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Chef's Like it Hot!

Page 2

by Alexandria Infante

  He was into some things I had never tried in my life, and boy was it the best experience I ever had in my life. He smacked things, I had no clue could be smacked, that felt so good in that pleasure pain kind of way; and the things he did to my body!

  But he was the world’s biggest asshole.

  I thought frowning.

  He was a fellow chef, and we went there for three months back when; but Ollie was just looking for a regular piece of ass, with no commitments.

  “What up Sar.” he called grinning, and I felt like punching him in the face.

  No fucken man should look like that, and know it!

  He walked up to me and grinned down on me.

  Ollie was all 6’2, gorgeous, abs to kill for; and as usual he had his shirt off.

  As he walked up to me I placed my hand on his chest, then drew it down his pecks and he laughed.

  “You such a hoe Ollie.” I laughed, and his grin turned wicked.

  “I’m free this weekend Sar, if you’re not busy.” he grinned, then kissed me on the cheek.

  “I’ll remember that,” I called over my shoulder as I walked off.

  Ollie was amazing for that hit it and quit it.

  He wasn’t good for much else.

  I didn’t think he’d ever had a serious relationship in his life. I’d thought back when that there might be something there for us, but he never acknowledged it, so I let it go.

  He was sexy hot sizzling sex, and nothing more; which was such a shame.

  I thought as I looked back before I got into the car. I noticed his frown, but waved anyway, and his frown turned to a slight smile as he waved too, then jogged up the stairs.


  Chapter Two…


  Los Angeles…

  As I pulled up in front of Ross Cutlery, I saw Kerry Kamalika and gasped.

  I hadn’t seen him in ages.

  “OMG! Sariekiko!” He cried, then embraced me as I got out of the car.

  “How have you been?” I cried back, he laughed, then snapped his fingers.

  “This bitch been good gurl, just tryin to get my paper. I heard you were back boo boo. Are you scheduled for this weekend?” He asked as we walked into the store arm and arm.

  “Yup.” I said holding up my chef’s kit.

  “I am so glad gurl I been missing the drama, and yo ass bring it every time!” He squealed, and I just rolled my eyes.

  Kerry was such a queen!

  But I loved every bit of it and him.

  “Well, it’s not like I try to.” I muttered, and he laughed embracing me.

  An hour later, I had my knives sharpen, Kerry’s new number, and a promise for drinks on Thursday night to catch him up on the last six years.

  I looked down as my phone rang.

  “Hi Sarie, there is a glitch with this Friday and Saturday. For some reason the owner of the company wants a sit down with you?” The annoying redhead Aleceia said into the phone, and I sighed.

  “Okay, but why? Does that mean I skip Wednesday?”

  “I have no clue, but since he’s our client, we have to adhere to it. I’m sure everything is fine. Here is the address. And this is not casual; we need for you to set the bar high. As for Wednesday, I’ll call if you need to attend.” She stated, I frowned, then spoke.

  “Fine, what time am I expected today?”

  “1pm.” She returned, and I looked at the clock on the dashboard.

  I basically had an hour, to get dressed, then drive to Studio City.


  “Thanks Sarie.” She said way too syrupy, then hung up.

  I could see now, that she and I would have problems in the future.

  I rushed home, showered, changed, took some time to beat my mug, grabbed my briefcase, then ran out the house.



  I was a bit surprised as I pulled up in front of the huge office building.

  Wow…nice… I thought, got out of the car, grabbed my briefcase, paid the meter, then walked into the building.

  “Hello, may I help you?” The receptionist said with a cheery smile, and I smiled back.

  “Yes, I’m here to meet with Kevin Bradbury?” I replied, she nodded, then picked up the phone.

  When the line connected, she looked up at me.

  “And your name?”

  “Sariekiko Givens.” I supplied, she said my name into the receiver, then nodded.

  “He will be right with you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Would you like an espresso, sparkling water?”

  “No thank you.” I replied as I took a seat to wait.

  As the door opened and Kevin walked out, I was surprised.

  He was at least 6’1, sexy, blond and all upper body. I could see it through the button down dress shirt.

  He’d elected to leave off the jacket, and I was glad for it as I stared at this sexy mofo.

  “Hi Sariekiko, I’m Kevin. Unfortunately I have a meeting that I can’t postpone, so you’ll be meeting with my business partner. If you would just follow me this way.” He said as he shook my hand, then motioned me after him.

  He led me to a rear office, then ushered me in.

  “He’ll be right with you, and nice to meet you. I hope to have an awesome working relationship with you.” he said, and I was puzzled.

  I’d assumed that this was about the Catalina gig.

  “Thank you.” Was pretty much all that I could say under the circumstances, because I had no clue what the hell was going on.

  As I looked around the office, I was definitely impressed.

  Deep mahoganies, burnt oranges and browns, contrasted with the huge black office chair and cherry wood desk.

  Now this was an office I wouldn’t mind having.

  I thought as I ran my hand over the cherry wood.

  The door suddenly opened, I jumped back into my seat folding my hands in my lap, crossing my legs at the ankles.

  “Good afternoon.” he said, and something about that voice struck me, and I turned sharply.

  The gasp lodged itself in my throat, and I almost choked.

  “Colin?” I whispered, and he smiled.

  And what an amazing fucken smile.

  If at all possible, he looked even better than he had eight years ago.

  Time had done nothing to deter his looks, if anything, he was even more divine!

  His blue eyes seemed to crinkle at the edges, as his features held that amazing smile.

  He suddenly embraced me, and I gasped again.

  My GOD, he smelled wonderful, and I had to send a command to my vajayjay to back the hell off!

  “It is marvelous to see you Sarie. When I saw your name on the roster, I just couldn’t believe it.” He said as he pulled back from me, then embraced me again, before he released me to walked around his desk.

  “Wow, this is so crazy! And you’ve certainly done well for yourself since culinary school.” I laughed, and he grinned as he nodded.

  “We try. Are you and Kellen still together?” He asked smiling, and I felt as if I’d just been struck in the face. I sighed, tried my best to keep the frown from my face, then looked at him directly.

  “Umm no, we broke up years ago. He calls occasionally, but I haven’t heard from him in eight months.” I said, and he nodded.

  However, there was something else behind that look, and it surprised me. It almost resembled relief, but desire as well.

  “Well, I guess we should get to it.” he said, and I nodded.

  “Yes, I was a bit surprised you asked me in? I had assumed this was about the Catalina gig.” I said, and he nodded.

  “It is I’m the contracted caterer. But we wanted to contract you for the next three months as well, and we’re prepared to buy out your contract with Culinary.” he stated, and my eyes widened.

  “Wow…okay…but why? There are some mind-blowing chef’s on their roster, not to mention Kerry is back with them?” I count
ered, and he nodded frowning slightly.

  “Yes, and you are equally at the top of that list as well. As for Kerry, he’s already agreed to the 3 month contract. As well as DaVon, JaVon, Armando, Victor, Rebecca, Missanna and Mitchell.” he said laughing, and I did too then.

  It was like we were back in culinary school.

  The only one missing was Kellen.

  “He won’t be here. I haven’t spoken to him in years. We had a falling out.” he commented, I nodded, then frowned because it was as if he’d read my thoughts.

  “What about? Not that Kellen wasn’t an asshole to everyone.” I said, and he nodded.

  “Just stuff.” he replied waving off his comment. “Now, what do you say Sarie? Like old times?” he grinned, and I swear I nearly had a mini orgasm just from those dimples.

  I laughed to play off my desire of him.

  I hooked up with Kellen only because I never felt like Colin was interested in me like that. I mean don’t get me wrong, Kellen was hot and I did love him in many ways; but I soon realized what an egotistical asshole he was.

  He was out for Kellen and Kellen only.

  That was pretty much why when the rumors got started after we broke up, and the fact that he’d undercut me for the Head Chef’s position at the Bellagio; by spreading that I had basically fucked my way up the chain, and that anyone who took a chance on my skills was basically fooling themselves; unless it was my mouth! Had pissed me off to no end! He swore to this day, that he had nothing to do with the rumors, and it was in actuality Mitchell who’d started them. I would never believe that in a million years. Mitchell and I may have an immense business rivalry, and he’s a pretentious ass know it all; but he would never say shit about me like that. Everything I thought I felt for Kellen, seemed to just choke off any emotion where he was concerned, and I decided six years not to deal with it or him.

  Was it healthy, hell no, but it kept me going...

  As I sat across from Colin, I realized that I had never dealt with those feelings, and wondered if I had issues for still feeling some kind of way for Kellen?

  But then, I had been totally head over heels in love with this man right in front of me, before Kellen had ever come along. I just never got my chance to prove it.

  Kellen had pretty much ruined everything in my life at that point.

  Like it wasn’t hard enough for a female chef.

  Missanna seriously wanted her brother and his boys to track Kellen down and fuck him up, but I figured what would be the point. It wouldn’t change him from being a fucken asshole.

  I was done with Kellen; and threatened to sue him.

  In the end I figured it wasn’t worth it, because in some insane way I still cared for him, even if every fucken job I went on after that; if the head chef was male he thought he could fuck me, and if it was female she looked at me like I was some two-bit slut.

  All because of that asshole Kellen.

  If the earth opened up and swallowed him, I swear the world would be a better place without that fuck! And did he get that I wanted nothing to do with him?

  Hell no!

  He would call me every three months or so, just to see if I was still not speaking to him. I couldn’t stand him, but I did have some kind of secret…I’m not even sure what I had for him…but it did make me feel some kind of way, that after ten years of knowing him, he still called to check up on me.

  How he continued to find my number all these years later, I had no clue. I knew none of my friends would ever give it to him!

  Kendra says its guilt.

  I totally believe that, but I don’t have the heart to tell him to fuck off!

  Even after everything he allegedly did. Maybe if I had proof, it would be a lot easier to tell him to fuck off.

  Anyway, I decided then and there to petition colleges for a teaching position in their community education curriculum. And it had been going well for the last five years, but now here I was slammed back into a world that I wanted no part of!

  My only silver lining was sitting right in front of me with an amazing smile on his face.

  I had been in love with Colin for what seemed like forever, but besides one kiss in Ricardo’s closet many years ago, he had never given me any indication that he was interested in me like that.

  So, all these years I had attributed the kiss to both of us being drunk off Missanna’s Coquitos.

  I just pretended it never happened, or if someone brought it up, I acted like I couldn’t remember it. Colin and I were the best of homsters, spent nearly every waking hour together, slept together platonically, and just couldn’t get enough of each other’s company.

  In those six years, culinary school, staffing companies, parties, friends and that one kiss; he never once, ever, made another move on me; so I gave up years ago.

  However, as I rose from my seat smiling slightly, all those old feelings returned.

  He pushed the contract towards me as he too rose, I glanced down; then nearly chocked.

  “Seriously?” I cried, and he laughed nodding.

  “Yes, we at Chefs like it Hot know your worth.” he stated, as he walked around the desk.

  I needed every red cent of that money, so this was a no brainer.

  But could I really work with Colin, with all these unresolved feelings?

  As I glanced down at that amount, I knew I would just have to deal. Not to mention Kerry would be there to keep me in check. Now Missanna; that was an entirely different story! I thought chuckling to myself.

  “I guess we have a deal.” I smiled up at him, and the smile he returned caused my breath to catch.

  “I’m glad.” he said, embraced me again, then motioned to the door, his hand going to the small of my back.

  As it did, I felt an electrical shock go up my spine, so strong, the gasp left me of its own accord. I heard the same from him; he frowned, then removed his hand.

  I looked up at him wide-eyed.

  “Sorry about that.” he apologized; I nodded too rattled to speak.

  “So I’ll see you on Saturday.” he said, I nodded again, then fled his office.


  No man had ever affected me like that!

  I would definitely have to stay away from him, especially since the frown on his face proved he wasn’t interested.


  “Fucken shit!” Colin cried as he shook the charge from his hand, then ran his fingers through his hair grinning. “Yup.” he said grinning even wider.

  He’d been blown away when he saw her name on the chef roster. He hadn’t seen or heard from her in six years, especially after he and Kellen got into it over her.

  He knew Kellen was cheating on her, and everything in him wanted to tell her, but he couldn’t violate that Bro code; so he’d just elected to stay away from her.

  Every day he saw her, he just couldn’t deal.

  The fact that Colin knew Kellen was cheating on her, caused him to want to tempt Sariekiko to cheat with him, so Colin knew he needed to leave their circle.

  In 33 years, he hadn’t loved a woman like he did her, and hadn’t since.

  Of course he dated, tried to love other women, but his mind would always take him back to her. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that it was unrequited, or the forbidden fruit syndrome, but as she sat across from him every feeling he had ever had for her pushed itself to the surface, and the difficulty in which it had been for him just to sit across from her, and not kiss her into oblivion was a great effort for him.

  He remembered the late nights that they would spend together, and she would cry in his arms because of some new bullshit Kellen decided to take her through, but he didn’t want to be the douche to tell her to leave him!

  To shout it at the top of his lungs that he was in love with her; that she could do better, that he would worship her both body and soul!

  Everything in him wanted to, but he just couldn’t, even with how fucked up Kellen was.

  So, he held his peace, said nothi
ng, and just watched from the sidelines.

  He remembered Missanna telling him fuck Kellen, and for Colin to just tell her how he felt about her; but he wanted Sariekiko to love him, not take him as some second fiddle to Kellen.

  He suddenly recalled punching Kellen in the face, and Kellen laughing stating that Colin was only pissed because he was in love with Sarie himself.

  He’d said fuck yeah, she was an amazing woman, and deserved better than Kellen’s sorry ass.

  After that, he just couldn’t be around her, so he’d taken a job to train with one of the masters in France, and hadn’t looked back since.

  There had been a plethora of women, but his heart belonged to her, even to this day.

  He sighed as Kevin walked in grinning.

  “How did it go?”

  “Good, she accepted.” Colin laughed, and Kevin nodded.

  “Now what?”

  “I set out to make her want me like she’s never wanted another man. The one thing Sariekiko is, is passionate. If I can appeal to that, in any form, I know she’s mine.” Colin retorted frowning slightly, and Kevin laughed.

  “Well, she seems like a hard ass to me, so good luck with that.” Kevin laughed, and Colin shoved him.

  “Ass, I need help! I’m not used to wooing the ladies like you!” Colin wailed, and Kevin laughed again.

  “Fine, but I can almost guarantee, she is like no woman I’ve ever dated; and frankly, I’m a bit jelly.” Kevin returned grinning, and Colin gave him the finger.

  “Don’t even think about it! I let it go with Kellen, but I have been in love with that fucken woman for ten years, and no one, and I mean NO ONE, is getting in my way this time!” Colin hissed, and Kevin raised his hands.

  “Dude, I was just joking!” he laughed, and Colin frowned.

  “Sorry, I just hated to see her with Kellen’s sorry ass.”

  “Well seems like it is way over, she looked flustered as she left. She didn’t even realize I’d spoken to her.” Kevin said laughing, and Colin looked at him grinning.

  “She did?” He laughed, and Kevin shook his head.

  “Yea, so I think you scored some points for surprise. Now, where are we going for lunch?” Kevin questioned, as Colin seized his suit coat and they exited the office.


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