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Kyle (Hope City Book 4)

Page 3

by Maryann Jordan

  He leaned closer. “Is there any chance you’d like to get out of here? We can take a walk by the harbor.” As soon as the suggestion was out of his mouth, he winced. Hell, I’m a detective. The last thing she should do is accept that kind of offer from a stranger. If my sisters did that, I’d lecture them till they’d scream for me to leave them alone!

  Just as he was about to amend his suggestion, she nodded. “I’d love to get out of here. It’s so loud, I can’t hear myself think.” She slid down from the barstool, then lifted her gaze, her eyes widening slightly as she peered up at him. “Although, I suppose… uh…”

  Seeing the specter of doubt move across her face, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his badge. She glanced between his badge and his face, her lips curving into a smile. “Okay, Detective Kyle with the cheesy lines. Let’s go for a walk.”

  With one hand resting gently on her back, he guided her through the crowded bar. Aware of her diminutive stature, he extended his arm to keep others from bumping into her. Once outside, the cool breeze brought in the fresh harbor air, and he breathed deeply. Glancing down at her feet, he asked, “You gonna be okay to walk in those?”

  “I could give you a sexy quip like I was born in heels but, honestly, these aren’t very high. I’m not the most coordinated person, so I don’t like tempting fate with anything taller than this.” Shrugging, she laughed. “Even another inch of height wouldn’t help much as short as I am.”

  Rearing back, eyes wide, he gasped in mock disbelief as his hand landed over his chest. “You’re short?”

  “Oh, very funny!”

  They started walking toward the harbor, and she lay her hand on his arm, lightly holding on as they strolled. He’d always felt choked with clingy women, but her light touch felt strangely comforting. “I didn’t want to ask in the bar so that you’d have to yell your reply, but I don’t even know your name.”

  She tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and continued walking. “Kimberly.”


  Kimberly had no idea why she only wanted to give her first name. Maybe because it had been forever since she’d had a one night… whatever. Cutting her eyes to the side, she glanced at him surreptitiously, having no idea what the night would bring. It had been several years since she’d given in to the urge to leave a bar with someone she had just met. She’d dated a few men in the last several years since college graduation but never for more than a few months before admitting that no spark existed. And she longed for that spark. Like the bolt she felt when her fingers touched his back. Or when he turned his blue eyes onto her.

  The streets were well lit, and as they approached the Inner Harbor, the streetlamps were bright and close together, illuminating their path. The dark water undulated, slapping against the concrete pylons. Lights twinkled on the boats in the harbor, creating diamond-sparkle reflections.

  “I’ve always loved the Inner Harbor at night,” she murmured, breathing deeply, the tang of the bay filling her senses. A rustling sound nearby startled her. “Unless, of course, I see a rat.” Twisting around to look up at him, she asked, “Have you seen the size of some of the rats?” She shivered and glanced back toward the dark edge of the water, now wishing she hadn’t thought about the oversized, large-toothed, long-tailed rodents.

  His arm reached about her shoulder, and he pulled her closer. She felt the rumble of his mirth against her side.

  “Oh, yeah, I’ve seen the size of them. Gotta admit they give me the creeps, too.”

  “I suppose talking about rats isn’t exactly the topic of conversation you were hoping for, is it?” He chuckled again and she decided that the deep-chested sound might have moved into her top five sounds of all time, bacon sizzling being one of them.

  Now that she thought about it, he ranked higher than bacon.

  “You’re unusual, I’ll say that.” He looked down at her, his smile wide, and added, “Unusually interesting.”

  She wanted to ask if he had lived in Hope City for very long. Or what his favorite restaurant was. Hell, she was even interested in his zodiac sign. Her writer’s curiosity had her wanting to find out everything she could, but there was no way he’d want to divulge his inner thoughts to her. Paying more attention to the man walking next to her than the sidewalk, she stumbled over the cobblestones, grateful for the grip he had on her shoulder and his fast reflexes keeping her from falling onto her face.

  “Whoa, there. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I promise I’m not tipsy. I just didn’t realize that the sidewalk had turned into cobblestones.”

  With his embrace encircling her, she stared up into his eyes. In the bar, they’d appeared as blue as a summer sky, but in the shadows of the harbor, they were as dark and intense as the man himself. He’ll be interested in one night only. A flash of guilt hit her at the quick assessment of a man she just met, but her instincts about people were generally right. And for tonight… one night… that was fine.

  Neither spoke for a moment, then, ever so slowly, he lowered his head as she lifted on her toes. He halted when his lips were a whisper away from hers. “I’d like to kiss you.”

  Her fingers spasmed on his biceps and she sucked in a quick breath. She hoped her voice was steady as she replied, “I’d like that too.”

  Closing the slight space between them, his mouth landed on hers in a hungry, consuming kiss, obliterating all other thoughts. Her arms banded around his neck as he crushed her body to his. The tip of his tongue licked over her lips before plunging into the warmth of her mouth. Her belly flip-flopped, the sensations shooting throughout her body, culminating in her core. Oh yeah, oh, hell yeah.

  She lost track of time as they stood under a streetlamp, kissing as the world disappeared from around them. He lifted his head, and she immediately felt the cool breeze between their faces and hated the distance. She opened her eyes at the sound of his ragged breath, his arms still holding her tightly against his body. “Are you okay?”

  He dropped his chin and held her gaze. One hand slid over her shoulder and cupped her face, his thumb sweeping over her cheek. “Would it scare you away for me to tell you how badly I want you tonight?”

  Her lips curved slightly as warmth unfurled deep inside. “Not at all,” she whispered. Tilting her head to the side, she asked, “Where?”

  His gaze looked over her shoulder before dropping back to her face, the expression of agony turning into hope. “The downtown Hilton is right behind us.”

  Her smile widened and she nodded. “Perfect.”

  “Yeah, it will be.”

  Standing outside the door of the hotel room, he hesitated before putting his card into the lock. “Four-thirty-one.”

  Her eyes widened adorably as she cocked her head to one side. “What?”

  “The room number. Text it to a friend.”

  “Oh, smart. I should’ve thought of that.” She pulled out her phone and quickly typed a message. Looking back up, she smiled and nodded. “Done. Although, if you were a serial killer, you probably wouldn’t have reminded me to do that, would you?”

  Pushing the card into the lock, he heard the click and turned the handle. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight as he ushered her inside the room. Whirling quickly, he took her lips again as he pressed her against the wall. Aware of her diminutive size, he was surprised when she grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer.

  The kiss under the streetlamp had caught him off-guard. Kissing was such an intimate act, one he avoided unless he felt something for the woman. And with Kimberly? He felt something. Getting to know her better? Certainly. Lust? Absolutely.

  Now, without the constraints of being in public, the kiss flamed hot. Their noses bumped as their heads moved back and forth. Their tongues tangled and tasted, danced and discovered. His cock was aching, swollen tight against his zipper as he pressed his groin against her belly.

  He pulled her away from the wall, but their lips stayed connected. Twisting and turning, clothes began f
lying to the floor as they stumbled their way over to the bed. He should have been embarrassed at his hasty, adolescent fumbling, but the desire to get her naked and under him had short-circuited his finesse.

  She didn’t seem to mind, her fingers working in a flurry to disrobe him just as quickly. Falling naked onto the bed, he forced their lips apart so that he could take in her beauty. His hand skimmed over her full breasts, discovering her flinch when his fingertips touched the ticklish spot on her belly. He barely mumbled, “Beautiful,” before finding her lips again as his hand slid between her legs.

  Gliding his fingers through her slick folds, he hoped he wouldn’t embarrass himself with more adolescent behavior by coming the instant he entered her body. Pulling upon all his discipline, he tamed his cock, determined to focus on her pleasure first.

  His fingers lightly teased over her sex before slipping inside while his thumb circled her clit. She gasped as her hips jerked upward. Her hands grabbed hold of his shoulders, her fingernails digging into the thick muscles. His mouth nibbled along her jaw, sucking the pulse point at the base of her neck before moving lower and latching onto a nipple.

  She groaned and pulled him closer, her fingers now moving from his back to his head, gliding through his hair, her fingernails lightly scratching his scalp. His body was wired, electricity jolting throughout. What is it about this woman? Admittedly, the only relief his cock had felt in a couple of months was his hand. Work had been intense, but the desire to find a willing woman for a one-night stress relief session had held little appeal—until tonight.

  With Kimberly, all senses were on fire. A light floral scent filled his nostrils. Her skin was petal-soft underneath his fingertips, and her hair felt like silk. Her lips were nectar, and her green eyes held him captive. And now, with her sex surrounding his finger, he could barely contain his desire to sink his cock deep inside.

  Her breasts seemed to swell as she inhaled deeply, crying out as her inner muscles clenched his finger.

  “Oh,” she groaned, her eyes squeezed tightly as her body quivered underneath his. Panting, her gaze found his, and her lips curved into a perfect smile.

  Sliding his fingers from her depths, he slipped them into his mouth and sucked her juices, grinning as she bit her lip and hissed. Leaning over, he kissed her again, allowing her to taste her essence on his tongue.

  Glad he’d had the foresight to snag his wallet from his jeans before they hit the floor, he reached over to the side and pulled out several condoms. As he ripped open the packet and rolled it over his cock, he felt compelled to explain. “I keep ‘em with me, but it’s been a while.” He had no idea why that confession felt necessary, but her smile and the softening of her face made it worthwhile. Shifting his hips over her, he nestled his cock against her entrance.

  Her fingers clutched his shoulders again, and her tongue darted out to lick her lips. “Your honesty deserves mine. It’s been a long time for me, too.” She lifted her knees, opening herself to him. “But I’m ready. And I’m glad it’s you.”

  He fought the desire to plunge to the hilt and eased inside as her body acquiesced to his size. Her tight warmth nearly unmanned him, but he was determined to bring her pleasure again first. He was sure previous partners would not consider him to be a selfish lover, but the desire to take and give everything to Kimberly filled his mind.

  Keeping his weight off her chest with his forearms planted beside her allowed him to watch her face. As he thrust, dragging his cock along her inner walls before plunging again, he was mesmerized by the honesty of her ever-changing expressions.

  Eyes squeezed tightly shut, then popping open, allowing him to drown in their green depths. Sweet breath puffed over his face as she gasped. She nibbled on her bottom lip, causing him to lean over and lick the abraded flesh. And his favorite expression was when her eyes were pinned on his and her smile wide.

  Shifting slightly to hold his weight with one arm, his free hand skimmed along her torso, over the mound of her breast, then squeezed between their bodies, close to where they were joined. His thrusts increased and he knew he was no longer going to be able to hold back his orgasm. His forefinger found her clit and he circled it gently, her cries creating a symphony as his body tightened and he groaned out his own release.

  He continued to thrust until every drop had drained from his cock and his movements became languid. Every fiber in his body tingled and then, sapped of all strength, he collapsed on top of her. Barely registering the ‘umph’ leaving her lips, he found the energy to roll to the side, keeping his arms banded around her. Uncertain he would be able to move if his life depended on it, he was glad that she remained quiet, warmly snuggled against his chest, still joined in the most intimate way.

  It seemed ages that he lay there trying to catch his breath. Awareness slowly crept over him in tiny increments, allowing his senses to engage. The scent of her shampoo. The light sheen of perspiration. The softness of her skin. The whisper of breath against his chest.

  Rational awareness finally set in, and he needed to take care of the condom. He kissed her forehead and mumbled, “Be right back. Don’t move.”

  “I’m not sure I can,” she murmured in return.

  Grinning, he stalked into the bathroom and dealt with the condom. Returning a moment later, he was thrilled she was still laying as he left her—tousled hair spread over the pillow, kiss-swollen lips curved into a smile, languorous movements of her beautiful body as she lifted her arm to invite him close, and sparkling green eyes that roved over his body. He had no idea how she’d woven a web, capturing his attention as well as ensnaring his desire, but he didn’t want to escape.

  Sex for the release was always one and done. Unless he was dating someone, he never brought them back to his house, and it had been a while since he had dated anyone seriously. But, staring down at Kimberly, he could easily see her in his bed at home. Pushing those thoughts from his mind, he climbed back into the bed and pulled the covers over their cooling bodies. Tucking her in tightly, he pressed his lips against her forehead.

  After a moment, she leaned back and looked into his face. “I guess I should—”

  “Uh-uh. I’ve got more condoms.”

  Her body shook with mirth. “Does that mean we’re going to use them all?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Rolling so that she was on top, he banded his arms about her, drinking her in.

  As the moon crossed over the Hope City sky, he showed her just how creative he could be in using all his condoms. Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, he fell asleep with her in his arms. And for the first time in many nights, he really slept.

  When he awoke, he was alone. Fuckin’ hell.


  Kimberly reached inside her backpack purse, dropping her keys inside, pulling out her employee badge, and juggling her travel mug of coffee. The queue moved slowly today, and she was glad the temperatures were moderate. Too short to see over the line, she pulled out her phone and stifled a yawn as she began to read the e-book she’d planned on finishing last night before… yeah, before.

  Hoping no one could discern her smile and blush, she kept her head down as she shuffled toward the door leading from the employee parking lot. The memory of Kyle rushed over her, jerking her awake even though she’d only had a couple of hours of sleep. If it hadn’t been for the need to pee, she might still be laying in his arms. But, having woken, she hated the idea of the awkward morning after. Quite frankly, it had been so long since she’d had a morning after, she wasn’t sure of the proper protocol.

  What do you say? ‘Do you want to have breakfast? Wow, the sex was really life-changing? Would you like to go home with me and stay forever?’ Or, maybe, the only thing expected would be a ‘Thanks for the sex and hope to see you around sometime’.

  It was the embarrassing unknown that had her slip back into the room, dress quietly, resist the urge to grab her phone and take his picture lying in all his tattooed, sexy-mess tangle in the sheets, and leave. She had conside
red scribbling her phone number on the hotel notepad but decided against it. That seemed like too much implied pressure for him to call. No, what I did was best… just leave it at a night well spent in unbridled passion, incredible sex, and more orgasms per hour than I’ve ever had in my life, and if we ever meet again—

  “Excuse me, the line has moved.”

  Jolting at the voice behind her, she looked ahead and realized that she had been standing in the same place, lost in her thoughts. Mumbling an apology, she scooted ahead, closing the distance to the next person in front of her. Several minutes later, she finally made it into the building and through security.

  Kilton Pharmaceutical Company was a sprawling industrial campus. The modern brick and glass main building housed most of the administration offices, including HR, Finance, Marketing, and Sales. The company’s president, Robert Kilton, had an office on the top floor, along with most of the other vice presidents.

  Other buildings held the many divisions for pharmaceutical research and development, operations, production, and warehousing. When she was first employed, she and the other new hires were given a guided tour, learning the basics of the industry. But, daily, she reported to the second floor of the administration building, making her way to the large open office space she called home for eight hours every day.

  Rather boring with tile floors, windows along the back, and beige walls, the space was adorned with large, framed, black and white photographs on the wall depicting scenes of Hope City in the late 1800s. A bit incongruent with the open-concept office, she nonetheless loved the old photographs.


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