Sacrifice Me: The Demon (Episode 1)

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Sacrifice Me: The Demon (Episode 1) Page 5

by Sarra Cannon

  “What you expected? So you did have some idea who might have sent this?”

  “No,” I said. “I don't know. Not really. I thought there was some small possibility it might have come from my mother, but then, why would she sent me black roses? None of this makes any sense.”

  His eyes flashed almost silver in the darkness, which was impossible right? Had I imagined it?

  “Black roses?” He ran a hand across his face. “Did you touch them?”

  I shrugged. What kind of question was that? “Of course. I put them in a vase with some water.”

  His shoulders relaxed.

  This conversation was getting stranger with every word. He’d seemed worried about the roses. I’ll admit, black roses are a weird choice, but they were strangely beautiful. Exotic.

  “Listen, if you ever get another box of black roses, just throw them in the trash. Don’t even touch them with your bare hands, okay? Promise me.”

  “I don’t understand you,” I said, anger growing in my voice. I was sick of people telling me to promise them things when they refused to explain why. “You come out of nowhere and tell me you know someone is watching me. You touch me like you have some kind of claim on me. I can’t wrap my head around it. What do you think I owe you? What is going on? Stop talking in circles and just come out with it. I’m not some stupid little girl who doesn’t know how to take care of herself. I’ve been through shit, okay? I can handle it. Just tell me what you think you know about that invitation and the roses. Tell me who was watching me out there.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes again and he gripped both my arms and lifted me off the ground. He moved me into the corner and pushed my back against the wall.

  “An attitude like that will get you killed in a place like this,” he said, almost growling. His face was so close to mine, I could feel his breath against my cheek. “I’ve only seen red paper of that quality one time before in my life, and I’m telling you, if the same man who sent that to me also sent this invitation to you this morning, you ought to run as far away from this place as you can.”

  He lowered me until my heels touched the ground. Tears stung the corners of my eyes, and I was not the type of girl who cried. Ever. But his outburst had scared me.

  He released his grip on my arms and I resisted the urge to rub the spots where his hands had been.

  “I’m sorry.” He ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes, taking a moment before he spoke again. “I know you didn’t know what you were getting into by coming here. It’s not your fault, but I really wish you had just thrown that paper away and never walked into this place.”

  I wanted to be strong and tell him to leave me alone, but I was frozen to the spot, unable to talk back or argue with him. I had no idea why he was so angry or why he wanted to keep me safe, but I understood now that he honestly believed I was in some kind of danger.

  I thought about my mother and how it was exactly three years to the day since she had disappeared from my life. I’d convinced myself that she left of her own will. She’d never been a real mother to me, anyway. I couldn’t remember a single day of my childhood when she wasn’t high or drunk or completely disconnected from life. All she’d ever wanted to do was escape, and the day I turned eighteen and could legally take care of myself, that’s exactly what she had done.


  She’d left me alone without even bothering with goodbye.

  That was the real reason why those words on the invitation haunted me. Those two words were the real reason I had come.

  Little Bird.

  Standing there with Rend, I finally admitted to myself that in some strange way, I had hoped I would find her here. In some secret, hidden part of my heart, I had hoped those roses were from her and that she would be here, waiting with open arms and ready to apologize for all those years of heartache.

  I should have known better. This whole thing was stupid.

  “I shouldn’t have come,” I said. I cursed the teary sound of my voice. I was stronger than that, even if this guy didn’t know me well enough to understand what I’d been through. What I’d overcome to get this far.

  “No,” he said. “You shouldn’t have. You should go. Get out and forget you ever came here.”

  I breathed through the threat of tears, reaching deep down to find the strength I knew I had. I refused to let a single tear hit my cheek.

  I looked up into his eyes, no longer feeling weak-kneed. What I felt instead was a mix of anger and regret and disappointment.

  Disappointment that the first man who had actually made me feel something was mixed up in something dangerous and untouchable. It wasn’t fair. Why couldn’t I have met someone like him under different circumstances?

  But my mother had always told me I had a personality meant for trouble and that I was no good. Maybe that’s why I was so attracted to him. The scent of danger rolled off him like cologne. On one hand, I wished I’d never met him. On the other, I wished I didn’t have to walk away and never see him again.

  “Want to get out of my way so I can leave? Or are you planning to hold me prisoner back here in the shadows?” My voice was strong again despite the queasiness in my stomach.

  His eyes widened and that secret smile tugged at his lips as he moved to the side.

  I held his gaze for a second longer, then walked back toward the crowd on the dance-floor.


  I needed to find Katy and get the hell out of this place.

  The dance-floor had only become more crowded in the past few minutes. The later it got, the more people poured into the club, even on a Wednesday night.

  I found her dancing with the same blond-haired guy as before, and I could tell by the way their bodies were pressed close together that she wasn’t going to be happy about me dragging her away from him. Still, if he was a good friend of Rend's, I was doing her a favor. Hopefully they hadn’t thought to exchange numbers. If we were lucky, we would both be able to walk away and forget this night ever happened.

  I had to wade through the sea of people to get to her. They didn’t part for me now that Rend wasn’t leading the way. When I’d almost reached her, a strange sensation pricked at my heart. I stopped cold and looked around.

  This was different from earlier when I had felt someone watching me. This was more like a familiar presence. It reached inside my chest and squeezed my heart until it stopped beating.

  I looked up just in time to see her long black braid and the shadowed profile of her face.

  My mother.

  I couldn’t breathe. She was really here. After all this time. It was like seeing a ghost.

  All of the heat in my body dissipated and I shivered, clutching my arms close to my chest.

  She was with three men I didn’t recognize. They were dressed in long black cloaks even though it was still late summer and warm out.

  All I caught was that flash of her before she opened a door and disappeared through it. The men followed her, then closed the door behind them.

  I couldn’t move at first. I couldn’t think. Part of me wanted to grab Katy and run away, like Rend had told me to. My mother never cared about me, so why did I even want to see her? It had taken me a long time to get over the heartbreak of her disappearance. Did I really want to relive that?

  But another part of me—a stronger part—knew I couldn’t walk away.

  I had to follow her. Even if just to get the chance to tell her how much I hated her. How much she had broken me.

  I pushed my way through the throng and sprinted for the door.

  With both hands, I pushed it open and felt the humid night air wash over me. It led into another back alley. I stepped out and the door slammed shut behind me, the music now muffled and distant.

  There were no lights out here and I struggled to see in the darkness. I thought I saw a pair of red eyes turn toward me, then giant black wings rose up into the sky. I fell back in surprise, shielding my face with my hand, and when I lo
oked up again, the bird was flying off overhead. It looked to be a normal size, and I wondered if my eyes had been playing tricks on me.

  I caught my breath, then looked again for my mother.

  But she wasn’t out there.

  Instead, the three men who had followed her were standing side-by-side, their eyes locked on me. Hungry smiles marred their faces.

  “Well, well, what have we here?” the tallest one said. He moved one step closer to me.

  I reached back and tugged on the door handle to get back inside, but it was locked.

  “A juicy little treat,” another one said. There was laughter in his tone. “Perhaps the night is not lost after all.”

  The third one, a man with broad shoulders and pale skin, moved toward me so fast, his body was a blur of shadows.

  I gasped as he ran a jagged fingernail across my cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned forward to smell my hair. I pulled away, but his hand darted out to grab me. He held on so tight, I whimpered in pain. That was going to leave a bruise.

  “Do you smell that?” he asked. “It’s been a long time since I tasted one so powerful and pure.”

  The tall one rubbed his hands together and took a few more steps toward me.

  Bile rose into the back of my throat, tasting faintly of cinnamon and scotch.

  What did he mean by taste?

  I didn’t want to stay here and find out, but there were three of them and only one of me. It didn’t look good, but I wasn’t going down without a fight.

  “I don’t know what you guys think you’re doing, but you better get your freaking hands off me.”

  I lifted my knee and stomped the heel of my shoe down on the guy’s foot as hard as I could. He loosened his grip for a split second, and I wrenched my arm away.

  I darted around him and ran toward the lights of the main street, but before I could get more than a few steps, the tall one was in front of me. It was as if he’d just materialized out of thin air.

  He made a clicking noise with his tongue. “Bad little witch,” he said. “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be or we’ll make this a very unpleasant experience for you.”

  “As if you ever had any intention of making it pleasant,” I muttered, clenching my jaw and backing away.

  He smiled and my stomach turned.

  Two large fangs protruded from his mouth.

  I shook my head and stared at those fangs, unable to believe what I was seeing.

  Vampires weren't real, yet I could swear that's exactly what I saw standing in front of me. I screamed and turned to run the other way, but it was no use. The three of them had me surrounded now.

  And all three of them had fangs.

  Suddenly the word taste took on a whole new meaning.

  “We’re going to be the strongest demons in this world after this meal,” the pale one said.

  He opened his mouth and reached for me. In my panic, I must have summoned up some kind of superhuman strength because I kicked him in the chest so hard, he nearly flew back several feet until his back hit the brick wall behind him.

  Shock registered on his face, followed by an insane fury that literally turned his eyes red with hatred.

  A hand gripped my shoulder, and I threw my elbow back with all my might, hitting the tall one in the gut. He let go of me and doubled over with a grunt.

  I spun around toward the smaller one, my body buzzing with adrenaline.

  He blocked my way toward the main street, but I knew I needed to get past him fast before his two friends recovered and came back for vengeance.

  I ran toward him, a strange energy gathering in my fist. I reared back and punched him in the face as hard as I could. A horrible crack echoed in the alley and blood splattered through the air. I didn’t even take the time to wonder how the hell I’d been strong enough to do that. I just ran, kicking off my heels as I went.

  But it wasn’t enough. Again, the biggest of the three materialized in front of me, this time not bothering to smile or make some snide remark about how tasty I smelled.

  Instead, he grabbed the front of my white shirt and twisted, lifting me off the ground so that my bare feet dangled in the air.

  I screamed again, terror pumping through my veins. I kicked and scratched, but soon his buddies joined him, holding my arms.

  There were no smiles. Just blood-thirsty vengeance.

  “You’re going to pay for that, witch.”

  The pale one pulled me to him, his fangs shining white as he opened his mouth wide toward my neck.

  I closed my eyes.

  Stronger Than She Looks

  “Put her down.”

  The vampire’s fangs brushed against the bare skin of my neck. I felt the pressure of his bite against my flesh, but he froze at the sound of the voice behind me.

  My eyes snapped open as he pulled away. He did not, however, put me down.

  I turned my head, but couldn’t see the newcomer. I recognized his voice, though. That rough, deep bass sounded different without the thumping of the music to cover it, but I knew it was Rend.

  I wanted to tell him to go back inside. That these guys were too strong. Too dangerous. Too completely unbelievable to be real.

  But considering the fact that his presence had just saved my life for the moment, I kept my damn mouth shut.

  “I said put her down. Don’t make me ask a third time, or you’ll wish you’d never set eyes on this girl.” He chuckled. “From the looks of it she already put up a good fight on her own.”

  I couldn’t see the other two, but my eyes had adjusted enough to the darkness to see the pale, broad-shouldered vampire in front of me. He looked pissed, to say the least.

  I expected him to tell Rend to get lost, but instead, like some miracle, he opened his fist. I fell to the pavement like some ragdoll. Both of my hands went down on instinct to protect my fall, and I ended up scraping the hell out of both palms and my elbow as I hit. I felt the blood trickle against my skin.

  Rend cursed and all four men in the alley reached for me.

  Luckily, Rend got to me first. Even though he was the farthest away, he somehow got to my side and lifted me into his arms. He backed toward the door to the club.

  “Don’t you dare lay one finger on her,” he said.

  The smallest of the three vampires dropped to his knees and licked the pavement where my blood had spilled. The tall one kicked him aside so hard he went flying into a dumpster.

  “You took it all, you asshole,” he yelled.

  The two of them began to fight until the pale man lifted his fist. “Shut up, both of you.”

  Everyone grew still. The only sounds were the distant thumping of music and the occasional car passing on the main street at the end of the alley.

  Rend set me down gently, then brought his arm out in front of me, shielding me from the other three.

  “She one of your girls?” the guy asked. He brought one hand to his side where I’d elbowed him, and I wondered if I’d really managed to hurt him. “I've never seen her here before.”

  “Yes, she’s mine,” he said.

  I opened my mouth to protest, but a side-glance from Rend shut me up real quick.

  “She’s not wearing one of your shirts. She doesn’t have the mark,” the tall one protested. “How were we supposed to know?”

  That’s when I realized that these guys weren’t just listening to Rend. They were afraid of him.

  “We didn’t mean any harm,” the broad-shouldered vampire said. “We were outside the club. We didn’t break any rules here.”

  The three of them waited, barely moving a muscle. What exactly were they scared he was going to do to them? I mean, I could tell he was built, but what were muscles against mythical beings of the night?

  Unless Rend wasn't exactly human himself.

  “I’ll give the three of you a pass this one time,” Rend said. “But only because she’s new and isn’t in uniform. I haven’t had a chance to mark her yet.”

The three vampires visibly relaxed.

  The tall one wiped dark blood from his nose. “She was being a real pain in the ass anyway,” he said, snarling. “I think she broke my nose.”

  Rend glanced back at me, shaking his head and laughing. “She's stronger than she looks.”

  “Tell me about it,” the small one said, clutching his side.

  “We didn’t mean any disrespect.”

  “You may have been outside of my club, but you should know better than to feed less than three feet away from my back door,” Rend said. “The ones who come here have a right to feel safe whether they’re coming or going. You know that. Like I said, I’ll let you live. This time. Don’t let me see any of you around here for a while.”


  The tall one started to argue, but his friends cut him off. They all bowed, said their thanks, then right before my eyes, each of them turned from solid men into dark, swirling shadows.

  I reached up to hold onto Rend’s still outstretched arms, my eyes not leaving the spot where the shadows gathered and then flew away into the night.

  “What the hell were those things?” I asked, breathless. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know.

  Rend pulled his arm away from me, then walked over to retrieve my shoes.

  He glared at me as he handed them over.

  “Remember when I told you this place was dangerous and you needed to go home? What happened to that?”

  I froze, my shoes dangling from my fingertips. I couldn't tell him about my mother. I wasn't even sure that had really been her. I wasn't sure of anything anymore. “I thought I saw someone I knew.”

  He walked past me and pulled open the door.

  “Hey, that door was locked a minute ago,” I said.

  “This door is never locked to me,” he said. He stood there, waiting for me to go in.

  I straightened my shoulders and took a deep breath to calm my fractured nerves.

  “Wait,” I said, not quite able to get control of my voice. “I'm serious. I need to know. Those weren't vampires, right?”

  Please say no.


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