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Conquering Sabrina

Page 5

by Arabella Kingsley

  Sabrina turned quickly in his arms to face him, alarmed by the level of anxiety in his voice. He really didn’t want her being on her own and he wasn’t just being overprotective or dominant.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” she challenged forcefully.

  He took her back into his arms and told her to hush. There was nothing to worry about. He was just concerned about her health. Sabrina flinched away from him, demanding to know what he kept from her.

  Raoul dropped his hands from her waist and sat down on the bed. He leaned back on his elbows, studying her closely with his dark fathomless eyes. He muttered some words in French under his breath that she could not decipher and then shook his head.

  “I shouldn’t be telling you this. The consultant told me to be careful with you. No shocks… Telling you who you are last night was more than enough for now.”

  “Raoul, please. I have every right to know.”

  “You were kidnapped right from this house where I thought I kept you safe.” Anger rumbled under his tone. “You were working as a lawyer in your English firm’s Paris office…”

  “Me, a lawyer?” she said with a disbelieving laugh.

  “Yes, you were. You were a damn good business lawyer. Anyway, you started getting phone calls, heavy breathing… someone listening but not speaking on the other end of the phone. A man started following you to your car. You never saw who it was. He always managed to escape when you tried to confront him. He followed you in his car back to our apartment. We used to stay in Paris during the week. Then there were the anonymous presents you used to receive. You were terrified, but you didn’t tell me anything. Stupidly, you thought you could deal with the problem all on your own.” Raoul tapped his finger to his head in frustration. “Once you get an idea in your head, you will not be moved. You are a stubborn woman, Sabrina. I was forced to act and take you in hand.”

  Sabrina straightened, slightly annoyed by his comment, but then he did have a point. It did sound exactly how she would have dealt with it. She wouldn’t have run to the nearest man like a helpless woman for help, husband or not. Raoul was bitter at her decision not to allow him to protect her and maybe on reflection, she should have at least told him what was going on.

  He continued. “I only found out what was going on when Francine confided in me that she had found you crying after receiving a phone call at the chateau one weekend. I was so angry with you, Sabrina. I still am. Why did you not tell me?” he asked, raising his voice. “That was the weekend you learned I would not tolerate deceit and disobedience. I broke your stubbornness, broke you in to submission and our marriage changed for the better.”

  “I don’t remember,” she lied, turning away so he could not see her blush.

  “Really? I wonder. I think you are lying , cherie. There are many more memories floating inside that intelligent mind of yours and they are increasing. Remember I told you I do not permit deceit in our relationship. You agreed to my rules after your first spanking for lying to me, Sabrina. You were so tired and afraid of what was happening and you agreed your methods to stop this man from terrorizing you hadn’t worked. You were both ready for me to take control and wanted me to. I simply obliged. It was the way I wanted our marriage to be from the start. I had indulged your need to pretend you wanted control, but I knew it was only a matter of time before you would come to me asking me to take you in hand just as you did. I intend to continue where we left off.”

  She watched him lower his eyes to her bottom. “I will be taking you to task for your lies later today. Consider the misdemeanour held on account.”

  She didn’t dare doubt it. Mentally, she made a note not to lie to him. Already she was finding herself bending to his rules. To her frustration she found herself bowing her head and nodding, penitent. “I’m sorry.”

  Did I really agree to be submissive to you?

  Again her mind railed, but her clit throbbed and her sex creamed at the very suggestion of it.

  “I informed the police,” he continued with a small smile of triumph at her apology. “I picked you up every night and made sure you were never alone. I heightened security at the chateau and apartment with armed men. Yet still you were taken from me, from our home.”

  For no reason she could understand, Sabrina looked down at her hands and to her surprise found them shaking. A cold fear swept the length of her spine making her shiver. Flashes of bright colourful dresses accompanied by laughter and broken conversations forced their way into her mind’s eye. It felt so vivid and real as she stepped back into a vision of time past. She was anxious and expecting to see someone at the party, someone who frightened her on a scale she had never encountered before. Sabrina closed her eyes, holding her breath in anticipation of seeing the frightening identity of her attacker.

  Chapter Six

  Raoul now stood in front of her, gently prying her shaking hands from her face.

  “Sabrina, are you all right? Are you remembering something?”

  Sabrina nodded, desperately trying hard to hold on to the memories fading like ghost ships in her mind.

  Raoul’s voice was excited.

  “Do you know who took you from here? At first the police thought it might have been one of your clients, but I know it was someone closer to home.”

  “I can’t see who it is. I just remember feeling afraid the night of the ball because I was going to confront him.”

  Raoul’s eyes hooded, making him look sexy and dangerous all at the same time. Sabrina swallowed and tried to move away as his temper rose, but he caught her arm, holding her still.

  “So you were going to deal with this on your own and not tell me anything. Didn’t you think for one moment and realise how dangerous that was?” he angrily demanded.

  Raoul cupped the side of her face and tilted it up towards him in one sharp movement. Sabrina frowned as he began to speak in a low, deep, and threatening voice.

  “Don’t make the mistake of trying to keep anything from me again, Sabrina. I won’t stand for it. I am in control of this situation and your protection. I believed I made myself very clear last night.”

  Sabrina glared at him and attempted to move away, but his grip forced her to remain still. He was furious and a part of her felt afraid, but she was damned if she was going to show him she was feeling that way.

  “I want to know about all of the memories you regain. Do not keep anything from me or so help me, Sabrina, your bottom will regret it. I want the man who took you from me.”

  “I am not a child, Raoul. I know you are trying to protect me. I understand, but I must sort this out myself. I—”

  “I forbid you doing this alone,” he said calmly as though trying to defuse the growing row. “You are ill and in danger. I will keep you confined to this house until I know who hurt you, perhaps strapped down in bed if I have to. I won’t… I can’t lose you again. He is still out there and now that you have resurfaced, I have a feeling he is going to come for you again. I am going to do whatever I have to, to protect you. I let you down last time, Sabrina. I failed you. And it won’t ever happen again.”

  Sabrina stared at Raoul. Fierce determination blazed hotly in his eyes. He was hurt, perceiving he’d let her down and clearly blamed himself for her attack. Her heart leapt out to him. It was wonderful he cared so much and was so protective. No one had ever shown her such love. He made her feel cherished. Unexpectedly, tears gathered in her eyes as she stared up at the pain in his eyes. She wanted him for a husband more than she would have liked, but she couldn’t afford to fully trust him. Despite all of his protestations of love and her growing willingness to accept them, he might still be her attacker. She really hoped she was wrong.

  “You really think he would try again?” she asked, considering the possibility with alarm.

  “Yes, I do. I have always thought it was somebody close to us. Someone we both knew well.”


  He smiled.

  “Something like that.” />
  Sabrina gave a sigh. She wanted more answers.

  “What else do you know?”

  Raoul studied her closely for a moment and then abruptly moved away to pick up his cup of coffee from the tray.

  “No more. I think we should wait until you have been examined by a doctor before we discuss this any further,” he told her, taking a gulp of coffee. “I don’t want to cause any more damage to your memory.”

  Sabrina groaned.

  “I want to know more. Don’t keep anything from me. I have every right to know what happened to me before I disappeared,” she loudly snapped.

  Raoul took another drink of coffee and shook his head.


  “Right, fine, then I am leaving.” Sabrina walked around to the other side of the bed and picked up her suitcase to toss it on the bed and begin to pack. Raoul snatched the case off the bed, but Sabrina was quick to hold on to it. They stood engaged in a small tug of war. It was almost comical.

  “I have told you I am not letting you leave,” Raoul thundered at her.

  Sabrina leaned over towards him.

  “Yeah, well, if you don’t tell me, I will find someone who will. Francine looks ready to burst with what she knows. I am sure with enough persuading I will get it out of her. Then there’s the police. I am sure they are going to want to talk to me at some point. I will ask them. You won’t be able to keep them away from me. What are you frightened of, Raoul? Are you frightened I might find out that you had something to do with all of this?” she shouted, yanking at the case.

  He had pushed her too far. He lorded over her as though he held all the cards to her memory and her life, and he would dictate how and when she would recover it. It didn’t matter that she’d been submissive in their marriage before; she wasn’t going to have it now.

  Raoul’s eyes narrowed to a sharp point, but despite the sudden tenseness in her shoulders, Sabrina was determined to stand her ground. Raoul pulled hard on the suitcase and took possession of it. He threw it to the floor, then took two steps towards her. It took every ounce of effort not to move back away from him in fear. His tall muscled figure towered over her small form. She titled her chin defiantly at him. No way was she going to back down on this. She put her hands on her hips and braced herself for what he might do next, remembering last night.

  “I am only going to say this once more, Sabrina, and I don’t want it raised again,” he said in a smooth voice that was doing its level best to keep calm and not erupt. “I have never hurt you. I have never wanted to hurt you and I did not beat you, rape you, or kidnap you. Do you understand me?”

  Sabrina stared into his eyes looking for something, anything that would confirm her reluctant suspicions that he was lying, but she could see only pain and hurt. No matter how she continued to deny it, to distrust him, he was breaking down her defences and convincing her of his sincerity and love. Slowly she lowered her eyes.

  “I understand. So convince me it wasn’t you. Let me find out what happened. This is my memory, Raoul. It’s not yours to rule.”

  She heard him take a breath to calm his anger and then curse under his breath in French. She raised an eyebrow and gave him an indignant, impatient look.

  “You have just earned yourself another spanking on account, Sabrina, and you are perilously close to earning a stay in the tower room strapped to the bed until your behaviour improves.”

  She lowered her eyes and stared at the floor, resignedly penitent. Once more she apologised. But her meekness was to be rewarded.

  “There were signs of a struggle in your study. The police found out later that some drunken idiot heard you arguing with a man there.”

  “Why was I in my study and not with you at the party?” she quizzed, confused, backing away from the dark look in his eyes warning her of more punishment. As if to confirm it, he picked up his riding crop and smoothed his thumb over its rounded end, studying it closely as he talked. Bravely, she persisted.

  Raoul sighed, obviously uncomfortable with their conversation.

  “You were avoiding me,” he said flatly, staring at the picture on the table she had picked up earlier.

  Sabrina furrowed her brow.

  “Why would I do that? Did we have a row or something?”

  Infuriatingly, Raoul turned and walked to a door at the other end of the room, giving her a tantalising glimpse of the way his jodhpurs moved in perfect moulded unison with his tightly muscled thighs and buttocks. To her annoyance, she found herself staring at the magnificence of it all. She could tell by the gentle lift of his lips from the side that he knew she was watching. Damn it. He still held the riding crop, reminding her she need to tread warily in her conversation and not be suspicious of his love for her. She already had two spankings on account.

  He turned on a light to reveal a large walk-in closet. Sabrina followed him to insist he explain. He paused, looking at the rail holding his large collection of neatly ordered suits and shirts.

  “We were having many rows. You thought I was having an affair.”

  “You were having an affair?”

  Sabrina heard her voice rise in disbelief. The imaginary world of wedded bliss he had dazzled her with despite her doubts crumbled inside her head, leaving her bitterly disappointed that he had proved her right. She dipped her head. How could she have thought for one moment…

  “Sabrina…” Raoul caught hold of her chin and lifted her face up to him until she was forced to look directly into his eyes. He held her gaze and trailed the leather end of the riding crop seductively across her moist pink lips to silence her protest and warn her he would act should she continue to accuse him. The sensation of the leather on her lips and the frisson of fear she would find herself over his knee made her wet and ache for him. Once more her thoughts warred with each other. Dismayed, she was all the more determined to be rebellious.

  “No. I said you thought I was having an affair. I see you still cannot accept that you were wrong.” He lowered the riding crop to his side.

  “I am not stupid. I must have a good reason to believe you were having one,” she retorted.

  He shook his head and let go of her chin. His attention turned to the opposite rail on which an array of women’s skirt suits, sophisticated ball gowns, and business day dresses, along with a group of pretty floral shifts and dresses, hung in order of colour. There were no trousers. She remarked on it.

  “It was my wish you didn’t wear them and you agreed not to. I preferred you in a dress or skirt. It is more feminine and you were eager to please me.”

  She watched him point out a red dress.

  “And this one,” he said, pointing to another. “I love you in summer dresses.”

  Sabrina recognised the dress. She reached out to stroke her fingers down the cotton material. It was the dress he’d removed from her body in the stables.

  Sabrina’s eyes widened with surprise as she watched his eyes sweep longingly over her form.

  “It’s good to see you haven’t lost any of your curves,” he said with a wide grin, looking down appreciatively at her ample cleavage peeping through her loosened black silk robe. “Dresses make you so much more accessible for making love to. I simply have to lift it up around your waist so I can thrust inside you.”

  “You were having an affair?” she repeated with annoyance, determined to ignore his attempt to rekindle her desire from last night.

  He sighed.

  “I have just told you I wasn’t.”

  “Oh, and I suppose your word is supposed to be good enough?”

  “Yes. It is,” he said flatly.

  “Maybe there are some memories of our life together that you don’t want me to remember,” she persisted.

  “You know, Sabrina. You are going to have to start trusting me at some point.”

  “I’m not sure that will ever happen.”

  Those dark eyes sharpened again. He took a step towards her, caught her arm, and pulled her to him. In a heartbeat she found hers
elf being stripped of robe and short night dress. Her breasts bounced heavily on her chest with the force he exerted. He looked down at her underwear.

  “Underwear is not permitted in our relationship, Sabrina. I allow you to wear a bra for the sake of comfort, but nothing else,” he commanded. “I will have Louise burn your underwear like last time. When I come to you, I expect to find you open and accessible to penetration.”

  To emphasise his resolve to make her obey his rules, he slapped her breasts hard twice. He ripped the flimsy material with his bare hands and tossed the remnants to the floor. Then she was falling over his knee. Her head just about reached the floor. The swell of her bottom was prominently raised. Raoul picked up the riding crop he’d dropped onto the bed and whipped her naked vulnerable bottom. This spanking was harder than any of the others. He did not hold back, yet despite her humiliation and pain, dampness seeped between her thighs and desire swelled.

  Her breasts pushed out, enlarged and aching, her taut nipples brushing against the smooth leather of his riding boots as she held onto them for support. She yelped and cried, but her bottom rose to meet every merciless strike, wanting more. A few of the blows were to catch the tops of her thighs, creating a new painful wave of heat surging with the force of pleasurable penetration to her sex.

  After a while, he stopped suddenly. Sabrina was breathing hard.

  He laughed.

  “I am not finished with you yet, darling. The score must be settled for all of your bad behaviour, your distrust, and wicked suspicions about my love for you.” His fingers worked her under her body at her clit, checking the strength of her dampness whilst his free hand sought an object on the bed behind him. He instructed her to raise her bottom as he cupped her sex and then began to slap harshly at it when she didn’t move. Sabrina became so wet she thought she might come, but the sting of a wooden flat surface striking her bare bottom had her crying out. Raoul inserted his fingers into her sex, thrusting his digits inside and out of her in a rhythmic fashion, bringing her to boiling point. He increased the pressure of his strike with the back of the hairbrush and ordered her to come on command. Obediently, she came, screaming her tortured release as he continued to strike her poor defenceless bottom with the hairbrush.


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