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Club Agony & Ecstasy Box Set

Page 6

by Lexi Cross

  She felt him draw his hand back; the tension in the air as she waited for his next strike. Everything seemed in slow motion, and she could almost sense the moment his strong hand would impact her delicate flesh.

  “Threeeee!” she wailed, feeling the localized stinging give way to a more general burning that radiated up her thighs, making her skin tender and swollen.

  He caressed her rosy backside, feeling the heat coming off her skin, streaked with red from his expert hand for the first time. She’d ached to feel his bare skin on hers and if it must come at the expense of some pain so be it. She welcomed it.

  “Good girl,” he acknowledged, “you learn quickly don’t you?”

  “Yes Sir,” she replied quietly, unable to conjure up more than the most basic response.

  She could hear people around her now, feel their eyes burning into her, watching as she

  received the sweet suffering her Master so carefully provided her. Tears were welling in her eyes now, from the pain, the embarrassment of being so sordidly displayed; and from the sudden realization that this was what she had wanted---what she’d needed---for longer than even she knew.

  His finger slid between her legs, feeling the slick well of moisture that had built up during her long awaited discipline. She felt weak and dazed, hungry to feel any part of him inside her, drowning in the juices he’d stirred up in her.

  “Look how wet you are, all ready for me...”he slid a thick finger deep inside her, “In good time, my lovely.”

  Helena stifled a moan, feeling her pussy contract around his finger, vainly attempting to keep him inside her, not caring for the moment that her wanton display could be seen by anyone nearby. She dared not open her eyes, for the moment she felt safe under his control, as though they were the only ones in the world.

  “Are you ready for some more, my pretty slave?”

  “Ohh...yes! Yes Sir...” she moaned dreamily, her heart pounding at the mere mention of the word slave. How long she had waited for a stern, powerful man to truly claim her; to make her the slave and willing servant she longed to be.

  “Ask for another.”

  “Sir? I beg your pardon?”

  Helena had heard him, but wished she hadn’t. She could get past the idea of being half naked in front of these people, even being spanked in front of them was as mortifying as she thought it would be---but to beg for punishment in front of a room full of strangers? She couldn’t; she simply couldn’t do it.

  “Ask for another one,” he repeated, punctuating his words with a few quick smacks to her rump. The shock of it made her squeeze tighter around his finger, reinforcing the craving deep in her pussy. He sensed it and retracted his finger, leaving her with an unbearable sense of emptiness.

  Her face burned with embarrassment, surely he and everyone else could see the steady stream of liquid escaping her flowing pussy, she was helpless to stop it and knew it was only going to get worse. She took a deep breath and tried to speak, her words catching in her throat.

  “Another please, Sir...” she whimpered, trying to block out the sound of voices and the faces of the small crowd that had gathered to watch them.

  “Speak up slave!”

  He didn’t strike her this time, but waited for her plea, curious to learn the limits of her devotion to him.

  “Another one please, Sir!” she cried, bracing her body for the impact.

  “Thats better,” he barked, laying another hasty slap across her backside, “don’t forget to count or we’ll start over.”

  The vivid pain awakened her, brought with it a rush of pleasure and energy she had never felt. She opened her eyes, looking for the first time at the small group of people who had come to watch. To her amazement they weren’t looking at her in scorn but in awe, their eyes fixated on her movements and beauty. She began to feel foolish for her modesty, realizing she was part of a spectacle that had had looked so lovely to her.

  “Thats four Sir,” she blurted out, her newfound voice clear and deliberate, “may I have another please?”

  A smile spread across his lips, and she knew he was pleased with her. She felt limp and helpless, tied to the bench at one end and barely balanced on her feet at the other end. Her cherry red rump was raised high for the whole room to see, and the soft folds of her pussy peeking out between her creamy thighs.

  “You may,” he affirmed, reinforcing his words with a wicked crack to her burning backside, adding another blotch of red to her already sore bottom.

  Despite her determination, she began to squirm and gasp with the increasingly merciless strokes; finding it harder to maintain her composure and keep up the counting. Her pussy was on fire now, her whole body in an urgent state of need. She ached for the relief of an orgasm but knew she would have more to take before he would possibly consider it.

  “Five Sir, thank you!” she cried, “may I have another?”

  She was starting to get it now, her body finally in tune with her mind. She could feel her nipples, hard as rocks, spilling out of her silk corset and making themselves visible to anyone who was looking. It only served to make her wetter now, and she gazed wantonly into the crowd of onlooker, eagerly awaiting her Master’s next blow.

  “!” she stammered, trying to keep up as he staggered two cruel smacks, one to each side of her inflamed cheeks.

  “Sir, may I...may I have another?”

  Helena was breathless, throbbing with need as she tried to compose herself for the rest of his merciless discipline.

  He caressed her tender backside, letting his hand delve down to her dripping pussy, she tried to move herself closer to his hand, but the restraints prevented any real movement and it was useless to try when she knew he was only teasing for the moment.

  She tried to block out his insistent fingers, now focusing on the crowd she had previously been so afraid of. They were watching her with the same fascination she’d watched with only shortly ago, and her shame had ebbed away; replaced by a sense of beauty and strength reinforced by their admiring gazes.

  Helena felt Aiden pull his hand away, and took a deep breath, preparing for the last few blows. She knew they would be the harshest yet, for the ferocity of his strokes had only increased so far, and she doubted he would change the pace now.

  The next strike was so hard, she could feel her body crushed against the bench, a nasty red weal forming where his hand had bombarded her delicate skin. The tears she’d forced back were coming again, streaming uncontrollably from her eyes as she forced the pain down.

  “Eight, Sir...” she blubbered, her body shaking from the pain “may I...may I have another?”

  “You certainly may.” he replied, raising his hand above her crimson ass, threatening her flesh with another wicked assault.

  She felt his hand come down and strike her, but it took a moment for the intense pain to reach her. When it did, it engulfed her whole body in a rush of searing heat, causing her to cry out in pain and bliss as her neglected pussy gushed juices, covering the backs of her thighs in a slick flood of liquid. She didn’t care anymore who could see, who would know how much she desired his punishing hand.

  “Oww, owww,” she wailed; fighting back the tears that were trying to spill down her cheeks, she only had two more to go and wasn’t going to give up now.

  “Nine, Sir!” she counted out, her entire body in a state of delicious torment; needing so much to feel his touch.

  “You’re doing very well,” he admitted, walking slowly around her and studying her response, “are you ready for your last one?”

  “Yes Sir please...” she gasped, trying to catch her breath, “may I have...another?”

  She couldn’t believe she’d made it as far as she had, the pain was incredible but brought with it an intense pleasure she’d never known before. Every nerve of her body felt alive, anticipating his touch, and bracing for the final cruel strike.

  She watched him draw his arm back, aiming for the sweet spot where the curve of her thighs met th
e soft roundness of her ass. It was one of the most pain sensitive places on her body, and he knew it.

  The last blow struck her with such force it almost knocked her breath out, she gasped for air and fell limp against the bench, her body heaving and shivering from adrenaline.

  “Ten...Sir.” she managed, feeling his hand on her sweat dampened skin, massaging her ravaged red skin.

  His touch was gentle now, soothing in comparison to the agony he’d inflicted only moments ago. His hands rubbed insistently on her tender cheeks, and he rested his hand in the cleft of her thighs, feeling the flood of liquid that had seeped out of her during the wicked spanking.

  “ahhhh, please...” she sighed, unsure of what she was pleading for. She needed the relief of an orgasm, but wished it could be somewhere a little more private. She couldn’t even see his face with him behind her, she was forced to look into the faces of strangers as Aiden teased her dripping slit; dipping just the tips of his fingers inside her and using the wetness to rub into her aching clit.

  “You’ve been a very good girl, Helena,” he began, his thick finger tormenting her with slow agonizing strokes all over her protruding clit. She could feel it pulsing, throbbing in pleasure everytime he touched it, and knew it would be impossible for her to stave off an orgasm if he continued teasing her.

  “Perhaps I could agree to a little relief for this sweet little pussy, considering how wet and slippery it is right now.”

  He slipped another finger inside her, inducing a wave of bliss that surged through her entire body, causing her to shudder in delight, oblivious to the onlookers.

  “Oh please Sir, yes...” she begged, pushing against him as much as the restraints would allow, luxuriating in the feeling of his fingers exploring her. She was powerless to move more than the slightest bit, and it didn’t allow for her to get the relief she so desperately needed.

  He used his other hand to give her still tender ass a sharp swat, not as hard as the ones before but enough to make her jump a little. Her muscles contracted around his finger, sending a jolt of pleasure through her, and awakening the vicious craving even more. The sudden pain contrasted deliciously with the pleasure inside her, and made her all the more aware of both.

  “Oh god, please...” she moaned; dizzy with pleasure, “please Master...!”

  “Look at all this,” he remarked, spreading her soft cheeks to show the constant drip of juices escaping her, “what are we going to do about all this?”

  She didn’t answer; she couldn’t. Her jaw was clenched tight in anticipation, begging him wordlessly for the reward she so deeply needed.

  His hand was persistent, gently rubbing her slick folds and brushing against her clit in a maddening way, making her wish for more pain to help push the feeling down.

  “I think you’ve earned a reward, my lovely slave, don’t you?”

  He spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear him, and a twinge of embarrassment returned at the strange feeling of having her pleasure oddly controlled by a crowd of strangers.

  “Only if you wish it, Sir.” Helena murmured obediently; trying to keep her own nagging desire in the back of her mind. She wanted him to push his fingers deeper, to fill the void his merciless punishment had left, and allow her a final moment of bliss.

  Instead she felt him pull away, leaving her empty again; starved for the release only he could provide her. She let out an involuntary moan of disappointment, pulling uselessly against the restraints that held her captive, the willing victim of her delicious tormentor.

  “It is not only me that wishes it, look around you at the people who have come to watch you.”

  He walked around to her side, lifting her head up to better see the crowd of people who had gathered and watched eagerly as she ceased to be herself and started to become his. His slave,

  “Yes, Sir...” she whispered, unable to raise her voice more than a few octaves.

  A sudden wallop to her left cheek jolted her back to reality, a sharp reminder that he was in control and would reward her obedience when and if he saw fit. The intense pain from her spanking had only begun to subside, and now it was back, stronger than ever.

  She breathed deeply, trying to disassociate the throbbing pain on her backside with the ache deep inside her, but it was no use; the rush of heat that had returned only served to make the hunger worse.

  “Tell them what you want, my dear!”

  He was taunting her, forcing her to address the group of eager onlookers, and even worse, to tell them she wanted an orgasm.

  “I can’t...” she pleaded, closing her eyes to avoid their stares.

  “You can, my darling, and soon you will.”

  He sounded so confident, and she knew there was no use fighting it. She needed it so badly, and if the only way was to admit it in front of all these people, then so be it.

  “I...I would like to cum for my Master!” she spewed, feeling her cheeks flame as she spoke.

  She searched the faces of the people for a reaction, but they stood motionless; watching her, looking neither surprised nor appalled at her request.

  “Good girl, Helena; I knew you could do it.”

  Aiden brushed her hair back gently, trailing his fingers down her damp skin. She shivered at his touch, knowing that the worst part was finally over. She arched her back, following his touch as he slowly made his way down her back, across her crimson backside and down her thighs, sticky with sweat and the juices flowing from her.

  She felt him spreading her ass cheeks, squeezing the delicate flesh he’d inflicted such distress on. She was being spread open, her dripping pussy on display for the entire room to see as she looked into their faces, each of them fixated on her, eagerly anticipating her movements. They were staring in admiration, perhaps imagining a small part of themselves as her, just as she had done earlier when she was the spectator.

  A wave of euphoria swept over her; from the feeling of her Master’s hand so close to her core, and the rush of excitement at finally overcoming her shyness---even if only for the moment---and being able to let go; to feel free.

  Aiden’s fingers dipped into the source of her wetness, pressing deep into her and making her squeal in delight. His other hand peppered her ass with a few playful slaps, making her squeeze tightly around his fingers, and she felt delightfully full.

  “Ohhh...Master please...” she twisted herself against his fingers, wanting more of him inside her; as much as she could get.

  He sensed her need and didn’t hold back on her this time; sliding his fingers deeper as he used his other hand on her clit, using one of his fingertips to rub it in slow, tantalizing circles that sent shock of pleasure through her whole body.

  Helena could hardly stay still, the pressure building in her was so intense. Every time he pushed his fingers deep inside her it seemed to increase, bubbling over a little as he worked her clit, it seemed bigger than usual and so sensitive she felt like it was going to explode.

  Every time she tried to move he just stopped, and she had given up trying now. Whatever pleasure he wanted her to have he would provide; and she lay defeated over the bench, resigned to whatever he had decided for her.

  He seemed to appreciate this, and drove his fingers deeper, Helena could barely stand it, feeling herself shaking as her body’s thirst for relief pushed her further. Her breathing was ragged and she could feel the pressure inside her increasing, filling her up with an inexplicable feeling, a yearning deeper than she’d even known.

  “Cum for me,” he commanded “slave...”

  The words alone would have done it for her, if his hands hadn’t been there to help. She relaxed finally, luxuriating in the feeling as he worked his fingers deep inside her. She’d never been so thoroughly explored with just a man’s fingers and he certainly knew how to find the most sensitive places.

  She could feel herself beginning to peak as he rubbed faster on her clit, jiggling it as he slid his fingers in and out of her juicy slit. She gazed languidly into the ey
es of her spectators, all watching in awe as she was about to receive her first public orgasm.

  “Yes Sir...” she whispered, not even she could hear her voice, but it was her way of holding back until she had his full permission; and acknowledged it. She wouldn’t have been able to stop now regardless, and could feel her body starting to tense up the way it always did when she was about to cum.

  His fingers were relentless, and she was helpless to control it now even if she wanted to. She gasped for breath, and an intense wave of pleasure coursed through her body; rendering her dizzy and euphoric as a flood of pussy juice covered her Master’s fingers.

  “Ohhhh...” she whimpered, her voice ebbing away as the pleasure ripped through her, it was the most vivid, debilitating orgasm she’d ever had, and for the moment she could only lie motionless, trying to get her body to stop shaking.

  The previously quiet crowd of people erupted in applause, and she looked up at them, dazed; having almost forgotten they were there at the end. She was amazed at their response, and felt a sense of beauty and pride where her embarrassment had been. She lifted her head, exhausted, to greet their applause and appreciative smiles.

  Aiden’s hand wiped the sweat from her forehead and she felt him untying her hands. He lifted her up, off the bench and set her down on a nearby chaise, letting her stretch out and regain her balance. The small crowd began to dissipate, the onlookers shuffling off to watch another spectacle.


  Aiden was looking at her, his dark eyes searching her face for a response. She looked up at him, more relaxed and fulfilled than she’d ever been before and clasped his hand between hers.

  “What is it Sir?”

  “Nothing really,” he said with a smile, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, “just figured after we relax a moment we’ll take in another show; what do you think?”

  “Absolutely Sir, I’d love to,” Helena smiled to herself, she couldn’t wait to watch another show with him, and already had a few things in mind, “maybe a bondage show Sir? Or a strapping?”

  Helena’s mind was racing at the possibilities, there was so much she still wanted to see, to learn about. She couldn’t wait to try it all, to have him show her everything he knew, everything he wished for her to become.


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