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The Lost Book of Enki

Page 12

by Zecharia Sitchin

  How the essence from two kinds combined can be, he to her was showing.

  The creatures in the tree cages are too odd, monstrous they are! Ninmah was saying.

  Indeed so! Enki responded. To attain perfection, for that you are needed!

  How the essences to combine, how much of this, how much of that to put together,

  In which womb conception to begin, in which womb should the birth be given?

  For that your succor and healing understanding are needed;

  The understanding of one who gave birth, who a mother is, is required!

  A smile on the face of Ninmah was; the two daughters that by Enki she mothered she well remembered.

  With Ningishzidda she surveyed the sacred formulas that on ME’s were secreted,

  How this and that were done of him she inquired.

  The creatures in the tree cages she examined, the two-legged creatures she contemplated.

  By a male inseminating a female are the essences transmitted,

  The two entwined strands separate and combine an offspring to fashion.

  Let a male Anunnaki a two-legged female impregnate, let a combination offspring be born! Thus did Ninmah say.

  That we have tried, with failures it resulted! to her Enki responded.

  There was no conceiving, there was no birth!

  Now this is the account of how the Primitive Worker was created,

  How Enki and Ninmah, with Ningishzidda assisting, the Being fashioned.

  Another way the admixture of essences to attain must be tried, Ninmah was saying.

  How the two strands of essences to combine another way must be found,

  That which from the Earth is the portion must not be harmed.

  To receive our essence in graduations it must be shaped,

  From the ME formulas of Nibiru’s essence only bit by bit could be attempted!

  In a crystal vessel Ninmah an admixture was preparing, the oval of a female two-legged she gently placed,

  With ME Anunnaki seed containing, she the oval impregnated;

  That oval back into the womb of the two-legged female she inserted.

  This time there was conceiving, a birth was indeed forthcoming!

  The allotted time for birth-giving the leaders awaited, with anxious hearts they results were seeking.

  The allotted time arrived, there was no birth-giving!

  In desperation Ninmah a cutting made, that which was conceived with tongs she drew out.

  A living being it was!

  With glee Enki shouted. We attained! Ningishzidda with joy cried out.

  In her hands Ninmah the newborn held, with joy she was not filled:

  Shaggy with hair all over was the newborn, his foreparts like of the Earth creatures were,

  His hindparts to those of the Anunnaki more akin they were.

  They let the two-legged female the newborn nurse, with her milk him to suckle.

  Fast was the newborn growing, what on Nibiru a day was, a month in the Abzu was.

  Taller the Earth child grew, in the image of the Anunnaki he was not;

  His hands for tools were not suited, his speech only grunting sounds was!

  We must try once more! Ninmah was saying. The admixture needs adjusting;

  Let me the ME’s assay, with this or that ME make the endeavor!

  With Enki and Ningishzidda assisting, they repeated the procedures,

  The essences in the ME’s Ninmah carefully considered,

  One bit she took from one, one bit she took out from another,

  Then in the crystal bowl the oval of an Earth female she inseminated.

  There was conception, at the appropriate time there was birth-giving!

  This one more in the likeness of the Anunnaki was;

  They let his birth mother him suckle, they let the newborn to a child grow.

  Appealing he was by his looks, his hands to hold tools were shapen;

  His senses they tested, they found them deficient:

  The Earth child could not hear, his eyesight was faltered.

  Again and again Ninmah rearranged the admixtures, of the ME formulas she took bits and pieces;

  One Being had paralyzed feet, another his semen was dripping,

  One had trembling hands, a malfunctioning liver had another;

  One had hands too short to reach the mouth, one had lungs for breathing unsuited.

  Enki by the results was disappointed. A Primitive Worker is not attained! to Ninmah he was saying.

  What is good or is bad in this Being by trials I am discovering!

  Ninmah to Enki responded. To continue for success my heart prompts me!

  Once more an admixture she made, once more the newborn was deficient.

  Perchance the shortfall is not in the admixture! Enki to her was saying.

  Perchance neither in the female’s oval nor in the essences is the hindrance?

  Of what the Earth itself is fashioned, perchance that is what is missing?

  Not of Nibiru’s crystals use the vessel, of the clay of Earth make it!

  So was Enki, with great wisdom possessed, to Ninmah saying.

  Perchance what is Earth’s own admixture, of gold and copper, is required!

  Thus was Enki, he who knows things, prompting her to use clay of the Abzu.

  In the House of Life Ninmah made a vessel, of the Abzu’s clay she made it.

  As a purifying bath she shaped the vessel, within it to make the admixture.

  Gently into the clay vessel the oval of an Earth female, the two-legged, she put,

  The life essence from an Anunnaki’s blood extracted she in the vessel placed,

  By the ME formulas was the essence directed, bit by correct bit was it in the vessel added,

  Then the oval thus fertilized into the womb of the Earth female she inserted.

  There is conception! Ninmah with joy announced. The allotted birth-giving time they awaited.

  At the allotted time the Earth female began to travail,

  A child, a newborn, was forthcoming!

  With her hands Ninmah the newborn extracted; a male it was!

  In her hands she held the child, his image she examined; it was the image of perfection.

  In her hands she held up the newborn; Enki and Ningishzidda were present.

  With joyful laughter the three leaders were seized,

  Enki and Ningishzidda were backslapping, Ninmah Enki embraced and kissed.

  Your hands have made it! Enki, with a gleaming eye, to her was saying.

  They let the birth-giving mother the newborn suckle; quicker than a child on Nibiru grows he was growing.

  From month to month the newborn progressed, from a baby to a child he was becoming.

  His limbs for the tasks were suited, speech he knew not,

  Of speaking he had no understanding, grunts and snorts were his utterings!

  Enki the matter was pondering, what was done each step and admixture he considered.

  Of all that we had tried and changed, one thing was never altered! to Ninmah he was saying:

  Into the womb of the Earth female the fertilized oval was always inserted;

  Perchance this is the remaining obstruction! Thus was Enki saying.

  Ninmah at Enki gazed, with bewilderment she him beheld.

  What, in truth, are you saying? Of him she an answer required.

  Of the birth-giving womb am I speaking! to her Enki was responding.

  Of who the fertilized oval nurtures, to birth-giving carries;

  In our image and after our likeness to be, perchance an Anunnaki womb is required!

  In the House of Life there was silence; words never before heard Enki was uttering!

  They gazed at each other, about what in each other’s mind they were thinking.

  Wise are your words, my brother! Ninmah at long last was saying.

  Perchance the right admixture in the wrong womb was inserted;

  Now where is the female among the Anunnaki h
er womb to offer,

  Perchance the perfect Primitive Worker to create, perchance a monster in her belly to carry?

  So was Ninmah with a trembling voice saying.

  Let me of Ninki, my spouse, of that inquire! Enki was saying.

  Let us her to the House of Life summon, the matter before her lay out.

  He was turning to depart when Ninmah put her hand on his shoulder:

  No! No! to Enki she was saying.

  The admixtures by me were made, reward and endangerment should be mine!

  I shall be the one the Anunnaki womb to provide, for good or evil fate to face!

  Enki bowed his head, gently he embraced her. So be it! to her he said.

  In the clay vessel the admixture they made,

  The oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together;

  The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted; there was conception!

  The pregnancy, by an admixture conceived, how long will it last? to each other they wondered.

  Will it be nine months of Nibiru, will it be nine months of Earth?

  Longer than on Earth, quicker than on Nibiru, travail came; to a male child Ninmah birth was giving!

  Enki the boy child held in his hands; the image of perfection he was.

  He slapped the newborn on his hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds!

  He handed the newborn to Ninmah; she held him up in her hands.

  My hands have made it! victoriously she shouted.

  Now this is the account of how Adamu by name was called,

  And how Ti-Amat as a counterpart female for him was fashioned.

  The newborn’s visage and limbs the leaders carefully examined:

  Of good shape were his ears, his eyes were not clogged,

  His limbs were proper, hindparts like legs, foreparts like hands were shaped.

  Shaggy like the wild ones he was not, dark black his head hair was,

  Smooth was his skin, smooth as the Anunnaki skin it was,

  Like dark red blood was its color, like the clay of the Abzu was its hue.

  They looked at his malehood: Odd was its shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded,

  Unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it was, a skin from its forepart was hanging!

  Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished! So was Enki saying.

  The newborn to cry was beginning; to her chest Ninmah closely drew him;

  Her breast to him she gave; the breast he began to suckle.

  Perfection we did attain! Ningishzidda with elation was saying.

  Enki at his sister was gazing; a mother and son, not Ninmah and a Being, he was seeing.

  A name will you give him? Enki inquired. A Being he is, not a creature!

  Ninmah cast her hand upon the newborn’s body, with her fingers his dark red skin she caressed.

  Adamu I shall call him! Ninmah was saying. One Who Like Earth’s Clay Is, that will be his name!

  For the newborn Adamu a crib they fashioned, in a corner of the House of Life they placed him.

  A model for Primitive Workers we have indeed attained! Enki was saying.

  Now a host of Workers like him are needed! Ningishzidda his elders reminded.

  A model indeed he shall be; as for himself, like a Firstling he shall be treated,

  From toil he himself shall be protected, his essence alone as a mold shall be!

  So was Enki saying; by his decree Ninmah was greatly pleased.

  Whose wombs henceforth the fertilized ovals shall carry? Nigishzidda was asking.

  The leaders the matter pondered; Ninmah a solution offered.

  From her city Shurubak Ninmah female healers summoned, the task required to them she explained,

  To the crib of Adamu she led them, the newborn Earthling to perceive.

  To perform the task is not a commandment! Ninmah to them was saying; your own wish is the decision!

  Of the female Anunnaki assembled, seven stepped forward, seven the task accepted.

  Let their names for all time be remembered! Ninmah to Enki was saying.

  Their task is heroic, by them a race of Primitive Workers shall come into being!

  The seven stepped forward, each one her name was announcing; the names Ningishzidda recorded:

  Ninimma, Shuzianna, Ninmada, Ninbara, Ninmug, Musardu, and Ningunna,

  These were the names of the seven who by their own wish birth mothers were to be,

  Earthlings in their wombs to conceive and bear, Primitive Workers to create.

  In seven vessels of the clay of the Abzu made, Ninmah ovals of the two-legged females placed,

  The life essence of Adamu she extracted, bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted.

  Then in the malepart of Adamu an incision she made, a drop of blood to let out;

  Let this a Sign of Life be; that Flesh and Soul have combined let it forever proclaim!

  She squeezed the malepart for blood, one drop of blood in each vessel to the admixture she added.

  In this clay’s admixture, Earthling with the Anunnaki shall be bound!

  Thus was Ninmah saying, an incantation she was pronouncing:

  To a unity shall the two essences, one of Heaven, one of Earth, together be brought,

  That which is of Earth and that which is from Nibiru by a blood kinship shall be bonded!

  So was Ninmah pronouncing; her words Ningishzidda also recorded.

  In the wombs of the birth-giving heroines the fertilized ovals were inserted.

  There was conception; with anticipation was the allotted time counted.

  At the allotted time, birth-givings were occurring!

  At the allotted time, seven male Earthlings were born,

  Their features were proper, good sounds they were uttering; by the heroines they were suckled.

  Seven Primitive Workers have been created! Ningishzidda was saying.

  Let the procedure be repeated, seven more the toil to undertake!

  My son! to him Enki was saying. Not even seven by seven sufficient shall be,

  Of heroine healers too much is required, forever their task this way shall be!

  Indeed, the task is too demanding, slow beyond enduring it is! Ninmah to them said.

  Female ones we have to fashion! Enki was saying, for males counterparts to be.

  Let them know each other, as one flesh the two to become,

  Let them by themselves procreate, on their own the childbirthing make,

  To Primitive Workers by themselves give birth, Anunnaki females to relieve!

  The ME formulas you must change, from male to female adjustment make! So did Enki to Nigishzidda say.

  For a counterpart to Adamu to be fashioned, in the womb of an Anunnaki female conception is needed!

  So did Ningishzidda to his father Enki in responding say.

  Enki at Ninmah his gaze directed; before she could speak, he raised his hand.

  Let me this time Ninki my spouse summon! With strong voice he said,

  If she is willing, let her the mold for the female Earthling create!

  They to the Abzu, to the House of Life, Ninki summoned,

  They showed her Adamu, all that matters to her they explained,

  Of the task that is required they gave explanations, of success and danger to her an account gave.

  By the task Ninki was fascinated. Let it be done! she to them said.

  By the ME formulas Ningishzidda adjusting made, by the admixture was an oval fertilized,

  Into the womb of his spouse Enki it inserted; with much care he did it.

  There was conception; in the allotted time Ninki was in travail; a birth there was not.

  Ninki the months counted, Ninmah the months counted;

  The tenth month, a month of evil fates, they began to call.

  Ninmah, the lady whose hand wombs has opened, with a cutter an incision made.

  Her head was covered, on her hands protections she wore;
br />   With dexterity the opening she made, her face at once was brightened:

  That which in the womb was from the womb came forth.

  A female! A female birth was given! to Ninki with joy she shouted.

  The newborn’s visage and limbs they carefully examined,

  Of good shape were her ears, her eyes were not clogged;

  Her limbs were proper, hindparts like legs, foreparts like hands were shaped;

  Shaggy she was not, like beach sands was the hue of her head hair,

  Her skin smooth was, as that of the Anunnaki in smoothness and color it was.

  Ninmah the girl child held in her hands. She slapped her hindparts;

  Proper sounds the newborn uttered!

  To Ninki, the spouse of Enki, she the newborn handed, to be suckled, nourished, and raised.

  A name will you give her? Enki of his spouse inquired. A Being she is, not a creature.

  In your image she is and after your likeness,

  Perfectly she is fashioned, a model for female workers you have attained!

  Ninki cast her hand upon the newborn’s body, with her fingers her skin she caressed.

  Ti-Amat let her name be, the Mother of Life! Ninki was saying.

  Like the planet of old of which the Earth and the Moon were fashioned, let her be called,

  From her womb’s life essences other birth-givers shall be molded,

  To a multitude of Primitive Workers she thereby life will be giving!

  Thus was Ninki saying; the others words of concurring uttered.

  Now this is the account of Adamu and Ti-Amat in the Edin,

  And how they Knowing of procreation were given and to the Abzu expelled.

  After Ti-Amat in the womb of Ninki was fashioned,

  In seven vessels of the clay of the Abzu made Ninmah ovals of the two-legged females placed.

  The life essence of Ti-Amat she extracted, bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted.

  In the vessels of the clay of the Abzu made, Ninmah the admixture formed;

  Incantations as the procedure befits she was uttering.

  In the wombs of the birth-giving heroines the fertilized ovals were inserted;

  There was conception, at the allotted time birth-givings were occurring,

  At the allotted time, seven female Earthlings were born.

  Their features were proper, good sounds they were uttering.

  Thus were seven female counterparts for the Primitive Workers created;


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