Chef's Like it Hot!

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Chef's Like it Hot! Page 6

by Alexandria Infante

  Ollie never acted like that!

  I thought it was always just sex between us!

  If I was confused before, now I felt like I was going crazy!

  I swear I felt like swearing off men completely, unfortunately, I don’t do kitty.

  I thought sighing, because the phone was ringing as I turned from the door closing it.

  I looked at the caller ID, then frowned as I clicked it.

  “Bitch.” I muttered, and she laughed.

  “That is so not my fault!” She wailed, and I sighed as I walked into the bedroom, then the bathroom.

  “I know, and I don’t blame him either.”

  “Then why aren’t you answering his calls?” She cried and I chuckled.

  “Cuz, I’m embarrassed for him and myself. I have no idea what to say to him Kenny.” I said as I took off the dress, slipped on some boy shorts and a tank.

  “Okay, but he doesn’t know that, he thinks you’re pissed at him!”

  “I am so not, I just feel awkward. Not to mention, Ollie just knocked on my door, gave me the most amazing kiss, then said he was in love with me! What the fuck is going on? Is there a full moon out tonight?” I cried as my doorbell rang, and I frowned. “Hold on, someone’s at the door.” I said and placed the phone to my chest and walked into the living room.

  “No, what the fuck do you mean Ollie just said he was in love with you!” She bellowed, and I could still hear her, even though I put the phone to my chest.

  As I opened the door, Colin was leaning against the door frame, a frown on his face.

  “Can I ask why you didn’t answer your phone?” he asked, and I was surprised.

  “Wow…um.” I stuttered, not knowing exactly what to say to him.

  He must have left her on the porch to chase after me.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

  If it wasn’t a bad situation, I would be completely happy, but because of her I felt guilty!

  And I suddenly wondered who she was referring to.

  “Hey, can I call you later?” I asked Kendra as I moved back from the door, and he stepped in.

  “Yea, and shit, he must have been doing 90 on the freeway to catch yo ass if he got to your house that fast! I just spoke to him a while ago, and he was just leaving his house. Damn, you got that legendary, and you ain’t even put it on him yet!” Kendra laughed, and I wished so bad that she could see me giving her the finger.

  “It’s in the air for you!”

  “We are not through Sariekiko, I wanna know what the fuck happened between you and Ollie!” She cried, and I grimaced as I looked up at Colin.

  “Fine, later.” I hissed, as I hung up to her laughter.

  I poured myself a glass of Sangria, flipped on the IPod, then grabbed him a beer from the fridge.

  “Here, you look like you need this.” I said extending the beer, he ran his fingers through his hair, then took the beer from my outstretched hand.

  I sat down, then looked at him.

  “How much of that did you hear?” He asked sighing as he snapped the top off the beer, then brought it to his lips.

  “Not much, but I gather she’s upset with you.”

  “Yes, Tati and I tried, it just didn’t work.”

  “Why, she’s beautiful.” I asked curling my legs under the throw, as I remember the woman.

  She appeared to be biracial, because the pretty golden curls that cascaded down her back gave testament to it.

  I suddenly realized how different we truly were.

  She had to be at least 5’9, all legs, and very petite.

  I was 5’5, with a Jlo ass, curves and too many boobs!

  I was brunette, where she was blonde.

  I was darker skinned, where she was fair.

  I had brown eyes, where she had blue.

  Wow, what a contrast!

  “You so don’t have to explain to me, it was just a bit awkward; and I felt for you.” I said as I flicked my hair over my shoulder, took a sip from my wine glass; and realized that he was staring at me wide-eyed and open mouthed.

  “What?” I asked with a slight frown, and he shook himself, gave me a slight smile, then cleared his throat.

  “Nothing, I’m just sorry our dinner date was ruined.”

  “Me too, but looks like you have some issues to solve.”

  “No…I don’t.” he frowned, and I was surprised at his tone.

  “Well, she seems to think so.” I retorted as I got up, but he seized my wrist and the next thing I knew I was in his lap; and he wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “No…I…Do…nt.” he stressed.

  As his lips took mine, he jerked my hips forward, and I cried out before I could stifle it.

  “Damnit Colin!” I cried, and got up from his lap.

  “What? Tell me you aren’t as attracted to me as I am you.” He cried back, and I closed my eyes sighing, forcing my traitorous heart to snap its ass back into place and stop fucking with me!

  “That kinda doesn’t matter right now.”

  “The fuck it doesn’t!” he said, and I looked at him surprised.

  I frowned as the Weeknd’s Loft Music seeped into the room.

  “You can’t seriously mean that.” I sighed as I went to the kitchen, but he followed me, hot on my heels.

  “Yes I do. Tati and I were over ages ago, she just refuses to accept that. That is not my problem. We’ve been over and over this, and still she tries.”

  “Wow, you sound like a dick right now.” I mumbled, and he gasped.

  “Seriously Sariekiko, you’re pissed at me for not treating my ex girlfriend like an ex? What the fuck does that even mean?” He cried, and I grinned slightly.

  I guess it wasn’t my place to judge him.

  “I guess.” I said as I sipped my wine. “I just feel bad for her. I know what it feels like to love someone, who will never love you back, or is too blind to see it.” I muttered, and he looked at me then sharply.

  “And you don’t think I do? You have no idea, believe me I know, and have lived it for many years. But it isn’t the same with Tati, I told her from the beginning. I never lied to her.” he muttered back, and I grabbed the wine bottle going back to the living room.

  “Is that the woman she was referring to? The one you’re secretly in love with?” I asked, and he nodded.

  “Yea, but I never lied to Tatianna, and she accepted it anyway; so I don’t see that as my fault.” he stated frowning, and I nodded.

  “And the other woman? I was in love like that, but he ignored it.” I stated quietly, looking off from him.

  “I was as well, and she did the same.” he returned frowning, and I was surprised, because it seemed like his anger was directed at me.

  “So I assume you never told this ghost woman how you felt?” I asked frowning now myself. Maybe that was why he never made a move on me; he was already in love with someone else!

  I suddenly felt dumb!

  All those times I was secretly panting after him, he was panting after someone else.

  I sighed, then decided to let it go, that was years ago.

  “What’s up with that playlist?” He grinned as he looked towards the IPod jack as Trey Songz Mr. Steal Yo Gurl,” sang into the room.

  “What?” I asked laughing.

  “I’m just saying.” he laughed, and I did too.

  “That’s my reading playlist?” I said, and his eyebrow rose.

  “Reading playlist?”

  “Yea, here.” I said as I turned on the kindle, then handed it to him.

  He began laughing as he looked at the titles, and I shoved him, which caused him to laugh even more.

  “Which of these have you read?” He asked grinning.

  I reached over and pointed to the top five.

  “Humm, Taming the Amazon, Demon Bewitched, Her Mad Hatter, Probed and Fifty Shades of BDSM?” The last two caused his brow to rise, and I couldn’t quite fathom that grin.

  “Yea, and?” I replied g
rinning now myself, and he laughed.

  “I’m just a little curious about the last two.”

  “Why, you still thinking I’m a 23 year old innocent?” I laughed, and his grin grew wider.

  “No, I would never have guessed you would…well.”

  “I would what? Like to be spanked?” I countered, and a look crossed his features that I couldn’t decipher.

  “Do you?” He grinned wickedly, and I felt my face flame.

  “Nunya.” I retorted getting up, because that sexy grin would have me putty in his hands in sheer seconds if I didn’t.

  “Humm, I’ll have to remember that. So, since no date, how about movies. We could order in, and just hang?” he suggested, and I nodded.

  “Fine, as long as it’s not pizza!” I groaned, because he used to be obsessed with pizza.

  “I outgrew that stage.” he said laughing. “How bout Indian?”

  “Oooh, totally, and can you get that baby corn that taste like Orange chicken?” I said, as I walked towards the kitchen and he nodded.

  I put another bottle of Sangria in the freezer, and another sixer of beer for him.

  When I turned, he was directly behind me, and my hands automatically went to his chest, as I looked up at him.

  “30minutes.” He said softly, and I nodded unable to speak, as he took my hands in his.

  He suddenly lifted me, I gasped, and my arms immediately went around his neck.

  “I always loved your size.” he grinned, and I smacked him grinning back as he walked into the living room, then deposited me on the sofa.

  “Let’s see what you have.” he declared as he immediately began searching my movie collection.

  “Okay, a Marvel Night, Romantic, or Horror?” he asked, and I thought about that.

  If we did a chick flick, then at every love scene we’d both feel completely awkward!

  If we did horror, I’m a wimp, because the movies actually belong to Kendra; and I would nearly be sitting in his lap.

  Bad idea as well.

  I instantly settled on Marvel.

  “I’m feeling some Avengers or Cap II.” I nodded, and he laughed and slid the dvd into the player.

  When the food arrived 20 minutes later, I was starving as I took the plates from the cabinet.

  “What do you want?” I called to the living room, and he instantly appeared in the kitchen.

  “It’s cool, I got it.” he said grinning, and I handed him the large spoon.

  “Can you bring the wine?” I called over my shoulder, and saw him nod.


  We did a Marvel marathon, and when I looked at the clock, it was 12:30am.

  “I guess I should head out.” he said stretching, and I smiled nodding.

  He seized me, and I recognized what he was about too late.

  He drew my lips to his, and I reeled in the kiss as my fingers ran themselves through his hair of their own accord. He turned on the sofa, so that now I was directly in his lap, and I could feel that yes, he was indeed attracted to me.

  He grabbed the back of my neck and drew me further into the kiss, then his hands left my hair and traveled up my back.

  I gasped as his lips left mine, and drew the skin in the curve of my neck into his mouth. I almost cried out as he bit me, sucking on my skin. As his lips traveled to the tips of my breast, I did cry out, because I felt my entire body tremble.

  It sent a command straight to my nether regions, and I gasped, then got up bringing my hand to my lips.

  “Sorry.” He moaned, then ran his fingers through his hair rising.

  I grinned slightly, nodding, as I wrapped my arms around my waist, and just looked at him.

  That kiss had done something to me, and it scared me.

  What I felt in that kiss, what I felt from myself; wasn’t just lust.

  “Did I just make you completely uncomfortable?” he asked as he placed a wayward strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Of course not, I’ve waited…” I stopped myself biting my lip, and he gave me a strange look.

  “Walk me to the door.” he said grinning, as he tugged me after him.

  “I guess I’ll see you later.” I said as I looked at my hands.

  “Yep, this isn’t over.” He grinned, and I had to smile.

  He kissed my forehead, then walked to his car.

  “And you still owe me dinner, that didn’t count.” He called from his car; I laughed, then waved as he pulled off.

  As I closed and locked the door, I sighed, then threw myself on the sofa.

  What would I do?

  I so wanted to go there, but he made me feel so…I couldn’t even describe how he made me feel.

  But that was a good thing right?

  I told myself sighing again.

  I turned off the TV, then headed for my bedroom.

  I slid into bed, turned the light out, then commanded my brain to cease, so that I could sleep.


  Chapter Five…

  I pretty much did nothing all day but piddle around, and try not to dwell on that last kiss.

  The awesome thing about my job was that I could do one wedding, and it would pretty much take care of me for the next six months. And if I did more than one, anywhere from 3 to 4 then I was set for the entire year and then some.

  If anything, I did miss that perk.

  For the last five years, I’d been on a budget.

  Well not like most people.

  I placed myself on one, because I was my mother’s child. I would spend way too much, so my banker convinced me to invest in an IRa, and I continually thanked her for it.

  “Hey bitch!” Kerry said into the phone, and I laughed.

  “Hey, what up?”

  “So, we meeting at the Palms?” He questioned.

  “I’m taking you mean the Beverly, Palms right?” I laughed, and he did too then.

  “I guess.” He sighed, then laughed again.

  In LA there was a huge difference between the Palms and the Beverly Palms.

  The Palms was a hot lesbian club in the Fairfax district, and the Beverly Palms was a spot in Beverly Hills at the Beverly Palms Hotel itself.

  “Tonight is Salsa night you know right?” I asked, and he sighed again.

  “Fine, I guess I could force Ricardo and JaVon to go.” He whined and I laughed again.

  “Well I’m sure you can manage.”

  “Bitch.” he chuckled, and I laughed again.

  “Alright, so what time. You know Kenny and Missa will more than likely tag along.”

  “Oooh good, I haven’t seen them bitches in ages. So like 8 den.” He returned, and I sighed.

  Now I would have to find something to wear.

  “Okay, we’ll meet out front, or did you want me to pick you up?”

  “Naw, I’m good, a bitch just got a new Mercedes; so I will be driving.” He chirped and I couldn’t help laughing.

  I loved me some Ms. Kerry.

  “Alright, I need to go either find something to wear, or go buy something.”

  “K, call me when you’re on your way.”

  “K later.” I said and hung up.

  I plopped on the sofa, then sighed for what seemed like the 10th time. I looked at the clock, then dialed Kendra’s number.

  “Waz up?”

  “Ms. Kerry just called; he wants to meet at the Beverly Palms for drinks tonight.”

  “Oooh I am so down. Isn’t it Salsa night?”

  “Yea, I’m not sure if I’m feeling that yet. That means I have to go buy something to wear, because I haven’t brought anything new like that in the last five years.”

  “So, it’s not like you can’t afford it. Did you know that Barry and Sandy’s wedding is costing over 70k.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” I cried.

  “Yup, Sandy showed me the bill gurl. Remember I’m doing the advertising for it since Barry is a 20th Century Executive now.”

  “Shite, I had no clue! No wonder Colin is ecstatic. I had
no idea he made Ex.”

  “Yeah, like 3 months ago. I’m surprised he didn’t mention it. But I would be too if I was Colin, thas gravy right there.”

  “When I see Barry, Ima kick his ass! Why is he leaving me out of the loop?” I wailed, and she sighed.

  “Probably, because he’s doing promos for Kellen’s restaurant.” She stated quietly, and I gasped.

  “When the fuck did he acquire a restaurant? And does everyone know this shit but me?” I cried, and she sighed again.

  “Don’t be upset Sarie, your friends love you, they were pretty much just trying to shield you from it. Plus, none of us can stand Kellen’s ass, so we would never congratulate him; it’s pretty much why Missa said Colin kicked his ass.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Oh shit, you didn’t know they got into it? Missa told me the other night. She never said what it was about, but yea, they had it out seriously. Remember when Kellen said he got into that bar fight?”

  “Yea, he had a black eye, and I had to take him to emergency because his jaw was broken.” I cried, as I suddenly got an image of a drunk Kellen staggering into the apartment bleeding, then rushing him to emergency.

  “Well, I asked Mondo, and he just shook his head. Becca winked at me, so I figured that she would tell us at some point. Anyway, Missa said Colin broke his jaw in the fight!”

  “WTF! Why did no one ever tell me any of this? Wow, I had no clue about this. And no one knows what it was about?”

  “Not to my knowledge, well maybe except for Missa. So, anyway, that’s probably the only reason they aren’t telling you.”

  “Well you guys suck still! Anyway, so, it looked like Missa was feeling his business partner?” I laughed, and she did too.

  “Yes, but I’m almost afraid for him if she does decide to go there!” She cried laughing.

  “Omg, that’s the same thing Colin, said.”

  “How are you two?”

  “We’re good; he’s scaring the shit out of me though.” I sighed as I got up, then ventured into my bedroom to go through my closet.

  Yeah, I was heading to the mall after this call.

  I thought frowning.


  “Because he kissed me, said the argument he had with his ex didn’t matter, and that it was not over by a long shot between me and him.”


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