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Ponygirls of Irontown

Page 8

by Arden, Adriana

  ‘We can play with this when we get home,’ she said.

  Beauty’s face lit up at the suggestion and her nipples stood up a little harder.

  ‘You’d like to do that, wouldn’t you?’

  Beauty nodded. Her mistress wanted to play with her. Of course she wanted to do that.

  Sam unclipped Beauty’s ankles and then felt the wetness about Beauty’s stuffed vagina and then sniffed her fingers. ‘Oh God, you do smell good! You’ve got really excited, haven’t you?’ Sam grinned and pinched Beauty’s nipples. ‘Maybe we won’t wait until we get home. Perhaps we can find somewhere quiet around here. I think I know just the spot...’

  Sam rode Beauty along the winding paths towards one of the many small copses of trees and bushes that dotted the park. Dismounting, Sam led Beauty off the path and into the shade of a little dell. Within was a perfect secluded hollow. Unfortunately it was spoilt by a ring of iron rods driven into the ground with lengths of cord strung between them hung with notices saying: KEEP OFF. NEWLY SEEDED. A fine-mesh net, pegged down about the edges, had been hung over the whole structure to keep off birds. Underneath the ground was covered with an even carpet of inviting fresh green grass.

  ‘That’s grown by now,’ Sam declared. ‘It doesn’t need protecting any more.’

  She unhitched Beauty from the hobby horse, leaving her bridle on and her arms in their sleeve. She pulled the ground staples out and drew back a corner of the netting, ducked under it and the tape and led Beauty into the enclosure. Lying Beauty on her back on the springy grass she pulled her legs wide to admire her brown nether mouth. Beauty felt a renewed thrill as Sam gazed into the deep wet depth of her pussy cleft and felt herself dripping onto the fresh grass. She was making a blatant display of her lustful passion but that was what a slave girl was supposed to do. Her love lips were engorged from straddling the shaft and her vaginal mouth was still gaping like a well from being filled with her riding dildo. Even her anus was gaping wide. She was shamelessly inviting penetration in any orifice her mistress cared to use. She wanted Sam, or any device attached to Sam, inside her.

  ‘You look perfect,’ Sam said, making Beauty’s heart skip a beat. ‘I want to keep you exactly like this...’

  Sam pulled up a couple of the iron rods marking out the seeded area, removed the cord from them and then skewered them through the rings on Beauty’s ankle cuffs, pinning her rubber-hooved feet to the ground. Her legs were now stretched out wide, so that the big muscles of her inner thighs showed and the cleft mound of her dripping sex stood out starkly.

  Standing over her and grinning, Sam unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them and her panties down to her ankles. She pushed one end of the novelty dildo into her vagina the soft rubber gently parting her labia. It jutted out jauntily before her. Sam secured its ties about her waist and then she went down on her knees between Beauty’s spread thighs and slid the other end into her. Beauty felt herself filled but without great pressure, the pliant hollow rubber moulding itself to her passage. Then Sam lay across Beauty, kissing her bit-spread lips. Beauty moaned and tried to kiss back.

  Sam began to thrust into Beauty and immediately they both broke down into helpless laugher. The double dildo heads squeaked as their internal muscles compressed them while the ball sac squeaked as they ground it between their pussies. It was absurd and yet such fun. They were coupling and laughing as the dildo squeaked madly between and inside them. Fun and lust combined. It was perfect...

  ‘And just what do you think you’re doing, Miss!’ snapped an officious voice.

  A park warden in peaked cap and uniform shirtsleeves stood over them. In one had he held a combination litter picker and spike and in the other the leash of a chain-hobbled slavegirl with a wire mesh basket of rubbish strapped to her back who was squatting at his side. They had not heard him approach above the sound of their lovemaking and the squeaking of their toy dildo.

  Irontown had a very different set of values than the rest of the country when it came to sexual matters, especially involving nudity and slavegirls. What they were doing in itself was not wrong or illegal in a controlled public space such as the park, but Beauty still saw Sam blush furiously as her eyes lost their lustful fire and she struggled to rise and pull up her shorts.

  ‘No, Miss, you hold it right there,’ the warden said. He was a lean man in his forties and his face was creased in an angry scowl. He prodded Sam in her bare bottom with the jaws of his grabber, pinning her down so she remained coupled with Beauty. ‘Now... can you read?’ he demanded.

  Sam looked confused and embarrassed. ‘Uhhh... what?’

  ‘I asked if you can read.’

  ‘Yes... of course! Now stop prodding me with that thing!’

  ‘Not until you read this.’ He held out one of the signs that had been hung on the cords before Sam’s eyes and prodded her rear again. Beauty groaned as by reflex she drove the dildo into her pussy. The dildo squeaked and Sam screwed up her eyes in a fresh rush of acute embarrassment.

  ‘Read it aloud!’ the warden insisted.

  Gritting her teeth Sam read it out aloud.

  ‘And what do you imagine it means?’ he asked.

  ‘That the grass is newly sown and should not be walked on,’ Sam said. ‘But it looked fine to me - aww!’ The warden had used the grabber to pinch her bottom. ‘Stop that!’

  ‘No, Miss. I am permitted by law to use whatever means necessary to apprehend those who break the park ordinances,’ he replied unapologetically. ‘Now are you qualified to judge if this grass was fit to walk on?’

  ‘Er... no,’ Sam admitted miserably.

  ‘And yet you have done so and used it to play with your slave, in the process entering an officially cordoned-off area. It is an act of trespass for a member of the public to enter it. In addition you have moved items of park property from their assigned places, to wit: a pair of supporting rods, and used them to secure your slave’s legs, which is a misuse of park property. If you’d waited until tomorrow this area would have been open to the public once more and you could have tupped your girl here all you liked. But the law is the law and now it’s a fine for you. How old are you, Miss?’

  ‘Twenty,’ Sam said.

  ‘And your parents or guardians will be informed.’

  Beauty saw a fresh look of dismay cross Sam’s face which she well understood. Any revelation of irresponsible behaviour involving Beauty would certainly annoy her parents and might well lead to her father scrutinizing her day to day activity more closely, which would put an end to her training regime deception.

  The look of dismay was replaced by one of desperation.

  ‘I’m so sorry I’ve broken your rules,’ she said, humbly. ‘I really didn’t mean any harm. Can’t I just make a contribution to the park upkeep fund or something?’

  ‘That’s not the Irontown way and you know it, Miss. We set a bad example to our slaves if masters or mistresses are seen to simply buy their way out of trouble. You deliberately disobeyed the rules and so you must be seen to suffer for it.’

  Sam took a deep breath. Now desperation gave way to calculation. ‘Of course... I know that. But do you have to tell my parents? Couldn’t you... punish me in some other way?’

  There was a brief but significant pause before the warden said: ‘And what “punishment” had you in mind, Miss?’

  ‘I... I’d leave that entirely up to you... sir.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  Sam gulped. ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Stay,’ he commanded. He had his slave kneel and tied her leash to one of the iron rods. Beauty saw her gazing at them with shy fascination. She must have seen many slaves like herself disciplined, but never a free woman. Now unhindered, the warden came back to Sam.

  ‘Untie the dildo and pull it out of you, but leave it inside your slave. Stay on your hands and knees.’ />
  Sam obeyed, lifting herself off Beauty, her end of the dildo coming out of her vagina with a slight sucking sound. It remained jutting out of Beauty’s cleft glistening with her mistress’s juices.

  ‘Take off your shorts and knickers,’ the warden said.

  Sam wriggled out of her shorts and underpants, leaving her naked between the bottom of her t-shirt and the tops of her socks.

  ‘Now turn round and sit on the dildo. I want to see it go right up your arse.’

  ‘No, please, not that...’

  ‘It’s just rubber. Do you want the real thing?’

  Biting her lip, Sam shuffled round and sat back onto Beauty’s hips, guiding the slippery dildo into her anus. It squeaked as it entered her tighter rear hole. Its pliancy did not over-stretch Sam’s sphincter but she had not been used there like a slavegirl and she whimpered as it filled her rectum.

  ‘Now lie back on her and spread your legs as wide as hers,’ the warden commanded.

  Sam reclined, her head coming down between Beauty’s breasts, resting against her sternum. Beauty felt Sam’s legs spreading until they pressed against the undersides of her own.

  The warden smiled in appreciation at Sam’s bare exposed groin and the red-lipped soft-cleft mount of her vulva with its fine crown of gold curls. He must have seen countless naked slavegirls disporting themselves in the park and he had his own on a leash, whom he no doubt had carnal use of. But young and pretty free women would not have come under his power very often.

  He used the litter picker again, pinching and twisting the lips of Sam’s sex, peeling them apart to look into the secret valley between them and the dark pit of her vagina. Beauty felt Sam tremble and heard her whimper even as she caught a powerful new waft of her lovejuice scent. Sam’s body tensed against hers as though she was about to spring up and run, but it was far too late for that now. She would have to accept her punishment, whatever it might be.

  ‘This hungry little pussy of yours has got you into a lot of trouble,’ the warden said as he toyed with Sam’s sex lips, tweaking and stretching them to their limits with the jaws of his picker, pinching her slippery flesh until Sam began to shudder and sob. ‘If you’d been thinking clearly instead of letting it do it for you, you might have waited until you found a better spot. Now I’m going to have to teach it a lesson. One it won’t forget in a hurry. Do you understand?’

  ‘Y... yes, sir,’ Sam snivelled.

  He shifted the picker until its spike slid into the mouth of her vagina. Sam went rigid and bit her lip in sudden fear. He ran the spike about the rim of her passage. It tried to clench about it, dribbling as it did so. Sam groaned. The Warden reversed the picker and examined its spike.

  ‘Wet and sticky. This hole will need some work as well. I’d better make sure you pay attention. Put your arms out sideways, hands flat to the ground.’

  Sam obeyed. He took up four more of the ground staples Sam had lifted that had been holding the netting down. They were narrow hoops of thin rod with sharpened tips. They were not big enough to go over her wrists, but they did span the middle fingers of her hands. He drove a pair of the hoops over them, pinning her hands to the ground. Turning her feet out so their sides lay on the grass he slid the other pair through the loops of her trainer laces and pinned them down in turn. Balling up her discarded panties, the warden pushed them into Sam’s mouth, forming a crude gag.

  Now Sam was as helpless and exposed as any slave girl and Beauty felt her shiver in fear.

  The warden was unbuttoning his flies. He pulled them wide to free his swelling cock. Sam whimpered at the sight of it.

  ‘You didn’t think you were going to get off lightly?’ he said. ‘You’ve got to remember this and the best way is to make it painful. I’m going to leave bruises inside you...’

  He mounted Sam roughly and rammed his shaft inside her. Even though she was already well-lubricated she squealed though her panty gag. Beauty felt the weight of two people on top of her, grinding her buttocks into the grass even as it forced the dildo deeper into her vagina and Sam’s rectum. The pressure of the two bodies, driven by the warden’s pounding as he left his reminder inside Sam, transmitted itself through to her stuffed vagina. Beauty was struggling to breathe and sad for mistress’s suffering but at the same time her own nature could not be denied. Under a double load the dildo was pumping inside her vagina and squeaking merrily. It was exciting to be used like this. Her pussy, already aroused, was now overflowing and an orgasm was not far off. Was it wrong for her to enjoy herself even when her mistress was being punished? Sam was gasping and grunting on top of her. Was that in pain or delight?

  Beauty clenched her teeth on her bit as she came, only to hear Sam make a similar muffled sound, followed by the orgasmic grunt of the warden.

  For a minute all three of them lay in a sweaty heap on the new grown grass. Then the warden pulled himself out of Sam’s sticky slot and got off his double thickness girl flesh mattress. Deliberately he wiped his soiled shaft clean on a fistful of Sam’s hair, which he then twisted until she looked him in the eye.

  ‘When you get free you will put everything back exactly as you found it. And don’t let me catch you breaking the park rules again. Understood, Miss?’

  Sam made a feeble whimper of understanding.

  The warden recovered his rubbish picker, unhitched his slavegirl and led her away without a backward glance.

  After a minute’s struggle Sam managed to pull her fingers of her right hand out from under the staple and she was then able to free her other hand and feet. She dug the wadded panty gag out of her mouth and took in a deep breath. Groaning she pulled herself off Beauty, the novelty dildo going with her as it was jammed in the tighter hole of her rear, so that it wagged from between her buttock cheeks with the fake ball sac hanging down between them. Shakily going down onto her hands and knees Sam reached behind her, pulled it out of her rear and threw it aside in disgust. She winced as she moved and clutched at her bruised pussy, which was oozing with the warden’s sperm. She turned and Beauty saw her face properly for the first time since she had been pinned down on top of her.

  Sam was red cheeked, tear stained, angry and embarrassed, which was to be expected, and yet she also appeared oddly excited. She seemed flushed both with shame and also a suggestion of wonder, almost pride, at her own daring.

  Her eyes burned with a strange inner fire as she said to Beauty: ‘You will never ever tell anybody about this! Not my Father, not Cleaver, not your chain sisters, not anybody, understand?’

  Beauty nodded solemnly.

  * * *

  However in the days following the incident it was Sam and not Beauty who found it hard not to tell of her odd encounter in the park, despite her own rationalisations. By Irontown standards the warden’s actions had been acceptable and she had not been damaged either mentally or physically by the incident. She had been no innocent virgin and growing up in Irontown in a slave-owning family had fully educated her in the ways of sexual dominance. The ache of her bruised vagina had faded after a couple of days, leaving only a memory behind. Fortunately the soft rubber dildo had been kinder to her rectum and that recovered even sooner, so she could pretend she had not been forced to take it up her bottom. She told herself that she had simply committed a misdemeanour and she had been suitably chastised for it by an official with right on his side. It had also been acutely embarrassing since he was not only socially beneath her but had been at least forty, so of course she would not want to talk about it. And that should have been the end of the matter.

  The trouble was it had also been exciting in its strange way. Her orgasm was proof of that. Was that wrong with her? She had deliberately encouraged him to punish her as the lesser of two evils, which, she flattered herself, had taken some nerve. But should she actually have enjoyed it? She’d actually come like Beauty: like a slave!

And so now Sam felt a growing urge to confess to somebody and share the delicious thrill of her own daring, not simply to elicit sympathy or even admiration, but so she might understand herself better. But she could not be sure that any of her friends could be trusted to keep it secret, and if it ever got back to Tess then she would taunt her unmercifully. For that matter her mother and father would not be any too pleased to hear of it either.

  And then, one afternoon, while Sam was in the pool and Beauty was on the treadmill in the slave quarters, her phone rang. It was Lucy Grader, who had been a school friend of Sam’s. Lucy lived over the far side of town and she hadn’t seen her since her birthday party. Lucy was always trustworthy and Sam realised she was the ideal confidant. Sitting on the pool steps Sam was soon pouring out all the gory details of her and Beauty’s brief encounter in the park, including taking the dildo up her rear.

  When Sam was done, Lucy made suitable exclamations of sympathy and expressed admiration at Sam’s nerve, which pleased Sam no end. Then she asked casually: ‘So how is Beauty doing now?’

  ‘Oh she’s on the treadmill...’ Sam glanced at her watch and suddenly realised how long she had been talking. ‘Oh shit is that the time! I should have taken her off ages ago. Catch you later. Bye...’

  Still in her bikini Sam raced along the path to the slave quarters. Cleaver would be back soon and she didn’t want him finding Beauty unattended. But a terrible scene met her eyes and she realised she was too late. Far too late...

  A tear-streaked and exhausted looking Beauty was kneeling on a bench while Cleaver applied first aid to her bottom, which was streaked with blood. Beside him stood her father, his face ominously pinched with anger.

  ‘W... what happened?’ Sam choked.

  Her father did not seem capable of speech so Cleaver explained: ‘You didn’t set the treadmill timer, Miss. She must have been running hard for forty-five minutes or more. When I found her she was in a bad way, hardly able to put one foot in front of the other. The spanker was still going. She was muted so she couldn’t call for help. I’m sorry but I had to inform your father.’


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