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Payne (The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter Book 3)

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  He continued looking through the house. The basement was finished, and that’s where the fifth bedroom was. It also had a walkout, which was fucking nice seeing as it led out to the woods. This place only had two acres, but the surrounding land was a wildlife preserve, which meant there would never be any construction on it.

  Once he was in the upstairs again he saw the realtor straighten up, looking nervous as fuck.

  “How did you like it?”

  Payne looked around at the huge living room, the open floor plan that also included the kitchen, and made one more glance at the den that could be seen down the hallway.

  “I want it. So let’s get this shit started.”

  Well, damn. Who would have ever thought Payne would have become domesticated for a woman?


  “And when you’re all grown up, I bet you’re going to be causing so much trouble for Mommy,” Clara said, rubbing Vicky’s stomach.

  “You’re a bad influence, telling him how many girls he’s going to date, and probably hurt.” Vicky rubbed her stomach.

  They were sitting outside. The sun was out, shining down on them. Vicky felt a little chilled, and so she had a cardigan on. The slutty clothes had disappeared. In their place was a pair of jeans with elasticated waist, fit for maternity wear, and a large-ass shirt that was getting tight around her stomach.

  “I can’t believe you’re having a baby,” Clara said.

  “I was terrified.”


  “I’m still scared. This is a little life I have to take care of. I’m also excited. Yeah, I’m excited. I can’t wait for this little guy to come into the world, and I can love him so much.”

  “Loving him will never be a problem. You’ll have aunty Clara, and moody uncle King.” Clara blew on her stomach through her shirt.

  “Wait until you’re the pregnant one.”

  “At the moment that’s not going to happen, not at all.”

  “Trouble with King?”

  “Yeah, giving the Prez a reality check clearly wasn’t a good thing.”

  Vicky chuckled. “You ripped Payne a new one?”

  “Babe, I completely ripped into him. I mean, the guy was pretty much crying by the time I was through with him.”

  Staring down at her stomach, Vicky didn’t find comfort in her friend arguing with Payne, or causing problems. “I don’t want you hurting your own marriage, Clara.”

  “I won’t. Once King sees that I’m right, we’ll be good.”

  She sighed. “I appreciate you telling Payne how it is and sticking up for me, but from now on, don’t. He’s going to be the father of my child, and that is going to have to be a big deal for us.” Stroking her stomach, she wondered if he’d look like Payne, or her. “He’s told everyone I’m going to be his old lady.”

  “Yeah, he did. The truth is, Vick, everyone knew you belonged to him. You just didn’t have the actual title.”

  “I know. It’s probably silly but he never seemed to trust me enough. One moment he was an asshole, the next he was sweet. I got damn whiplash from him constant hot and cold.”

  “You’ve got no choice now. You’re going to have to put up with him for a long time.”

  Vicky smiled. There were worse things to look forward to.

  “What about you and King?”

  “We’ll have kids one day.” Clara winked at her. “I want to see how you handle everything.”

  Her laughter was cut short by the sound of several bikes pulling into the parking lot. Payne was on one of them, as was Beast and King.

  She stayed on the ground, brushing off a bug that landed on her knee.

  He didn’t look around, and went straight for her.

  “Hey, babe, got a minute?” Payne asked.

  “Sure.” She made to stand up but Clara stopped her.

  “You’re comfortable. I’ll go.” She got to her feet, and without a word, left them alone.

  “Has she been taken over by a fucking alien?” Payne asked.

  “No. She’s not that bad, most of the time.” Vicky chuckled. “She just cares about me, and wants what is best for me.”

  “That makes the two of us. So, I went out looking today, and I’ve found us a place. It’s a really nice place.”

  “What about your old house? Won’t that work?”

  Payne knelt down, taking hold of her hand. She watched as he ran his thumb back and forth over her hand. “When I was younger, I went a little crazy. Being part of an MC, it messes with your head. I don’t want anything we create to be in danger. I took drugs and shit. Fucked women that I didn’t care about. For us, Vicky, I want us to have a fresh start.”

  “Wow,” she said.

  “I’m going to make this work. You and I, we’re going to do this.”

  She licked her lips and nodded. “I believe you.”

  “Would you like to come and see the place?”

  “You’ve got it already?”

  “Yep. No reason to put it off. I love you being at the club and all, but I also want you to make a home.”

  Payne watched Vicky as she walked around the place. He loved the home, and he could see them raising their son, and all of their children, here. Yeah, he was thinking about the future hardcore.

  “The neighborhood is good. It’s close to the school, as well,” he said.

  “You put a lot of thought into this.”

  “I didn’t want our boy to have any problems growing up. He deserves the best, and I’m going to give him the best. You deserve the best, too, Vicky.”

  She nodded. “I believe you.” She rubbed her stomach.

  “Does he kick a lot?”

  “Not so much at the moment.” She paused in front of him. “Would you like to feel?”

  God, he was nervous as hell. “Yes.”

  She took hold of his hand and placed it on her swollen stomach. “Every now and then he kicks.”

  “How does it feel?”

  “Sometimes a little painful. Other times, it’s the most magical feeling in the world. We made a baby, Payne.”

  His throat felt thick with emotion.

  Payne wouldn’t allow himself to cry. Tears were not useful right now, and men didn’t do that shit, right?

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “I’m glad you’re home.”

  “I’m home.” She pulled away, and he felt that loss right deep in his heart. Vicky had no idea of the power she held over him. At times, it truly scared him how much she held him.

  Being apart from her had nearly destroyed him.

  “Will you be living here as well?”

  Did she want him to? He wanted to like he needed to fucking breathe. “Yes. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”

  She smiled.

  There was still tension between them. He was doing his best here, and so was Vicky. He saw it in her eyes every time he looked at her. She was used to running away, never being chased, or forced back home. He wasn’t going to let her go, not now, not ever. He loved her too much to be that selfless and let her go.


  “Where exactly do you have planned?” Vicky asked. It had only been a few days since Payne showed her the house, and although it was still in the closing process and they couldn’t actually move in yet, they’d been to the house several times.

  Payne was really trying to make this work, and it was exactly how she’d wanted it. It was strange, yes, because she’d never thought Payne would be the type of man that would be domestic, especially for a woman.

  Apparently I’ve tamed the beast.

  She chuckled to herself.

  Payne looked over at her and grinned, but didn’t respond to her question.

  Vicky used that moment to take in his appearance. With that strong, square jaw, lightly stubble covered cheeks, and all around masculine appearance, she found herself always aroused. He wasn’t handsome in that clean-cut way, but more so in a brutally hardcore way.

  He made her think o
f sinfully wicked things.

  Vicky looked at the thickness of his biceps. They were huge, and his t-shirt was formed perfectly to the smooth flesh and hard muscle. He wore his cut, but she liked that he always had it on. It made him look dangerous, and what girl didn’t want a man that looked like Payne? Yeah, they’d had their problems, but they were working on their relationship, and moving toward the future.

  His tattoos were clean, sexy, and covered his arms. She knew he had so many more on his chest and back, and her arousal jackknifed even more. His jeans were loose, but still showed off the thickness of his thighs … the thickness of the bulge at the crotch.

  When she moved her eyes back up to his face her cheeks instantly heated when she saw that he looked at her.

  “You keep looking at me like that and I’ll say fuck what I have planned and just throw you over my shoulder and take you in one of these rooms.” He grinned. “We haven’t broken in the new house yet.”

  Hell, they hadn’t been together sexually since she’d been back, and truth was she desperately wanted to.

  She cleared her throat and looked around the empty house. Because of who Payne was, she assumed, they could come and go as they pleased in the house, despite the papers not being finalized yet. Then again, Payne had made sure to cut the process down substantially, so they would be able to move in soon.

  “So, what do you have planned?” she asked again.

  “I wanted to cook you a nice meal, but believe me, you don’t want me cooking anything.” He chuckled. “I can grill a mean fucking steak, but I wanted you to have something other than BBQ.”

  “Anything would have been fine, as long as I’m with you.” Yeah, she’d gone all sappy and said that.

  They stood in the kitchen of the empty house, but there were grocery bags on the breakfast bar.

  Payne reached over to take her hand in his. “I love you,” he whispered in his husky, deep voice.

  Her heart started beating a little faster.

  Before she could say anything he was moving over to one of the bags on the breakfast bar, grabbing a blanket, and moving back toward her. He spread it out on the living room floor, and motioned for her to have a seat.

  Once she was on the blanket he brought the bags over to where she was, and started taking out deli items: chicken, pasta and potato salad, and cut watermelon. He kept pulling food out, enough to feed an army. He had the whole works going on for an indoor picnic.

  “You’re full of surprises,” she said and smiled, feeling all kinds of love moving through her. “One of these days I’ll cook a real meal for you.”

  He stopped eating, and there was this strange expression on his face.

  “What?” she asked softly. Had she said something wrong?

  “I’d like that, baby. I’d like you taking care of me the way I’ll take care of you.”

  She smiled and reached out to take his hand in hers. They stared at each other for a moment, and although there was silence between them it didn’t seem uncomfortable or strange.

  “For me, there is only you, Vicky.”

  Suddenly she didn’t want any food. All she wanted was Payne, and seeing the way she could make out the long, thick length of his erection as it pressed against his jeans told her that food wasn’t on his mind either.

  This had been a long time coming, and she was ready to be with her man again.


  Payne wanted to fuck her brains out. No mistake about that. Her being pregnant was no problem to him. In fact, it turned him on to see her like that. All round and sweet, and fucking begging to be taken. She had that look in her eye that screamed for him to simply take her.

  “You’re not eating,” he said.

  “You and I both know there’s something else that I want to eat.” She licked her lips at the same time her gaze fell to his naked dick.

  “Baby, if you eat me, you know I’m going to want to devour you.”

  “You want to lick my pussy?”

  He’d read somewhere that pregnant women could get horny. Vicky was confirming all of that shit.

  “You know I do. I want you completely naked and at my mercy. It has been too long since I was last inside you.” His dick was hurting him, he was that hard. Since Vicky had come back into his life, he’d been desperate to fuck her, to make her belong to him. He’d held back, determined to show her another side of himself. A side he’d never shown anyone.

  Vicky leaned forward, her hand touching his dick through his pants. “I want you, Payne. I’ve not been with anyone else. I belong to you. My body, my heart, my everything is yours.”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pulled her close. “You have no idea how much those words mean to me.” Slamming his lips down on hers, he claimed the kiss that he’d been dying to do since she first had shown up. The moment Vicky entered the club a few years ago, he’d known she was going to be trouble. She started talking, and worked her way into his heart, in his bed, and into his entire world.

  She cupped his cheek, moving over him so that she was straddling his waist. The bump of her stomach hindered him from getting closer to her. He loved it. They had a baby that was growing inside her. Gripping her ass, he squeezed her cheeks, loving the added curves that her pregnancy had given her.

  “I want you inside my pussy,” she said, kissing his neck.

  “I’m going to eat that pussy.”

  Spinning her around, he placed her on the floor, laughing at her little squeal.

  The dress she wore was so loose and so flimsy that with a simple yank, he tore it from her body, leaving her in only a bra and panties.

  Payne paused as he took in her ugly-ass bra and large pants. His attention was also distracted by her large stomach. Cupping his baby, he pressed a kiss to her abdomen. “Hey, little guy. This is Daddy. I’m going to need you to go to sleep. Your mom belongs to me tonight, and I intend to show her exactly how much I love her, and how much I’ve missed her.”

  “Payne, stop.”

  Sliding his hand between her thighs, he found her panties soaked with her cream. “Do you really want me to stop, or are you just saying that?” He pushed past the fabric of her panties and caressed down her slit. She let out a little cry, and her back arched up toward him. “I’m the one in charge.”

  He filled her pussy, thrusting a single finger to the knuckle inside her.

  “Do you want it dirty or sweet?” he asked.


  Moving down her body, raining kisses as he went, he spread open her thighs, staring at her glorious pussy. It was no longer bare, but he didn’t mind.

  “I can’t reach down there, and I didn’t want to ask Clara to do it for me.”

  Glancing up, he smiled. “Don’t you worry about a thing, babe. I love this.” He wasn’t always aroused by her being bare. She seemed to love it so he went along with it. When it came to Vicky, he loved being around her, so he accepted what she liked easily. A bare pussy was a small price to pay for being inside her.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “You’ve got the tastiest cunt I’ve ever had the pleasure of sampling.”

  Opening the lips of her pussy open, he swiped his tongue down the seam, finishing off with a flick to her clit. She screamed his name, the sound echoing across the walls. He loved this woman. There was no denying it, or hiding from it. He would die without her. It was as simple as that. Payne, the hard-ass Prez of the Soldiers of Wrath: Grit Chapter, was head over heels in love with a woman. A sweet woman as well. She might have started life out in the club as a sweet butt, a club whore, whatever you wanted to call her. The truth was, Vicky was never the kind to just fuck random guys and move on. She had a huge heart. One that was also fragile, and used to being broken. He’d done his fair share of breaking hearts over the years, and he was done doing it anymore with this woman.

  Plunging a second finger inside her, he twisted them, finding her G-spot, and listened to her moan and beg for more.

Vicky was so damn open with herself, never holding anything back. It was one of the things that drew him to her, and now he couldn’t let go.

  “Please, Payne. I need to come.”

  “You’ll come when I tell you to come.”

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he used his teeth to bite down, creating that point of pain that was always too much, and released, flicking her clit back and forward. Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he moved his mouth away from her clit, using his fingers instead.

  “Yes, yes, just that spot. Wow, yes,” she said.

  He plunged his tongue inside her, fucking her just as he was about to fuck her with his cock.

  Payne fucked her pussy with his tongue, while flicking her clit with his fingers, Vicky came apart, and he swallowed down her orgasm, loving every second, and each drop. She rode his face exactly as he liked it. She didn’t hold back, and she took.

  With her rounded stomach, full tits, and fucking exquisite ass, she claimed him all over again.

  There really was no other woman in the world for him. She was right here, in his arms, where she belonged.


  They made their way into the bedroom.

  They were both naked, ready, willing, and she was hotter than hell. Without any more foreplay she was on the bed, her legs still spread, and Payne was moving closer to her. He was so hard, so thick and long that when he finally pushed into her she felt like she would split in two.

  God, that felt so damn good.

  Every time he pushed back into her the pressure increased and then broke into a million different sensations that claimed her. He felt so hot inside of her, thick and powerful, and all hers.

  Vicky could barely see from the fog of desire that was a wall around her, but she looked into Payne’s face and saw the intensity reflected back at her. It was a look that screamed he was right here with her. That realization had her orgasm claiming her so hard she threw her head back and cried out in pleasure.


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