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Page 10

by M. L. Briers

  Then Mia lifted her head and scented the air… her eyes fixed on what she could see of Kristy behind the protection of the alpha’s body, and a low, deep growl rumbled through the air.

  “What’s it doing?” Kristy whispered as if the bear couldn’t hear her, and Nick dropped his arms to either side of his body and showed the she-bear that he was about to protect Kristy with his life.

  “You don’t want to challenge me, Mia.” Nick growled out.

  He wasn’t sure what had gotten into the she-bear, but he didn’t give a damn – if her intention was to hurt Kristy then he’d bring her down and keep her down.

  ‘She’s the one. I scented her on Jackson last night. She’s the bride…’ Mia used the link between the clan to growl out her words.

  ‘What’s that got to do with…?’

  The sound of the cabin door being yanked open took them all by surprise. Heads turned as Dwight sucked in the morning air with gusto… before his eyes spotted the bear and he stopped breathing completely and just stared back at her…

  “Him, Mia…?” Nick asked as he watched the bear turn towards the cabin. Dwight’s head snapped to the right and he eyed the alpha with surprise and confusion. “Are you protecting him?”

  ‘I’d rather kill myself.’ Mia growled back, taking one step towards the cabin and Dwight.

  The man’s head snapped back around on his neck as he caught the movement of the bear out of the corner of his eye. He took an involuntary step back from the door and swallowed down hard…

  “What’d I do?” Dwight bit out…

  “Don’t move…” Nick growled out – a heartbeat later and Dwight had flung himself back inside the cabin and slammed the door shut with a small cry of panic. “Or you could do that.” Nick growled.

  “Butthole.” Kristy bit out from behind him.

  “Mia?” Nick saw the she-bear change direction. Now that the door had been closed her attention was back on Kristy.

  ‘I challenge her for the right to her mate.’

  For one long moment Nick’s head spun at the she-bears words. He was her mate – why the hell would Mia challenge for him?

  And then sanity dawned on him and he understood what the hell was going on… Jackson – Mia wanted Jackson…

  Nick didn’t know whether to laugh out loud with joy or growl at the she-bear with everything that he had in him over her challenge to his mate.

  “She’s not his mate – she’s mine.” Nick growled out…

  “Who is?” Kristy was confused… “She is?” Her head spun. If he had a damn mate then why the hell was he kissing her? “Asshole.” She bit out, and before Nick knew what she was doing, Kristy had turned on her heels and was stalking away from them, away from the cabin… and Mia’s bear was in hot pursuit…



  Nick’s bear rose within him. There wasn’t a chance in hell that the man could have stopped his beast from bursting free.

  Kristy shot a startled look back over her shoulder at the sound of the alpha’s bear as it roared its intention towards Mia. Kristy’s eyes took in the scene, not one bear, but two, and the she-bear was coming right at her…

  She stumbled backwards in the snow. Her feet got caught up under her and she went down hard onto her backside.

  Her head was down for only the briefest of moments, and when her eyes snapped back to Mia’s bear, the big beast was almost on her…

  Nick’s bear rammed into Mia’s head on. He wasn’t playing, and female or not – he intended to take her down.

  “What the hell?” Jackson demanded as he took a long step out of the door and his eyes took in what his brain couldn’t quite process…

  The alpha slammed into Mia, knocking her bear off course, and causing the beast to lose it’s footing in the snow…

  ‘Mia… she’s my mate…’ Nick growled out, but he couldn’t stop his bear from taking a swipe at the she-bear to try to knock some sense into her.

  The female was seeing red. If Jackson really was her mate then Nick could understand some of her reaction, but Kristy wasn’t a damn bear – she was human – and the she-bear should never have challenged her like that…

  Mia wasn’t listening. She certainly wasn’t stopping.

  Nick’s bear was fast losing patience. The female wasn’t just out of line – she was trying to get to his mate and his protective gene wasn’t about to let that happen.

  Mia’s bear darted sideways and lunged for Kristy… Kristy shrieked out a panicked yell as she spun her body away in the snow – as Jackson shouted in fear, and the alpha rounded on the big she-bear…

  Zoe was close enough to make out exactly what was happening. She might not have been as fast on her feet as Zav – who’d taken off on a run that practically blurred the landscape that he blotted out – but she’d covered a vast distance since the whole thing had started and was now aiming a blast of her magic right at Mia’s beast…

  The she-bear roared in pain as her body was ripped up from the ground and tossed away from Kristy…

  Nick’s bear watched Mia go… starting after her on fast paws, but pulling up short when Zav appeared between the warring beasts…

  Jackson was already running as fast as he could towards Kristy… and Kristy just seemed to collapse back into the snow on a groan of disbelief, confusion, and relief.

  “How’s this whole mountain thing working out for you?” Zoe shot out as she stalked past Kristy laying on the ground and kept going towards the bears.

  Jackson dropped to his knees on the floor beside Kristy, panting and heaving in breath after breath as she rolled her eyes in her head and closed them to the world. Taking one sweet moment in time to thank whichever entity had decided to keep her in the world.

  “You… Okay?” Jackson panted and her eyes snapped back open.

  “Beautiful mountain resort, you said… shifters, but not dangerous, you said…” Kristy eyed him as he grimaced.

  “Well, you must… have done… something to start… her bear off.” He panted out.

  Kristy’s eyes snapped wide like saucers in her head. She dug her elbows down into the snow and pushed herself up to glare at him in disbelief.

  “Me?” She snapped. “I did this?”

  “Let’s all just calm…” Zav got no further because Mia was pushing back up, and was growing at Kristy like she still wanted to tear out her throat…

  “Well, I never had any trouble with the bears…” Jackson tossed back. “None of the other guests have had troubles with the bears.”

  Kristy bit down on her annoyance, scooped up two fistfuls of snow and launched them at him. Jackson’s head snapped back on his neck when the wet ice hit him in the face…

  “Oh, very mature…” He bit out.

  “You can take mature and you can shove it right up your…” Kristy hissed and the she-bear growled long and hard.

  “Could you two not?” Zav bit out. He had no will inside of him to put the she-bear down, but if needs must…

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Jackson bit out.

  “Me? Again? This is all me?” Kristy bit back, pushing her body upwards, getting closer to him, and getting another warning growl from the she-bear for her troubles.

  ‘Mia. Kristy is my mate – Jackson is all yours if you can woo him. Now back the hell down.’ Nick growled out, finally getting through to the woman when she dragged her eyes from Kristy and Jackson to the alpha’s bear…

  ‘What?’ She demanded, not sure if she’d gotten that right.

  ‘Kristy isn’t marrying Jackson.’ Nick growled. ‘Not if I have anything to say about it.’

  Nick watched as the she-bear relaxed. Mia’s beast taking in his words, and it seemed enough to pacify the beast.

  ‘She is seriously your mate?’ Mia demanded and Nick sighed within his mind.

  ‘Screwed up, right? But at least I don’t have to worry too much about breaking Jackson’s heart now.’ Nick growled. ‘Although it would h
ave been better if you’d just given me the damn heads up instead of trying to kill my mate.’

  Mia didn’t have anything to say about that, at least, nothing worth repeating. Her bear had seen red – the thought of Jackson marrying the human – of losing her mate… She felt ashamed and relieved at the same time.

  “Are we good?” Zav asked on a scowl that went from one bear to the other and back again. “Because this feels like we’re good here.”

  Nick forced his bear back and shifted back into his human skin. Naked as the day is long and getting a double take from his mate, he eyed her right back.

  “Scenery just got a whole lot better.” Zoe chuckled at the sight of the alpha in all of his human glory.

  “Behave yourself.” Zav bit out, berating her with a scowl.

  “And I would do that because…?” Zoe tossed her hands onto her hips and snorted at him.

  “Oh, let me see…” Zav rolled his eyes. “Manners. It’s never good to stare. Being subtle. You don’t need to advertise you’re a witch…” She cocked just one eyebrow at him. “Diplomacy. Because bears are people too.” Then he raised his index finger at her… “And because you are my mate.”

  Zoe’s lower jaw fell downwards as her chin reached for her chest and her eyebrows tried to disappear up into her hairline…

  “That’s not even…” She gave a small shake of her head as if she was trying to knock away the shock… He just stared back at her, but there was a quirk to his lips that she didn’t quite like. “Tell me you’re joking…”

  “I’m joking.” Zav nodded and she rushed out a relieved breath. “No, not joking. You’re my mate.” He grinned, and she deflated as the air wheezed out of her lungs…



  “She’s what?” Kristy scowled at the thought of her friend being a mate to a vampire. Zoe might have been blessed with her craft and more than able to hold her own… but a vampire boyfriend…?

  “Is everyone done with the growling and fighting?” Dwight stuck his head out of the doorway to test the waters. Everyone ignored him.

  “I’m not.” Zoe shook her head and regarded Zav with a look that said she thought he’d lost his mind.

  “Oh the joy of finding your mate…” Zav grinned, the twinkle in his eyes told Zoe everything that she needed to know, and she dropped to her backside in the snow on a groan. “Don’t you think, Nick?”

  Kristy’s head snapped around to look at the alpha. Standing there in the snow, butt naked – it seemed a little surreal to her. The man had shifted into a bear and then back again… that had been something to see.

  He had a mate. She guessed it was the other bear… there was a dull ache inside of her that seemed to be spreading at the thought of it and she didn’t know why.

  “Is that why the bear tried to eat me?” Kristy asked. “Is that a girl bear?”

  “She’s not my mate.” Nick growled. His voice was still full of his beast. “She’s Jackson’s mate.”

  Jackson’s head snapped around on his neck and his eyes went wide, and for a long moment – he went as white as the snow that he was kneeling in…

  “W-what?” Jackson bit out. His eyes snapped from the alpha to the bear – across the Kristy, and then back to the bear again as he swallowed down over and over again, trying to take it all in. “Mate?

  “Mate?” Kristy bit out in shock…

  There was a part of her that rushed to jealousy, wanted to stake her previous claim to Jackson, and she wasn’t sure why, because there was an even bigger part of her that was singing in relief from the top of the damn mountain…

  She was off the hook. She didn’t have to worry about hurting Jackson – and she didn’t have to marry him or call off the damn wedding.


  “Oh, the fun doesn’t stop there.” Zav assured her. “It gets way better than that.”

  “Kristy…” Jackson took a step in her direction. There was something of an apologetic look upon his face, and she held up her hand, palm towards him to stop him in his tracks.

  “It’s fine. And stay back. I don’t want that bear getting all nuts again.” Kristy bit out.

  “But the wedding…” Jackson said and the she-bear growled a warning towards Kristy.

  “Off. No hard feelings enjoy your…” She motioned towards the bear. “Life.”

  Zoe snorted a chuckle. She was half wrapped up in her own woes – a vampire mate… and half relieved for Kristy being able to find a way out of marrying Jackson… she’d never thought them a good match.

  “A-l-p-h-a…” Zav teased and Nick grunted. He didn’t want to do it like this…

  “Shut up, bloodsucker.” Nick growled out.

  “Oh come now, don’t be shy… let’s hear it.” Zav wasn’t about to stop. Even at the sight of Nick’s jet black eyes glaring a warning at him…

  “What’s going on?” Zoe asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

  “Nothing.” Nick snapped out on another growl, but Zoe caught the warning look that he shot in Zav’s direction, and she gasped in disbelief.

  “Oh my sainted Aunt – she’s your mate!” She exclaimed and Nick rolled his eyes back in his head and groaned long and hard…

  “Who?” Kristy’s head snapped around and she shot a look at Nick. The man didn’t look to happy.

  “You!” Zoe exclaimed.

  “Me?” Kristy jumped back in place in shock… her legs felt weak and her heart was racing, and she scooted back another couple of steps, but she was never going to stay upright… Her backside hit to snow as her eyes locked with Nick’s…

  He was already on route to her. Stalking across the snow, naked, and with every muscle in his body moving under his skin to keep Kristy total mesmerised and awestruck…

  “No… no… no… no…” She was shaking her head at his advance. He looked every inch the predator as he came towards her.

  “Nope!” Kristy squealed out as he stopped in front of her and leaned down, reaching out two big hands towards her…

  “Yes.” Nick growled out as he lifted her from her backside in the snowy perch – just as the sound of a mating roar went up through the air… “What the hell…?”

  “That’s your brother. He found his mate in Chloe.” Zav informed him, and Nick yanked Kristy against him for stability – she felt a little loose limbed – and he shrugged.

  “Who the hell is…?” He asked but Kristy gasped.

  “Chloe!?” She bit out in almost total disbelief.

  “Yeah…” Zoe snorted in amusement. “Looks like we’re all going to be staying on this stupid mountain.” She snorted.

  “Wait… staying…? What…?” Kristy tried to break free of Nick’s hold around her body, but he didn’t let go.

  She pressed her palms against the heated skin of his muscled chest, and felt that tingle run right over her body. Her head snapped back and she stared up at him – confused.

  “You’re my mate, Kristy. I can’t let you go.” Nick growled out, but she just pushed harder…

  “Ok. That’s it…” She snapped out with a shake of her head. She kept pushing and pushing until finally he let her go. “Will someone tell me what the hell is going on here!” She hissed. Her eyes were blazing and her temper was up so high that if she’d been a thermometer she would have blown the top right off…



  “I think she needs a stiff drink.” Zav chuckled as he watched the human trying to take everything in.

  “She’s not the only one.” Zoe bit out.

  “I think we all need to just calm down.” Jackson offered as he lifted his hand and pointed towards his mate in her bear form. Then he shook his head and rolled his eyes. “But what do I know.”

  “I know this is messed up, but very entertaining.” Dwight chuckled from the doorway of the cabin. He was leaning against the doorpost with his arms folded across his chest and a big grin on his face. “You guys should sell tickets, does
this happen often around here?”

  “Shut up, Dwight.” Jackson groaned.

  “Hey, I’m just saying. I haven’t had this much fun since…” He rolled his eyes towards the sky and considered it. “Nope. I have never had this much fun.” He chuckled.

  “Chloe is a mate to a bear?” Kristy looked to Zoe for confirmation.

  “The gangs all here.” Zoe shrugged. “Looks like we’re all staying too.” She shrugged again.

  “You’re mated to…” Kristy pointed towards Zav and the vampire grinned at her.

  “You can say it.” He teased and she scowled back at him.

  “Fang.” Kristy snorted her contempt for him. “I’m mated to…” She eyed the alpha on a frown, even as her pulse raced at the very thought of being his, of him being hers… there was just still something so surreal about the whole thing…

  “Don’t forget Jackson!” Dwight called and Kristy’s eyes snapped towards her ex-fiance.

  “And Jackson’s with…” She looked at the bear and twisted her head on her neck as Mia’s beast mirrored that movement. “Ok… this just… it’s a little…” She took a small step backwards, as if distancing herself from them would make it seem more real. It didn’t.

  “Too much?” Zoe chuckled and Kristy’s eyes snapped towards her friend.

  “Ya think?” She snapped.

  “Hey, you wanted to come to the mountain.” Zoe shrugged and Kristy groaned.

  Then, without another word, she turned on her heels and started to stalk away from the group.

  “Where’s she going?” Dwight bit out, snapping his arms down, and craning his neck to watch her stalk away.

  Nick didn’t wait for an invite. He stalked off after her as Jackson formed a shape with his mouth as if he was going to speak and then his eyes snapped towards Zoe as she giggled.

  “Should we…?” Jackson asked, but his mate growled at the same time as Zoe slowly shook her head.

  “You’ve got your own troubles.” Zoe said.

  “I feel kind of responsible.” Jackson shrugged.


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