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The Auction

Page 3

by J. R. Gray

  He raised a brow. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, I like people watching.” She shrugged a shoulder, and one of the straps of her tank top slid down her arm.

  He had to stop himself from reaching out to put it back into place. There was something about her that made him want to take care of her. He hadn’t felt it in a long time.

  He was drawn out of it by the waiter coming to ask if they were ready. Scotty ordered a glass of wine and then told him they’d need a few more minutes, which he was grateful for.

  “Tell me more about yourself,” she asked as soon as the waiter excused himself. He’d barely had time to collect his thoughts.

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Boring answer.” She glanced down at her menu, as if it was habit to look down when forming a question. He found it endearing. He really had to stop finding reasons to like her. He was breaking all the promises he’d made to himself. “Do you read?”

  “Yes, I can read. It’s a useful skill for a psychiatrist.”

  “I didn’t ask if you could read, I asked if you do read.”

  He was intrigued by her choice of topics. “I do. I have a lot of reading I do to stay current with my job, and I read for pleasure as well.” He sat forward, resisting the urge to slip a finger under her chin and lift her face so she’d look him in the eyes. “Odd question, wouldn’t your purpose have been better served by asking what I like to read, not if I read? I think it would be more telling. Don’t you?”

  She shook her head, like it made perfect sense to her. Stark was dying for an explanation but started to doubt he was going to get one.

  “No follow up or explanation as to why?”

  Her lips curled into the barest hint of a smile. “Anyone can say they like some big name author or throw out a genre. I’ve found people like to read in theory but don’t make time for it for whatever reason. Very few people will say they just don’t like to read when asked what their favorite genre or author is, but I’ve found when asked outright if someone reads they tend to be a bit more truthful. I get a lot of ‘I rarely have time anymore’ or ‘who has the time to sit down with a novel?’”

  “You’re tired of the tried and true ‘Stephan King is my favorite author’ thing?”

  “When they probably haven’t picked up a single book of his, only seen the movie.”

  Stark couldn’t help but laugh. Damn, who was he? He was out of the house enjoying himself. Just the thought made his chest start to hurt. He lifted his hand to press his palm into his sternum. “I hate to laugh, but you’re right. So this is a deal breaker for you?”

  “I’ve decided to stop sleeping with people who don’t read. Then maybe it will help alleviate some of the issue.”

  “And you actually tell them this is the reason you won’t sleep with them?” He was astounded at her lady balls, so to speak.

  “I’m not shy.”

  “And what else does not being shy lead itself to?”

  “Are you asking what kink I prefer, Sir?” She had to know she was pushing Stark’s buttons. He was sure of it.

  “I think I am.”

  Chapter Nine

  Scotty took a deep breath. As not shy as she was, it was still slightly intimidating to be revealing the inner workings of her mind to a stranger. A charming and dashing stranger, but still a stranger.

  “Suddenly shy?”

  “No,” she answered much too quickly. Her cheeks started to heat, and were probably turning a shade of red she also wasn’t comfortable with in public.

  “Thou doth protest too much, my lady.” His lips pulled back in an intoxicating smile. Why hadn’t he been snatched up years ago? It was common knowledge there were at least ten willing submissives for every Dominant, maybe more. The good ones were all taken, which was how she’d gotten Tanya so easily. All the smart subs knew to stay away.

  “And what are you going to do about it?”

  He growled. He actually growled at her. She lost herself to a fit of giggling which made him growl again.

  “Does that actually work on people?”


  “You’re not into furry stuff, are you?” She bit down on her lip, holding back any more laughter.

  “We are talking about your kink, not mine.”

  “Now who is protesting too much?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “I’m not protesting. You won the bid, so this is about you.”

  “About that.” She winced as she said the words, but he’d given her a natural opening, and she didn’t want to keep leading him on.

  “What about it?”

  “There is no need. My friend used my paddle to make the bid. I hadn’t planned on actually bidding on anyone. It’s been years since I played.” Now she was rambling because his face was falling. She didn’t want to disappoint him, which was odd for her because she usually didn’t care about such things.

  “Oh,” he said. She never knew a single word to be so crushing. “I understand then. It’s all in good fun.”

  “It was for charity, right? And hopefully I made a friend.”

  He sat back and tented his fingers. “You have my email.”

  She wanted the older version of him back. She wasn’t sure she liked him like this at all. “We won’t ever see each other out?” As she said the words, she knew it wasn’t possible. If she wanted him as a friend she was going to have to pursue it.

  “You don’t frequent the club any longer, and I am only there when I get dragged there.”

  The waiter came back, and they awkwardly ordered. Scotty wasn’t sure she even wanted to stay. He’d changed. Even the set of his shoulders was different. She put both hands on her drink and avoided eye contact. They sat in awkward silence for minutes after the waiter left.

  He pressed his eyes closed and then forced out, “You’re sure you don’t wish to proceed with the play?” It felt like he was throwing her a lifeline. She had to choose her words carefully.

  “I’m not sure.”

  His eyes widened just a hint. “Maybe we should discuss what we are both into, and see where it goes from there?”

  Her heart was pounding against her rib cage. It had been so long since she let anyone in. “Sure. Want to start?”

  She had to find her footing here. A way to make playing less connected to Tanya.

  “Well…” He blew out a breath. “To be completely honest, for the last few years I’ve used hired submissives. I haven’t had a pet or a sub of my own in a while.”

  And just like that Scotty’s curiosity was piqued. She could talk about him. Delve into his mind, and it had nothing to do with her. Just like how Cheri chatted about her playthings.

  “Why haven’t you?”

  He dropped his hands to his lap and looked somewhere above Scotty’s head. She expected a half truth, some excuse. She’d seen enough of this behavior in years of deposing people to read him. “I’ve found it’s easier for me when there is no attachment expected.”

  It was probably all truth, but he wasn’t going to give the reason behind it. Not unless she pulled it from him. It was a good thing she was experienced at pulling.

  “The real question is, why is it easier?”

  “I’m not good at dating.”

  “Cop out,” she said.


  “Of course it’s easier. Same reason I haven’t had a Dominant in years. But what happened to make you that way?”

  “You haven’t had a Dominant in years?” he asked.

  “Don’t change the subject.”

  “I wasn’t trying to. I was just surprised is all.” He wasn’t lying.

  “I haven’t. Now answer,” she pressed.

  “Who’s the Dominant here?”

  “It hasn’t been decided.” She sat back, mirroring his body language, and crossed her arms over her chest.

  That earned a bit of a smile out of him. She was starting to crack the hard exterior he’d put up.

  “I can see as much.”
br />   “Are you ever going to answer the question?”

  “Because I haven’t found anyone I wanted to keep around.”

  “Since?” she asked. Inch by inch it was coming out.

  “Why do you assume there is a since?”

  “Because you said it’s been a long time since you’ve had a submissive. Not that you’ve never had one.”

  “You’ve got me there,” he admitted. “Since her.”

  She pursed her lips, not sure how to proceed. It seemed cruel to continue the line of questioning when he didn’t offer.

  “Are you going to tell me why you haven’t had a Dominant in a while? And don’t feed me the line ‘it’s hard to find a good Dominant.’ You are lovely, and I’m sure there are plenty willing.”

  “Then my answer is the same as yours. Since her.”

  He nodded, as if he already knew what she was going to say. “So then you’re bi?”

  “Yeah, but it’s been a long time since I dated a man.”

  She laughed when he raised a brow. “How long?”

  “High school.”

  He noticeably shifted in his seat, and Scotty got a little hot wondering if he liked the notion.

  “So am I safe in assuming all the Dominants you’ve played with were female?”

  She laughed. “Yes, you are. Really, the only Dominant I’ve played with was my ex. I’d been curious. I have slept with my friend Cheri, who’s a Domme, but my ex was the only one I was owned by.” It was easier to admit all this out loud than she thought it would be. Cheri was the only one she talked about Tanya to, and well she was there when it happened so there was no need to explain.

  “So penetration is all toys then?”

  Scotty had to press her thighs together. “Um… She wasn’t big on using toys internally.”

  Stark coughed and Scotty couldn’t tell if his eyes went wide because he’d swallowed wrong, or the idea pleased him. “Forgive my forwardness,” he said when he’d recovered. “But are you saying you haven’t been fucked since high school?”

  “I’ve had sex. Lesbians have sex. But no, I have not been anally or vaginally penetrated except with fingers since high school.”

  One of his hands disappeared under the table, and Scotty was sure he was gripping himself. She liked it. She really liked being able to turn him on like this.

  “I guess I should say I’ve never been fucked in the ass at all.” She bit down on her lip and waited.

  He closed his eyes and groaned. “What did she have against your ass?”

  “She was a tits girl.” Scotty leaned forward and half shrugged, acting like it was nothing.

  “What a waste.” Well, now she had to assume Stark was an ass man. Interesting. She’d always thought her best assets were her breasts. He composed himself and went on. “Again, what type of play are you into?” It was a redirect, but subtle, enough to keep her talking.

  Scotty was thankful. She really had no interest in thinking about Tanya. “Shame is my go to.”

  Both his brows rose. “As in public humiliation?”

  “Yes.” She could see his mind spinning. The one word from her set off dominos. She was sure of it. If he only knew. Flashes of walking naked through the club came back to her. Things she’d spent so many years blocking out. The heat in her cheeks, and the way everyone gawked at her. She both despised and relished it.

  “How did you discover it?”

  Scotty swallowed. She was going to have to talk but she couldn’t. Her mouth went dry and the room began to spin.

  His hand on her arm gave her focus, pulled her back. He’d come over to sit next to her. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

  “It started off as a punishment.” She willingly closed her eyes, trying her best not to dredge it all back up.

  “Let’s talk about it in the abstract. Nothing to do with anyone.”


  “Let’s say you could submit, but it didn’t have to be with an actual person. Make this a fantasy in your mind. You’ve done that right?”

  She nodded, letting herself be taken over by his words.

  “What would the Dominant in your fantasy be doing?”

  Chapter Ten

  Stark had never been this turned on in his life. Scotty leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder. He was so fucking glad the only restaurant he’d venture out of his apartment to was mood lit at night, and they had a booth way in the back. He’d insisted on it, actually, for other reasons.

  “He would be leading her by a collar through the club.” The way her red painted lips formed each word went straight through him.

  “Go back. How did you get there?”

  “They’d get to the club together. She’d be in an overcoat. He’d demand she take if off as soon as they were through the door. She’d be in exactly what he told her to wear. Nothing but stockings and heels. He even picked those out.”

  He could not help but notice she kept using male pronouns. God, he could only hope and pray she was fantasizing about him. “And then he’d clip his leash to her collar?”

  She nodded, grabbing his thigh and digging her nails in. “Then he’d lead her the long way ’round to his room. Making sure everyone saw her, everyone knew what every last part of her looked like. He wouldn’t allow her any cover. Nothing to hide behind. He would be showing off what was his. Simply because it was his to show off.”

  His dick was straining in his jeans now. If she went on he might burst. “You know what else he’d want everyone to see?”

  Her eyes opened, and she looked him in the eyes, with her baby blues. “What would the Sir like everyone to see?”

  “How red her butt is from his hand. There would be prints left there.”

  She squirmed against him. “It would please him to see this?”

  “Oh yes it would.” His voice dropped as he spoke. They were in their own world.

  She released the grip she had on his thigh and took his hand. Slowly, painfully fucking slowly she slid his fingers up the inside of her thigh and pressed them against her panties. Lace, and he hoped they were black.

  “Would he also like to know how wet she is just at the idea?”

  “I can feel it.” It got a little too real. It wasn’t just a fantasy anymore. He pulled against her grip, exploring what he could without giving too much away to the restaurant around them. She leaned closer, putting her lips next to his ear as she spread her legs another inch apart.

  “I don’t know what got into me.”

  His gaze flickered from what he could see of her inner thighs back to her eyes. “I think you know very well what got into you.”

  She pursed her lips as if deciding in which direction she wanted to go. “I think it’s too easy to go back there with you.”

  Stark’s fingers sat at the edge of her panties. He could easily slip inside and feel her. Jesus, he would put money on her feeling like straight silk. “Is that a good or a bad thing?”

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  He flicked his fingers against the edge of her panties and waited for a no. None came. “This doesn’t have to be sexual. Don’t feel you have to open up this side of yourself if you just want to submit.”

  “Can you really have one without the other?”

  There was part of Stark that thought there could be, and a darker side he’d been ignoring for years that wasn’t so convinced.

  She pressed her thigh into his, giving him every last inch of space. “Don’t they only say that because otherwise selling men and women is prostitution?”

  “Are you insinuating sex is expected?”

  “Is this your first rodeo?”

  It was hard to keep up with the conversation. She was too witty, and he was too distracted by her pussy. He pushed his fingers between her folds and groaned. It was a fight to keep his eyes open, to keep from doing anything but making sure she came harder than she ever had before right here in the booth for nothing more than his pleasure.
He was dying to know what she sounded like when she came.

  “I got talked into it.” He flicked his fingers over her clit, making it impossible for her to answer right away.

  She moaned, keeping her lips right next to his ear, on purpose he was sure. “I gave you an out.”

  “I don’t want it.” He slid further down, dipping inside her. She was so fucking wet. Her panties would be drenched.

  She was going to kill him. He was sure of it. “Holy shit,” he said under his breath. He tilted his head back and looked to the heavens, mumbling a prayer so he didn’t throw her down on the bench and have his way with her.

  “Are you okay?” Her tone was entirely innocent, but by her eyes alone he knew what she was doing. It was her game, and he loved it.

  “Couldn’t be better.” He brushed the tips of his fingers over her slit before withdrawing his hand. “Shall we stay for our meal or...” He didn’t have to finish. He knew he put images in her head as he withdrew his fingers and sat his hand on her thigh.

  She looked from where his hand sat on her thigh, and then back to stare him in the eyes. “I think we should...stay and finish our discussion.”

  He slid in closer to her, not planning on moving back to his side of the table. He turned toward her, angling his body so he could look at her. “What else do we have to discuss?”

  “Your kink.” The words came smooth as butter from her lips.

  He leaned back and laid his arm over the back of the booth. “What would you like to know?”

  “Well you walked me though a little fantasy of mine, walk me through one of your own.” She didn’t back down. She met every one of his advances like she’d planned his move before he made it.

  “I have quite a thing for spanking.” Even the word on his tongue turned him on. There was something about a perfectly pink ass that did it for him every time.

  She shifted in her seat, crossing one leg over the other. Giving up secrets wasn’t easy. Their food came, and it was ignored as they considered each other.

  “Tell me how. Paint me a picture,” she whispered when they were alone again.

  “I won’t do it justice like you did.”



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