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Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)

Page 5

by Alli Sims

  She scanned the lot looking for a man who looked like a pimp, not that she knew what the hell that would look like other than from the Law & Order reruns. So she looked for the man who looked to be in charge and she spotted him leaning against one of the painted wooden picnic tables entertaining the crowd with a story. As she moved closer, Kasie noticed that this pimp wasn’t at all what she pictured. Instead of greasy and smarmy he was striking with butterscotch skin, hazel eyes and a smile as bright as the summer sun. His gaze connected with hers and with a flick of his wrist the crowd disbanded.

  “What can I do for you white girl?”

  She moved closer to the good looking man but made sure to leave enough space to feel comfortable. “Are you Goldfinger?”

  A sly smile spread across his face, the one he knew drove all women wild. “Are you lookin’ to become one of my girls?”

  She shook her head. “No, I already have a job. But I am looking for one of your girls.”

  “Candy is my only girl who does girls so you must be looking for her. Unless you’re a cop?”

  Kasie shook her head. “Not a cop and not looking to rent one of your girls.” She handed over the two photos. “Do you know this woman?”

  He flicked his gaze at her, his curiosity piqued. “Are you a nun or social worker?” She nodded and he continued, “Because my girls are happy with me, you hear what I’m sayin’?”

  “Look I’m not trying to take anything from you Mr. Goldfinger. But I need to know if this woman is my sister. I haven’t seen her since I was a kid and you don’t know how much it would mean to me.”

  The man eyed her critically taking in her casual clothes, high cheekbones and girl next door beauty. He could make a lot of money on this one. He pointed to the photo on the right of Jane Doe, “I know this trick. Bo, but she ain’t mine no more and I haven’t seen her in a few months. This one I’ve never seen.” He saw the disappointment in her eyes and felt now was the time to pounce. “You know I bet you can make a lot more money with me than you do now. For just a few hours of work.”

  A smirk lifted one side of Kasie’s face at his arrogance. She could tell that his brand of charm would work well on young runaways and other vulnerable women. “I highly doubt it.”

  He stepped closer and ran a finger softly down one side of her face. “Don’t be so sure, a sexy little girl next door. Oh yeah we could make good money.” He took her in, “All we need is some sexy clothes to show off that figure and you’ll definitely make more money than you do now. I guarantee it.”

  She placed her hand on her hips. “So you’re telling me that being a prostitute pays more than being a surgeon?” She laughed when his eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Yeah I told you Mr. Goldfinger I already have a job that I love and I’m damn good at it. So can you tell me about Bo?” She held up the picture of Jane Doe.

  “She used to trick over by the truck stop and soda factory but no one’s seen in a bit. The other girl, like I said, never seen her.”

  She nodded, deflated. “Okay well thanks for your help.” She extended her hand to shake his.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing!”


  Jase was taking lunch away from the hospital because he was craving an Italian sub from Sammy’s. He knew the residents could handle whatever popped up this time of day, even if Kasie had decided to stay home today. He was still pissed about it, but she had played him well.

  He turned into Sammy’s parking lot and did a double take. Kasie. What was she doing in this part of town? Before he could rethink his decision he was out of the car and at Kasie’s side with a furious scowl on his face. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing!”

  She turned a stunned look his way and yanked her arm from his grasp. “I’m minding my own business, why don’t you do the same?”

  “Are you kidding me right now Kasie?” He couldn’t believe she was being this careless with her own safety.

  She knew she was being indignant but so what, dammit. She was an adult trying to find her sister. She could go wherever she pleased. “In fact I’m not kidding. Now can you please get the hell out of here so I can finish my conversation?”

  Jase grabbed her arm again and shook his head. “Nope sorry sweetheart, that’s not going to happen.” He looked to Goldfinger and back to Kasie. “Where’s your car?”

  She sighed loudly so her exasperation was clear. “It’s over there,” she pointed to the street where her navy blue sedan was parked.


  “Jeez are you blind or something, it's right over th--,” She stopped when her eyes settled on the blank space where her car should be. “Son of a bitch, someone stole my car!”

  That’s it, I’ve heard enough. Jase grabbed her arm again and this time when she tried to take it back, he lifted her over his shoulder and stalked over to his car. Stubborn damned woman!

  “Jase Jackson if you don’t put me down right now I swear to all that you hold dear I will cut your dick off!” She pounded on his back and muscular ass until he summarily tossed her into his car. “You miserable bastard,” she muttered at his backside walking around to the driver’s seat.

  He got in and turned his key in the ignition. “If you try to get out of this car, so help me Kasie.”

  “What,” she asked defiantly.

  He turned to look at her. “I’ll take your plump little ass over my knee and spank you until you’re dripping wet and begging me to fuck you.”

  Holy. Shit. “And that’s supposed to be a punishment?”

  He laughed at the look of mortification that crossed her face. He doubt she meant to say that aloud. “You can call it whatever you want Kasie, just keep your ass in that seat.” He backed out of the lot and onto the street.

  They drove a while in tense silence. Kasie was fuming about his high handed ways and he was still miffed about her coming to this part of town on her own. “You’re taking me to the police station right? Right?”


  “What do you mean no?”

  “Is there a part of that word you don’t understand?”

  If looks could kill, Kelsie was sure her look would have stopped Jase’s heart and then caused the car to roll into oncoming traffic. She crossed her arms and looked out the window in angry silence. Stupid arrogant man thinks he can tell me what to do? Well he’s got another think coming!

  “Are you just going to sit here and pout the entire time?”

  She didn’t spare him a glance. “You can drop me off at any time Dr. Jackson.” She smiled when he mumbled something under his breath about feisty women lacking common sense.

  Fifteen minutes later the silence was broken. “We’re here,” he said and got out of the car without waiting for her or looking back.

  “Where exactly is here,” she scrambled after him into a tall building with sleek green glass doors, a doorman and a concierge. She followed him into a key operated elevator and the doors closed, leaving her alone with him.

  “My place.”


  Kasie clenched her jaws. Hard. “Why are we at your place?”

  Jase kept his eyes trained on the elevator door as he looked on distorted images of them. “Because you and I have a few things to talk about.”

  “No. We really don’t.”

  Jase hopped off the elevator, hardly sparing her a glance. Inside his massive open floor plan apartment, he finally turned to face her. “Oh, but we do.” After drinks were poured, lights were dimmed and seats were taken Jase finally spoke again. “You see we have to talk about exactly why you don’t like me,” he held up a finger as he counted off, “we also need to talk about why the hell you were in that neighborhood alone,” he sat back and turned the full power of his panty dropping smile on her. “And I owe you a spanking.”

  Kasie swallowed hard and squeezed her thighs tight. She cursed her traitorous body for responding to that beautiful smile and dirty mouth. She shot back the tequila shot and sat forward to lean o
n her knees. “This is very simple. First I don’t dislike you, I just don’t worship the ground you walk on.”

  “It is pretty hallowed ground,” he grinned.

  She rolled her eyes. “Second the reason I was in that neighborhood,” she mimicked him, “is none of your damn business.” She continued so he couldn’t cut her off again. “And third, well third I may be open to.” She poured herself another shot, tossed in down her throat and sat back smiling at his stunned face.

  A slow grin spread across his face. “So you do like me.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I like the way you look. The way you smell. And I love the way you kiss.”

  “So you’re not going to say you like me?” She shook her head, smile fixed on her face. “Not yet, at least.” Jase stood up and walked around the glass coffee table to sit next to her. He leaned in and whispered, “But you will.”

  She tried to stop the shivers that overtook her body at his sexy words but she couldn’t. “I guess we’ll soon see.” She didn’t want to be attracted to Jase, Dr. Jackson, but he was hotter than shit and she hadn’t had a man between her legs in more than a year. She sent him a challenging look and waited for his next move. And what a move it was! Jase cupped one side her of face and she leaned into it, closing her eyes for a moment as she got lost in his touch.

  His fingers threaded through her thick auburn waves and pulled her closer and closer until his warm breath fanned her face, making her pant. When he couldn’t wait one moment longer his tongue darted out and swiped her bottom lip. His tongue startled a gasp out of her making room for his tongue to force its way in and he began to devour her mouth. Instantly they both went up in flames, grasping at each other in an effort to get closer, deeper.

  Kasie was right there with him, her body a cauldron of sensation, of nerve endings and desire. Want. Need for him. “Jase,” she breathed out and moved her mouth to his jaw, nipped his neck and sank her teeth deep in his shoulder. She smiled when he cried out and swirled her tongue to sooth the ache.

  “Fuck Kasie, what are you doing to me?”

  She ripped his t-shirt over his head, her eyes widened at the golden muscle ripped torso before her. Her tongue darted out for a taste of his nipple and looked up with a smile in her eye. “Nothing. Yet.” She laughed and kissed her way to the other nipple and down his abs. “Your body is fucking glorious.”

  He groaned and gripped her hair tight in his hands. “Stop.” When she looked up at him in confusion he repeated, “Stop.” Kasie complied and he told her, “Stand up.”


  “Stand up.” She stood, her green eyes blazing with uncertainty. “Now take off your clothes.”

  “Is this some sort of power trip, becau--,”

  “Kasie. Take. Off. Your. Clothes.” Her gaze darted to the massive erection fighting to break free in his pants and she stripped. “Slowly,” he commanded when she unzipped her pants. She shimmied out of them and her silk thong flew off and sailed through the air, landing in his lap. His sexy laugh buoyed her confidence and next came her shirt and bra. Fully naked she stood before him and let him to drink her in. “Natural redhead, I see.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at him, all sass and sexy with her hands on her hips and chest heaving. “Now?”

  Jase smirked at her and sat all the way back on the sofa. “Now it’s time for your spanking.” He saw her chest stop at his words before the pulse at the base of her neck hammered wildly. Her pupils dilated and he would bet she was already wet for him. “Come now Kasie. It’s time.”

  She nodded and walked to him, anxious and excited about what was to come. She had never been spanked before but she often thought she might like it. Today she would find out. Kasie fell to her knees on the couch and leaned over his thighs, back arched so her ass was on display. “I’m ready for my spanking now, Doc.” Her voice was husky with desire and she knew any moment his hand would redden her flesh.

  Jase growled and laid his hand flat on her ass, rubbing and caressing it just to see if it was as soft as he always thought. It was softer, silkier. His hands trailed up the inside of her thighs, one finger lightly brushed over her lips. Yep already wet. His hand lifted in the air and came down with a loud smack on one cheek.

  “Ah!” Kasie screamed at the unexpected sting on her ass but moaned when that same hand soothed the spot. His hand came down again and this time the pain was different, less hurt and more sensation. Again it came down and again it soothed. “Jase,” she moaned.

  “Are you wet for me already Kasie? If I dip my finger inside your pussy will it coat my fingers with your juices?” He knew it would. He could already smell her desire swirling in his nostrils and going straight to his cock. His fingers brushed over her lips over and over before one sank deep inside her. Thwack. Another smack and this time it was Jase moaning when she clenched around his finger. “You do like it. Tell me you like it Kasie.”

  “Oh god, Jase.” She was dripping wet, felt it running down her thighs. She was so ready to come she could taste it and the feel of his hard cock bumping against her stomach was more than she could take. “Please Jase. I fucking love it.”

  He smiled at her words. That please about made him shoot his load in his pants like a damn teenager. He pulled his finger out of her and turned her over to face him. “Take it,” he ordered as his finger slick with her juices, hovered in front of her lips. When her mouth opened and that pretty pink tongue swirled around his finger Jase growled, imagining those lips wrapped around his cock. But dammit she kept sucking, pulling his whole finger knuckle deep into her mouth. When Kasie finished she licked her lips, green eyes locked on his.

  “That was good. But I could do with something a bit more…substantial.”

  “Woman you are going to be the death of me.” His words were strained when she slid off his body and onto her knees before him. Jase didn’t think he’d seen anything as breathtaking as Kasie on her knees for him. His eyes closed while her soft nimble fingers made quick work of his belt, pants and boxer briefs. “Kasie,” he moaned.

  Instead of responding, Kasie puckered her lips around the wet tipped cock bobbing in front of her face. She sucked hard and made a popping noise that sent his eyes flying open, focusing on hers. But that wasn’t her style, she closed her eyes so she could savor his flavor, his sent. His essence. She bobbed up and down, tongue swirling around the length of him before taking him so deep her tongue darted out swipe his balls.

  “Kasie. Fuck.” He wasn’t able to form a complete thought. His body was a tight ball of nerves and synapses only capable of feeling and responding to what wicked delight she was performing on him. Then her throat clenched around him and he was lost to his own orgasm, jerking and throbbing in her mouth. “Kasie I’m--,”

  “You’re going to fuck my mouth right now?” She smiled at his growl and gasped when he fisted her hair in one hand. She felt her juices running down her leg at the caveman tactics she hated at work. Oddly enough they were turning her the fuck on right now. His hips began to piston, forcing more of him in her mouth and down her throat and she worked him over as he pounded into her mouth. Her hand found his balls and squeezed lightly and before he could issue a warning she swallowed him down, still sucking until she wrung every drop from him.

  “Oh Kasie. Damn. Fuck.” He knew he sounded like an idiot but at the moment he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  She stood up with a saucy grin on her face. “Jase let me tell you, that is one fine piece of machinery you’ve got there.”

  Did she really just say that? His sex addled brain couldn’t be sure but it was hot whether it was fantasy or reality. He stood and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go to my room Kasie so I can tie you up and fuck you until you can’t stand up.”

  Chapter Three

  Kasie was still tied up, breathing heavy and riding out her orgasm—her third thank you very much—while Jase lay next to her trying to get his own breathing under control. “Holy fuck Jase. That was…yeah.”

  He chuckled and thought he couldn’t have said it better himself. That was the most powerful orgasm he’d ever had, his body still trembled from the effects. He’d tied her to his four poster bed with silk scarves and ate her pussy until she creamed all over his face. Watching her come was one of the most beautiful things he had ever witnessed. Then he’d thrust deep inside her tight heat and he couldn’t stop. She felt so good he pounded and thrust and pulled out and rammed deeper and deeper until tears were pouring out of her eyes at the pleasure she felt. When he slowed his strokes and pinched her nipples to anchor him, her second orgasm ripped through her and made the bed shake. Her whole body was flushed red, her green eyes foggy with desire and she looked like a fire haired siren coming apart underneath him.

  Then he felt his own climax coming and his speed increased, his balls tightened and he began to growl. When Kasie snaked her hand between them to circle her clit his thrusts reached warp speed and he emptied into her sweet hot pussy. It got wetter and wetter as it gripped him and sucked him in deeper, forcing his hips to keep moving. “Oh my, oh fuck, oooh yes,” She cried out, screaming as her body shook with an even more powerful orgasm.

  And now here they lay in his bed with her still tied to the bed. He turned to see her looking flushed and sated. He took a nipple in his mouth simply because he had to have another taste. He needed it. Then he untied her so she could relax.

  “My sister,” she said without preamble. Her eyes darted to him and she saw the confusion. “Sorry, sex brain,” she pointed to her head. “The reason I was down there today was because I was looking for my older sister.” She explained about her runaway sister and his eyes widened when she told him she thought Jane Doe could be her sister. “So now you know.”


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