Book Read Free

Star Maker

Page 30

by J. M. Nevins

  She had forgotten, but the lovely reminder made her happy. She played it off like the event had been inked in her calendar for the last month. “Of course. Please make sure to have a big glass of scotch on the rocks waiting for me, mama.”

  Alexa laughed. “But of course, my dear.”

  She chuckled. “Thank you, Mrs. Matthews. Now, I need to bust through this workload. My desk is contract city.”

  “Try not to think about it. Keep getting it done. Have you talked to Max? I’ve been trying to call her today to confirm her availability for a shoot next week.”

  “Yeah, I talked to her this morning. Get a load of this…”


  “I got a call from Rolling Stone Magazine. They want Sully for the cover of the May issue. I reviewed the copy for the article this morning. They faxed it over to me. I’m flying out to New York in two days for the photo shoot. They hired Maxine to shoot Sully. Isn’t that hilarious? They had no idea she had done shoots with him before.”

  “No wonder I can’t get a hold of her. She’s probably scrambling to get everything together. That’s so exciting!”

  Maxine started the shoot and Kit stood several feet behind watching her every move. Sully had been in wardrobe, hair, and makeup for the last hour and was now finally getting started. She grinned watching him as he effortlessly posed in front of the camera. He was a natural. As she stood there watching him, she couldn’t help realizing how handsome and sexy he really was. She gained a whole new appreciation for his appearance and assessed that he seemed to be getting better looking with age. She relished the thought that later she’d be going to bed with that man and waking up with him in morning. She grinned and felt a little aroused thinking about the possibilities.

  Kit snapped out of her Sully sex fantasy when she heard Maxine yell, “That’s a wrap everyone. I’ve got what I need.” She immediately jumped into conversation with the Rolling Stone staff as Sully headed toward Kit.

  He grinned at her as he sauntered over. He was within a few feet of her when he was stopped by one of the staff girls shyly asking for an autograph. He shifted his focus to her, kindly smiled, and chatted briefly, signing an autograph.

  He finally reached Kit and smiled. “Hey. So, how did I do?”

  She laughed, evilly. “Ooh, you did good, honey. You’re going to be the subject of a lot of girls’ wet dream fantasies once that hits the stands. My mind even went to places it’s never gone before with you and I’m your girlfriend. I can get a piece of your ass whenever I want.”

  He laughed loudly and kissed her. “God, I love you.” He grinned suggestively and looked deeply into her eyes. “Maybe I can make that fantasy of yours come true in our hotel room tonight.”

  Kit giggled, feeling like a schoolgirl as she blushed. “Maybe.”

  He bit his lower lip and looked at her as he ran his finger gently down her lips. “Maybe we can…”

  Maxine walked up and unknowingly interrupted a conversation between Kit and Sully that was like a bullet train with a one-way ticket to erotic city. She was completely oblivious to the fact. “Hey, guys! Sully, you were amazing today. You were born for this. The camera loves you! This is going to be a great cover.” She proudly smiled and bobbed her head.

  He exchanged a knowing look with Kit that conveyed an understanding they would continue their conversation later. He then smiled at Maxine. He was genuinely happy for her. “Thanks, Max. Y’know, it’s really the photographer that makes the model look good. If I end up looking good on that cover, it’s because of you. And I know your work. You’re one of the best. You always make me look good.”

  She smiled again. “Thanks. That means a lot. I’m going to be here for a while longer with the staff. Can I meet up later with you two? Kit, I need to talk to you about more photo shoot stuff for the band.”

  Kit nodded. “Yep. Call us later.”

  Sully looked at her and took her hand in his. “C’mon, let’s get outta here and go play.” He winked at her and she giggled again, eagerly following his lead.

  * * *

  Kit began to stir, noticing Sully’s dad, Jack, on his Lazyboy recliner, thoroughly pleased with the double play that his beloved Chicago White Sox had clinched on the television in front of them.

  She had dozed on the sofa while attempting to watch baseball with him and found that now upon waking, a small bit of drool had dribbled from her mouth. Nice, she thought, looking really attractive and classy in front of the people that will one day be my in-laws. She sat up slowly.

  Sully’s mom, Moira, approached her with a friendly smile. Kit grinned at her. She had the loveliest, kind, steel blue eyes. They reminded her of Sully’s eyes. “Can I get you something, dear? Some herbal tea? How are you feeling after your nap?”

  Kit stretched. “I’m feeling a little better. More alert. I would love some herbal tea.”

  “Chamomile ok?”

  Kit stood up to follow her. “Yes, Moira. That sounds lovely.”

  “Oh dear, sit. I’ll bring it to you.”

  Kit shook her head. “No, no. I want to come with you and hang out in the kitchen.” She grinned and Moira picked up on her cue.

  She leaned forward and spoke in a hushed tone. “Baseball getting a little boring, huh?”

  Kit giggled. “You read my mind.”

  She was sitting at the table enjoying her tea, staring out at the big ash tree in the backyard and contemplating the fact that she felt perfectly comfortable in the confines of her future in-law’s home. It was a nice departure from the life she and Sully led back in Los Angeles filled with palm trees and paparazzi. She didn’t even notice the phone had rung.

  Moira looked at Kit and handed her the phone. “Someone named Don Lawson from Diamond Records for you.”

  Kit nodded and grabbed the phone. She wondered why her boss at Diamond was calling her. She was supposed to be off for three weeks. She and Sully had purposely taken a trip to visit his family and get away from things. They were due to head into the city the following day to wrap up two more shows. “Hey, Don, what’s up?”

  “Sorry to bother you, Kit. I know you’re taking some time off. I’ve had a serious family emergency and I need to step down. I talked with Lew and he wants you to step in for me as chief counsel. Your schedule won’t change. We’ll still honor the flexibility of it. We really need your help and no one else on the team is a good fit. My situation took a turn for the worst this morning, unfortunately. I’m leaving effective this afternoon. We’re going to freeze all reviews and deals until after you get back from your hiatus.”

  She was shocked and immediately concerned. Don sounded more scattered and desperate than ever before. He was always calm, collected, and professional. Something had clearly gone wrong in his life and she was worried about him. “Of course, Don. I’ll step up. Are you ok?”

  He ignored her final question, paying attention only to the first two comments she made. “Thank you, Kit. I owe you one for this.”

  Kit stood next to the desk in her plush robe, indifferently fishing through the pile of urgent items. She had not bothered to take one look at them since she and Sully checked into their deluxe lake-view suite. They checked in under the alias of Fred and Wilma Flintstone at the Ritz-Carlton Chicago two days prior.

  She and Sully had been holed up in bed after two back to back Chicago shows and had only left the bed to answer the door for room service. Sully jumped in the shower and she hoped to squeeze in a moment to see how urgent these items were. She noticed a Federal Express package from Rolling Stone Magazine and grinned. She was about to tear into it when there was a knock at the door.

  Kit answered the door and welcomed in a uniformed bellboy who promptly set down a large order of room service for them. She signed for it, tipped him, and he left. She walked back over to the desk, sat down, and seized the small package. She pulled out the contents, gasped, and then giggled with delight. There was Sully front and center on the cover, a tight close up of his face. Along
the top was the headline big, bold, and in all caps “SLY AS A FOX.” In the bottom right corner in smaller letters it read, “Gypsy Tango frontman, Sully Foxx, is in it to win it.”

  He walked into the room, his hair still wet, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. He approached her and looked at the pile on the desk. “Oh no. Don’t tell me you’re working. I thought we made a deal.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “Baby, I wanted to look at this one thing. The rest can wait. Look! You’re larger than life!” She turned the magazine cover to face him. Her eyes were alive with excitement.

  He glanced at it and then took it from her, staring at it even more intently in his hands. He shook his head and looked up at her. He started laughing. “Holy shit. It’s real!”

  “I know! Isn’t it fantastic? It hits the stands in two weeks.” She giggled, got up, and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him quickly several times on the cheek and then on his neck. She stopped and looked at him, grinning from ear to ear.

  He looked at her. “Hey now, don’t stop what you were doing.” He gave her a long passionate kiss and threw the magazine on the desk.

  Sully sang his heart out on the arena stage while Kit stood on the side, in the wings, watching. Closing night was upon them. The tour would officially be over. Sully and Kit would be headed to Bali for two weeks. They had rented a villa and were looking forward to a solid week of peace, quiet, and relaxation. Jimmy and his girlfriend, Diana, were heading out to meet them for the second week. Jimmy was planning on proposing and had made Kit and Sully his co-conspirators. Kit didn’t mind one bit. She actually liked Diana and the happier she could keep Jimmy the better for the band and for Sully.

  She still had not told Sully she was stepping in as Diamond Records’ chief counsel. She wasn’t sure how he’d react. She couldn’t let Lew down. She had to help out. Don Lawson’s wife had cancer and had taken a turn for the worse. She was terminally ill and Don stepped down to take care of her in her final weeks. Kit felt a bit apprehensive knowing she had some pretty big shoes to fill.

  Don was one of the best attorneys in the music industry. Lew Diamond had stolen him away from the largest and most successful entertainment firm in Los Angeles sixteen years prior. Many critics credited Don to helping Lew make Diamond the industry leader it was. Kit hoped for a smooth transition and for Sully’s enthusiastic support.

  Without those things in place it all might blow up in her face and that was the last thing she wanted. She had worked hard over the last four years to establish the fabulous reputation she now had and she didn’t want anything to possibly tarnish it. It was hard enough getting anywhere in the music industry as a woman. She had to work three times as hard to prove herself as legitimate. Now, she was poised to step into the position she had dreamed about.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty. Time to get ready for your big day.” Kit’s eyes fluttered open and she saw Sully approaching her, carrying a tray of food.

  She grinned sleepily. “What are you up to? What is that?”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and put the tray on her lap as she sat up. “I made you breakfast. Thought it would be a good start to your day.” He leaned forward and kissed her.

  “Thank you. This looks great. You woke up early to cook for me?”

  He chuckled. “As much as I’d like to take credit for that thought of yours and say yes, I can’t in good conscience do that.” He held his hand to his heart. “Truth is, I’ve been up all night writing. Couldn’t sleep.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “I didn’t hear you.”

  “I was out back in the studio. That studio is bonkers! I love it. Anyway, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

  She giggled. “I really appreciate it, babe. You know I love when you cook for me. The food you make is always really good.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Hidden talents. Do you need anything else? If not, I’m gonna get back to it.”

  She pulled him toward her. “Just a kiss.”

  He leaned in and smiled. “I can certainly do that.”

  Kit sat in the office that was now hers and had once belonged to Don. It was on the thirteenth floor, the executive floor, of the Diamond building located on Sunset Boulevard. She felt awkward in her new office. Don’s things had been moved out, but it was hard for her to relate to it as her own on her first day as chief counsel. Her office sat in the southwest corner of the building, giving her a southern view of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. She had her back to her office door as she looked out the window. Not too shabby, she thought to herself.

  A charming female voice with an accent caught her attention. “Hey, Kit.”

  She turned around and smiled when she recognized Giselle Machado, a very young, petite brunette with long, wavy, dark brown hair, gorgeous, light brown skin, and beautiful, big, hazel eyes. She had been Don’s executive assistant and legal secretary for the last two years and had the fastest fingers on the planet. She could type like a speed demon and Kit was wholly looking forward to her assistance. “Hey, G.”

  “How are you doing? Can I get you anything? Coffee maybe?”

  Kit nodded and grinned, hearing the trace of a pleasant accent again of some sort that she couldn’t place. She wasn’t sure where Giselle was from, but she could get used to being waited on hand and foot by her. She was so used to doing everything on her own. “Coffee would be great. Cream, no sugar, please.”

  “You have a meeting with Lew in a half hour. To view the rest of your schedule, hit shift S on your keyboard. I’ll be back in a sec.”

  Kit sat down at her desk and was reviewing her schedule when Giselle returned with her coffee.

  She set it down on the desk. “Do you have any questions?”

  Kit shook her head and chuckled. “Not yet… and I stress yet.”

  Giselle smiled. “You’ll do just fine, Kit. You’ve got your hands in more of this than you think. Don has given you a lot over the last six months that he normally wouldn’t hand off. I think he knew it would come to this, but didn’t think it would be so soon.”

  Kit nodded sadly. “How is she doing?”

  Giselle shrugged her shoulders. “Same. The doctors are saying she has four weeks at most.”

  Kit took a deep breath and let it out slowly thinking how heart wrenching this must be for Don. He’d been happily married to his wife for thirty-two years. She shuddered at the thought of something like that happening to Sully. She quickly cast the idea out of her mind—it was much too disturbing. “Anything we can do for him?”

  Giselle shook her head. “Not right now. If he needs anything, he’ll let us know. Twenty minutes ‘til you’re up with Lew.”

  Kit nodded. “Thanks, G.”

  As she walked over to Lew’s office on the northwest corner of the floor, she reminded herself to breathe. She was nervous. She had dozens of successful meetings with Lew over the last two years, yet she felt like she had been sent up to the major leagues from the minors and was expected to hit a home run right out of the gate. Immense pressure ensued.

  Lew’s assistant, Mindy, gave Kit the high sign to go ahead into Lew’s office. She walked in and noticed he was wrapping up a call. He grinned, waved her in, and motioned for her to sit down on one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  Lewis Diamond was a stocky man of medium height. He had a fairly rugged look that was enhanced by his thick New York accent. He was in his mid-sixties, but easily looked ten years younger than that. He was balding and had on stylish eyeglasses. His sharp brown eyes twinkled whenever he displayed one of his warm, friendly smiles. He treated every single employee at the company as family and was respected by virtually everyone in the music industry, often being referred to as an icon and one of the original pioneers of the modern day music business.

  He hung up the phone and smiled. “Kit, you’re here!” He rubbed his hands together as she chuckled. “How was that vacation of yours? Bali was it?”

  She smiled. “It was great.�

  “And how’s your other half, Sully, doing?”

  “He’s amazing, as usual. Planning to go back into the studio with the band so he can rip up the charts yet again with the next album.”

  Lew laughed. “God bless him. I’m sure he will. I want them back in the studio as soon as possible. Like yesterday. They’re hot right now and Sully’s Rolling Stone cover certainly didn’t hurt.”

  They dug right in and got down to business. Kit was pleased that she had overestimated how much work there was to do. She was actually ahead of the game and was happy to learn that being in the office on a daily basis wasn’t required of her. Lew was giving her free reign to work out of her home office and only come in for high profile meetings. She was relieved. They had run through everything on the agenda that Mindy had handed to her before walking into Lew’s office. She glanced at her wristwatch and figured they’d be wrapping up any second. An hour had flown by quickly.

  Lew leaned back in his chair and folded his hands. “That’s about it, Kit.”

  She reviewed the agenda one last time. “Yeah, I think that about covers it.” She got up from her chair and he spoke again.

  “Actually, there is one more thing. Take a seat.”

  She sat back down and looked at him in anticipation. “Ok.”

  “Since you’re an executive of Diamond now, you’re entitled to certain perks. I covered most of them when we talked a few weeks back, but there was a small one I forgot to mention.”

  She stared at him. “There is?”

  He nodded. “It’ll be delivered today.”

  “It will? What is it?”

  He grinned. “Your company car, Kit. It’s leased so you can’t go crazy on mileage. It’s to get you around town from A to B for meetings. We have a certain standard we like to uphold. Not to say there’s anything wrong with your current car, we just like to reinforce our brand image. It’s got a pretty heavy-duty sound system so that you can evaluate anything that’s given to you on the fly by an artist if the need arises and trust me, you’ll get hit up constantly now.

  “When you come to the office, park over by the northwest entrance at the front of the building. There are only a few spaces and they are marked. There is one with your name on it. Your car is being delivered this afternoon and Mindy will make sure it’s parked in your designated space. She’ll come by your office with the keys once it arrives.”


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