Book Read Free

Star Maker

Page 27

by J. M. Nevins

  He playfully grabbed her butt and gave her a quick kiss. “C’mon, let’s go. We don’t want to be late for soundcheck.”

  She playfully groped him back. “You’re such a tease, grabbing me, and kissing me like that as we’re about to walk out the door.”

  He laughed and held the door open for her. “That’s right, babe. I’m a huge tease. Thought you’d figured that out by now.” He winked at her and gave her an air kiss.

  She playfully shoved him and then grinned. “Maybe that’s the real reason I love you. Ooh the truth is out!” She pretended to feign a gasp and covered her mouth. They both burst into laughter. He threw his arm around her as they walked down the hallway to head out to soundcheck.

  Kit sat on the drum riser shaking her head while she watched Sully standing in the middle of the arena stage swinging the microphone back and forth in an attempt to entertain himself. Sean Finley, their new tour manager, walked up to her. “They’re saying five more minutes. If he’s not here, we’ve gotta check without him or lose the check altogether.”

  She groaned and rolled her eyes. “Damn that Jimmy.”

  Sully overheard the conversation and walked over to them. “Listen, we’re checking in five minutes with or without him. If he’s not here we can check without him.”

  Sean frowned. “The levels on the lead guitar might be off if we do it without him.”

  Sully shook his head. “No, they won’t. Kit will stand in for him.”

  Sean raised his eyebrows and looked at Kit. “You will? You play?”

  She blankly stared at him and nodded slowly, annoyed that yet another male in the industry underestimated her talents and skill set. “I’ve been playing since I was ten. Used to be a session player in Philly and L.A. I’ll do whatever I need to do, but I’m concerned about the levels. If I’m playing, I won’t hear ‘em from the boards.”

  Sully held his hand up. “Sean will handle the levels and I’m sure he’ll do a bang up job, right Sean?”


  Sully grinned. “See he’s got it, babe. Four minutes.”

  She got up reluctantly. “Ok. Where’s his guitar?”

  Sean led her over to Jimmy’s guitar tech and he briefed her on which ones they were checking for which songs. She threw on the guitar, plugged in, and walked onto the stage. Sully exchanged a knowing smile with her as the soundcheck began.

  Halfway through the set, Jimmy arrived. Kit noticed him standing on the side of the stage looking disheveled and very angry. At the end of the song, he made a beeline for Kit and got in her face. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  She glared. “I’m doing your fucking soundcheck, Jimmy!”

  “You should have waited for me.”

  Her green eyes narrowed. “You should have been here on time.”

  Sully walked over and pushed Jimmy back a few feet so he wasn’t in Kit’s face anymore. He looked at him. “We waited for over an hour. We’ve already messed up Aerosmith’s soundcheck. Luckily, they were cool about because they’re professionals. If you were professional we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now and Kit wouldn’t have to be filling in for your sorry ass.”

  Jimmy looked so livid, Kit thought he’d punch Sully in the face until Sean stepped in and broke them up. “Shake it off, guys. Let’s finish this last song.”

  Kit took off Jimmy’s guitar and handed it to him. He yanked it away from her aggressively. Sully walked over to him again and pushed him. “Don’t you dare treat her like that! She was doing us a favor. No, I take that back. She was doing you a favor.”

  She stepped in between them. “Guys, stop. Jimmy, kick ass on this song, ok? Shred the hell out of it. Sull, go get ready. Let’s bang this out and finish so Aerosmith can get up here. Sully walked away toward the front of the stage and turned around to glare at Jimmy who flipped him off with his middle finger. Kit pointed to Remo to begin the song as she walked off the stage and into the wings.

  She stood there watching them, her arms folded in front of her. She heard someone come up behind her. She then heard a vaguely familiar male voice in her ear. “Looks like the kids are playing nicely now. That’s good.”

  She laughed and turned around to see who had said that. Steven Tyler smiled at her. She grinned and shrugged her shoulders. “I guess. At least for the moment. To be continued. As long as they kick ass on stage tonight, I’ll be happy.”

  He nodded. “They’ll be fine. The adrenaline rush of being on stage in front of an arena crowd will take over again and they’ll do great.”

  She nodded. “I hope so. Sorry for messing up your check.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s all good. We’ll be fine.”

  The moment they finished the soundcheck, Jimmy stormed off the stage passing Kit and not saying a word. Sully headed toward her and shrugged his shoulders. He grabbed his jacket and threw it on. “Whatever. Let’s go. I need a drink.”

  Kit sat alone in the back of the limousine that was trailing behind the tour bus. She had hoped that being in a limousine away from the mayhem of the tour bus would be easier. It wasn’t. She was able to catch a few more winks, but she also had access to a car phone. She found it was easier to keep up with her work and study for the bar exam. Everyone thought she was crazy, except for Sully. He was relentlessly supportive of her and for that she was eternally grateful.

  She was surprised at how well they were getting along on the road. She had initially been concerned, but it was becoming crystal clear that they would have no problems going forward. They communicated extremely well with each other and Sully remained careful not to get seduced by drugs or pushy groupies. She hoped it would hold up when she left the road in two days for a month long hiatus to go back home to sit for the bar exam and have an array of job interviews she wasn’t all that enthused about.

  She looked at the clock and calculated the time difference. She had an urgent message from Lewis Diamond. It was noon in L.A. and she figured Lew should be in the office. She wondered what he was calling about. He rarely called and when he did, it was never urgent.

  She dialed in and was put through to his direct line seconds later. He answered the phone, happy to hear from her. “Where you at, Kit?”

  “At present, driving through glorious Texas. We wrapped up a few shows opening for Aerosmith, Mötley Crüe, and Bon Jovi. They all went pretty well. Now we’re on our way to Austin to open for Scorcher tonight. Our shows with them in Indy and Chicago a few months ago were great.”

  “You’re the hardest working girl in this business Kit, I swear. Are you on the bus?”

  She laughed. “Hell no. I’m in a limo following the bus. I couldn’t get any work done or any sleep on that bus. Don’t worry. It’s not on Diamond’s dime. It’s on mine. It’s a write off for KMK Management.”

  He chuckled. “Charge it to Diamond, that’s fine. It’s a legitimate tour expense.”

  “Really? That’s generous considering we’re already over budget. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. The guys are doing great out there on the road. They’re burning up the charts.”

  She grinned. “They are. It’s pretty fantastic. They’re happy, I’m happy. All is good. What’s up? I got an urgent message. Is everything ok with Gypsy Tango over there at Diamond corporate?”

  “Oh yeah, Kit. Actually my message has nothing to do with them, but it does have to do with Diamond. I have an opportunity for you.”

  Her ears perked up. “I’m listening.”

  “I hear that some of the other record companies out there are trying to poach you and get you to go work for their A&R departments.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Are you serious about any of them?”

  “At present, no. Why?”

  “I want you on my team. What do I have to do to get you to come work for me at Diamond?”

  Kit got out of the limousine, slugged her large handbag back, and grabbed her briefcase as Scorcher’s buses and limousines pulled
up. Aaron, the lead singer, hopped off the bus and pointed to Sully as he hopped off Gypsy Tango’s bus. Kit watched them as they did the thing that guys always do, a handshake that turns into a half hug, followed by pats on the back. She chuckled at the sight and headed toward to the lobby to get things squared away.

  She heard someone walking behind her and glanced over her shoulder. She was surprised to see another woman. This girl was clearly not a groupie by the way she was dressed. She was a young, pretty, petite, platinum blonde with the most gorgeous, dark brown eyes. She couldn’t have been a day over eighteen. She had on baggy jeans with a Gypsy Tango tour T-Shirt that she had cut into a tank top, tied at her waist, her hair tied back in a ponytail. A black, Scorcher baseball cap sat atop her head, completing the look. She had not one trace of makeup on her face and still looked beautiful. Kit wondered who she was. She didn’t remember her from the last time they played out with Scorcher. She had seen her jump off of Scorcher’s bus so she had to be with them.

  She quickened her pace until she was in step with Kit. “I have to pee so bad. I didn’t want to go on the bus, not with all those jokers. Do you know where the restrooms are? Are they off the lobby?”

  Kit shrugged her shoulders. “No idea, but I’ll go with you to find them. I’ve been stuck in that limo for the last few hours and I’m about to burst.”

  Kit and the mystery girl stood side by side at the sinks, washing their hands, and drying them. She looked at her, smiled, and outstretched her hand. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Kit McKenna.”

  She smiled. “I’m Ria DiMarco. Nice to meet you, Kit. You’re GT’s manager, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s me.”

  She nodded and grinned. “And not a bad lead guitarist in a pinch either.”

  Kit chuckled. “Huh?”

  “I was at the soundcheck in Chicago when you had to get up there and play because Jimmy was a no show. I was sitting out at the boards, rehydrating, and listening to the soundcheck. You and Sull have some pretty amazing chemistry on stage.”

  Kit laughed. “Thanks. I guess you could say that Sull and I have chemistry in a lot of ways.” She wasn’t sure if Ria knew that she and Sully were involved. “So, you saw me up there, huh? Jimmy’s left us in the lurch more than once during a check and I’m the one that has to step up. Are you a sound engineer?”

  She shook her head as they started to walk out of the bathroom side by side continuing their conversation. “No. I’m one of the backup singers for Scorcher.”

  Kit smiled and nodded her head in agreement. She was used to seeing Ria made up to perform, dressed to the nines in very tight, patent leather outfits with lots of makeup, and big, teased out, platinum blond hair. She hadn’t made the connection before seeing her in a normal, relaxed state. “Wow! That’s super cool. You sound great up there.”

  She nodded and grinned. “Thanks.” She shifted her attention to the mayhem starting in the lobby and stared. Two bands, their entourages, radio promoters, groupies, and fans that must have received a tip that both bands had arrived, were all present. Chaos ensued. She sighed. “And so it begins… again.”

  Kit nodded. “Yep. Just another day at the office.”

  They both giggled conspiratorially and exchanged knowing looks. Ria smiled and nodded. “Y’know, Kit, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you. It’s nice to run into another cool chick on the road that’s on the same page. I really don’t get along with Gabby, the other backup singer. I’ve pretty much been a loner on this tour. I hang with the guys, but that gets old quick and I need my girl time. Since there have been no girls to hang out with, I’ve flown solo. Whattya say? Let’s hang out tonight after the show. Us girls need to stick together.”

  Kit nodded. “Absolutely. I gotta go get the guys settled in with the tour manager. See you at soundcheck.”

  Ria pointed to her and made a gun with her finger, winked, and made a clicking sound with her mouth. “You got it, girl.”

  Kit stood behind the boards, put her hand to her forehead, and sighed. She started waving her hands and yelling. “No, no, no. C’mon guys, tighten it up. Tony, you’re a split second behind Remo. Sully you were flat on the last note. Get it together.”

  Ria walked up silently and stood next to Kit, watching the band. “Good call.”

  Kit looked at her. “Oh, hey. You heard that? Did you just get here?”


  Kit looked at the sound engineer. “Bring up Jimmy’s level a bit. He’s not out in front enough.” The engineer made the fix and Kit nodded. She looked at him again. “It sounds like there’s noise on Sully’s mic. Can you check that?”

  When they finished the song, Kit yelled. “Sully, a few bars please, a cappella.”

  He grinned and spoke into the microphone in a throaty voice, giving Kit a seductive look. “What can I sing for you, my love?”

  She chuckled and yelled back. “Whatever you want. We gotta figure out the noise problem on your mic.”

  He started singing while Kit and the engineer stared at the boards and fussed with the knobs. She held up her hand without looking at Sully and silenced him. He stopped singing and watched her as she quietly conversed with the engineer.

  She looked at him again and nodded. She held up four fingers in the air, signaling Sully to go four bars again, and pointed at him to start. He belted it out a cappella once again, his voice sounding like a flawless melody as it filled the empty arena. Kit smiled and rubbed her arms. She had chills. She held her thumb up to Sully and nodded her stamp of approval.

  Ria took a swig from her bottled water and watched Sully. “Damn, he’s good. He’s got a great voice. What a set of pipes. He’s hot too.”

  Kit giggled and smiled at her with an enthusiastic twinkle in her eye. “I know, isn’t he?”

  When Sully finished singing, Kit yelled again. “Ok guys, from the top.”

  They started playing the song. Finally satisfied with how it sounded in the arena, she turned her attention back to Ria. “Hey, sorry. Had to clean up that mess.”

  Ria nodded. “No worries. You did a great job. They sound awesome now.”

  Kit smiled. “Thanks. It’s times like these that I love what I do. When they sound that good and they’re up there performing their hearts out, it’s priceless.”


  The sun pounded down and Kit lay on a chaise lounge luxuriously soaking it all up next to the pool with her sunglasses on and a cocktail in close reach. It was one of those beautiful, sunny, extremely warm days that popped up in Los Angeles randomly at the end of October. She grinned thinking about it. 80 degrees with no humidity, yes please.

  She had finished her bar exam the previous week before and was indulging in a languid existence knowing full well that she had important decisions to make in the next day or two. She was headed back out to the road to meet up with the guys in New Orleans the following week. She missed Sully dearly, but not the craziness of the road. Regardless, she was counting the days until she’d see him again.

  The sound of Alexa’s voice gently woke her from dozing off. “Look at that! Those five diamonds sparkling in the sunshine.”

  Kit giggled and smiled as Alexa arranged herself on the chaise next to her. She took a sip of her margarita. “Who would have thought I’d end up married to Gypsy Tango before Sully. Go figure. Did you just get here?”

  “A little while ago. I had some phone calls to make before putting on my bikini and heading out here. I wasn’t joking. Those diamonds are blinding me today. The light is hitting them just right.”

  “I can say the same of yours, dear.”

  Alexa held out her hand and admired her beautiful, pear shaped, six and a half-carat diamond engagement ring. “I guess.”

  Kit was enjoying girl time and was eager to hear about the plans for Alexa’s and Wes’s upcoming wedding. She rolled over on her side and gave her a knowing grin. “Are you losing your mind yet?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes. I’ve officially lo
st it. I had a huge melt down yesterday. Let me give you some advice, Kitty. One day when you do marry Sully, elope.” She chuckled.

  Kit smiled. “You must be excited to marry Wes, though. He’s such a great guy.”

  She nodded and donned a content grin. “Of course. But, I can tell you at this point I’m way more excited about the man and the marriage than the wedding. Two totally different things.”

  “I gotcha. By the way, God bless you for getting married in January. It makes our lives so much easier.”

  She giggled. “Glad I could help out. You two are both off in December, right?”

  Kit nodded. “Yeah. I go back on the road next week until December tenth, and then I fly back home to close out everything with KMK for the year. Sully is on the road until the fifteenth. He’ll come home for a few days and then we’ll head to Chicago for the holidays. We’re going to stay there until your wedding. Then we come back home. They have some L.A. dates. Then he goes back out on the road by the end of January after the American Music Awards.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Wes told me. He said something about Sully being fitted for a tux a few weeks before the wedding. That must be when you guys are in Chicago for Christmas.”

  “Yep. And that was the only time he could do it.”

  “Wes understands.”

  “Don’t you think it’s gonna be kind of funny seeing Sull up there with all of Wes’s other Wall Street powerhouse groomsmen? He’s gonna stick out like a sore thumb.”

  Alexa laughed. “No doubt. It’ll be entertaining. By the way, do you think I need to hire security?”

  Kit lowered her sunglasses. “For the wedding?”

  “Yes. I don’t want fan mania or a media circus and believe me, I know media.”

  Kit sighed and lay back down. She hated her answer. “Yes.”

  “Gotcha. I’ll have it taken care of. They’re getting more popular by the day, Kit. Especially Sully.”

  She nodded. “I know.”


  She had her eyes closed now, thoroughly enjoying the sunshine once again. “Yes.”


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