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Sean's Reckoning

Page 20

by Sherryl Woods

  “Beautiful,” he assured her. “The most beautiful bride ever.”

  The service went by in a blur. Sean spoke the vows he’d written himself, amazed that he didn’t stumble even once, not even over the promise of forever. In fact, believing in an eternity rich with love was becoming almost second nature to him.

  Deanna’s voice was steady and clear as she promised to be steadfast in her love. “Nothing, not sorrow, not crises, will shake the foundation of the family I am committing to give you today. I take you as my husband, my son takes you as his father, from now through all time.”

  Sean hadn’t expected his heart to be so full. He knew as well as anyone that words could be too easily spoken, that promises could just as easily be broken, but his faith in Deanna and this marriage was strong.

  Then the minister stepped aside, and Father Francis rested his hand on theirs. “I ask God to bless this union,” he said. “Now and for all time.” His mouth curved into a serene smile as he added, “And I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  “And son,” Kevin chimed in.

  The old man grinned. “And son,” he added, putting his blessing on the adoption that would officially take place as soon as the papers could be signed.

  Sean hoisted Kevin into his arms, then turned to take Deanna’s hand for the rush down the aisle and into a future that looked brighter than anything he’d ever imagined.

  Deanna still couldn’t believe that Sean had somehow managed to convince her parents to be a part of this day. If he’d searched the world’s finest stores, he couldn’t have found a more perfect wedding gift.

  There were still a lot of old wounds that would need time to heal, but this was a start, and she owed it all to a man who had virtually no relationship with his own family. Maybe no one could understand better than Sean how bereft she’d felt all these years. She hadn’t understood it herself until she’d looked up into her father’s face as he’d joined her for the walk down the aisle. The emotions had almost overwhelmed her.

  “You’ve married a fine man,” her father said approvingly, his gaze shifting to the other side of the room where Sean, Ryan and Maggie were huddled together. “He made it clear to me that this was a chance to make things right between us and that if I blew it, I didn’t deserve another chance.”

  “He does tend to be plainspoken,” Deanna said, amazed that her strong-willed father had taken such an ultimatum so well. Perhaps he’d been waiting for an excuse to mend fences and Sean had simply given one to him.

  Beside Deanna, her mother seemed less impressed. She was gazing around Joey’s restaurant with a disdainful lift to her chin. “I just can’t imagine what he was thinking, picking a place like this for the wedding reception.”

  Deanna laughed. “Don’t blame Sean. I insisted on it. Joey and Paulie would have been heartbroken if I’d had it anywhere else. Besides, the price was right. They refused to let us pay for a thing.”

  “We would have—” her mother began, only to have Deanna’s father cut her off in midsentence.

  “This is what Deanna wanted,” he reminded her. “It’s her wedding.”

  Her mother sighed heavily, but a glance in Sean’s direction brought a half smile to her lips. “He is a handsome young man.”

  “Better than that, Mom. He’s a good man,” Deanna said. “If you’ll excuse me, it’s been too long since I’ve let him steal a kiss.”

  The truth was she was worried about the intense expression on Sean’s face as his conversation with Ryan and the obviously pregnant and glowing Maggie went on. Deanna slipped up beside him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Everything okay?”

  Ryan’s expression immediately turned guilty. “Sorry. Sean and I have been discussing family business. It could have waited.”

  “Don’t be silly.” She studied her husband’s stony expression. “Is this about Michael?”

  Sean nodded. “Ryan’s located him.”

  “That’s wonderful,” she said, but neither brother seemed to agree with her. She looked at her sister-in-law. “Isn’t it?”

  “He was injured in the line of duty a week ago,” Maggie said. “He’s in a hospital in San Diego. He hasn’t regained consciousness.”

  “Then go to him,” Deanna said at once. “Tonight, if there’s a flight available.”

  Sean searched her face. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “We’re not taking an official honeymoon until later, anyway. This is important. You need to go.”

  Ryan seemed to be waiting for Sean’s response. At Sean’s nod, a weight seemed to lift off his shoulders. “I’ll make the arrangements. You enjoy your party and see to your guests. As soon as I have flight information, I’ll find you.”

  When Ryan and Maggie had gone, Sean stood looking at her as if he couldn’t get enough of the sight. “You’re remarkable. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Why? Today you gave me back my old family and started a new one with me. How could I not do anything necessary to see that you get yours back, too?”

  “I love you, Deanna Devaney.”

  “I love you, too.” She touched a hand to his cheek. “And when you see your brother again, tell him that we can’t wait for him to come home.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5321-0


  Copyright © 2002 by Sherryl Woods

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  ‡And Baby Makes Three

  ‡And Baby Makes Three

  ‡And Baby Makes Three

  ‡And Baby Makes Three

  **The Bridal Path

  **The Bridal Path

  **The Bridal Path

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  §The Calamity Janes

  §The Calamity Janes

  §The Calamity Janes

  §The Calamity Janes

  ‡‡The Devaneys

  ‡‡The Devaneys

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  §The Calamity Janes





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