Chef's Like it Hot!

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Chef's Like it Hot! Page 5

by Alexandria Infante

  “Sounds exciting.” he said, I raised a brow at him, and he chuckled.

  “Well, all except for the letting go part.”

  “And you?”

  “Kevin and I started this little start up culinary business about 8 years ago. It was rocky, but we’re in the top five now, so things have been going awesome this last year. We took 2nd place, and although Fine Eats gets the call first, we’re definitely giving them a run for their money.” he stated proudly, and I was genuinely happy for him.

  Colin was a wonderful guy, he deserved every success he got.

  “So no husband?” he asked, and I almost choked, then started laughing.

  “Me, married? As if, could you really see that?” I countered, and he laughed.

  “If the right guy came along, anything’s possible.” he said with a wink, and I got that feeling again.

  I quickly looked into the bottom of my glass.

  “And no wife for you?” I asked, and could see in my peripheral that he shook his head.

  “Nope, only been in love with one women in my life time.” he stated frowning slightly.

  “Really?” I asked looking up surprised.


  “Well what happened, did you ever tell her? You guys get together?”

  “No, it was pretty complicated.” he said softly, and I nodded.

  “Oh.” I returned as I got up, and snapped the top on one of the Shock Tops. I offered it to him, and he took it.

  The fruitiness would keep me in line with the Coquitos, so I wouldn’t have a hangover tomorrow.

  I turned the IPod on, then flopped back on the sofa.

  We both looked at it as Alina Baraz seeped into the room.

  Fantasy was one of my favorite songs, and as I looked at him; I made my wish.

  “So what’s up with your friend Kevin? I sensed that he was feeling Missa?” I laughed, and he did too.

  “Yea, but Kevin is too white for Missa.” he laughed, and I did to.

  Then gasped.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Missa would have his ass sprouting love ballads, Shakespeare, giving her bank account numbers, homes and shit in a couple of weeks if she actually put it on him!” he cried, and I laughed, then frowned.

  “How do you know?” I asked before I could stop it, and he looked at me.

  I looked away, and was about to get up, when he caught my wrist.

  “No I did not. DaVon talks too much.” he stated smiling, and I nodded, but he had yet to release my wrist.

  I looked at his hand, and he released me sighing.

  “So who’s the job for on Sat and Sun, and why two days? Although with this weather, Catalina is boss at this time of the year. Not too hot, and not too cold.” I asked as I came back to the sofa with some freshly fried Tortilla chips and salsa.

  I never ate that store bought crap.

  I made a special trip to Cardena’s just for them.

  “Oh, I thought Culinary brought you up to speed?” I shook my head, and he frowned.

  “It’s Sandy and Barry’s wedding!” he cried, and I gasped.

  “WTF, how come I wasn’t informed. And Sandy, why didn’t she say anything?”

  “She probably assumed since I was here, you already knew.”

  “But I didn’t even get to say congrats!” I wailed, and he smiled.

  “I’m sure you can call her tomorrow. I guess I should shove off.” he said rising, and I nodded as I rose too.

  “Have dinner with me tomorrow night?” he asked as he leaned in the door, and I laughed.

  “Shouldn’t this be strictly business?” I asked, and he laughed.

  “It is, you don’t work for me. You work for Culinary, and I just borrowed your contract.” he said, and I laughed again.

  “Fine, what time?” I sighed, trying not to grin from ear to ear.

  “My place at 7:45, I’ll text you the addy.” he said, kissed my cheek, then sauntered off before I could say anything.

  He waved as he pulled off, and I sighed.

  What would I do?

  That kiss was remarkable, and I had been waiting for ten years to receive another.

  The kiss ten years ago was incredible, but the one tonight; showed just how much he’d grown into his manhood.

  Shit, he would have me sprung and begging that he never leave me; if he kept kissing me like that.

  But I grinned as I remembered his reaction to me as well.

  I brushed off my shoulders grinning as Nicki Minaj & Beyonce’s “Fellin Myself” spun into the room.

  Chapter Four…

  Hollywood California…

  I slept in, woke about noon, stretched, then piddled around the house. I cleaned the dining room, straightened the living room, then went to take a shower.

  As I got out, then cleared the mirror, it struck me that I would be having dinner at Colin’s house tonight.

  I gasped, then freaked.

  I quickly got dressed, then reached for my phone on the nightstand.

  She answered on the third ring.

  “Hey, I was just about to go to lunch, wanna meet?”

  “Yes, where?” I said frantically, and she responded.

  “I was heading to Canterbury’s, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’ll see you there in a few minutes.” I said and hung up.

  I put my hair up, put a little power on my face, lips gloss, then headed out the door.

  I was so distracted; I didn’t even notice Oliver in his front window lifting weights.

  Nor did I see the frown on his face because I ignored him.


  Fairfax District…

  I was frowning as I pulled up, and the smile left her face as she saw me.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked, and I sighed as I linked my arm with hers, and we walked into the restaurant.

  “Nothing, I’m just a lil wigged, because Colin asked me to dinner at his house tonight, and me like an idiot said yes.” I sighed as I sat down, and the server immediately placed two menus on the table.

  “Can I get you ladies something to drink?” She asked smiling, and I nodded.

  “I’ll have a tall Oj for now.”

  “I’ll have a tall cranberry.” Kendra said, the server nodded and left.

  “Okay, but why is that bad?” Kendra countered, and I sighed again.

  “If I have dinner with him, then my brain will automatically expect stuff.” I moaned, and she laughed.

  “And I ask again, why is that a bad thing. Not to mention, how do you know that his doesn’t either? He wouldn’t have asked you to dinner if he didn’t.”

  “I know, but what if it doesn’t work out Kenny!”

  “Okay, but you aren’t even giving it a chance Sarie, you’re already looking for the bad points; so you can psyche yourself up for the let down.” Kendra cried, and I sighed as I looked at the menu.

  “I’m not sure I could come back from him Kenny.” I whispered, and it was her turn to sigh.

  “And I don’t think he could either. There is more to Colin than you’re giving him credit for. Go, have a good time, and just leave it there sweetie.”

  I nodded, then looked up at the server as she came back with our drinks.

  “I’ll have the Buffalo chicken sandwich, with the green bean fries, and potato salad.” I said, she nodded looking at Kendra.

  “Man, that sounds good. I’ll have the same with extra Buffalo sauce.”

  The server took both menus, then left us.

  “So, what’s next on the menu?” Kendra asked as she sipped her drink.

  “Jamaican, and I see why the Puerto Rican food too. I had no fucken clue that I was doing Sandy and Barry’s wedding!”

  “Omg, I thought you knew. When’s the last time you looked at your fricken mail Sar?” She cried, and I cringed.

  I had been so out of it lately. I mean I knew they were engaged; hell I went to the engagement party. But I hadn’t realized that they had
firmly set a date. I sure as hell had no clue that they had stayed in contact with Colin. I was going to kick Barry’s ass when I saw him!

  I began to wonder what Sandy’s parents would feel when they saw the menu. I could totally see that Barry’s mother had no doubt coerced Sandra about the menu.

  Barry’s mother is Puerto Rican and his father Jamaican.

  Dominating, overbearing didn’t even cover Barry’s mother.

  I had never seen a more kicked back individual than Barry’s dad, and I suddenly chuckled to myself as his favorite line coursed through my brain, “Simmer down gurl,” he would tell his wife, and she would just roll her eyes at him.

  “Anyway, you may as well do the invites now; because I’ll be cooking Friday to get ready for Sat.” I sighed, and she nodded.

  “So you’re gonna go, and not cancel on him at the last minute right?” She asked, and I grinned slightly; she knew me so fucken well. “Don’t do that to him Sar, he isn’t like the assholes you usually date!” Kendra wailed, and I frowned.

  “And that’s the problem!” I wailed back, and her frown deepened as the server brought our food.

  “Which is exactly why you running. Fuck Sariekiko, it’s time to stop running!” She hissed, and I looked at her surprised.

  “Fine. What should I wear, and should I treat this like a date?”

  “Of course, he asked you to dinner; still date. Now, I really liked that sundress you wore last night, it would have been perfect if you hadn’t worn it.”

  “I got two, a red one too.” I sighed, but she shook her head.

  “No, he’s already seen that look. What time did he say?”


  “Okay, good.” She said, picked up her phone, and I frowned. “Yea, he asked her to dinner.” She said into the phone, and I could hear the squealing and rolled my eyes.

  “Yea, 7:45. Okay, I’ll take the rest of the day off. Sephora, then H&M. Okay.” Kendra said, then hung up.

  “And that was?” I frowned already knowing, and she laughed.

  “An intervention, now hurry up.” She said nodding to my food, and I gave her the finger.

  Kendra ran her own advertising agency, so she was on her own time. And I assumed that she’d called Missanna.



  An hour later, they were pretty much dressing me, and everything I picked out, they vetoed.

  As I walked into Sephora, the sales person immediately seized me, and began showing me their new lines.

  I frowned at both Kendra and Missanna, and they laughed.

  After 30minutes, I’d had enough, and walked out the door.

  “Fine, let’s go.” Missanna said pulling me in the direction of Body Works.

  Now this I liked.

  When they pulled me in the direction of Victoria Secrets, I jerked away from then saying no!

  Like they would actually listen to me, because they pulled me into the store anyway!

  By 5:30, I was so ready to go, and they agreed.

  When we reached my house, Missanna shoved me towards the shower, and I complied both sighing and complaining.

  20minutes later, she pulled out the flat iron, and Kendra took out the make-up pallet, and there was nothing I could do, but what they said.


  At 7pm I looked into the mirror astonished.

  I looked at both of them wide-eyed, and they both gave me self satisfied grins nodding at their work.

  It was as though another person all together stared back at me. As I ran my hand over my hair, I was shocked at how silky and straight it was.

  I was used to my unruly curls.

  “New Year, new look.” Kendra said, and I nodded, still speechless.

  “Shoes.” Missanna said, and I took the shoes from her, frowned a bit at their height, but put them on anyway.

  “Aight, we out. Call us both, in da monin.” Missanna crackled, and I wrinkled my nose, then gave her the finger.

  They both kissed my cheek, then headed for the front door.

  After they left, I just stared at myself.


  I don’t think I’d ever looked this good in my life, and I loved it!

  I picked up my phone, searched for his text, then Gps the address.

  Wow, it would take me 30minutes to get there.

  I realized as I saw that he lived in the canyons.


  I hated driving the canyons at night, I always got lost!

  Seizing my purse, jacket, and phone, I left the apartment.



  When I pulled up to the house, I let out a low whistle.

  Danm, that second spot was boss obviously!

  I thought chuckling to myself.

  This was a very nice house!

  I smoothed down my hair, then my dress as I got out of the car. I figured since it was his house, it would be okay to park in the driveway, locked the doors, then walked up the small steps leading to the front door.

  I took a deep breath, then frowned as I heard angry voices.

  “Because we’ve discussed this over and over Titianna! Why are you even here? I never once told you that I loved you! In fact I told you that I probably never could, because of her!” he yelled at someone, and my hand paused on the doorbell.

  That sounded like a lovers spat, as the women replied.

  “Of course we have, why, because you’re fucken in love with some gotdamned ghost Colin! She isn’t real, and she doesn’t fucken love you like I do. Where is she? Where the fuck has she been for the last two years? Where, obviously not giving a fuck about you!”

  Ooh shit, my brain cried as someone was coming to the door.

  I wasn’t fast enough because of the fucken stilettos Missanna made me wear, and the door was snatched open in my face.

  Both he and I stood there wide-eyed and open mouth.

  The smile he gave me, would have under any other circumstances melted me right there, but as he reached for me, I immediately turned and fled.

  “Sarie!” he yelled, but I just waved, as the women suddenly came onto the porch to gape and glare at me.

  I backed out his drive, then hit the gas.

  I was soo not getting involved in that shit!

  My brain cried, as my phone began ringing.

  I flicked the screen to ignore, frowning.

  Why would I think that he was different, I sighed.

  Men were all the same, and for some strange reason; I wasn’t even upset about it. However, I did feel like kicking Kendra and Missanna’s asses!

  I would have never set myself up to have a good time if it weren’t for those two bitches.

  I sighed again, then flicked the phone to ignore again.

  When I reached the light before the freeway, I just put the phone on silent. I needed to collect my thoughts before I spoke to him. I wasn’t exactly angry at him, because obviously from the woman’s words, they were no longer together. I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to deal with drama, something she seemed like she brought.

  Especially since it was pretty obvious that she showed up to his house unannounced.

  I guessed it was a good thing, because for the last ten years, I had assumed Colin had no flaws, and that just wasn’t fair. Everyone had flaws; we just needed to decide if they were slight enough for us to put up with.


  I sighed as I exited the freeway 30minutes later.

  When I reached my apartment, I sighed again as I retrieved my stuff, then headed up the stairs.

  I saw Ollie, and rushed up the stairs.

  “Damn Sar!” he cried, and I laughed waving.

  “Later Ollie.” I called as I rushed into my apartment.

  I was so not going there with him.

  However, I did notice the look of astonishment on his face. It was crazy, but I would swear later, that the look he gave me implied something other than lust.

  I just needed to ignore it an
d him.


  Oliver looked at Sariekiko’s door, frowned, then sighed.

  For the last two months, his mind kept reverting to Sarie, and he couldn’t seem to concentrate, or understand why.

  He didn’t do relationships, but every time he saw her now, his brain seemed to reside in that thought continually.

  He’d kicked himself mentally ever since the last time they’d slept together, because he realized that he actually had feelings for her months ago. Feelings, which would call for a permanent revoking of his playa card!

  Sariekiko wasn’t the type of woman that you could make love to, and not have feelings for.

  He thought he felt something once from her, but he hadn’t wanted to look like a buster, and admit that he too had feelings; so he’d just kept it strictly sex.

  He’d been asking himself for the last two months if he was in love with her, but everything in him continually denied it.

  It just couldn’t be true!

  Women like Sarie, you needed to bring it all, or nothing; because there was no in between, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for that.

  But as he caught sight of her just now, something struck him directly in the chest, and it was as if he couldn’t breathe.

  He’d only felt that way one time in his life, and she was the reason he was a dick.

  He frowned as he stood in front of her door for several more moments, then realized that he was indeed in love with Sariekiko!

  “Fuck!” He hissed, drew his balls up, then knocked on her door.

  She opened the door with a slight frown.

  Before she could say anything, he drew her into him, and the kiss he laid on her caused her to moan against his lips.

  When he drew back, they both stared at each other wide-eyed.

  “Fuck, I am in love with you!” He wailed, then stormed off to leave her standing in her doorway stunned.


  I watched Oliver walk off completely flabbergasted.

  What the hell was that?


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