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The Winning Side

Page 16

by C. M. Doporto

  “What, you don’t like what we picked out?” Delaney flagged the waitress in the cabana next to us.

  “I kind of look like Madonna or something.” I held up my hands, showing them my fishnet gloves and jelly bracelets coupled with a big leather band with spikes, which they had picked out.

  “That’s the whole point.”

  Raven laughed. “You do look like Madonna from the eighties.”


  “It’s good. I mean, I’m liking your get up, if you know what I mean.” He pulled on my black tulle skirt and acted like he was trying to catch a glimpse of what was underneath. “And we can do it like a virgin, if you know what I mean.”

  “Ha-ha.” I swatted his hand away in a playful manner. “I’ll remember that for later.”

  “Not sure if I can wait until later.” He pulled me close and my chest pressed to his. Even under his neon green polo shirt, I could feel every bulge waiting to be explored, inch by inch. My fingers traced a direct path to the button on his shorts and I gave it a little tug.

  “Damn, can’t you guys wait until we get home?” Josh shook his head as he motioned for us to get out of his line of sight.

  “Whatever, man.” Raven waved off his comment and we sat down.

  “What can I get you to drink?” A waitress with brown crimped hair wearing a white T-shirt and shorts with paint-splattered suspenders appeared.

  “Fireball shots for everyone,” Josh informed her.

  “Except for me, I’ll take a Coke,” Raven quickly interjected.

  “One Coke and five Fireballs. Anything else?”

  “Yeah, what do you have on draft?” Luke asked as I turned my attention to Raven.

  He was keeping his promise and I couldn’t be prouder. “Thank you.” I smiled and rubbed his leg, feeling his huge quad under my fingertips. He looked damn hot in tan shorts and Sperry’s. I retrieved my hand, keeping it under tight control. I could wait until later.

  “Hey, I told you, I’m not screwing up this time.” He crossed his leg over his knee and rested his arm behind me. “Besides, I’m designated driver. The last thing I want to do is wreck your brother’s car.”

  Luke quickly turned his head in our direction. “That’s right,” he pointed at him, “I’m trusting you.”

  Raven nodded. “I’ve got your back, dude. Don’t worry.”

  Luke shot him a thumbs up and then wrapped his arm around Delaney. It was neat seeing them together after they hid their relationship for so long. They seemed more at ease and definitely into each other. The angst between them had definitely disappeared.

  “Is that a pool?” I leaned forward, catching a glimpse of outside. There was a huge swimming pool jammed with tons of people in the center of the patio. Some were playing water volleyball while others were drinking at the swim-up bar. “That’s so cool.”

  “Yeah, you didn’t see that when we came in?” Raven asked.

  I shook my head. “No, I must have missed it.”

  “That’s why we told you to wear your bikini.” Shelby winked. “I can’t wait to get in there later.” She leaned against Josh, stroking his short blond hair.

  “Whatever you want, sweets. We’ll do it.” Josh snuggled up to her and kissed her on the neck. Shelby squealed and they exchanged a playful struggle for each other’s affection.

  “What the hell is this?” Raven held up his hand. “Why don’t you two get a room?”

  Josh shot Raven the finger and Raven shot him one back.

  “Leave them alone, they’re in love.” I nuzzled him. “Like we are.”

  Raven took my hand and kissed my fingers. “Baby, I’m more than in love with you. I’m crazy for you.” His lips claimed mine and my eyes fluttered closed. I drank in all of him — from the sweet taste of his lips, to his tantalizing tongue that did a divine dance with mine, to his scent that melted every part of my body. I devoured it all, shackling myself in his embrace.

  “Shit, is this the make out booth or what?” Shawn asked as our lips parted.

  Raven leaned forward. “Hey, man, glad you could make it.” They exchanged fist bumps.

  “Someone has to watch out for your ass,” he joked, putting his arm around Christine. “Lexi will be drunk before the night is over.”

  “Hmm. Maybe.” I shrugged. “Glad to know you have his back.”

  “I’ll always have his back.” Shawn gave a playful punch to Raven’s arm.

  Kyle and Megan joined us shortly after Shawn and Christine sat down with us. Later that night, we ran into Jordan and Forbes who were there with a few other guys from the baseball team. I knew Collin wasn’t there, since he was in Breckenridge with my family. I was glad I didn’t have to worry about that.

  After two rounds of Fireball shots and two glasses of Malibu and Coke, I was ready to dance. The music had me bobbing my head side to side and I was eager to show Raven my moves.

  “Oh. My. God. We have to dance. I love this song!” Delaney shouted, pulling Luke to his feet.

  “Are you serious?” Luke rolled his eyes. “Michael Jackson?”

  “Come on.” Delaney waved for me to follow and I grabbed Raven’s hand, pulling him with me. Josh and Shelby joined us. The dance floor filled up quickly as everyone rushed to partake in the zombie dance. We all moved like a pack of sardines, to the left and to the right, following the beat of the music in perfect sync.

  A third of the way into the song, Shelby and Josh started yelling and whistling. I turned around to see Luke doing a perfect moonwalk, followed by some smooth Michael Jackson moves. My jaw hit the floor. Never in my life had I seen my brother dance like that. “What the hell? When did he learn those moves?” I asked Delaney.

  Delaney shrugged as she clapped along. “When your brother is drunk, he really loosens up.”

  “Apparently so.” Who knew? Luke apparently had an alter ego. Maybe it was suppressed like mine had been. Everyone cheered as he tore up the dance floor, and I couldn’t help but praise his perfect performance.

  The song ended and immediately transitioned into a top-forty hit. The crowd erupted into a frenzy and everyone flooded the dance floor. The Latin beat had Raven moving his hips, much to my body’s delight. I took a step back, taking in every part of him in, from his head to toes.

  Oh yeah.

  “Come on, baby.” He swayed from left to right, enticing me even more. I tried to follow his footsteps, but I had no idea what I was doing. “I don’t know how to salsa,” I cried, stumbling along.

  Raven lowered his hand to the middle of my back and our bodies molded together; Raven’s body fit perfectly with mine. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll show you all the moves.” His voice surrounded me and I fell victim to his words.

  “Mmmm. You promise?”

  His eyes answered me with full, sexual intent. I couldn’t wait to get him home tonight. He laced my arms around his neck and I relaxed into him. “Just let the rhythm move you.” I closed my eyes as his pelvis rocked against mine, showing my body what he wanted it to do. And, eventually, I got it. We danced for what seemed like hours, sweat trickling down our bodies and our breathing heavy with exhaustion. But neither of us wanted to stop. We were too into each other.

  “We’re going outside.” Shelby pulled on my arm and I turned around. “Come with us.”

  “Want to get some air?” Raven asked, inhaling deeply.

  “Yes, I need something to drink.” I wiped the sweat from my forehead. “And, I’m hot.”

  “You’re damn right you are,” Raven whispered in my ear and I shivered in excitement.

  With hands locked, we followed Shelby outside. Delaney screamed when we met up with the rest of our friends on the other side of the swim-up bar. Luke swayed back and forth with a cigarette hanging off his bottom lip, ready to either pass out or throw up. “Shit, your drunk.” I flagged the bartender. “I need a water, please.”

  “No. I feel good.” He smiled and the cigarette fell to the floor. “Besides, I’m not passing out. Not
tonight.” He grabbed Delaney’s butt and she shrieked.

  “Luke!” She threw herself on him and they started kissing, showing a little too much PDA.

  “Oh God,” I sighed, looking at Raven.

  “What? Don’t look at me. He’s your brother.”

  “Yeah, but you’re going to be the one taking care of him,” I reminded him.

  “I don’t think so. That’s what his woman is there for.” He pointed at Delaney. “She can do it.”

  Delaney and Luke laughed, not paying attention to anyone as they continued kissing each other.

  “Shots!” Shelby yelled as soon as the Fireball song started playing.

  “Nine Fireball shots,” Josh told the bartender.

  “Put it on my tab.” Shawn held up his finger as the bartender flipped over a bottle of vodka and shot a squirt of something into it with the soda nozzle. Josh shook his head, but Shawn said, “I’ve got this one.” At lightning speed, the bartender poured our drinks and lined them up for us. We grabbed our glasses and Raven motioned for us to wait.

  “Happy twenty-first birthday to my baby,” Raven held up his soda as everyone raised their glasses, “and to my good buddy, Luke.”

  Luke gave a slow nod, holding up his glass with a wobbly hand. “Cheers!”

  “Here’s to twenty-one!” Shawn yelled and we downed our drinks together.

  Shelby jumped up and down, screaming, “Fireball!” Then she slammed her empty glass on the bar, and said, “Another round. And this time, he’s paying.” She hooked a thumb to Josh.

  The bartender poured us another round, except for Raven, and Luke, when he motioned he didn’t want anymore.

  Thank God.

  I shimmied against Raven to the beat of the song, keeping my backside firmly pressed to his front.

  Damn he felt incredible.

  I could have rubbed on him all night long if he let me.

  I never wanted the night to end.

  Raven I continued to dance in our private circle as our friends danced nearby, with the exception of Delaney and Luke, who had disappeared after Delaney asked for the keys. They played the Fireball song what felt like ten more times and every time they did, Shelby ordered another round. We took a few more shots, until my throat was coated with the sweet and spicy taste of cinnamon. But I didn’t care. It was my twenty-first birthday and I wanted to have a good time. As long as I didn’t pass out or throw up.

  “Let’s take a walk.” Raven pulled my Malibu and Coke from my hand and set it on the bar.

  “Okay.” He led me through the crowd and I held on tight as the floor tilted under me. People bumped into me, but I managed to make it to the back of the patio. Raven helped me down the stairs and onto the beach. My feet immediately sunk into the cool sand, but I managed to stay upright, using him to steady my steps. Tiki-torches lit the path and we followed it to the shore. Several people were on the beach, drinking and laughing under the bright moonlight and crystal clear sky. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday.

  “How drunk are you?” He pulled me close and I struggled to stand straight.

  “Just a little.” I used my index finger and thumb to show him how much.

  “Good, because I want you to remember your birthday.”

  “I will.” I pawed at his chest, eager for him to help make it more memorable. “As long as I don’t do any more shots.”

  “I think you’re done for the night.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that.” I ran my fingers through his hair, eager to feel more of him. Between the liquor and dancing, I was more than turned on. I definitely had that drunk-sex feeling and right now seemed as good a time as any. I looked around the beach, but there were too many people. It wasn’t like the spot near Josh’s house. Someone would definitely see us.

  “Lexi?” Raven called for my devout attention. I held my gaze to his with blurred vision, even though I wanted to close my eyes and let him take me right there. “I want you to know how happy I am that you’re going to be my wife.”

  “Aww, Raven. I can’t wait to be your wife.” My smile enveloped me from the inside out. I loved Raven with all my heart.

  “So, when do you think you want to say I do?”

  His question took me by surprise. Between all of the Fireball shots and Malibu and Coke I had drank, I couldn’t think of a date, so I said, “Whenever you want.”

  “Shit. Mexico is right over there.” He pointed across the ocean.

  I laughed. “I don’t want to get married in Mexico.” I gave him a slight push and he caught me before I lost my balance.

  “No?” He held me tightly in his arms, keeping me from falling on my butt. “What about Vegas?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.” Then the words registered. He was asking me when and where I wanted to get married. He was dead serious. I honestly hadn’t given it much thought. Everything had happened so quickly, I just wanted to revel in the excitement and all-over-feel-good sensation that had consumed me night and day. “How about back home? I want my Dad to walk me down the aisle,” I hiccupped and then giggled, covering my mouth.

  “Okay, we can do that.” Raven’s perfect white teeth shone bright in the darkness. I’d never seen him so happy. It was as though nothing else in the world mattered. Only us. I found myself spinning with him and prayed I wouldn’t pass out. I wasn’t ready for the night to be over with. I had another agenda.

  “Yeah, but I want something else first.” I ran my hands down his chest, giving his pecs a hard squeeze. I may have been drunk, but I knew what I wanted.

  He raised a brow. “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “How about birthday sex?”

  His eyes widened in further delight. “I thought I already gave you that this morning,” he replied, his words hinting that he’d be okay with another round.

  “Oh, yeah, you did,” I said in a seductive tone. “But the truth is… I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Then, I’ll give it to you.” Raven picked up my hand and trailed kisses along my arm. “As much as you want.” Chill bumps spread all over me and I shivered. He pressed a kiss to my neck and I leaned back, allowing him to devour me to his desire and mine as well.

  “But you know what?” I pushed him back as the pangs of hunger struck me.

  “What’s that, baby?”

  “I think I need a Whataburger first.”

  Raven laughed. “Lexi, you never cease to amaze me.”

  “What? Did I say something wrong?” I repeated the words in my mind. A greasy burger followed by sex. Was there anything better?

  “Come on, baby. Let’s go find everyone and get your burger.” Raven picked me up and hauled me across the sand, as if he couldn’t wait. And neither could I. This had been the best birthday ever.


  Chapter 14

  It was the best-worst birthday ever. My head pounded viciously and I felt like I’d been dragged up and down the street a few times. Since I couldn’t remember much after we left the club, maybe I had been. I stood under the spray of the shower, allowing the warm water to beat down on me, hoping and praying I felt better once I got out.

  After standing there for several more minutes, I finally shut the water off. I jumped when I saw Raven waiting outside with a towel. “Raven,” I gasped.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He handed me the towel and I wrapped it around my body, too worn out to dry myself.

  “Were you watching me?” My words slurred together, making me sound half-drunk rather than sexy, as I had intended.

  “Yeah.” His eyes traveled up and down, taking me in slowly.

  If I hadn’t been so hung over, I would have pulled him into the shower with me. But sex was honestly the last thing on my mind, for fear of puking all over him. “Maybe I’ll feel better later and we can get wet together.” I ran a hand through my wet hair.

  His face lit up, like I had I said the winning words. “I’d like that.”

  I dragged my heavy body to the ba
throom counter and used it for support. Never had I felt this bad. This totally sucked. With the hand towel, I wiped the condensation from the mirror. Not only did I feel like shit, I looked like it. I managed to brush my teeth without throwing up, but didn’t have the energy to brush my hair.

  “Are you alright?”

  I shook my head. “No. I feel like I’ve been hit by a train.”

  “I told you to slow down.” He helped me to the bed and I sat down. “I knew you would hate today.”

  “Being hung over sucks.” My body swayed back and forth as I tried to sit up straight. “Never again. What about Luke? How’s he doing? He definitely had more to drink than me.”

  “Delaney said he threw up and then passed out in the car. Josh and I had to carry him to bed. You probably should have thrown up. Ya know, gotten it out of your system.”

  “I thought that burger would have helped.” The thought of food made my stomach turn and threatened my throat with the pungent taste of vomit.

  “What burger?”

  “I thought we stopped to get something to eat.” I tried to recall what happened after we left the nightclub, but it was all a blur. However, I did remember wanting a Whataburger, which sounded horrible right now.

  “No. Delaney wanted to get Luke home. Besides, I don’t think food was on your mind. You practically attacked me in the car.” He laughed as he stepped into the bathroom and retrieved my clean clothes.

  “Oh, please tell me I didn’t.”

  “Yeah, you straddled me and said you were ready to take me downtown.”

  I laughed. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Hell if I know. I had to remind you that driving with you on my lap would definitely be hazardous.” I covered my eyes with my hands, completely embarrassed. I could only hope everyone else was too drunk to be paying attention.

  “I can’t believe I mauled you while you were trying to drive.” Ugh!

  Kneeling in front of me, he helped me slip on my panties and shorts. He even hooked my bra for me. What a man. “If it makes you feel better, I hadn’t actually started the car yet. But you can show me what this ‘downtown’ is about later, if you want.” His lips grazed the top of my shoulder and I collapsed into his arms, too weak to hold myself up. The offer sounded so enticing, but I couldn’t even think of sex right now. “Do you want to dry your hair?”


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