  What the what now?

  “Taylor is Sunshine. It’s his frat nickname,” I scowl, trying my best to ignore the way my stomach coils just from hearing her say his name.

  “Why? Because he’s blonde? That’s a stupid reason-”

  “You’re not going with him,” I interrupt.

  Allie’s eyes narrow. “Excuse me?”

  “You’re going to call him right now and cancel.” I hold up my phone, but she swats it away.

  “Why? Because you said so?”

  Because the thought of her going out with another guy makes me want to punch through a wall.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly why,” I say instead. “If you want to go to the Halloween party, I will take you.”


  I can’t believe my ears. “No?”

  “You’re not the boss of me. I’m going with Taylor.”

  My jaw drops. “You would rather go with him? That guy’s a dick! He hooks up with a different girl every night.”

  “Seriously?” Allie throws back her head and laughs. “That’s rich, coming from the king of one-night stands.”

  Ouch. I thought we were past this. Doesn’t she see me as more than just a player? “I’m trying to protect you,” I snap back, more than a little desperate now. “You don’t even know this guy. Why would you go out on a date with him?”

  “Because he asked. That’s what people who are attracted to each other do: go on dates to get to know each other better, see if they’re interested in anything more.”

  I don’t know what to say. She’s interested in something more with Sunshine? What does more even mean? Sex? A relationship?

  It doesn’t make any sense. I know she was into our kiss. The way her body reacted, there’s no denying she’s interested. Even if you erased the kiss, the entire semester has been like one long round of foreplay. The daily study sessions and late-night phone calls…There’s something here, I know there is. And whatever it is, it’s too damn strong to be one-sided. She has to be feeling it too.

  So why is she going on a date with Sunshine?

  “Is this because of me?” I blurt out. “Because of our kiss last week?”

  “The world doesn’t revolve around you, Theodore. I have to get to class.” She stomps off on a huff and I let her go because I know how important school is to her.

  But this isn’t over. Far from it.

  I’m leaning against the far wall, eyes on the staircase, when I see them descending. They chat for a few minutes and then he leaves her. To get a drink or some shit, who knows.

  The point is, she’s alone, wearing a skirt that shows off those perfect legs. Long legs and a perfectly curved ass. It’s all I can do not to push her against the wall, hook one of those legs around my hip and kiss her until both of our lips fall off.

  Pushing off the wall, I march across the room, not even pausing to wave to all the people who greet me as I make my away across the crowded frat basement.

  I’m a few steps behind her when she suddenly whirls around, greeting me with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

  “You’re stalking me now?” Allie demands. Despite her tone, I grin when I take in the rest of her outfit.

  We’re matching. Without even trying, we wore matching costumes.

  “Nope,” I say, still grinning like an idiot. Just standing this close to her is enough to have body buzzing, my pulse beating harder and faster. “It’s a Kappa party and I’m a Kappa.”

  She taps her index finger against her chin. “Interesting. According to Taylor, you never go to the big parties.”

  My grin quickly turns into a smirk at her little slip up. “Ah, so you’ve been asking about me.”

  She shoots me a cool glance, but she’s blinking too much. She knows she’s been caught. “Don’t be ridiculous. It came up in passing.”

  “Uh huh, a likely story.”

  “Why are you interrupting my date anyway?”

  “Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting something? Because you were just standing there, all alone.”

  “He’s getting us beers. Besides, you knew we were coming here tonight.”

  “Sure. But we’re friends, right? Can’t a friend come over and say hello?”

  “As if I believe that’s your real motive. What do you want, Theodore?”

  “Your pussy all over my face.”

  Her eyes widen. “Oh, so we’re skipping the smooth lines tonight?”

  I shrug, trying my best not to smile. “You don’t seem to like them so I’m giving raw honesty a try.” The truth is, I like riling her up. It makes my cock twitch.

  Sunshine reappears carrying two beers. “A vegan Blue Moon for the lady – Oh, hey, T. What are you doing here?”

  Ignoring his question, I narrow my eyes at the beer he keeps for himself. “If you’re both drinking, how is Allie getting home?”

  Allie vigorously shakes her head at Sunshine, slicing a finger across her throat.

  But Sunshine doesn’t seem to pick up on her signals. “Oh, we walked here. I’m supposed to walk her back to Hampton later.”

  “Hampton Hall,” I repeat. “The freshman dorm with the bus stop outside of it?”

  “That’s the one!” Sunshine flings his arm over her shoulder and my jaw clenches. Then, as if just realizing something, his face contorts into a frown. “Wait. Didn’t you say you were a senior-”

  Allie lets out the fakest laugh I’ve ever heard and shrugs out of his hold. “Cool party! Don’t you just love costumes, Taylor?”

  He shrugs. “I guess. I still don’t get who you’re supposed to be.”

  For fuck’s sake. She’s wearing a grey skirt with a black sweater over a white button-down shirt and a maroon and gold striped tie. And she’s got on the robes.

  “Hermione Granger,” I say before Allie can answer.

  Sunshine wrinkles his nose. “From Harry Potter, right?”

  He doesn’t even sound sure about it. I arch a brow over at Allie, as if to say this is who you would rather be here with?

  “And who are you supposed to be, T?” Sunshine asks.

sp; “Draco Malfoy,” Allie replies, not looking the least bit happy about it. My outfit mirrors hers except my tie is green and silver.

  “We’re like one of those matching couples,” I say, just to irritate her.

  Sure enough, she goes from zero to riled up in 0.2 seconds. “Not even close, Theodore. Hermione ends up with Ron, not Draco. She doesn’t even like Draco!”

  “Faulty judgment on her part, but you’re much smarter than Hermione. And you said yourself Draco was misunderstood. Though if it’s an Ed Sheeran lookalike you’re craving, I’m happy to drive you to the state penitentiary. Our friendly neighborhood crack dealer should have made his way there by now.”

  “Wait, what?” Sunny asks, shaking his head in confusion. “Did you just say Ed Sheeran’s in jail?”

  We both ignore him.

  I must be an asshole because I'm enjoying this. Her date is right there, standing awfully close to her side, yet her eyes are on me. Her words are all for me. I like it. Hell, I love it. I want her attention. I want to know I'm on her mind, under her skin. It's only fair, considering she's been branded into mine.

  “It was cocaine, not crack,” Allie says. “Mr. Sheeran is classy like that. And I doubt our judicial system works quite that fast.”

  I nod. “You’re right. He’s probably still at the county, but I’m game for another road trip.”

  “Pass. You’re too pretty to step inside of a jail. I would totally make you my prison bitch.”

  Amused, I take a long sip of water to hide my grin. “You think I have what it takes to be a bottom?”

  “I am currently your closest female friend. With that title comes great responsibility. And one of those responsibilities is informing you if you ever go to jail, an inmate named Bubba will be giving you an ass-pounding within the hour.”

  Sunshine spits out his drink, clearly unused to Allie’s cheekiness. Or her potty mouth.

  “You’re my only female friend. My best friend,” I correct Allie, because it seems important she know that. “But just out of curiosity, what are your other responsibilities?”

  “Call you out on your shit, make sexually inappropriate jokes, and inform you when you’re wearing too much cologne,” Allie ticks off on her fingers. “Which, by the way, now. Right now. It’s like you decided to save water by filling your bathtub with AXE instead. I hate to break it to you, but AXE was invented by women to help us identify douchebags in the wild. Lose the cologne, Montgomery.”

  I’m not wearing any cologne. And I definitely don’t own any AXE. Do you know who does though? Sunshine. Who is very pointedly looking in every direction except ours.

  But I’m not going to embarrass him. Nope. He’s my friend and his only crime is being attracted to the delectable Allie Perez. Can’t say I fault him for that one. So I continue my conversation with Allie instead. “Check, check, and check. You’re killing this friendship thing, Allie Cat.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Duh. Of course I am. When will you learn that I am good at all things?”

  “Now who’s being cocky?”

  “Still you. Since you’re the only with a cock.”

  Sunshine chokes on his beer again.

  “You okay, Sunny?” I ask good-naturedly. His eyes narrow at me, but he nods.

  “Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?” Allie asks.

  I shrug. “So take off all your clothes.”

  “Who are you? Nelly?” But she does peel off the robe and sweater. I take the discarded items and pretend to straighten out her robes so I don’t give in to the urge to unbutton her shirt and slip my hands inside to cup her tits.

  Look, I’m a man. We’re visual creatures. And when an attractive female is arching her back, causing those perky tits to strain against the fabric of her button-down shirt, I notice.

  “What are you staring at?” Allie demands.

  “Your pink bra,” I smirk, not giving a shit I’d been caught.

  “Your favorite color, huh?”

  “Only when you’re wearing it.”

  Allie’s face turns downright gleeful as she holds up a hand. “Five minutes. You lasted exactly five minutes before breaking out a smooth line.”

  “So,” Sunny abruptly cuts in. “I have to use the restroom. If you’ll excuse me...”

  Allie’s shoulder brushes against me and a warm surge sweeps across my chest as we watch him take the stairs two at a time. Fleeing. Sunny is fleeing the scene.

  “He’s not coming back, is he?” Allie asks.

  “Nope. Come on. I’ll take you home.” I reach for her arm, but she shrugs out of my grip.

  Her lips thin into a hard line. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” She’s pissed at me. If only she knew her anger turns me on. “Are you satisfied?”

  “Satisfied with what?”

  “Ruining my date!” Turning on her heel, she takes the stairs with me right on her tail. “I mean, Jesus! Running a guy off within five minutes of a first date...That’s got to be some sort of record.”

  “Not my fault you ignored him.” Let’s not pretend she didn’t play a role in the tanking of this date.

  Her cheeks redden and she looks a little panicked. “You distracted me!”

  “Consider it a favor. You two have nothing in common. The relationship would have been short-lived.”

  “Who said I wanted a relationship? Maybe I just wanted to get fucked!”

  Something inside me snaps. She wants to get fucked? By Sunny? He’ll never please her. And it’s about damn time we stop lying to ourselves.

  All week, I’ve been in deep denial, asking myself, why? Why did this date bother me so much? Why did I storm across campus to try to get her to change her mind? Why did I purchase a costume and change my plans to attend this stupid party? Why am I so possessive over this girl?

  I was fighting something I wasn’t quite sure how to handle and now that I’ve stopped, the answer is so damn simple.

  She is mine.

  “Nothing to say?” She doesn’t look angry anymore, but resigned. “Goodnight, Theodore.”

  Hooking an arm around her waist, I pull her against my body. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Away from you.” She takes a few steps back, but hell no am I letting her get away. Fuck this conversation. Dropping her stuff, I push my shoulder into her midsection and lift her into a fireman carry. Walk right on out the front door.

  “My robe!” Allie squeals. I throw my head back and laugh. I’m dragging her back to my place, caveman style, and she’s worried about her robe.

  This. Is. Happening.

  “I’ll buy you a new robe,” I vow, “after I’m done ravishing your pussy.”



  I SHOULD BE FIGHTING HIM, kicking and screaming and demanding he put me down immediately. Hell, I should be embarrassed by all the stares and catcalls we’re getting as we walk down the street.

  The feminist in me is howling in disgust, but my soaking wet crotch is telling her to have several seats. There’s just something so hot and manly about how authoritative he’s being. And he used the phrase, our fucking phrase.

  My panties didn’t stand a chance against the flood.

  Somehow, he maneuvers me over his shoulder so he can reach into his pocket for his keys. Through the front entrance and down a long stretch hallway we go, my heart thudding against my chest the entire way.

  He unlocks another door and then we’re in his apartment. Not bothering with the lights, he turns the corner and then we’re in a bedroom.

  His bedroom.

  Without warning, he throws me onto the massive king size bed and flicks on a light. “Get naked.”

  Sprawling on the bed, I stare at him with wide eyes.

  If I get naked, we're having sex. No question about it. Do I really want to do this? Have casual sex with a guy? And not just any guy, but Theo Montgomery?

  “Now, Perez,” he commands, but I still don’t move. He reaches for me and the next thing I know,
buttons are flying everywhere, scattering across the floor and bed as he pulls open my shirt like a caveman.

  "You ripped my shirt off," I whisper, more turned on than angry. Because holy shit. He is so aroused, so eager to get me naked, he actually ripped off my shirt.

  "I'll rip off your bra, too," he growls. "Get naked."

  I obey, bra, skirt and panties quickly discarded. Kicking off my shoes, I look up to find him watching me, eyes intense and heated. His gaze devours me, leaving a path of heat on my skin as it moves over me.

  "Touch yourself," he demands. Before I can respond, he peels his shirt and sweater over his head. Without missing a beat, he unzips and lowers his jeans, freeing his hard, swollen cock from his boxers. Correction: his perfect cock. The Mona Lisa of cocks.

  “Touch yourself,” he repeats.

  “Excuse me?” His naked form has me too distracted to process what he’s saying. Between the contours of his chiseled abs and the gargantuan eggplant in his hand, my eyes can’t decide where to look.

  “I want you to show me what you did the other night. When you were all alone in your room, talking to me over the phone.”

  Oh, God. He wants to relive that night. My breath lodges in my throat, my cheeks flaming as my uncertainty dials up several notches. “I don’t think-”

  “Put your hand between your legs and show me,” he cuts in, voice hoarse and seductive. “Show me and I’ll show you.” His fist wraps around his cock and a moan shudders out of me as he begins to stroke himself at a slow tempo.

  Are we really going to do this? Pleasure ourselves in front of each other?

  I meet his gaze again and something about the confidence I find in them spurs me into action. Seeing as how I haven’t had sex in...more years than I care to count, I’m an expert at getting myself off. Spreading my legs, I settle my hand against my thigh and slowly slide it upward. His jaw tightens as I run a finger up and down, dragging it back and forth across my folds. My fingers circle around my clit before dipping inside. Theo lets out an audible groan and I slip my finger in another inch, my body now craving release.

  Rocking restlessly on his bed, I’m panting and I swear it’s like my body is on fire. It’s a struggle to keep my eyes from fluttering close, but I fight for them to stay open, keep them trained on his silvery orbs which have gone hazy with pleasure.


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