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Payne (The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter Book 3)

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  She had run because Payne wasn’t willing to give her a chance. The truth was, she truly believed he didn’t love her, or want anything to do with her.

  “Daddy will be home soon. Yes he will, and if we’re lucky, he’ll sing you to sleep. I know you love it when Daddy sings.” She pressed a kiss to his temple, and laughed at the baby noises he made. The love she felt for Ryan was soul deep. He was everything she loved about Payne, and so much more.

  “I hear my name,” Payne said, making her gasp and turn toward him.

  “See, Daddy’s here.” She held Ryan close to her chest and turned to smile at her man. He wore his leather cut with the patch clearly stating his Prez status within the club. He held his arms out, and she handed Ryan over to him. “Has he eaten?”

  “I’ve just fed him.” She stroked Ryan’s cheek, smiling as he nuzzled against his father, clearly happy and safe. “You got back quickly.”

  “Always. You know I like to be there with him when he goes down to bed. I always try to be home for you two.” He reached out, cupping the back of her neck and drawing her closer. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.”

  Vicky watched and listened as he sang to Ryan, leading him back to his crib. Then he turned and faced her, that arousal clearly on his face, that had her instantly ready for him.

  She backed up, out of Ryan’s room, and Payne followed.

  “Come here,” he said in a low voice, and shut Ryan’s door softly.

  Her pussy grew slick, and she closed her eyes, just listening to the depth of his voice. Payne had so much power with his voice.

  Leaving the room, she made her way downstairs toward the basement. Flicking on the lights, she removed her shirt and stood on the mats. The basement was set out with plenty of soft mats, like in a gym, one that she had insisted on.

  Tying her hair up in a band, she stood in the center, and started to stretch out all of her muscles.

  Payne came down, removing his jacket as he did. “You know, you don’t need to keep proving to me how good you are. I can see that.”

  “I want to be able to protect Ryan and myself. King teaches Clara all the time.” Even though that had come to a stop since Clara was now pregnant with his child. Vicky was going to be a Godmother, and she couldn’t wait.

  “I see that smile.”

  “I can’t help it. Clara has all these hormones now, and she struggles with the littlest thing. She was crying the other day because she forgot to put deodorant on one of her arm pits.”

  Payne laughed. “I know. She’s now all bark and no bite.”

  Once she was stretched and ready, she turned toward the man she loved.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes. I’m ready.”

  Payne moved onto the center of the mats and approached her. She grew tense, waiting for him to lash out. It had taken her a lot of persuading to get him to teach her self-defense. He didn’t like the thought of her taking care of herself. She didn’t mind. His caring and love always made her smile.

  There were no doubts in her mind when it came to Payne’s feelings for her.

  His hand came up on the left. She ducked and slammed her fist against his stomach. He recovered, and went to grab her. She moved out of his way and stepped on his foot.

  “Good. Remember, what is the most important thing?” he asked.

  “If I can’t take my opponent down with one hit, I must injure, and get away as fast as possible.”

  “What must you have on you at all times?”

  “My cell phone to call you, and the club.”


  They sparred for several minutes, Payne showing her some new moves, and how best to escape. The moment he called time, she collapsed to the mat, and he moved on top of her, trapping her hands above her head.

  “Would you like me to get out of this one?” she asked.

  “Nah, I’ve got some very naughty plans for you.” He held both of her hands within one of his, and with his now free hand, he glided it down her body. “While I was on the road, I couldn’t stop thinking about your tits, and how good they would look pressed together with my dick sliding between them.”

  “How do you even ride with all these dirty thoughts?”

  “It’s not easy. I’ll tell you that.”

  She started laughing, which quickly turned into a moan as he pulled her shirt up over her head, leaving it resting over her arms. “If you don’t want to, tell me no.”

  “Don’t stop.”



  One month later

  The months had seemed to fly by, and Payne had never been happier. They were currently working with negotiations with another MC in Colorado to set up a unified alliance. It was something the Grit Chapter would need to expand and grow. They already had a reputation in the surrounding states for not taking shit and getting jobs done, but they were more than that. They weren’t just a band of brothers, they were a family, a business, and they needed to make connections outside of Grit, and outside of the other MC, in order to continue to make an impact.

  What that impact was really wasn’t set in stone yet. They didn’t follow rules, didn’t put up with anyone’s shit, and because of it they were able to focus on what was important.

  Payne looked at Vicky. She was sitting with Clara over at one of the empty tables, Ryan on Clara’s lap, and this look of amazement on her face. Being a father was something that had opened up Payne’s eyes. He never thought he could love someone as much as he loved Vicky, but the truth was what he felt for these two people in his life went so above and beyond he couldn’t breathe at times.

  And Vicky … the one woman that owned his heart and soul, was everything to him. Did she truly know how much he loved her? Did she really know he’d kill for her, gladly die for her?

  “Hey, brother.” King clapped Payne on the back, but didn’t sit beside him. “You doing good?”

  Payne grunted. “With my woman by my side, and my son happy and healthy, I’m golden.”

  King nodded in agreement, the expression on his face showing that he understood.

  “We got an announcement,” King said after a few seconds, and Payne looked at the other patch again. But King was looking at Clara, and his old lady was looking back at him. He gestured for her to come over, and once she handed Ryan back to Vicky, the two moved away so everyone would be able to see them.

  Vicky came over, Ryan on her hip, and he pulled his old lady down on his lap. He kissed Ryan on top of the head, and his son started giggling.

  “We’d like to announce something,” King said and pulled Clara in close to him. She was looking up at him with this big smile, and then looked around the room. Everyone was here, together, and the atmosphere in the MC was light, happy.

  “I’m going to be a fucking father,” King said, his smile huge. He pulled Clara in and kissed her soundly, and there was a round of cheers.

  Vicky gave Ryan to him, and she promptly rushed up to Clara and embraced her. He stood, walked over to King, and clapped him on the back.

  “Congratulations, brother.”

  “Thanks, man,” King grinned wider.

  Ryan sated getting fussy just then, and Payne asked, “You ready for this?”

  King looked down at Ryan. “More than ready.”

  Payne couldn’t help but smile. “It’s the best fucking thing in the world, man.” They looked each other in the eyes, and King nodded.

  “I think we’ve been waiting for this our whole lives, Payne. I think after all the shit we do, and have been through, we deserve this.”

  Payne couldn’t agree more.

  He looked at Vicky, saw she was crying and smiling, and held his son tighter. This was where he was supposed to be, and fuck, it felt good.

  He looked at Ryan, saw his saw smiling up at him, his two bottom teeth poking out. “I’m going to love you and your mom until the day I die.” And it would be the happiest days of his damn life. />
  The End

  Lost In You: First Chapter

  “You know, it wouldn’t do her any harm if you went over there and talked to her,” Joker said.

  Nerd sipped at his beer and glanced at his friend, who had come to stand beside him. Once again, he returned his attention toward the beautiful woman who was wearing a shit-load of clothes even though the sun was beaming down on them. He’d even removed his shirt and jacket and if he could have, he’d have gotten rid of his pants as well. It was fucking hot, and he was roasting. Hannah, however, wore a pair of jeans, a vest shirt, and over that a cardigan. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, and she was talking with Amy. The clubwomen had befriended her and made her part of the family ever since they all saved her from that fucking cult that was torturing her.

  “I can’t just go and talk to her.”

  “Why not?”

  “She’s … better without me. With all the shit she went through and the type of man I am…” He shook his head. “Yeah, she’s better without me.” When Hannah first arrived at the clubhouse, she’d been withdrawn and completely terrified, but it was to be expected, given what had happened to her. He’d witnessed her jump and flinch at the littlest of things. They’d had a female doctor look her over and assess the damage. The bastards had cut her back up so bad that she’d be scarred for the rest of her life. He fucking hated that and wished he’d given the bastard that had hurt her a more painful death.

  I wish I could make that fucking cult pay all over again, ten times over.

  The doctor had also given her a pill in case of pregnancy, which fucking killed him inside because that told him she’d been raped. She had been hurt in the most violent of ways, called all kinds of shit, yet she was still standing. It told of her strength.

  When they’d first brought her to the club after going after Elena’s fucked-up cult family, Hannah would wake the whole clubhouse with her screams of terror. Those sounds would stay with him forever. Elena had it hard with that cult, running from them so she could have a life.

  “Amy had a hard life too. I thought it would be best to give her space, but I was a fucking idiot. Time and love heals all kinds of wounds, Nerd.”

  “You’ve heard her talking to the women. You’ve had to witness Amy, the other old ladies, console her. Do you really think she’s ready? She’s too young to have to cope with any of this, let alone a motherfucker like me that wants her bad.”

  She was eighteen years old, so fucking young, and had gotten her GED with help from the old ladies. It had helped keep her mind off shit, at least that’s what he heard. Hannah had told them she didn’t have anywhere to go, and so they’d welcomed her into their fold.


  His life had gone from fucking every single random club whore, to watching one woman, to becoming possessive and territorial of her. To becoming obsessed with her. Hannah needed to be looked after, and he was the man that would ensure she was safe, no matter what.

  She was a sweet girl, too sweet for the likes of him.

  There was so much about her that he found charming, so much he wanted to know about her, no matter how small.

  Her favorite ice cream was strawberry, and she loved it with hot fudge. She hated coffee, and Saturday cartoons made her chuckle.

  Men made her nervous.

  The clubwomen and old ladies protected her.

  For the past few months, Nerd had watched her, and he’d made sure that she had everything that her heart desired. He just couldn’t stand the thought of her going without.

  “It’s hard for her.”

  “I’m not saying that what Amy went through wasn’t rough; it’s just, I’m not like you, Joker. You’ve got a connection to Amy. All I ever did was save Hannah.”

  Joker gripped his shoulder. “That will mean more to her than anything you’ll ever know.”

  Nerd wished he could believe him, he really did. Nodding, he took a sip of his soda and watched the woman that had consumed his every waking moment. They were all gathered outside for a barbeque. With the summer heat it was impossible to stay inside. He didn’t know what was going on, but it was just too damn hot, a heat wave the news called it.

  He was tired of feeling hot all the time.

  Glancing around the yard, he couldn’t help but be relaxed. The club was his home, and his brothers, his family. They had his back in every single situation, and he loved them all. Nerd would die for each of them, just as he knew they would die for him.

  Hannah left the small group of women and headed inside the clubhouse. Finishing off his beer, he made his way into the clubhouse. He didn’t just watch her from afar; he did talk to her every now and then. But what she didn’t know is that he all but stalked her, made sure he knew her every move, because he told himself he did it to make sure she was safe.

  Entering the kitchen, he found the large fridge open and Hannah bent inside. When the door slammed closed behind him, she jerked up, turned around, her eyes wide, and a gasp left her. He’d scared her.


  Holding his hands up in surrender, he tried to do everything to appear less threatening to her.

  “It’s just me.”

  “You scared me.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  She smiled, and he saw that it was forced.

  Just once he’d love to see a smile that wasn’t fucking reserved or filled with questions. It was like she was afraid to be herself.

  That fucking cult had damaged her.

  Nerd hated the thought of never really knowing the beautiful woman she was before being taken.

  She tucked some hair behind her ear. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine.”

  “No one will hurt you here. You’re safe.”

  “I know.” She stared at her hands and then back up at him, taking a deep breath as she did. “I’m trying to fight it.”

  “Fight what?”

  “The fear. There are times I’m scared that he’s going to come back. I don’t like being alone, and yet, all I want to be is alone. If I’m by myself, I can focus, and I don’t have to see pity in everyone’s eyes.”

  “I don’t pity you, Hannah. I’m angry for you. I’m angry for what you’ve lost, and what has been taken from you.” He lowered his hands. “I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know they’ve got your best interests at heart. If you want to be alone, you can be alone, no questions asked.”

  She smiled.

  Once again, it didn’t reach her eyes, and it was a simple movement of her lips, but he’d take it. “You’re a good man, Nerd,” she said. “It sounds weird calling you that kind of name. I was always a ‘nerd,’ so calling anyone that seems rude.”

  He laughed, hoping that she’d see how easy it would be to let go around him. Nerd didn’t need anything else from her, other than her to be relaxed. If he had to, he’d fight every single fucker who came near her to make sure she knew that kind of peace.

  His life belonged to her now.

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