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Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1)

Page 27

by Heather D'Agostino

  After sliding the platinum wedding band on his left hand, she smiled as he took her hands in his.

  He gave her a crooked grin as he started, “Melanie, you are my world. I would go anywhere and do anything to make you happy. Seeing you smile is the greatest gift you could ever give me. I never thought I would get a second chance at love. After seeing you walking across the parking lot, picking up our girls that day…I just knew I needed to know you. I knew that it was fate that I came by that day. It was the universe’s way of waking me up and telling me that I deserved happiness. And happiness is what I found. You’re the perfect match for me. You ground me when I feel myself floating away. You help me dream when I feel hopeless. You pull me up when I feel like I’m drowning. As I stand here today, I wonder how I made it this long without you. You’re my world Melanie and I love you with all my heart. This is my solemn vow.”

  He slid the diamond-encrusted band on her hand and brought it to his lips placing a light kiss to it. A small tear escaped her eye and trickled down her cheek. Upon seeing this, Austin reached up and rubbed her cheek with the pad of his thumb mouthing the words, “I love you.”

  Both smiled at each other and turned just in time to hear the minister say, “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Grinning, Austin sighed, “Finally.”

  Melanie giggled as Austin closed the gap between them. As he wrapped one arm around her waist and placed the other hand on the base of her neck, he smirked and then dipped her back before crashing his lips to hers. Catcalls and whistles erupted around them and Melanie chuckled softly even as she returned his kiss.

  When the kiss ended, they turned to face their friends and family as the minister announced, “May I present to you…Mr. and Mrs. Austin Montgomery.”

  Austin raised an arm and Melanie linked hers through it as they made their way down the aisle.


  Within minutes, the entire group was making their way into the reception area. Several large tiki tents were set up with tables. Everything was draped in white linins with pink accents. White twinkle lights were woven through the tops of the tents, giving the illusion of stars and tiki torches were placed sporadically around the entire area. Guests mingled among the tables as servers weaved in and out with trays of appetizers.

  Austin smiled down at his bride as they set out to greet their guests. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she grinned back at him.

  After making their way around to each guest, they seated themselves at a table near the front of the tent. Waiters appeared and began placing plates in front of each guest. Melanie’s family sat nearby with the girls. Each one was in deep conversation with their spouse.

  Melanie couldn’t help but notice that Amy had taken up residence beside Colin. She frowned slightly at how close they seemed to be getting. She’d heard Austin talk about his best friend, and even though he seemed like a nice guy, he was quite the playboy. Amy kept giggling and leaning closer into Colin’s side, and he was making it no secret that he liked it. He had his arm draped around the back of her chair and was leaning pretty close to her ear as he talked.

  Austin nudged Melanie to get her attention. “Who are you spying on?”

  “I’m not spying,” she furrowed her brow.

  “Ya were,” Austin chuckled.

  “I don’t like how close Colin keeps getting to my sister,” she admitted quietly.

  “Colin’s a big boy and your sister is no slouch herself. Stop worrying about them, and enjoy this,” he kissed her on the cheek and trailed his fingers down her back.

  She shivered and leaned into his side. “So…how long do you think we need to stay down here?”

  Her eyes were hooded and dark.

  Austin grinned beside her. “Impatient tonight, huh?”

  “No, I just…I mean...” feeling brave, she leaned up next to his ear. “I just want to be with you,” she ran her hand up his thigh, moving it between his legs and cupped him in her palm.

  Austin swallowed and leaned down next to her. “You better stop that or we won’t be leaving anytime soon. I have to be able to stand to get out of here.”

  Red blazed across her face as she became even bolder. “How long will that take?”

  Austin took a deep breath to keep what little control he had left in check. “About ten minutes. Does that work for you?”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” she breathed across his neck as she moved closer to his ear.

  “We need to make the rounds to thank everyone for coming first,” Melanie giggled.

  “Why don’t you start? I’ll join you shortly,” he winked.

  Melanie rose out of her seat and pushed her plate back. She hadn’t really been in the mood for cake. The wedding festivities were going by in a blur and the only thing on her mind at the moment was finally not having to say goodnight and watch Austin leave. Tonight she would say goodnight with him beside her.

  Melanie made her way over to the table that contained her family and hugged each member. “Thank you all so much for coming. I’m glad that you made the trip. I only wish Sarah and Bethany could have joined us.”

  When she got around to Amy, she leaned in where no one else could hear. “Be careful Amy, he’s not interested in a relationship.”

  “Who says I am either?” she whispered back and giggled.

  Melanie sighed and backed away from her to hug Claire, “Thank you so much for taking the girls with you. We’ll see you in the morning before you leave.”

  “It’s not a problem. Now go enjoy your wedding night,” Claire smiled.

  “I plan on it,” Melanie blushed and backed up just as Austin was coming up behind her.

  “Ready?” he kissed the side of her neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

  “Mmmmm hmmm,” she nodded.

  The couple turned and waved to the group as they headed back in the direction of the hotel. About halfway there, Austin picked up Melanie and tossed her over his shoulder.

  She squealed and wiggled slightly, “Austin, put me down!”

  “Not a chance, you walk too slow,” he laughed and began to jog toward the door.

  Once they entered the hotel lobby, Austin nodded at the concierge. He’d sent Colin in earlier to get things ready and he wanted to make sure that everything he planned was done.

  Melanie was still squirming on his shoulder and finally he gave in to put her down.

  “Enjoy your evening,” the concierge waved as the couple walked toward to elevator.

  “I can’t believe that you did that,” she smacked him on the arm.

  “I can do a lot,” he winked. “I don’t have to tell myself no anymore.”

  He pressed the button on the elevator and then leaned in and captured her lips in a fiery kiss.

  The ding behind them alerted them that the doors had opened. Not even breaking the kiss, Austin began walking her backwards into the elevator. When the doors to the elevator closed, he turned and backed her into the wall. He pressed his body into hers and began placing hot kisses to her neck and jaw. Melanie gasped slightly as she felt Austin’s arousal press against her thigh. He moaned slightly as she began to raise her hand to his shoulder. Within moments, the elevator stopped on their floor and the doors opened. She giggled as he pulled away, his eyes glazed over in passion. She rose on her tiptoes and placed a kiss to his lips.

  “We‘re here...” she giggled again.

  Austin released a groan as he exited the elevator, pulling Melanie behind him. He stalked with purpose down the hall so fast that Melanie had to almost run to keep up with him.

  “Hey,” she giggled. “Slow down!”

  “I can’t,” he glanced over his shoulder. “I can’t go slow with you. You have no idea how much I’ve thought about what’s under that dress in the last twenty-four hours. It was all I could do to get through that service. Those sweet perky breasts that keep teasing me, those unbelievably sensual curvy hips that have
been swaying back and forth in front of me… ugh. It was all I could do not to drag you up here hours ago.”

  “Well, we’re here now,” she grinned and cocked her head to the side. “What now?”

  He reached in his pocket and pulled out a key card to open the door. “Ready?” he smiled.

  She didn’t need words to answer as she rose on her toes to kiss him again.

  “Ahhhh, you’re killing me woman,” he groaned.

  Chapter 25

  Wedding Night…

  Once Austin pushed the door open, he backed out of the way to let Melanie enter first. He’d reserved an ocean front room with a balcony. Colin had brought their luggage up and left it in the room earlier that day.


  A huge four-poster bed dominated the center of the room. It had large plush pillows piled on top of it with a soft white comforter and satin sheets. On the far wall, a set of French doors opened up to a balcony that overlooked the ocean. The doors were open and you could hear the waves crashing up on the beach like a lullaby. Sheer curtains that were pulled shut for privacy were blowing in the breeze. On a table near the door was a bucket with a bottle of champagne chilling. Every surface in the room was covered in red rose petals. Colin had sprinkled them on the bed in the shape of a heart, and made a trail of them on the floor around the bed. Candles of every shape and shade of pink known to man flickered on every surface.


  Melanie stood in wonderment taking it all in. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she glanced back at Austin. He’d worked so hard to make this night perfect.

  “It’s beautiful, Austin,” she slowly turned taking it all in.

  “It sure is,” he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle, placing a kiss to the side of her neck.

  She turned in his arms and raised her hands to his chest, pushing lightly against him. “Hold that thought,” she smiled coyly at him as she grabbed a small bag that was sitting with her luggage and retreated to the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” he frowned.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” she giggled.

  Austin took the moment to get more comfortable. He removed his jacket and tie and slung them over one of the chairs, and then toed off his shoes and removed his socks. Just as he was loosening the top few buttons of his shirt, he heard the door to the bathroom squeak. He lifted his head and turned in that direction as Melanie came out soundlessly. She had changed into a beautiful ivory silk gown. It fell to the floor and hugged each curve of her body.

  His mouth curved up in a slow smile as she twirled a piece of hair around her index finger. She sauntered over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

  “What do you think?” she smirked at his open mouth.

  “I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth to hers.

  She melted into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She reached up and began to unbutton the remaining buttons on his shirt and slowly push it off his shoulders. She lightly ran her hands down his chest, reveling in the soft curls. He groaned lightly and moved to kiss her neck. She tilted her head to the side and traced her finger along the edge of his dress pants. His stomach muscles quivered slightly at her touch as she made quick work of his belt and loosened his pants so they’d fall to the floor when he moved. He wiggled his hips to get them to fall and then kicked them to the side. She blushed slightly as his arousal was distinctly evident. When she looked back up into his eyes, she saw the love that he felt for her. He leaned forward, brushing her hair back off her cheek before he closed the distance in a deep kiss. She opened herself to him as his tongue swept across her lips.

  “Austin,” she moaned.

  Without words he knew what she wanted. He reached down blindly and scooped her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss continued.

  When he got near the bed, he slowly lowered her feet to the floor. Melanie broke from the kiss when she felt Austin’s hand gaze across her hip. She knew within a matter of minutes he would see her naked. As anxious as she was to be with him, there was still that lingering doubt that wouldn’t leave her alone.

  The shyness that she’d been able to keep at bay was resurfacing the longer she stood there with his gaze on her. He noticed her glancing at the floor and twisting her hands together.

  “What’s wrong?” he moved closer and placed a kiss to her cheek.

  “Nothing,” she shook her head. “I’m just…”

  “There’s nothing to be shy about. It’s just me,” he smiled and ran his finger down her bare shoulder.

  She shivered as goose bumps rose on her arm. He placed a finger under her chin, lifting it so she was looking at his face.

  “I love you,” he leaned forward and placed a kiss to her lips as if assuring her that she could relax. “Relax, let go, I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she leaned into him and brushed her lips across his.

  He responded by reaching around her waist and pulling her flush to him as he slanted his head. The kiss grew deeper and she gasped and shivered when she felt his hand slide up her side. It started at her hip and made its way to rest at her waist. The other hand moved up her back until it was at the nape of her neck. The kiss grew deeper and she wrapped her hands around his shoulders, pulling her body into his. His breath was coming in ragged pants as he made love to her mouth, nipping and sucking at the tender flesh.

  Then he released her mouth, trailing kisses from her chin to her jaw, his tongue continuing to dart out as he made his way down her neck. She moaned lightly as she drug her fingers down his back and pressed them against the waistband of his briefs. His embrace loosened slightly as he reached up and began to lower the straps to her gown, she gasped and ran her fingers just inside his waistband. As the gown began to slide down her body. Austin brushed his hand across the soft skin of her back and a moan escaped her lips, causing her to nip his lower lip. The gown fluttered to the floor, and Austin stepped back to gaze at his bride in awe. Her nipples tightened into pebbles as her face flushed crimson with embarrassment. As his eyes drifted over her body, he felt her discomfort and quickly averted his gaze back to her face.

  “You’re so beautiful. Sweetheart, you have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he lowered his lips to hers again and joined their mouths in a fiery kiss. His hands soon continued their exploration as he raised the right one to trail along her ribs, gently caressing her breast and cupping its fullness. Their breaths quickened as the kiss continued. His mouth left her lips again and made its way down to her breast, gently nibbling on the nipple. She groaned and began to pull him back toward the bed knowing her legs would soon buckle under the pleasure.

  Austin obeyed her direction as he trailed kisses across her chest and moved to the other breast. Slipping one hand under her bottom, he wrapped the other around her shoulders and leaned her back onto the bed. She used her elbow to brace herself and help slide to more of the center as he quickly climbed over her and hovered next to her face. He braced his body with his forearms as he leaned in to place another kiss to her neck.

  “I love you so, you have no idea what you do to me,” he groaned as he began trailing kisses down her body, his hands blazing the trail as his mouth followed. She shifted in his arms and pressed the length of her body into his.

  “Oh Austin,” she moaned as his hand slowly made its way down her hip, kneading the soft flesh.

  Nimble fingers began making a circular pattern as they moved inward heading toward her center. She tilted her hips in his direction as she brought a leg up to wrap it around him. He moaned as he felt her rub against his erection. Only the soft lace of her panties and the cotton of his boxer briefs separated them. That was too much, in his opinion. As he ran his fingers between her legs over her now damp panties, he couldn’t help but groan.

  “All this for me. You’re so wet,” he panted. “Let’s get these out of the way

  He tugged at the small elastic band until they began to slide down her hips. When he was finally able to remove them, he chanced a glance at her. Seeing her freshly waxed womanhood, he released a growl, sucking a breath between his teeth and producing a hissing sound as he moved up beside her ear, “You are not wanting this too last long, are you?”

  He captured her lips again and plunged his tongue in. The stationary hand began moving again. It ran up her thigh and across the bare skin.


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