The Winning Side

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The Winning Side Page 29

by C. M. Doporto

  “Don’t mess with it.” Delaney pulled my hand away. “It looks great.”

  “Do you think Raven will like it?” I set the mirror down on the counter.

  Delaney laced her fingers through mine and took a step back, taking in my strapless, beaded ball gown with chiffon ruffling along the full skirt. It was fairytale-like and everything I had wanted in a wedding dress. And I got it because Raven bought it for me. “He’s going to freak when he sees you walking down the aisle.”

  “Good. I want him to be totally in awe.”

  She nodded. “Believe me, he will.”

  “And what about Luke?” I eyed her long, purple, strapless dress that made her boobs pop out more than intended. “Did he like the dress?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You brother loves me in anything.” Then she leaned forward, and whispered, “But mainly he likes me wearing nothing.”

  I playfully slapped her arm. “TMI, Delaney.”

  My mom eyed us suspiciously and we both laughed.

  A knock came at the door. “Lexi, it’s time.”

  My heart rate kicked up a notch and I took a deep breath. “I’m ready.”

  My dad opened the door and butterflies swirled inside of me.

  “You truly are a princess, Lexi.” Dad gathered me in his arms and I hugged him tightly. “Raven is one lucky man.” Dad’s eyes misted and he gave me a quick kiss. Clearing his throat, he said, “And I couldn’t be happier to walk you down that aisle and give you away.”

  “Awe, Dad.” I cupped his cheek. “I love you. Thank you for everything.”

  “I just want you to be happy, Princess. That’s all.” I turned to Mom and motioned for her to join us. She wrapped an arm around me and Dad, embracing us both. “I’m happy that we’re a family again.”

  “And what about me?” Ashely quickly interjected. My sister had apologized to me for everything — for her behavior and for being jealous of me for so many years. I wasn’t sure what she was jealous about because she was Mom’s favorite, but I accepted her apology, eager to put the past behind us. Part of me wondered if she still had an ulterior motive, but only time would tell. For now, I would do my part and love her since she was my sister.

  I looked over Dad’s arm. “Yes, that means you, too, Ashley.” I waved for her to join us.

  “I better not be left out.” She rolled her eyes and strutted toward us, pulling Mom and Dad’s arms apart so she could join our circle.

  “All we’re missing is Luke,” Mom said, tears filling her eyes.

  “Did someone say my name?” Luke burst through the door.

  “Shut it! Before someone sees,” we all shouted.

  “Relax.” He closed the door with a flick of his wrist. “Everyone is seated.” He twisted his lips to the side and shook his head. “Are y’all done hugging and crying? Raven is already at the front waiting for you.”

  “Oh, we better go.” I started to break free, but stopped. “Come here, Luke.” I reached for his hand and pulled him into our family hug.

  “Seriously?” His shoulders slumped forward as he resisted for a second. Then he jumped in, wrapping his arms around us in a tight bear hug.

  “Careful, you’re going to mess up my dress.”

  “Ugh. Stop complaining,” he taunted. “You wanted me in, now you have to take it.”

  We laughed and smiled as Delaney snapped a few picture of us. It was a great family hug.

  I straightened my dress and did one last check in the mirror. I was ready to walk down the aisle and become Mrs. Raven Davenport.

  Dad laced my arm around his. “You ready?”

  “Yes.” My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Raven had captured my heart for good.

  Lifting the layers of my dress, we walked out of the Marshall’s guest bedroom and down the hallway. When Raven and I announced we were getting married, they offered their house and we agreed. Twice the size of my sister’s house, sitting on a few acres, and overlooking a beautiful lake, it was the perfect venue. Raven spared no expense, giving us the wedding of my dreams. But in all honestly, there was only one thing I wanted.


  The fine crystal and china didn’t matter.

  The thousands of white roses and purple hydrangeas didn’t matter.

  The white tent cloaked in thousands of tiny white lights that made the ambiance fairytale-like didn’t matter.

  All that mattered was that I had him in my trap. And my trap was one without a revolving door — it was where he belonged.

  The back door opened and the music started. Delaney, Shelby, Ashely, and my cousin, Kenzie, who had recently returned home after graduating from college in California, proceeded before me. My niece tossed the petals along the white strip that lead directly to where my heart belonged.

  Raven’s arms.

  “Easy now. Don’t trip.” Dad helped me down the steps that led to the backyard transformed into the most breathtaking place for a ceremony. Fragrant flowers were interspersed along the patio area, hanging elegantly from posts wrapped in white and purple organza material. Our family and friends filled the white wooden chairs and my heart raced with an excitement that only Raven could create.

  I immediately spotted Trish and Mimi with the twins. I nearly broke out in tears when they lifted them in the air for me to see. Even though things had been tough, I absolutely had no regrets. I’d stuck by Raven’s side, did what I had to do for our children, and in the end, I was rewarded with a man that loved me unconditionally.

  Cameras flashed and people awed as I walked down the aisle, one step at a time. Standing underneath a massive arch of roses and trailing flowers, was Raven. Dressed in a sleek black tuxedo, he looked like he was ready for a photo shoot with GQ magazine.

  Damn, my man is freakin’ hot.

  And I’m marrying him!

  Josh stood behind him, along with Shawn, Luke, and his brother, Trey. Our gazes connected as I marched to the beat of the music directly toward him. I was so happy. I was finally going to be his wife and I couldn’t wait. It had been an eventful year, but Raven had proven himself to me by doing exactly what he said he was going to do. Seeing the counselor on a regular basis, learning to let go of all of his demons, and providing for us, just like he promised. The best part was that he had earned my trust, which allowed me to love him unconditionally in return.

  Two weeks after we had returned to Fort Worth, Raven had announced that he would be a free agent. A few days later, he got a call from the coach in New Orleans. They invited him to a private practice session and he willingly obliged. By the end of the week, Raven had signed a contract with them, earning him a hefty salary and bypassing the supplemental draft altogether. Because of that, I decided to put grad school on hold, devoting my time to editing for indie writers and preparing for the twins to arrive instead.

  Raven started practice the following week and we moved in with his grandmother until we could find a house. Right before the first game of the season, Raven purchased our first home, strengthening our relationship even more. Everything had happened so fast, but I knew it was meant to be. A true blessing from God.

  “Take good care of my princess.” Dad smiled and winked his left eye before placing my hand in Raven’s.

  “Always,” he said, with a firm nod.

  Dad gave him an approving smile and then slipped away. Raven stared at me for a few seconds, his eyes sweeping over me in a full and deliberate notion. “Damn, Lexi, you look exceptionally beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” I eyed him for a moment. “And you look damn sexy in that tuxedo.”

  “Wait to see what’s underneath.” He winked.

  I giggled and then we turned to face to the preacher.

  “Family and friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Lexi Ann Thompson and Raven Renee Davenport.” Tiny awes filtered through the crowd and the twins babbled. Everyone laughed and we turned around to admire our wondrous creations. Nevara had her daddy’s personality, but looked exact
ly like me, where Jonah was definitely more calm and subtle like me, but favored his dad. I knew I’d have my hands full with him.

  The preacher continued, reciting the traditional marriage ceremony. Raven and I agreed that it would be too nerve wracking to come up with our own vows; keeping it simple was exactly what we wanted. We exchanged vows, pledging our love to one another in sickness and in health for all eternity. Raven slipped the ring on my finger and I placed a band on his. With our hands interlocked, we turned to face the crowd.

  “Family and friends, I’m happy to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Davenport.” Everyone clapped and I heard Nevara start crying. Raven and I both shook our heads. Our little girl was definitely a drama queen. “You may now kiss your bride.”

  “I never thought this day would come.” Raven gathered me in his arms and dipped me, planting a deliciously enticing kiss on my lips. More yells and whistles flooded the air and I laughed.

  After we took pictures with our family and friends, we entered the large tent located behind the swimming pool. The tent was absolutely exquisite, like the kind you see in movies or magazines for the rich and famous. But we were far from that. Round tables decorated with tall vases over flowing with white and purple flowers, took my breath away. Thousands of twinkling lights shimmered underneath the purple organza draped from floor to ceiling. Hanging in the center of the tent was a huge crystal chandelier that cast a myriad of colorful prisms all over the room. The bride and groom’s cakes were divine; I dreaded cutting into them.

  “It’s beautiful, Raven.” I kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, baby.”

  The music lowered and the DJ said, “The bride and groom have arrived. If they can please take the dance floor.”

  “May I have this dance?” Raven held out his hand in true gentlemanly fashion.

  “Of course.” I placed my hand in his and he led me to the center of the room. Raven slid his arm around my waist and pulled me close, wearing a dashing grin. “Are you happy?”

  “More than you’ll ever know.” His eyes lit up. “The most beautiful woman in the world is now my wife, I have a son and a daughter, and I’m living my dream, playing football for a living. What more could I ask for?”

  “I love seeing you happy.” I stared deep into his eyes. “It shows me how much you’ve healed.”

  “You’re right, baby. I’ve come a long way.” His gaze traveled past mine, recounting the dark moments in his life. His neck tensed and he took a hard swallow. “Thank you for standing by my side. I know it wasn’t easy.”

  My eyes filled with tears, but I swallowed them back. “When you love someone, you’re willing to do whatever it takes to help them, and that’s exactly what I did.”

  “And for that, I’ll always be grateful.” His eyes closed and he kissed me, softly, passionately, instilling so much love within me that it shook me to my core. In that one kiss, he showed me how thankful he was that I had stayed with him, through the heartache and all the pain. His gazed stayed fixed on mine. “You look radiant, Lexi. Happy.”

  “That’s because I am.” I laced my finger around his neck, resting in the warmth of his embrace and feeling completely secure. We swayed to the beat of the music, my dress rustling against his tuxedo pants as the lights danced around us. Today was one of the best days of my life. No questions asked.

  “Good. I want to keep you that way forever.” He nuzzled by neck and that familiar rush warmed my belly. The fire that only Raven could light.

  “That’s easy. All you need to do is love me, stay loyal to me, and be there for me and the twins.”

  “Then it’s a done deal,” he said with a voice more confident than ever.

  I narrowed my eyes. “So just like that, you figured it all out?”

  He turned me and then drew me close again. “Yep. I finally figured out what it will take to keep you trapped forever.”

  I tilted my head to the side. “I hate to break it to you, but I was caught in your trap a long time ago.”

  “Really?” His head jutted back. “How long?”

  I pressed my lips together, thinking back to the first time I knew he had me. “Since the day I met you outside the library to help you with that Stephen Crane paper.”

  His lips spread into a wide grin. “That far back?” He rubbed the slight scruff on his chin. I had clearly struck his ego. And tonight, I’d be stroking something else. “Damn, that was like the third time we got together.”

  “I know.” I ran my fingers through the sides of his hair, glad that I had convinced him to let it grow back. “You’re quite the charmer, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  “There’s only one woman I want to charm, and that’s you.” With his lips a fraction away from mine, he said, “Lexi, you’re my end and my beginning.”

  A new nest of butterflies came to life and I reveled in their reappearance. He knew how to make my heart take flight. “Raven, as long as you are with me, there’s no place I’d rather be.”

  He twirled me around and then dipped me. With his eyes appraising all of me, he said, “And where’s that?”

  My smiled emerged from the depths of my heart and I handed it to him without any doubt. “Right here, in The Raven’s trap.”

  Need more of Lexi and Raven?

  Read the story from Raven’s point of view in

  A Different Side

  Coming March 2015

  About the Author

  Born and raised in the United States of America in the great state of Texas, CM Doporto resides there with her husband and son, enjoying life with their extensive family along with their Chihuahua and several fish. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, where she is associated with the Young Adult Special Interest Chapter. To learn more about her upcoming books, visit You can also like CM Doporto’s fan page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter and Pinterest.

  Other Books by

  CM Doporto


  The Eslite Chronicles

  The Eslites (short story prequel)

  The Eslites, The Arrival

  The Eslites, Out of This World (Summer 2015)


  The Natalie Vega Saga

  Element, Part 1

  Element, Part 2

  The University Park Series

  Opposing Sides

  The Same Side

  The Winning Side

  A Different Side (March 2015)

  My Lucky Catch (June 2015) - Luke and Delaney’s Story




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