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Page 18

by Stacy-Deanne

  He cleared his throat. “All the facts are telling me that it’s probably not. So since I’m here you might as well do a report. Judging from what Loggia said, and he’s the expert, these snakes being here was no accident.” He tapped his pencil on the table. “You said you’re very frightened of snakes, Miss Cruz?”

  “Very. I only have to see a picture of one and I go crazy.”

  “Uh-huh. Do a lot of people know you’re afraid of snakes?”

  Melody shrugged. “Of course my friends do. And Sarah. Wait.” She grinned. “My friends wouldn’t do this.”

  “Not as a practical joke?”

  “No. Believe me, my friends wouldn’t do something that would scare me half to death.”

  He crossed his legs. “Would anyone else? Do you, uh…have any enemies, Miss Cruz?”

  Sarah stared silently.

  “No, I…” Melody exhaled. She certainly did have an enemy. And she’d definitely pissed him off. A feeling came over Melody that told her she had to be right. Keith Taylor put those snakes in her bed. She looked at Sarah. Melody no longer entertained any other explanations. The bastard did it. Even though it seemed incredibly farfetched, it had Keith written all over it.

  “Miss Cruz, were you going to say something?” The officer stared at her.

  “I know who did this.” She looked at Sarah. “His name is Keith Taylor.”

  “What?” Sarah shouted.

  “Yes, I know he did it, Sarah!”

  “You are unbelievable!” She paced in front of the stove. “You can’t stop blaming Keith for anything, can you? This is completely ridiculous!”

  “Who is Keith Taylor?” The officer gawked.

  “It’s not ridiculous, Sarah. Keith hates me, okay! He has every reason to get back at me!”

  “For what?”

  Melody sighed. She hadn’t mentioned that she’d reported Keith for sexual harassment. With Sarah’s current state, she chose to work around that.

  “Sarah, you know Keith hates me. We both know he wants me out of the picture!”

  “Who’s Keith?” The officer yawned.

  “Keith doesn’t hate you, Mel! Anyway, what do you think this is, a fuckin’ movie? Who would be insane enough to put snakes in someone’s bed?”

  “You heard what Mr. Loggia said! He said they couldn’t have gotten here by accident. Why won’t you listen to reason, Sarah? You refuse to see Keith for what he really is! I don’t understand you!”

  “Stop it! You just stop it right now, Melody! Keith did not do this!”

  “For the last time, who is Keith?” the cop shouted.

  “My sister’s boyfriend and possibly the devil,” Melody muttered.

  Sarah scoffed. “Melody, you’re scaring me. You can’t give up this animosity you have toward Keith. And why? He never did a damn thing to you!”

  “No, he does things, but you just won’t pay any attention to them! He did this, Sarah! I don’t care what you think!”

  “Well, this is very interesting.” The cop jotted down Keith’s name. “What’s his address and phone number?”

  Sarah sighed. “Officer, this is not necessary! It’s hearsay at best. I know Keith did not come in here and put those snakes in Melody’s bed!”

  “How do you know?” Melody shouted.

  “Because I was with Keith all evening, okay?” Melody gawked. “When would he have had time to do this, Melody? Can’t you see how sick this seems? You cannot spend your life blaming things on Keith.”

  “Then explain how the snakes got here, Sarah. Explain it!” Sarah looked away.

  “You can’t can you? Keith has this in him, Sarah. He’s dangerous and you’re gonna learn that soon enough. I just hope it’s before it’s too late.” Melody looked at the officer. “I won’t press charges.” The officer gazed. “Does that make you happy…sis?” Melody ran upstairs.

  Sarah sighed.

  “Yes?” Aileen peeked out the keyhole Saturday night. A handsome man smiled at her. He waved his hands through silky blond hair. The darkness of night couldn’t hide those magnetic blue eyes. Aileen never opened the door these days without peeking. A girl could never be safe with the Albany Predator at large. He hadn’t hit anyone in Aileen’s neighborhood yet, but she didn’t take chances. Melody would have been proud to see how careful she’d been lately.

  “Uh, hello.” The man smiled. “This may sound strange, but maybe you could help me. I’m looking for a Mrs. Aileen Andrews. Can you tell me which house is hers?”

  “Oh, that’s me.” She smiled. “I’m Aileen Andrews.”

  “Oh. Well then, this must be my lucky day. I’m doing a routine check tonight, ma’am. Uh, actually I’m investigating a crime that’s been committed not far from here. I’m a detective and…” He held up his badge. She nodded. “I just wanted to come in and ask you some questions.”

  “What’s your name?” She squinted.

  “Detective Kemp. May I please come in for a second? I’ve been investigating the Albany Predator. If you aren’t sure, you can call my precinct. They’ll vouch for me.”

  She grinned. “That won’t be necessary.” She hurriedly opened the door. She looked over his badge. “I’m just being careful these days. Especially since they said the rapist may be a cop.”

  “Yeah, you should be very careful.” He walked inside without waiting for an announcement. He looked over the tidy living room. He leaned to get a glimpse of the hall toward the kitchen. “Beautiful home you have here, Mrs. Andrews. You seem so young to have such a beautiful home.”

  “Yeah, well…” She pushed her fluffy hair behind her ears. She stroked the sides of her thin housedress. “Will this take long? I planned to take a nap.”

  “Oh, not at all.” He took out a pad and pencil. “I just needed to ask you some questions. There was a woman assaulted a few blocks down.” They sat on the couch.

  “Got your name from someone in the neighborhood. They said you stay home during the day, and the lady was attacked Friday morning.”

  “Yes, I’m a stay-at-home mom, if you want to call it that.” She smiled. “All this talk about this rapist scares the hell out of me.”

  “And it should because he’s very dangerous.” His eyes twinkled. “He’s a lot more dangerous than the cops are letting on. We have to do that, you see, in order to catch him. We also don’t want to scare the victims.”

  “Well, I’ll definitely do my best to help. I don’t know if I saw anything.”

  “No one strange going around the neighborhood?”

  “Uh, no. I mean, if someone walked down the street, I’m sure I didn’t notice them. Not with a two-year-old taking up most of my time.” She smiled.

  “Ahh, you got kids?” He blushed.

  “Yes, a little girl, Danielle.” She pointed to the picture by the lamp.

  “Oh, she’s beautiful. Enjoy being married?”

  She showed off her ring. “Yes. My husband is a truck driver. He’s in Texas right now.”

  “I see.” He looked around. “Uh, are you all alone?”

  “It’s just me and my daughter. She’s sleeping.” She gestured upstairs.

  “Don’t you hate being alone on Saturday nights?”

  “Well, I’m getting used to being alone all of the time. I mean, my husband is always away working. I guess I shouldn’t complain when some wives’ husbands are too lazy to even take out the trash.” She chuckled.

  “But it still doesn’t compensate for him being gone, huh? I bet you’re very lonely, aren’t you, Aileen?” He paced around the living room.

  “Yes. I am. But you didn’t come here to talk about my boring life.” She stood.

  “Are you guys any closer to catching him?”

  “Who?” He glared at her.

  “Well, the rapist.” She waved her hands. “You getting any closer?”

  He smirked. “Hard to tell. But if the victims keep cooperating, things will turn out better in the long run. So, I can imagine how hard it is with your husba
nd always being away, huh?” He leaned against the door with his hands in his pockets. “Makes no sense to me. Thinking of leaving him?”

  She laughed. “Funny. But uh, we’ll make it through. Hopefully, he won’t have to work this hard much longer.”

  “So you have to juggle time with him, huh? Are you two still able to have fun together?”

  She rubbed the back of her neck. “Uh…we do what we can. Is there anything else I can help you with, Detective?”

  “Huh?” He gazed.

  Aileen remained beside the couch. She now knew what Melody meant about that “frightening” feeling. She experienced it with a vengeance at this moment. Something about the way this man looked at her terrified her. She hardly listened to her gut feeling these days. Tonight, she would. “Uh, you know what? I’m expecting some friends over.”

  “Are you?” He raised an eyebrow. “Well, I just have one more question, if that’s all right with you.”

  “Then you’ll leave,” she politely ordered.

  “Of course.” He nearly bumped into her when he stood from the door. “Now this question is very important, Aileen.”

  “Okay.” She crossed her arms.

  “You said you and your husband have to compensate for a lot of things, right?” He rubbed his hands.

  “Wait, I thought this was about the rapist.”

  He smirked. “Oh, it is. Is sex something you and your husband have to compensate for, Aileen?”

  She trembled. This definitely wasn’t right. “You know, I uh, forgot I have somewhere to be.”

  “Oh really? A few seconds ago you said you had friends coming. Which one is it?”

  “Both. See, uh, I have to get some food for the get-together, you know.”

  “All women?” He smiled.


  “Then maybe I should stick around.” He grinned.

  She pretended to take the suggestion as a joke. “Uh, maybe you should come back another time. I’ll call your headquarters if I know something…”

  He grabbed her. “No need.”

  “Let go!” He held her by the waist. “Help!”

  “Things were going so well with us, Aileen. Just like a woman to start acting all crazy.” He walled his eyes.

  “You’re the rapist! You are!” She struggled in his arms. “Someone, help!”

  He carried her to the couch. “Damn, aren’t you a sweet little brown thing, huh? I’m gonna enjoy this, you can believe me!”

  “Help! Someone help!”

  “Oh, come on, baby. Just relax, huh?” He grinned. “It’ll be over before you know it. No, better yet, I want to take my time with you.” He ran his tongue down her face. She whimpered. “I’d like to take my time and get it right.” He threw her on the couch.

  “Help!” She jumped up. He shoved her down. “Help! Someone help!”

  “Aw, why you screaming? I mean, you’re in good hands now, baby.” He sat beside her. “Might as well enjoy it.” She screamed. He slapped his hand over her mouth. “I don’t want to hurt you, Aileen. I like you a lot already. There are ways we can do this, sweetheart. You understand?” He pulled her up.

  “You’re…you’re a cop?” She shook. “My God, you’re supposed to protect people! How can you do this?” He lifted her and slung her over his shoulder. “Put me down!”

  She fought viciously.

  He panted. “You’ll understand me once you get to know me better, Aileen. And believe me, darling, that’s most of the fun.”

  He took her upstairs to her bedroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  Melody had anticipated this Saturday night for days. She found dinner with the Lawsons interesting. It didn’t compare to what happened afterward. She knew Lucas would try to get her to go back to his place. She did. She didn’t know where things would lead. She still wasn’t ready for sex. She couldn’t understand why she held out. She’d known Lucas for ages.

  He would always be special to her. She found it terribly difficult to balance the bond of friendship and love. Tonight appeared perfect. Hell, it should have felt perfect. But Melody still wasn’t any step closer to making that move with Lucas. His living room signified the perfect romantic setting. Candles, light music, wine, fresh fruit, two blankets by the fireplace. Yep, idle perfection.

  Lucas admitted that his maid helped him set things up. It didn’t matter to Melody. They could have been in the bathroom. The moment would have still been magical to her. She slipped her shoes off. Lucas led her to the blankets. She sat down. She didn’t think he could get more beautiful until she saw him in candlelight.

  “What do you think?” He wore a silky black shirt that nearly gave Melody hives. Maybe Lucas’s perfection had been what stalled her toward sex. Maybe she unconsciously felt she couldn’t live up to his expectations. She sipped her wine.

  “Did you have a good time at dinner?”

  “I don’t call eating at your parents’ townhouse a ‘good time,’ Lucas. It was perfect. Everything is so damn perfect.” She sighed.

  “Uh.” He leaned toward her. “You’re upset?”

  “Yes.” She looked away.

  He grinned. “Because the night was perfect?” She nodded. “And this is a bad thing?”

  “Sometimes,” she exhaled. “You’re mad?”

  “No.” He walled his eyes.

  She grinned. “Yes you are. Why can’t you just admit that you’re mad?”

  “Okay, I am!” He stood. “I’m furious! I can’t get a handle on you, Mel! I can’t figure you out to save my life!” She sat on her knees. “I try to show you a good time, to be the best boyfriend I can, and all you do is whine!”

  She grinned. “Okay, go on.”

  “I’m sick of it! I want you to put out something, Melody. Shit, I’m not talking about sex; I’m talking about your damn emotions! Sometimes I feel like I could get more affection from a rock.” She covered her grin. “I mean, I try and try to do things to make you happy, and I end up feeling guilty! Sometimes, I feel like I should just give up! You should be damn glad you got a man who goes through so much trouble for you, Mel! You know how many women would want that?”

  “Ha, ha, ha!” She rolled over.

  “What…what’s so damn funny? I’m pissed as hell, Melody! I’m sick of this shit and you’re laughing at me? I just gave you the business! What the hell’s so funny?”

  “Ha, ha, ha! You!” She pointed. “Oh God!” She strutted around, mocking his rant. “Oh, you…oh, Lucas.” She smiled.

  “Wait a minute.” He grinned. “You mean, I act a gentleman all the damn time and you act like you’re on PMS.” She laughed. “Then I get upset and you’re happy?”

  “Yes! Yes, I am!” she guffawed.

  “Why?” he yelled.

  “Because you’re not fuckin’ perfect after all!” She kissed him. They fell over on the blankets. Melody laughed until her stomach ached. Lucas laughed until he turned red.

  “Mel, I…” He chuckled. “I don’t understand you.”

  “I don’t want you to be perfect, Lucas.” She looked into his eyes. “I just want you to be my boyfriend. I enjoy the romantic settings and the carriage rides. But you don’t have to be that way all the time.” He looked away. “Sometimes trying too hard is worse than not trying at all.”

  “I understand. I thought women wanted this kind of shit. I mean, ‘stuff.’”

  She grinned. “No, ‘shit’ was the right word.” She kissed him. “Lucas, each day I fall more in love with you.”

  “You do?” He smirked.

  “Yes. And now that I know you’re not perfect yourself, I can relax. I mean, I don’t have to feel like I’m under a microscope.” “Jesus, I made you feel like that?” He grimaced.

  “No. It’s just that my idea of you being perfect started to wreck my self-image. That’s probably why I wouldn’t give more to the relationship. And I’m not talking about just sex.”

  He held her. “You give enough.” He kissed her cheek. “Anyway, thi
s is a relief to me, too. I got sick of trying to be so damn perfect all the time. Now I can relax.” He belched.

  “Eeuuw, Lucas!” She frowned.

  “What? You told me not to be perfect.” He laughed.

  “I didn’t mean be a damn pig in the process.” She fanned her hands. “God, smells like a dead dog.”

  “It does not!” He laughed.

  “Don’t do that again, I swear.” She grinned.

  “Can I have a kiss?”

  “Not after belching in my face.” She pushed him away. “I’m glad we got this cleared up, Lucas.”

  “Me, too. I wanted to talk to you about something else. It has nothing to do with us.”

  “Okay. Sounds serious.”

  “Well…” He unhooked his leg from underneath the other. He sat down flat. “I want you to settle this thing with Keith.”

  “Excuse me? Why are we all of a sudden talking about Keith?”

  “Because he’s told me some things and I am concerned about how you two are together. Melody, uh, Caper is my father’s company. Everything that happens there reflects him. I wanted to make sure you know that.”

  “Wait, Lucas, how come I feel like this is a damn lecture?”

  “Don’t get upset. I’m just saying that I see what’s going on. Keith says he’s worried you’re going to do something to jeopardize his job, and frankly, I’m worried about that, too.”

  “Lucas, I’d never hurt someone out of spite or anything. Is that what you’re implying? Did Keith tell you to talk to me? What the hell did he say, anyway?”

  “He asked me to keep it in confidence, Mel. He’s my friend, so of course we talk sometimes. Since you’re my girlfriend I guess he wanted to come to me. There’s no harm done.” He rubbed her hair. She pushed him away.

  “The hell it’s not. I’m leaving.” She gathered her shoes.

  “What?” He stood. “Melody, it isn’t that serious!”

  “Oh, believe me, it is. I get this shit from Sarah and now I gotta get it from you, too? I don’t need yet another snowed person trying to tell me how great a guy Keith Taylor is, Lucas. I know what he really is!”

  “Is that why you went behind my back and reported Keith to my father, Melody?” He squinted. “And you’re always harping about trust!”


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