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Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)

Page 12

by Alli Sims

  Auggie was doing an exaggerated pout to draw attention to her lips. “Put these suckers on Muffie and she’d be the perfect woman Jake?”

  He laughed because Auggie was crazy but the idea he thought she needed anything Mitzi had was laughable. “First of all it’s Mitzi, not Muffie,”

  “Tomayto, tomahto.”

  “And second of all Mitzi is no more.”

  She gasped loudly and put her hand to her mouth. “You’ve killed poor Muffie?”

  His face flushed pink as people in the surrounding booths began to look at him. He straightened in the booth and flashed his trademark smile. “Don’t mind Augusta here, she has a strange sense of humor.” He flinched as a pink sugar packet came sailing towards him.

  She laughed and laughed until her body shook and the onlookers lost interest. “So,” she sobered. “You’ve killed off Muffie.”

  “Nothing as exciting as that,” he frowned at his own words. “She thought it was time for more. I disagreed. She cried. I left the restaurant. The end.”

  How could such a hot man be so damned cold?


  After brunch with Jake, Auggie made the fifteen minute walk to her shop, Chocolate Winks so she could get a jump on the upcoming week. Her chocolate and cupcake shop was her pride and joy. After watching her father toil away in the garden, always whistling some tune she knew she had to find a way to do what she loved for a living. So in college she combined her love of baking with business and came up with Chocolate Winks. She had scrimped and saved all through college and found her storefront in neighborhood that was still growing.

  Her customers used to be stoned college kids looking to satisfy the munchies. Today they were housewives looking for the perfect dessert for a dinner party, gift basket or gourmet chocolates for any occasion. She loved spend most of her day in the kitchen, coming up with new recipes that brought a smile to someone’s face. She was the chef and her friend Joss was the business side. Thanks to Joss Chocolate Winks has had three consecutive years of growth. Operating in the black, thank you very much.

  She unlocked the door and stepped inside, scoping the place to make sure everything was in order. This shop was her baby and she was protective as any new mom. “Hey Joss! Are you here?” She called out and walked around the counter and into the empty kitchen. She tossed her purse on a chair, removed her grey hoodie covered in pink flip flops and inhaled the scent of the kitchen. Even pristine, as it was now, there was always a faint hint of butter and chocolate lingering in the air. It was the smell of home for her.

  “Okay,” she rubbed her hands together and looked at the flour, then the refrigerator. “Chocolates or cupcakes? Cupcakes or chocolates?”

  “Talking to yourself again, girl?”

  Auggie screamed and jumped a foot in the air, heart practically leaping out of her chest. “Shit Joss! You scared the holy crap out of me!” She placed a hand to her chest in an effort to slow down her racing heart. “I swear woman, one of these days I’m going to be cutting up a chocolate bar and BAM, I’ll have stabbed you.” She looked at Joss with puppy dog eyes. “Do you want me to have to live with the guilt that I killed you? Do you?”

  Joss stared at Auggie for a beat and then burst out laughing. “Yeah because as I’m dying I’ll be worrying about your guilty conscience, not you know, the life I’ll never get to live.” She shook her long straight black hair and muttered under her breath about ‘crazy white girls’ and went into the office.

  “Cupcakes it is,” she decided and went to gather wet and dry ingredients. She was sifting the flour when Joss came out, a stack of papers in hand.

  “So how was lunch with that gorgeous best friend of yours?” She sat on the hoodie and crossed her legs.

  Auggie shrugged. “It was fine.” It was more than fine when that waitress pointed out how hungry Jake looked at you, her inner voice chided.

  “What’s that smile about?”

  She heard the smile in her best friend’s voice but with mixing to be done she could play dumb for a few seconds as the butter and sugar were creamed. “I was just thinking about our waitress, she was funny.”

  Joss crossed her arms and arched a brow at Auggie? “Let me guess, she made some crack about what she’d do if a man as fine as Jake drooled all over?”

  Auggie’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

  She rolled her eyes and smacked her hand on the stack of papers in exasperation. “Gee I don’t know Auggie, maybe because I tell you that every time I see you together.”

  She had to concede that Joss did always say that. But Auggie was of the opinion that Joss saw what she wanted to see because she didn’t believe men and women could be friends. “You do. But she was the quintessential diner waitress. Called him ‘honey’ and everything.”

  Joss sighed. “I don’t know why you’re the only one who can’t see it. That man is crazy about you.”

  If only that were so. “Joss he isn’t. Sure Jake is sexy as hell but I’m not his type at all. I’m short with too much here and there and pretty much everywhere. His dates are tall, skinny lettuce eaters.”

  Joss stood and walked over to the bowl smelling like chocolate and rum. She dipped a spoon in the batter and slowly began to lick it off. “Or maybe he dates those women because there’s no way he’d fall for them. Because, you know, he’s waiting on someone else to get a fucking clue!”

  “Dramatic much?”

  Joss shrugged. “I can be.” She smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. “You don’t have to say it Augusta, I know you like him too.” Her friend’s wide eyed stare made her chuckle. “The way you talk about him from the time you were eight years old, it’s dripping with love and admiration. You have it bad, yet you hide it from him. From me. From yourself.”

  “No point in wanting what you can’t have.” It had always been her motto, particularly where a once geeky and now handsome as sin game developer was concerned. She crushed from afar and stayed a friend. Nothing gained sure, but nothing lost or heartbroken either.

  Chapter 2

  “Auggie please, oh please! I need you to do this for me.” Jake’s hands were clasped tightly, his eyes shining bright in humor.

  Auggie sat back, arms crossed and trying to keep her laughter at bay. Watching Jake beg was hot as hell and amusing. Watching him beg her to be his date, excuse me, his escort for the Annual Gala for Education, was priceless. “Why exactly would I want to do that?” She would have loved to provide the desserts for that shindig though.

  He blinked those long inky lashes slowly, exaggerating every flip of his lids. “Because I’m your best friend in the whole world and you love me and would do anything for me?”

  Truer words. “All true.” His smiled widened. “But not good enough. Keep going.”

  Because I want to take you on a date but I’m terrified you’ll say no. “How about because for five years you’ve gotten a free ride while I—your very dearest and best friend—have had to take the most vain and vapid women in town who couldn’t hold a real conversation if their lives depended on it. And sadly you realize your time is up.”

  She laughed at that statement and at him. “Oh is it, now?”

  He nodded. “It is your fate. You must deal with it.” He grabbed her hands in his. They stared at each other with wide eyes at the jolt that ripped through them at that touch. “I’ll sweeten the pot by getting you a new dress. On me.”

  She snatched her hand back. “I’m quite capable of getting my own dress Jake.”

  He frowned, confused by the ice in her tone. “I know that Auggie, but since I really want you, need you to come with me it’s only fair I foot the bill for all your…lady business.”

  “Lady business?” She snorted a laugh at his long suffering look. “Are you offering to get me a diamond encrusted tampon or a dress?”

  He cringed. “Come on Auggie, don’t talk about that stuff. Gross.”

  “Gross? Did we go back to seventh grade?”

  He shrugged and sh
e laughed. “Fine damn you, I’ll be your escort. I’ll even let you pay for everything, like an escort.” She mumbled the last part and immediately felt bad as his smile dimmed at her words.



  Story of my life.


  Jake had spent the past fifteen minutes staring the ballroom entrance in search of Auggie. He sat at the table reserved for Stone Industries, his family company, talking to his parents so she could spot him easily when she arrived but also to ward off the throngs of single women looking to snag a rich husband. Jake was under no illusions about his own attractiveness. He was handsome, could be charming when he chose to be so and he was rich as sin. But he was more than that and these women just couldn’t seem to see that. Except for Auggie.

  Yes, except for Auggie. She not only showed an interest in his life’s work but she was willing to learn to play a game just to help him out. She was a pretty amazing woman and tonight she was all his. He looked to the doors once again and the image he saw stopped his heart. Auggie was a vision in gold. Sweet holy hell, she was breathtaking.

  He stood for a better view. She was wearing a gold dress that hugged the curves she normally kept hidden behind a pink and green striped apron. It looked see through in some places and that idea had his dick hardening beneath his pants. The sweetheart neckline accentuated her ample breasts and her auburn hair hung in sensuous waves down her back. She looked like a real life fucking Jessica Rabbit.

  Finally she spotted him and when she started walking his knees almost buckled underneath him. Every step brought her closer to him but the way her hips swayed back and forth had every male eye in the room on her. Goodness, was that damned dress painted on?

  “Hi.” She sounded breathless as she looked up at him with those gold flecked green eyes.

  “Wow Auggie, you look…fucking…just breathtaking.”

  He saw her skin flush at his compliment and that smile knocked him for a loop. “Thanks Jake. You look pretty hot too.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Hot?” He preened a little, flattening his lapels against his chest. “Well thanks Auggie, I spent hours getting ready.”

  She rolled her eyes at his antics. “Well it was definitely worth it. I, on the other hand, actually spend hours getting primped, waxed, buffed and polished to look human for tonight.”

  Waxed? He instantly conjured up an image of her bare pussy spread, wet and throbbing beneath him. That was definitely not an image he needed in his head right now. “Well you look superhuman to these eyes.” He smiled and clasped her hand, leading her to the seat next to his. “Mom, Dad, you remember Auggie?”

  “Augusta you look phenomenal in that dress!”

  She blushed prettily at his mom’s words. “Thank you Mrs. Stone. You look stunning in red.”

  Jake and his father laughed aloud when his mother blushed at Auggie’s words. She never could take a compliment and in that way she and Auggie were the same. He stood and held his hand out to her. “Let’s dance.”

  Auggie stood up in surprise and placed her hand in his. She gasped at the rush of electricity that sparked off between their fingers. “Well come on, then!”

  One the dance floor Jake was beginning to think the chance to hold Auggie was ill-advised. The moment he pulled her into his arms and his hand grazed the bare skin on her back a fire started burning deep within him. Her small hands on his body sent his thoughts flying in all sorts of dirty places, places where they were both naked and writhing in ecstasy. Their bodies moved fluidly as one across the dance floor while a song played about unrequited love. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “You feel so good in my arms Auggie.” She shivered at his words. He smiled.

  “Thanks. It feels good to be here.” She smiled up at him bright and sincere, trying to hide how her heart rate sped up and her body reacted to those words. It felt way too good to be in his arms. It’s just a dance and you’re doing him a favor, this isn’t a date.

  The song ended and Jake wrapped his arm around her waist and led her out to the gardens outside the hotel. They were lit with fairy lights, giving the impression of a garden wonderland. “It’s so gorgeous out here.” Her voice was husky and his body reacted as he knew it would.

  “You’re gorgeous Auggie.”

  She blushed and pushed a few red tendrils behind her ear. “You don’t have to say that stuff Jake. I know I’m here as a bodyguard, not a date.”

  Jake grabbed both of her hands in his and looked into her eyes. “I’m not just saying this Auggie.” He cupped her face so she was looking nowhere but at him. “I’ve been trying for weeks, hell months to keep my distance from you, to keep my hands off you. But it’s been hard. And you come in here tonight looking like a goddamn dream and it’s harder than you’ll ever know to keep away from you.”

  She smiled at his unintended double entendre. “Really?”

  It was her disbelief that crumbled his defenses and he lowered his head until his lips covered hers. Her tongue darted out to taste his lips and he growled into her mouth, pulling her closer and devouring her. He licked her tongue, her luscious lips and dove into her hot mouth and kissed until they were both breathless. “Damn Auggie. You make me lose control.”

  “That was a hell of a kiss Jake.” Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were swollen. Her best friend had just kissed the holy fuck out of her! Wow, she placed her still tingling fingertips to her lips. She could still taste his lips. “I, uh, I need to…go.”

  He nodded and led her back inside while he went to get drinks. On his way to the bar he was intercepted several times by friends of his parents, potential investors and husband hunters. He was getting frustrated by the interruptions and cut the conversation short with a kid interested in working for Stone Cold Games and finally reached the bar.

  “Hello handsome. How about a dance?”


  Auggie returned from the bathroom and sat at the table alone. Well not alone, just not with her date. Jake’s brothers were there with dates and his parents were there as well. The entire Stone clan was there. Except for Jake. He said he was going to get wine for her and Mrs. Stone but that was at least twenty minutes ago. The last time she looked up, he was deep into a conversation with some silver haired man and his blonde wife. She tried to scan the room without looking like she was searching for Jake. So she turned her attention to Ryan’s date, a lingerie model from France.

  “So you bake all day and you still look like that?”

  Auggie’s eyebrows rose at the compliment. “Well I don’t ever eat a whole cupcake or chocolate. I spend most of the day tasting as I go.” The look on Ana’s face was priceless and made her laugh.

  “Just a whiff of your maple bacon cupcakes and my ass gets two sizes bigger.” At Auggie’s confused look she told her that the makeup artist on her last few shoots always had a batch.

  She smiled. “That’s great to hear for me but sounds like pure torture for you. Then again, you look like that so…” The women erupted into a fit of giggles, drawing Ryan’s attention.

  “What’s so funny?” His brows were bunched up and the women looked at each other and started laughing again. “Yeah fine, don’t tell me.” Auggie stiffened when Ryan his look of confusion morphed into anger.

  “We weren’t talking about you Ry, we were-,”

  Her words were cut off by a few grunted curse words. “It’s not that Auggie. Never mind.” He stood up and stalked away.

  “What was that about?” Ana shrugged her bony shoulders but couldn’t meet Auggie’s eyes.

  Dread crept over her as she turned in the direction of Ryan’s retreating body. What she saw turned what started as a fun evening with a good friend, quickly turned into utter humiliation. It wasn’t that she was expecting roses and romance tonight, even though it would be nice, but she was expecting him to be around. What was the point of saving him from husband hunters if he was going to ignore her all evening?

  Her heart sank in disappoi
ntment and she was angry with herself for feeling disappointed. When she finally spotted Jake his hand was wrapped around the hand of a tall blond in a royal blue dress. She was beautiful and she looked like his usual dates, tall, thin and very very blond. They walked hand in hand, laughing to the front of the room where the dance floor stood with several other couples. He stopped in front of the woman and wrapped his big strong arms around her. The same way he had not thirty minutes ago with her.

  Auggie stood on shaky legs and looked around the table, at a half a dozen sets of pity filled eyes. Pity for her, she realized, because her “date” would rather spend time with someone else. She straightened her shoulders and fixed a smile on her face. “It was good to see you all again. And it was very nice to meet you Ana.” She gave everyone a sincere smile. “I think I’m going to call it a night.”

  “You really don’t have to Auggie.” Ryan’s furious scowl was almost funny on his handsome face.

  She shrugged as though it didn’t matter. “It’s fine Ry. I’m here as a favor,” she looked to the dance floor, “that’s obviously no longer needed. So I’ll head out and be home in time for The Daily Show.” She grabbed the impossibly tiny clutch and walked toward away.


  Breathless with a bright smile on his face, Jake waltzed to the table and found two seats unoccupied. He looked around for a goddess in a gold dress but he couldn’t seem to find her. “Where’s Auggie?” Jake looked into the scowling faces of his brothers, the disappointed faces of his parents and the disgusted faces of his brothers’ dates.

  “She left you jackass.”

  “What? Why?”

  Ryan snarled. “What do you mean ‘why’? I don’t know bro, maybe it was because you left her sitting alone for almost an hour while you talked with everyone here but her. Or maybe it was because you took to the dance floor with another woman and whooped it up while she sat here. Alone.”


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