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Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)

Page 8

by Alli Sims

  “Yes, oh yes.” Gemma felt electric sparks bubbling up through her body like hot lazy lava as her orgasm began to build. Brody added another finger deep inside her, his cock grazing her clit with every thrust. “Yes, Brody.”

  He felt her walls clutch his fingers tight, her thighs closed tighter around him and a single shriek escaped as her orgasm washed over her. She laid her head on his shoulder as tremors wracked her body, gripping him tight. Brody’s heart was hammering so hard he couldn’t hear anything else. This was a bad idea, he knew, but he could stop it now that he’d had her again. Well, almost. “Gemma,” he growled in her ear.

  She looked at him, blue eyes looking more gold with desire and she smiled. Leaning forward, Gemma sank her teeth into that muscled area where his neck and shoulder met. She licked and kissed and suck his neck until he was so turned on he thought he might just go off in his pants. With no other choice Brody freed himself from his underwear, dragging the head of his cock back and forth against her wetness. In one rushed thrust, he was balls deep inside Gemma. He stilled allowing her time to adjust to his size. Again.

  “Brody,” she sighed and wiggled her hips to urge him on.

  That was all the sign he needed to give her what she wanted. He pulled almost all the way out, his hips still grabbing hard on her ass and slammed into her hard enough to make them both cry out. “Fuck,” he grunted and picked up a frantic pace and his thrust in and out of her. She attacked his neck with her mouth, making him even harder inside her. “Gemma, shit you’re so tight.” She squeezed him and laughed and that just sent him over the edge. His pace could only be described as desperate, to be in her to make her come. To reach his own climax.

  “Brody, I’m gonna come,” she warned him seconds before her pussy clamped down on his, squeezing and milking him until he felt that familiar tug in his balls told him his own climax was moments away. “Ah, Brody! Oh, oh oh!” She trembled as small quakes shook her body, prolonging his own orgasm.

  “Oh. Shit.” He panted as he struggled to get his breathing under control, his hand still gripping her tightly as small quakes rushed over him. They were both still coming down from that powerful orgasm. Brody especially felt stunned at the force of the orgasm. It was more powerful than any he could remember. Of course it had to be with Gemma.

  “Wow Brody. That was fan-fucking-tastic!” She squeezed him with her walls one last time before pulling their bodies apart.

  Her effusive praise gave him pause. This was the same woman who had so easily dismissed him years ago. Was she interested now because he was rich? He heard a familiar click and turned toward the bank of rocks to the south. He pulled her behind him to shield her from what or whoever was out there.

  “What is it,” she asked, fear making her voice shaky.

  He held his finger up to silence as they walked back to the beach. Brody quickly wrapped the sarong around her naked body and pulled his shorts over his wet underwear. “We need to get back to the bungalow,” was all he said as he grabbed her hand and practically pulled her back to their temporary home.


  Inside the bungalow Brody did a quick but thorough sweep of all the rooms and nothing was out of place. Dishes were stacked neatly on the shelves, two wine glasses still sat on the coffee table and the bathroom was as messy as Gemma had left it. Inside the back bedroom they shared, however, clothes were strewn all over the place. He stepped inside the room and saw hundreds of tiny scraps of shredded silk and lace. Gemma’s underwear. He walked back out to the porch and Gemma stood looking at him with fear and hope in her eyes. Fear that someone was really out to get her and hope that he would keep her safe.

  He sat on the slider and patted the seat next to him. “Tell me Brody. What’s going on?”

  “Gemma who wants to hurt you?”

  At first she looked affronted but her entire body relaxed when she realized what Brody was asking her. “Honestly I don’t know.” She watched him rub his face in frustration. “I really don’t Brody. I mean you don’t like me but for the most part everyone does.”

  The look he gave her said, really Gemma you’re going to go there? But he simply stared in disbelief. “You have no enemies?” She shook her head. “No angry women looking to get you back for stealing a boyfriend or husband?” Her eyes narrowed but she kept her mouth closed and shook her head. “No ex-boyfriends angry to lose out on the Rochester billions?” She started to shake her head and stopped. “What? Tell me.”

  “Tad.” She explained how she’d broken up with him almost two months before Liana had been kidnapped. “We didn’t have any chemistry and I wasn’t interested in being some trophy wife.” She told Brody about how Tad had been calling a lot and she mentioned his visit to the compound the week before the trip. “His eyes were blank and didn’t match the words he was saying.”

  As she talked Brody pulled out his phone and began to type a message to Max. “What’s his last name?” She told him and he typed it into the message, along with his place of employment and social security number. He looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

  “He used to ask me to do all kinds of shitty errands for him like order new credit cards, so…,” she trailed off with a small smile on her face.

  Brody finished typing the message and stood. “Our bedroom is a mess but otherwise things are okay. But Gemma, someone was definitely in the house,” he warned so she wouldn’t be taken off guard. She nodded and followed him inside.


  After an hour of picking up all the shredded underwear and haphazardly tossed clothes, Gemma had taken a shower and she was now lying in bed next to Brody’s scorching hot body. They’d made love two more glorious times and her body was still singing the praises of his sexy body and his obvious skill. The way he used his mouth, his hands, tongue and that beautiful dick was magic. He was able to play her body better than any man she had ever been with. Even now, hours later her body still hummed with excitement. Still wanted him.

  It was almost good enough to make her forget that someone had rifled through her underwear and ripped them apart. She couldn’t believe Tad had the gumption to actually follow her to Indigo Dreams, never mind actually cause any real damage. But his behavior had been odd and Brody seemed to think it was worth worrying about. He was so worried she’d heard him talking to her father on the phone when she stepped out of the shower. Her father. He would never let her out of his sight now.

  Why would Tad want to threaten her? Did he honestly think threatening her safety would force her back into his arms? Besides, Tad had money of his own. Her thoughts were interrupted when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her body and pulled her up against a hot wall of muscle. “What’s got you thinking so hard?”

  “I was just thinking that I don’t think Tad is brave enough to do this.” She was also thinking about what they had been doing and what it meant after the island.

  “You never really know what a person is capable of until they’re back is pressed against the wall.” He’d seen all kinds of shit as a Ranger and very little about people surprised him anymore.

  “But what could he want? His family has money and he has a six figure salary.”

  Brody pulled her close and kissed the side of her head. “He has debts Gemma. Huge gambling debts.”

  She turned quickly and the surprise was written all over her face. “What?”

  “My partner called me back and said your Tad owed a lot of money to a few of the wrong kind of people.” He sighed, hating to tell her the rest. “Your father confirmed the gambling addiction. Apparently it’s kind of an open secret in your social circle.”

  “What? No!” How could she not have known? Was she that oblivious to the world around her? “How can that be?”

  Brody shrugged. It was his experience that people only saw what they wanted to see. “No offense Gemma but he’s good looking, has a lot of money and probably showered you with gifts and attention. That’s what you wanted last time I knew you.”

  “I ca
n’t believe you!” He’d hit pretty close to the mark but who in the hell did he think he was?

  “I’m not judging you Gemma, I’m simply saying that he was what you wanted so you had no reason to think he was more than that.”

  She thought about it for a moment. “You’re right.” Am I really that shallow?

  “It’s not just you. It’s most people, Gem.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I’ll keep you safe. Don’t worry.”

  Famous last words.

  Chapter Four

  “Hello Gemma.”

  She gasped and whirled around at the familiar voice she’d almost forgotten about. Tad stood a few feet away from her with a menacing glare in his eyes. His khaki pants were wrinkled, shirt was stained and his normally shiny hair was greasy and mussed. “Tad. What can I do for you?”

  He smiled at her dismissive tone. “I’m glad you asked Gemma.”

  “It was a rhetorical question Tad.” She had been home from Indigo Dreams for more than a week and there had been no threats and no surprise visits from Tad. Gemma had, mistakenly it turns out, figured the problem was over. She’d spent nearly every night with Brody and she’d spent her days working on finishing her manuscript. In fact she had just come from a meeting with her agent. Leave it to Tad to ruin a great fucking day.

  He shook his head. “Gemma, Gemma, Gemma. Why do you wound me so?” He took a step closer to intimidate her but Gemma stood tall and didn’t flinch, even though she wanted to. “You know what I want Gemma. You.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what your game is Tad but I know it’s not me you want.”

  He laughed, “I guess your meathead boyfriend told you that?” Her eyes widened slightly but he caught it. “Oh you didn’t think I knew you were slumming it, Gemma? With a soldier?”

  Gemma laughed. She was loud and the laugh was so long she had to fan herself and catch her breath. “Oh that’s a good one Tad. A soldier,” she mumbled, still chuckling to herself.

  “I guess your source didn’t tell you he wasn’t a soldier but an Army Ranger.” She laughed at his now surprised look. “And I guess they also didn’t tell you that he was a security and surveillance expert? He literally wrote the book on it.” She smiled at the tense look in his face. “I guess not.”

  He came even closer. “Well he’s not here now, is he?”

  She shook her head. “He isn’t. Not yet. My guess is he will be soon.”

  Tad laughed this time, only it was bitter and shrill. “Nice try Gemma. You know, you’ll have to get better at making shit up if you want to be a real writer.”

  Her laughter sounded loud in the parking garage. “Well funny you should say that asshole. I have an agent and a publishing deal so,” she shrugged as if it were no big deal.” She gave him a screw you smile. “But I’m afraid I wasn’t making it up.” This time she stepped forward as she dug in her purse for the pepper spray Brody had given her a few days ago. “You see Brody knows all about the guys who you owe money to,” she tsked and shook her head at him. “Turns out they’ve been following you all over Vegas which means they’re probably close by.” She smiled brightly. “And that means Brody is also nearby.”

  Tad looked around the empty parking level with wide eyes. He was terrified but he needed Gemma to make this go away. “Come here Gemma.” When she shook her head at him, Tad pulled out his insurance policy. “Now Gemma. Get over here now.”

  She gasped when he trained the gun on her and took a step back. “Sorry Tad, I’m not interested in whatever scheme you’ve cooked up to pay back those loan sharks.”

  Tad lunged at her and yanked her arm until she was flush against him. “You see, Gemma, I don’t need you to be interested. I just need you to say ‘I do’.”

  She laughed but quickly stopped when he pressed the gun into her ribcage. “Sorry Tad that isn’t happening. You can shoot me first.”

  “I just might but not until after you’re my wife and I can get my hands on that inheritance.”

  Ah so that was his big plan. Marry her and kill her so he could get his hands on the Rochester fortune. “Sorry to disappoint you Tad but my trust isn’t available until I turn 35.”

  “That’s okay sweetheart,” he planted a rough kiss on her mouth and cursed when she bit his lip. “Bitch. I’m sure Kurt won’t have a problem loaning money to his son in law.” When she laughed he jammed the gun into her side even harder. “What’s so funny?”

  Gemma looked at her watch. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Daddy confirmed for Brody your gambling debts and he and all of his friends have already requested a new financial planner. My guess is when, or if you return to work you’ll find yourself out of a job.”

  “You bitch!” He cracked her on the head with the butt of the gun. It wasn’t hard enough to knock her out, pussy, but it was enough to stun her. He shoved her into the car and ran around to the other side. “You’re going to marry me Gemma so I can pay off these debts. And you may or may not make it past the first year of our marriage.” He peeled out of the parking spot with an evil glint in his eyes. “I’ll be sad of course, but I’ll find a nice stripper to heal my wounded heart.”

  “You’ll be wounded alright,” she grumbled.

  “Don’t you think your bravado is a little misplaced considering where you are?”

  She shrugged. “Not at all. In fact I think it’s you who have a bit too much false courage.” She pulled out the pepper spray and aimed it straight at his eyes. He screamed and the car swerved, causing a barrage of horns and curses. Gemma’s miscalculation had her own eyes watering. Maybe spraying him in the confines of the car wasn’t such a good idea. She felt around blindly for the door handle. “Got it.” She pulled and tucked her body as Brody had taught and rolled out of the car.

  “Dammit Gemma you could have gotten yourself killed!”

  She sagged in relief, “Brody, thank goodness you’re here. Finally.”

  “Well that parking garage has shitty service so it took a while to pinpoint your location, sweetheart.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her hard. “You scared the shit out of me Gemma. Don’t ever do that again. I don’t know what I’d do if,”

  “If what?” She was eager to hear what he had to say.

  “If I lost you dammit.”

  She smiled. “Aww Brody you love me.” She felt around for his face and screamed as ice cold water rushed over her. “Dammit what was that for?”

  He laughed. “Sorry sweetheart, I needed to rinse that pepper spray out of your eyes. Dab,” he handed her a bandana.

  She patted her eyes until she could mostly see and turned at commotion behind her. “I guess Tad doesn’t need a wife anymore.”

  “No but I do.”

  She turned and saw a purple velvet box open in the palm of Brody’s hand. “Brody!” She looked at him, uncertainty in her eyes.

  “Look Gemma I love you and I’m pretty sure you love me too. I have money now and we’re great together so, will you marry me?”

  She punched him on the shoulder. “Brody you idiot, it was never about the money. Not really. My friends got in my head about my lifestyle and I was scared so I said those awful things to you. I’m really sorry about that.” She held his face in her hands and laid the softest kiss on his sexy mouth. “But you are right about one thing, I do love you. So much and I can’t wait to make you my husband.”

  He smiled and picked her up off the street. Brody kissed her fingers and slid the diamond and emerald engagement ring over her finger. “I can’t wait to make you my wife.” He kissed her mouth slow and sweet. “But first we need to talk to the police about your asshole ex. Then I’m going to take you home and lick your pussy until you scream my name, then I’ll make love to you until we both forget our names.”


  He smiled and pulled her in for a hug. “Always.”

  The End

  Hot & Damaged

  The heat was unbearable. Sand rushed into Ryan's eyes as he moved thr
ough the storm. He had to be careful, take it slow. After all, the ground was littered with mines. His job was simple; locate the mines, disable them, collect them. It had become routine over the last two years, but it still made his heart pound within his chest when it had to be done. Explosives had always interested Ryan. He'd been told more than once that it was because they resembled his personality. Mild, dormant, then all at once a loud bang with curling smoke and destructive results.

  Ryan tried to keep anything on his mind, but what he was doing. They hadn't expected a dust storm. There had been no talk of one, no reports. They were deep into the field of mines when the wind picked up throwing choking dust into their lungs, blotting out their vision. Ryan should have listened to Desmond, he realized. The man had told him they should turn back, but Ryan was stubborn. He wanted to get the job done.


  Ryan squinted his eyes, but he couldn't see. He stood still, knowing he was reaching the border of how far they'd gone the day before. Ahead of him, there would be countless mines just waiting for him to step foot on them. He turned in circles, his eyes seeking out some flicker of small movement, his ears trying to pick up some sound over the howl of the wind that rushed against his body.

  Standing there, Ryan thought, as he often did, if he'd ever see Stacey again. Her plump, pink smile flashed in his mind. The thought of her round, hazel eyes made him calm down. If he got through this for no one but her, that would be enough. Ryan stood still as the storm raged around him. He wasn't sure how close he was to death. As the time ticked by, his thoughts were savaged with concern for her, for Desmond, for himself. He knew the horror stories, sand storms lasting for days with no reprieve. Panic rose up in his throat, but he made himself stay calm.

  As quickly as the storm had come up, it was dying away. The howling dissipated to a whisper. Ryan wiped his goggles, a thin film of sand still on them as he looked around. Shock ran through him as he saw the man a few feet ahead of him, standing in place. Ryan moved to him quickly, but Desmond held out a hand towards him.


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